Don't Tempt Me: A High School Bully Romance (Broke & Bullied Book 2)

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Don't Tempt Me: A High School Bully Romance (Broke & Bullied Book 2) Page 21

by Kai Juniper

  "She's just being overdramatic," Chad says. "Like mother, like daughter."

  "This isn't me being overdramatic," she says. "It's about making the decision that's best for me and my daughter."

  "You might want to run this past your husband because when you do, he's not going to allow it. The decision is made. He's already made it."

  My mom's face gets red as she glares at Chad like she's ready to explode.

  "He's my EX-husband and he doesn't decide what I do. I heard what you said to Brook about Charles making all my decisions. And you're right. He did, for all the years we were married. But we're divorced now and I'm doing just fine on my own. I don't need him to pay for my house or to pay my membership at the club. Everything you said was right. I was letting him control me with his money, and control Brook. But it ends now."

  Chad smirks. "Yeah, okay." He opens the door. "See you on Monday, Brook." He smiles at my mom. "Maybe you could join us for brunch again. Or we'll have you over for dinner. I'll talk to my mother, see if we can arrange something. Have a good evening."

  He leaves and my mom races to the door and locks it. She turns and leans back against the door, talking a deep breath.

  "Mom, are you okay?"

  "I can't believe I let him to do that to me."

  "Who? Dad?"

  "Yes. He knew what it would take to make me force you to go back and he used that to get his way. The manipulative bastard!" She looks at me. "Sorry. I shouldn't use that language when talking about your father."

  "Go ahead. I don't care. It's true. He uses his money to get what he wants." I go over to her. "Were you serious when you said we're not moving?"

  "We're staying. I don't like it here, but at least here I'm not being controlled by your father and his money." She softly smiles. "And I know how happy you are here, and how much you'd miss your friends if we left. We'll stay until you leave for college."

  "And then what? You'll move?"

  "I'll find a place closer to our old neighborhood. It'll be more expensive but hopefully by then, I'll have a new job. One that pays better."

  "What kind of job?"

  "Something in marketing. That was my major back in college. You knew that, right?"

  "I don't think I did. You never talk about college."

  "Because it was so long ago, but that doesn't mean I can't find a better job. I've made a lot of connections going to these events with Canton. I met a woman last weekend who was very interested in hiring me. She overseas the marketing department of a cosmetics firm. We're going to lunch next week."

  "What about Canton?"

  "What about him?"

  "I thought you two were getting serious. If you married him, would you still take a job?"

  "If it was something I like, something that lets me use my education, then yes. Why wouldn't I?"

  "I thought you wanted to go back to how things used to be. Hanging out at the country club, going to yoga with your friends."

  "I can have a job and still do those things. I actually enjoy working, but the job I have now isn't fulfilling and I don't like having to work every weekend."

  "Canton would be okay with you having a job?"

  She looks at me, confused. "Why would he care?"

  "I guess I just assumed he was like dad and didn't want you to work."

  "Canton is not at all like your father. He's very supportive of me and what I want to do."

  "But you let him buy you stuff. He gave you a credit card. Isn't that just like Dad?"

  "Not at all. Canton knows I can't afford the type of dresses I need to wear to these events he takes me to, so he pays for it. There aren't conditions attached, like there were with your father."

  "Maybe there are but you don't realize it."

  "My head is clearer when it comes to Canton. I don't get tricked into things like I did with your father. As you just heard from Chad, your father's still manipulating me because he knows he can. After all those years of marriage we got into a pattern that's hard to break. I instinctively fall back on those patterns without even thinking. If Chad hadn't pointed it out I may never have realized it." She steps away from the door and brings me into a hug. "I'm sorry I put you through all this. I got caught up in myself and wasn't thinking about you."

  I pull away from her. "So just to be clear, we're not moving."

  She smiles. "No. We're not moving."

  "What are you going to tell Dad?"

  "To go to hell?" She laughs. "I'm kidding. I'll call him right now and tell him we're staying here."

  "He's going to be furious, and then he's going to offer you even more to get you to change your mind."

  "And I'm prepared to hang up on him if he does." She walks off. "Might as well get this over with so I can enjoy the rest of my evening."

  I still think he'll convince her to move so I wait for her to make the call before I tell anyone.

  "What happened?" I ask when she comes out of her room. She was only in there five minutes. That can't be good.

  "He offered me a nicer car," she says as she walks to the kitchen. "And a spending allowance."


  "I hung up on him. It felt fantastic!" she says, her face beaming as she takes a deep cleansing breath. She walks over to me. "Want to see the dress I got for tonight?"

  "Okay, but then I have to go. Dean should be awake by now."

  Her happy expression turns to one of concern. "I'm still not convinced he's the right boy for you. I agree that he's better than Chad but I worry about you being with a boy who has such a tragic past and so many issues to deal with."

  "We all have issues to deal with. Dean's are just more challenging, but he's doing the best he can, and he's going to start counseling soon to deal with all the stuff from his past. He really loves me, Mom. And I love him."

  "I know you do, but as your mother, I still worry." She smiles. "Let's go look at the dress!"

  After she shows it to me I return to my room so she can get ready for her date. Maybe this Canton guy isn't so bad after all. She seems happy with him, happier than she was with my dad.

  I'm still in shock over what happened tonight. I was shocked when Chad showed up, but even more shocked when my mom came out and confronted him. I wish she'd believed me all the times I told her what he was like but at least now she knows. And having her hear all that led to her changing her mind about moving. Chad showing up here turned out to be the best thing that could've happened.

  I call up Dean.

  "Brook, you coming over?"

  "Yeah, I'm leaving in a few minutes."

  "Some of the guys wanted to come over but I told them not to. I want as much time with you as I can get before you have to go."

  "Tell them to come over. We'll have a party!"

  "Why would we have a party? And why do you want them over here? Don't you want us to have time alone?"

  "We'll have plenty of time for that," I say, barely able to contain my excitement.

  "How? What are you talking about?"

  "I'm not moving! My mom changed her mind. She just told my dad. I'm sure he's furious, but whatever. He'll get over it."

  "Wait—how did this happen? Why did your mom change her mind?"

  "I'll tell you when I get there. I'll text you when I'm leaving."

  "Um, yeah, okay." He's confused. He probably doesn't believe me. I can't believe it either.

  I get to stay here, with Dean. And Eve. And Danny and the guys. People who have become like family to me.

  I call my sister.

  "Brook?" she says over the noise of the bar.

  "Hey, it's me again. I just wanted to tell you that you were right. Everything worked out."

  "What? I can't hear you."

  I laugh. "Forget it. I'll tell you later. Bye!"

  I'm in such a good mood. I feel like this is just the start of more good things to come.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Six Months Later


  "Don't even t
ry it," I say, extending my legs, blocking her from going past me.

  "Seriously? It's the only desk left!" Brook puts her hands on her hips. "They're going to start soon. I have to sit down."

  "Go sit by the teacher. You love being teacher's pet," I say, trying not to laugh.

  "Move," she orders, her eyes locked on mine.

  "Make me."

  "You're a bully, you know that?"

  "I do. This girl told me that. And then she fell in love with me. Weird, huh?"

  She cracks a smile. "She didn't love you for being a bully."

  "Then how'd it happen?"

  "She found out you're actually a good person, with a good heart. That's why she fell for you. Now let me past."

  I don't move as I stare at her beautiful face, those eyes that seem to see straight through my soul, that mouth that forms a smile that melts my heart.

  "Okay, fine." She goes to step over my legs just as I pull them back. She trips and her ass lands on my desk.

  I hold her steady, my hands splayed over her hips. "I think we've done this before."

  She looks back at me and smiles. "It does seem familiar."

  I reach up to kiss her. "Go sit down. They're starting."

  She goes to the desk next to mine as the teacher begins his introduction at the front of the room. We're at Jake's school for tech night, an event where all the smart kids like Jake present the projects they've been working on. Jake's is a video game. He loves writing code and using it to make games. He has talent for coding the way I have talent for football. I don't know where the hell he got his brains from. He's smarter than my parents and me combined. I'm so damn proud of him.

  "Jake is up next!" Brook whispers to me. It's about time. We've had to sit through three other presentations that about put me to sleep.

  "I'm Jake Sanders and I'm here to show you the video game I made." He sounds nervous. His voice is breathy and his shoulders are tight, practically lifted to his ears. They slowly drop when he spots Brook and me at the back of the room.

  I look over at Brook. She's at the edge of her seat, mouthing 'you can do it' to Jake, a huge smile spread across her face.

  "It's a sports game," Jake says, sounding more relaxed. "I made it because of my brother. He's a football player. He plays defense."

  Jake projects an image of his game on the screen behind him. I had no idea what his game was about. He wouldn't tell me. He wanted it to be a surprise.

  "I suck at football," Jake says. "So I made this game for people like me. With this game, I can play football with my brother." He smiles at me, all proud of himself.

  That little shit's going to make me cry. Dammit!

  "He did this for you!" Brook whispers, reaching over to grip my arm. "That is so sweet!"

  "I had to code for all the variables," Jake says, pointing to an image of the code. It makes absolutely no sense to me. He's tried to explain code to me but I still don't get it.

  He continues to talk about the game, and when he's done, people clap harder and longer than they did for the other three kids. Jake goes to sit down, then looks back at me. I give him a big smile and a thumbs up. Brook jumps to her feet, mouthing the words 'great job'.

  She sits down and we wait for the presentations to finish. When they're done, Jake runs back to me.

  "Did I do okay?"

  "You did awesome." I bring him in for a quick guy hug, shoulders only, so I don't embarrass him, although I doubt he's worried about that. It's kind of a geeky crowd. Jake's the coolest kid here.

  "That was so good!" Brook says, giving him a real hug. "That game is amazing!"

  "Did you like it, Dean?" Jake asks.

  "I loved it! When do I get to try it?"

  "You can try it when we get home. I still have to fix some stuff but it works good enough for now." He glances back at the front of the room where the other kids are gathered. "We're supposed to meet with the teacher before we go."

  "Go ahead," I tell him.

  "You have to leave," he says. "We're meeting in here. You can wait in the hall or go outside."'

  "Let's go outside," Brook says, wrapping her arm around mine.

  "We'll see you out there," I tell Jake.

  Brook and I go down the hall and out the door to the front of the school.

  "I can't believe he knows how to do that shit," I say, still amazed he created his own game.

  "He's really smart." Brook slips her hand in mine as we walk down the sidewalk. It's a warm spring night. Brook's wearing a white cotton dress with pink and purple flowers on it. It looks beautiful on her. She doesn't wear dresses much but when she does, I always think she looks older, like we've skipped ahead a few years and she's my wife.

  I want that more than anything but it'll be a ways off before it happens. We both want to get through college and then Brook has law school after that. I don't want to wait that long to propose. I'm thinking of asking her in a couple years, although even that seems like a long ways off. But even if we're not married, at least we'll be together.

  In the fall Brook and I will both be going to college in Dallas. We'll be going to different schools but living just a few miles from each other. Brook got a full scholarship, including room and board. The school makes freshmen live in the dorms the first year, but after that, Brook plans to move in with her sister. Well, that's what she's telling her parents but she's actually planning to live with me. Jake and I will be living in an apartment. The college I'm going to has the same rule about freshmen living in dorms, but I explained my situation and they agreed to let me live off campus.

  Brook's phone dings and she stops to check it. "My mom wants to know if we'll go to dinner at Canton's house tomorrow."

  "On a Saturday? Don't they usually go to rich people parties on Saturdays?"

  "Yeah, but whatever they were going to got cancelled so they're inviting us over." She looks up at me with that face I can't say no to. "Will you go? I need to let her know."

  I sigh. "Okay, we'll go, but do I have to wear a suit?"

  "Yes, but it's only for a few hours." She smiles. "And you know how much it turns me on when you wear a suit."

  I smile back. "Now I'm looking forward to this."

  Brook's mom has been dating this guy, Canton, for months now. They're already talking about getting married, and they're planning to live together when Brook leaves for college. Canton's house is a freaking mansion. I've never seen a house that big and can't imagine living there. I'd get lost with all the rooms. Brook and I have been there a few times for dinner. Canton's okay. He never says much to us, but I never feel like he's looking down on me.

  "Oh!" Brook says as she texts her mom. "Don't let me forget about Eve's cake. We have to pick it up Sunday before the party."

  We're having a birthday party for Eve on Sunday. She's always complaining to Brook about how much she hates having to share her birthday with Evan. They don't even get their own cake. So Brook decided to give Eve her own separate birthday party before the party she has later with Evan.

  Brook's been planning Eve's party for weeks. She can't wait to surprise her on Sunday. Some people from school will be there, including Kendrick, who still has a crush on Eve. He can't seem to get past the friend stage with her so he's been dating other girls. And Eve's been dating a guy from another school. It's too bad Eve and Kendrick can't admit their attraction to each other. You can feel it whenever you're around them but they refuse to act on it.

  "Oh, and you have group tomorrow," Brook says, her eyes on her phone. "At ten."

  "Great," I say, sarcastically. It's an anger management group and I'm the youngest person there. I don't like going but my counselor thinks it helps to hear other people's stories. So far, I haven't found it that helpful. The one-on-one counseling isn't bad. At first I didn't want to talk, but I did, because of Brook. Because I'm trying to be a better man for her, and for Jake. I don't ever want to lose my temper with them, or worse, become like my dad. He's still awaiting sentencing for his lates
t crimes but he'll probably get at least twenty years added to his current sentence, maybe more.

  I watch Brook as she swipes through her phone, her long blond hair blowing in the breeze. She's so damn beautiful. Every day I wake up wondering what I did to deserve such a kind beautiful woman.

  "Okay, I'm done." She puts her phone down and smiles at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "Because you're mine." I bring her into my arms. "I don't know how it happened or why. I just know you changed my life. Made me a better man. Gave me hope for a future I didn't think I'd ever have."

  "You changed my life too." She softly smiles, then reaches up to kiss me. "I love you."

  "I love you too." I smile back at her, my heart filled with more love than I thought it could ever hold. I didn't really understand love until I met Brook.

  I can't change my past. Or my parents. Or the memories they left me that I can't seem to make go away.

  I can only change my future. And my future will be nothing like my past. Because of Brook. The girl I bullied on the first day of class. The girl who gave me a chance, and saw more in me than I ever did.

  The girl I will love forever.


  "I'm done!" Jake says, running down the sidewalk, a huge smile on his face. "We can go home now."

  "Didn't Brook tell you?" Dean says, mussing his hair. "We're going out for dessert. Whatever you want."

  "What sounds good?" I ask him.

  Jake takes a moment to think. "I want one of those cookies they make in a skillet with ice cream on top."

  Dean looks at me. "I don't know where to get that."

  "I do. Let's go." I take Dean's hand as we walk to his car. His car is working now. A guy from school heard Dean's story and how he couldn't fix his car so he told his dad, who's a mechanic, and he repaired it for free. Dean felt like he had to pay him at least something but the guy wouldn't let him. Instead, he asked Dean to help his son with his football game. His youngest son is thirteen and wants to be good enough to play football in high school. Dean was happy to teach him stuff. He loved it. He's really good with kids. He'll make a great dad someday. He's already a great dad to Jake. Like tonight, watching Jake, Dean looked like a proud father.


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