Bone Walker: A Paranormal Romance (Eternal Soul Book 1)

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Bone Walker: A Paranormal Romance (Eternal Soul Book 1) Page 16

by Idella Breen

  Sighing, I looked back at the painting and shivered. There was a chill flowing through the gallery. I rubbed my arms to get some warmth back into them. “You said it is funny. What is funny?”

  I saw her nod in approval out of the corner of my eye.

  “That one can spend lifetimes trying to defy fate. But the truth is that one does not defy Fate, they simply do her bidding thinking they have.”

  I nodded. “Is life just some game for the Powers-that-be to move us, their pawns, into place with their steady all-powerful hands without a care for our feelings and emotions? Can we not escape our destiny? Are we cursed to be forever moved by unstoppable forces?”

  Jessica shrugged. “What a silly question to ask another pawn?”

  “Yeah, sorry.”

  We stood in silence for a moment. Then she spoke again. “Do you have what it takes?”

  I turned to her. “What do you mean?”

  She smirked. “Can you become the immovable object that the unstoppable forces encounter? Or will you continue to be moved by those steady hands that care little of how you feel?”

  I studied the woman next to me. Her eyes were filled with stars, her skin dark, and her hair styled in long ringlets. She was beautiful in her own right, but she was also trapped. Like me, she was another piece on the board. Her eyes told me she couldn’t completely be trusted because despite being a piece she was also a player, and if I wasn't careful, she would be moving me one day.

  I nodded. “One day, maybe.”

  Jessica laughed. “One day, then. Now, I must be off. I’ve stayed a bit longer than I planned. Take care of yourself, Eliza. There is still much for you to do.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Please do.” She smiled and walked out of my life. Another supernatural being leaving my life like a ghost only I could remember.

  I sighed and went to find Henry. He was chatting up a future patron. I interrupted as politely as I could. “Henry?”

  He turned to me, and his face immediately lit up with excitement. “Eliza! I was just speaking with Julia and Frank about how wonderful it is to show your artwork here.”

  I smiled at the two people and turned back to Henry. “That’s great, but I just wanted to tell you that I have an emergency and have to leave a but earlier than expected.”

  His face fell slightly. “Oh, that’s a shame. There were still so many people I was going to introduce you to.”

  “Maybe some other time.”

  “Are you sure you can’t stay longer? I can just do some quick introductions.”

  I shook my head. “I’m afraid I must decline.”

  “But my dear, it will only take a moment.”

  Jeez, this guy was stubborn! I placed my hand on my stomach and made the best sick face I could muster without showing my annoyance. “The truth is that I seem to have eaten something that doesn’t wholly agree with me.”

  His face lit with understanding. “Oh! I see. Well, them please do what you must. I’ll hold the fort down here so to speak.” He chuckled awkwardly.

  I nodded and whispered to the two people he was speaking with. “I’d stay away from the tuna salad if you know what I mean?”

  A look of disgust settled on their faces, and they nodded as I left with a pleased look on my face. I was shuffling a few things around in my purse as I walked through the parking lot, I had been taking the bus regularly again it was something I was proud of when I heard a throat clear. I stopped and stared.

  Her hair swayed in the breeze and her tan leather jacket was pulled tightly around her small frame. The black leather jacket she had given to me was wrapped around my own shoulders. I had worn it despite the fact that it clashed with my outfit. I just wanted to keep a part of her close to me at all times. Her soft voice cut through my shock. “I thought you might need a ride.” She stood from where she was leaning against her black Camaro and held out her hand.

  Without hesitation, I jogged the few steps to close the distance between us and grasped it, letting her pull me into her. Then her hot mouth was on mine, our tongues locked in an age old dance. I wrapped my arms around her neck burying my fingers into her white gold locks. She pulled my hips to meet hers. It was unlike any kiss we had ever shared. It was soft and simple, and it was slow and unhurried. We took our time saying hello after that terrible goodbye that was forced upon us. When we pulled away from each other, it was slowly and breathlessly.

  “June, how…?” I whispered meeting her stormy gaze.

  She shook her head and gave me a small smile. “Let me take you home. I can’t stay long.”

  My grasp around her neck tightened. “You’re going to leave again?”

  She nodded. “I’m in the middle of a job but I…”


  “I just had to see you.”

  I smiled. I needed to say it. Who knew when I would see her again? This might truly be my last chance, and it would be my greatest regret never to tell her how I truly feel. To never let her hear the depth of my feeling for her not as a beautiful lie but as the honest to god truth. “I love you June West. More than life itself. I just wanted you to know.”

  She drew me closer and whispered against my lips. “I do, I have, and I always will.”

  Teaser: Cogs of Time

  I was having a great dream when the feeling of warmth and the smell of burnt cinnamon brought me back to reality. I smiled lazily as soft lips trailed down the side of my neck before finding a sensitive spot and lightly nibbling. A silky tongue snaked out to run along the scar on my neck. She sucked a moment above it before sliding back down to pay it more attention. She never shied away from the scar. If anything she liked to give it more attention to let me know that it didn’t affect my beauty in her eyes.

  “Mmm, June.” I sighed.

  I felt her smile against my skin as her hands trailed up under my pajama shirt. Her blunt nails scraped lightly causing me to shiver in anticipation.

  “June.” I moaned as her tongue found the sensitive spot behind my ear and her hand teased around my nipple. I arched into her touch wanting full contact, and she swallowed my wanton moan as her mouth claimed my own. Her tongue slid in without asking and met mine, sliding and moving in an age old dance.

  She moaned and finally pinched my nipple as our hips met and a hard thigh slid between my legs. I only slept in my underwear and a pajama shirt so when her thigh found my center she let out a guttural moan.

  “You’re so hot for me Eliza.”

  I whined as her mouth left mine to trail hot wet kisses down my neck until she reached my collarbone, where she bit down lightly and sucked a moment before continuing her exploration. Her hands deftly undid the buttons of my top. She paused to meet my gaze, and I gasped as her gray eyes smoldered like burnt embers as she smirked up at me. I threaded my fingers through her hair and sighed. “June.”

  She bent down and kissed my collarbone again before opening my shirt. The cold air made me shiver, and she wasted no time in claiming my neglected nipple into the warm cavern of her mouth. I moaned and arched into her rubbing my sex against her leg, slickening it with my want.

  “More June!” I whined as her tongue circled my nipple. I felt her smile against me before teasing the hard nub with her teeth while her other hand pinched its twin. I was so hot as I rubbed faster against the thigh between my legs. The rough material of her jean's was teasing the bundle of nerves every time it rubbed just right and sent a shock of pleasure through my system.

  “More June. I want more!” I gasped when her hand ghosted across my stomach and down to my hips where she slowed my desperate grinding.

  “Someone’s impatient today.” She chuckled.

  “June!” I whined, and she had the nerve to smirk up at me while she trailed open kisses down my stomach, slightly circling my belly button before making her way to my hips where she paused to suck for a moment.

  I jerked up when her tongue slid just above the waistband of my boy boxers, a gag g
ift from Angela after I came out to her. She said I’d probably wear the pants in the relationship. She obviously hadn’t met June.

  “Yes.” I sighed as she used her teeth to pull down my underwear.

  My door flew open. “Morning Eliza! I brought coffee!”

  “Fuck!” I yelled as my friend barged into my bedroom.

  “Why are you naked?” She asked as she took a sip from her coffee.

  Once again June had portal shifted in the middle of our love making to avoid being seen leaving me frustrated and pissed off. I pulled my pajama top securely around me and pulled my covers up. “What are you doing here Angela?” I asked between gritted teeth.

  She shook the hand that had the to-go cup in it. “Coffee?”

  I gave her an annoyed look. “And?”

  She frowned. “You forgot.”

  “Forgot what?”

  “We are all supposed to go out today. Today’s your birthday, Eliza!”

  I ran a hand through my tousled hair. “Shit.”

  “Come on birthday girl. Get ready. I’ll tell May and Peter that you’re coming down.”

  “Okay. Sorry, Ang.”

  “It’s no problem.”

  I smiled and climbed out of bed but was stopped by Angela’s voice. “Oh, and Eliza?”


  She pointed at my neck. “You might want to cover that up if you don’t want May asking a bunch of questions.”

  My hand flew up to my neck. Dammit! I told her not to leave marks. I sighed. “I will. Thanks, Angela.”

  She smirked. “We’re going to have a talk later. But right now you have to get ready. May and I have a busy day planned for you.”

  I groaned. They always went overboard on things like this. “Fine, I’m getting up.”

  “Good! I’ll be downstairs.” Angela called out over her shoulder as she left my bedroom, setting the coffee down on my dresser on her way out. I was beginning to regret giving her a spare key. She had horrible timing, and I don’t think my body can handle much more torture.

  “This is all your fault June,” I whispered and heard a faint laugh. Sighing, I climbed out of bed and grabbing some clothes, made my way to the shower. I would just have to take care of it myself this time. Damn, Angela!

  End Matters

  Hello everyone,

  I hope you enjoyed yet another one of my wild adventures! I have had the idea for this series for about over a year now and have been working on trying to get it just right. June and Eliza are very special to me as I hope they are to you now as well. This is the first book in a trilogy so be on the look out for the next two books! Or you could just join my email list (Reader’s Group), and I’ll tell you when they are out. Anyway, as always, thank you for spending some time with my characters and I hope you decide to return to them as they continue their adventures.


  Idella Breen.


  You can reach me at [email protected] if you would like to ask a question or just to talk. I’m a bit of a geek so ask me about video games or anime. We can even discuss who your favorite Doctor is. I personally like David Tennant.

  As always,

  Happy Reading.

  Fire& Ice Series

  Blood Bound

  Soul Awakened

  Eternal Soul Trilogy

  Bone Walker




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