A Dragon's Rising (The Dragon Series: Origins Book 1)

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A Dragon's Rising (The Dragon Series: Origins Book 1) Page 1

by Tina Glasneck


  The Dragons Series: Origins| Book One

  Tina Glasneck



  Characters & Places

  Kiss of Ymir


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Letter to my Reader

  About the Author

  Also by Tina Glasneck

  A DRAGON’S RISING © 2018 Tina Glasneck

  Cover created by Desiree Deorto Designs

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.



  ORIGINS| Book One

  A god questions his existence. Deadly repercussions follow.

  Baldr is struggling to find his place in Asgard. His brother, Thor, guards the city and fights giants, while his father rules all the unruly Aesir. Because Baldr's death will signal the start Ragnarok, the end of days, his family prefers him to sit at home, useless.

  But Baldr refuses to remain a captive of destiny, and the Norns offer Baldr a solution: he can communicate with a mysterious Midgard woman via his dreams.

  There is only one problem—Baldr's dream woman wears the tattoo of another pantheon. With each communication, he threatens to break the peace treaty and spark a holy war—pitting pantheon against pantheon—with cataclysmic effects.

  Of course, what his father and brother don’t know can’t hurt them, can it?

  War is coming!

  Characters & Places

  Asgard: One of the nine realms in Norse mythology; the location where the Aesir (the gods) live.

  Baldr: The god of light, previously killed by a mistletoe arrow. He now resides in Helheim with his wife, Nanna.

  Carthage: A City-state in the Phoenician empire.

  Freyja: Norse goddess, married to Odin, stepmother to Thor. She lives in Asgard.

  Helheim: Also called Hel, is one of the places the dead are received. Lady Hel rules it. Helheim means covered, and cannot be compared with the Christian Hell of torture, fire, or brimstone. Instead, some sources reference Helheim as a cold place where feasts are held.

  Heimdall: Considered the watchman of the gods and Norse in origin, he resides at the entry to Asgard.

  Jörmungandr: Also called the Midgard Serpent, he is the son of Loki. It is prophesied that at Ragnarok, he will kill Thor.

  Lady Hel: The ruler of Helheim, a final resting place for the sick, elderly, and those who have not died with honor.

  Loki: Loki is the god of mischief, the mother of Sleipnir, and the father of Lady Hel, Fenrir, and Jörmungandr, as well as Vali and Nari/Narfi.

  Melqart: The Phoenician god of the Underworld; and the patron god of the Barca family, including Hannibal the Great (Hannibal Barca).

  Midgard: Earth, is referenced as the term Midgard in Norse mythology.

  Minerva: The Roman goddess of war, also known as the Greek goddess Athena.

  Norns: The three goddesses of fate. They are named Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld.

  Odin: He is called the All-Father, king and ruler of Asgard. He is married to Freyja, and the father to Thor and Baldr.

  Ragnarok: The final battle of the gods, prophesied to be the end of everything.

  Skuld: She is one of the three Norns (sisters). She is said to be responsible for the future.

  Sleipnir: Odin’s eight-legged horse, and the stallion son of Loki (who Loki bore as a mare).

  Thor: Norse god of thunder, and is considered to be the god who protects humankind. He fights with his hammer, Mjolnir.

  Urd: She is one of the three Norns (sisters). She is said to be responsible for the past.

  Verdandi: She is one of the three Norns (sisters). She is said to be responsible for the present.

  Kiss of Ymir

  “A time shall come

  when the children will be the only salvation for the gods;

  fire shall burn away the chaff.

  Darkness knows no limitations,

  except light.” —Kiss of Ymir, Stanza 9


  The Norns

  “Let us see what the gods will do. The time is almost upon us.”

  The three Norn sisters, Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld, sat upon the roots of the evergreen, great ash, Yggdrasil, which held up the nine realms.

  On those roots, they began to carve into the ash tree, creating the destinies of men, beasts, and gods alike, yet that was not enough. Neither good, nor evil, neither benevolent, nor malevolent, they did as they were shown from the well’s rich and majestic waters, that of which also sustained them and the tree. The circle of life caused all beings to cross their paths; neither gods, nor dwarves, neither elves, nor mankind could escape their predetermined destiny.

  Scrying into the waters of Mim’s well, they looked on at the battle in Asgard, the place of the gods. The Norns moved in tune to the ancestral drum’s beats, and the water rippled and revealed a scene in the silver bowl.

  Lightning crashed into the tall tree, and set it aflame. Blood dripped down Baldr’s face, his sword slick with his victim’s penance.

  “Blood for blood,” he bellowed and ran his blade through the charging giant, who did little more than release a guttural snarl as blood seeped out of his mouth and ran down his face.

  The battlefield overflowed with the sounds of death, and steel hitting steel.

  Under the dark gray sky the birds circled and waited for their meal which Baldr appeared happy to deliver.

  “The gift of sight flows deeply within Baldr, as well as war,” Urd said. “He will be the catalyst for every great change for the Aesir, the Norse gods.”

  “For as he slumbers, he is weakest and most easily influenced,” Verdandi agreed.

  Urd shook her head causing her gray-and-white hair, which was braided on the sides while the back flowed freely, to bounce and slowly extend as if static electricity lifted it up to fly away.

  The pure magic in the air came from the wise waters that fed the tree, and from this well the sisters drank.

  Each wore traditional braids: one with farming braids, the other with fury braids, and side braids with messy hair that hung around her face. Their eyes swirled with an array of colors: purple, blue, green, and gold, reflecting the cosmos.

  Their skin sparkled and shimmered from the magic they ingested: one was dark in complexion, like the richest, and deepest of colors, a vantablack, while her sister was unpigmented, more like fresh milk in color, ultra-white, and the third sister’s skin reflected like a mirror.

  “Why do you create this elaborate game, Verdandi?” Skuld asked.

  “For change to come; it only arises through an outside force, and we all know Baldr’s foretold ending, but how will he become this great hero?”

  “Pressure,” Urd whispered.

  The three nodded their heads in synch and continued to carve.

  “Romance in dreams, reality it shall be, cursing the bright one to love only she. With Midgard influx, and prices abound, let there be a shifting around. Call forth the winds from the east and the west, doing what the gods could not do best. For through her a great change might come, and the beast will be united as one.”

  Change was in the air.

  She would be the catalyst to ignite the war that threatened to unfold.

  Under the bright sun, Baldr stared at this human woman, who made him want more than just Asgard. His feet, planted on the Punic limestone, he meandered through the crowd, following wherever she led.

  Music from a nearby lute played, while the aromas from the confectionary mixed with the loud banter of people. The smell of sugar wafted and blended with a unique sweetness and abundance of magic that was practically palpable. Bottles of sweet wines waited to be bought, just as artisans showed off their wares to beautify the women; others peddled creams and ointments. Cooking meat seared on a nearby flame, and not far from port; the breeze from the Mediterranean Sea provided a pleasantness to the day. The grand market rested in the shadows of the steps of the nearby Temple to Melqart—the Phoenician god and protector of the city.

  For a moment, the woman paused, turned back to him, and smiled. Her infectious smile pulled at him as if it wrapped an invisible rope around his waist and tugged. She could light up any night sky with that smile. Her long, unruly red hair whipped around her as she beckoned him to follow her down the narrow limestone streets of the market.

  Baldr looked to his right and left, where on the doorways stood smirking masks—masks to ward off evil. He continued onward bypassing vendor’s tables where he noticed statuettes that practically screamed at him—messages to the gods as to what the faithful servants here might need—healing from the dangers that abounded in the area.

  He shook his head and continued, not wishing to lose her.

  He weaved through the crowd following the enigmatic woman. Her melodic laughter spawned his own belly-laugh, and he gave chase, following her deeper into the maze of hanging tapestries, and a colorfully dressed throng of accessorized women, men, and children.

  “What is this place?” he called after her.

  She turned and ran away, dashing behind flowing strips of cloth, kicking up her ankle-length bright green undertunic and orange embroidered dress. A jeweled belt was cinched around her small waist.

  “Where are you going?”

  She rushed onward only stopping once the alleyway opened, and there they stood at the magnificent port of Carthage.

  “Why have you brought me here?” he asked. She’d led him through the city, and now away to stare at the fierce ships he’d heard of.

  “One day soon, the Navy will be called upon to protect this city,” she said. Her voice was breathy; her almond-shaped eyes now filled with sorrow.

  “That is what the Navy is for, what the gods are here for.”

  “The gods? There are rumors abound that they wish more than what we have offered. Molk-sacrifice. Even now, they begin to create a Tophet, a cemetery for the sacrificed children.”

  Baldr frowned. There had been a discussion in the council regarding the Phoenician’s desire for more blood, more innocent blood.

  “Surely this will not happen,” he said dismissing her concerns.

  “But, you do nothing to stop it. These gods wish to provide favor but only based on blood, and the priests do not believe that animal sacrifices work anymore.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” he asked.

  “Because, if you do not act, ones that I love shall perish. The gods will fail me, and here, my people will perish.”

  At that moment, he wished to move the world for her. It wasn’t enough to love this woman; he needed to care about that which she deemed worthy of caring for.

  “Show me,” he whispered.

  She took his hand and warmth spread through him.

  “Baldr, you must save us… if not, it will not only be I that shall perish, but also what we could become.”

  The dream drifted away, and as usual, it left Baldr staring up at his bedroom ceiling, the celestial and planetary view of the nine realms, painted in Persian blue, silky white, and shimmering gold.

  Who was this woman, and where could he find her?

  Chapter 1


  In the golden city of Asgard, under the shadow of Valhalla, Odin’s grand hall, Baldr paused to watch the soldiers train along the practice field, as soldiers of old battled one another with their best moves. Soon, those struck dead would rise again, and they’d all head down to the pub to celebrate their achievements. It was another day to die, and live.

  By all accounts, with the blue sky, lush foliage, and everyone doing what they were destined to do, it should have been perfect, but for Baldr, something was missing.

  He sat down on the large boulder that gave him the perfect view to see everything around him, one hundred and eighty degrees. On one side, the soldiers battled, while on the other side, he saw the Valkyrie also wielding their weapons: swords sparking during their sparring, while those on the sidelines sang their battle chant. Silently, he bent down and plucked a wild daisy and rolled its stem between his thumb and forefinger.

  That was what this realm taught, that the great battle they all prepared for was nigh. An invisible noose tightened around his neck, cutting off his breathing. His death wouldn’t be practice.

  “Is everything okay, oh Prince?” Baldr turned to the sound of the female voice to find Kara, one of the Valkyrie. Her raven black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, while a scowl of what he interpreted as concern marred her otherwise angelic appearance.

  “Shouldn’t you be with the others?” Baldr asked. Yet staring at her regal armor and diplomatic cloak, he should have known his answer.

  “No, my lord, as I am to accompany Thor to Jupiter’s court to pay honor to him on behalf of the All-Father.”

  Kara, the Captain of the Guard, often acted as an emissary when it came to diplomatic visits. She would help keep Thor in line.

  Baldr nodded his head. His mother would rather he be wrapped in a bubble than do anything that might allow him to walk in his own might and power. Since she was the queen, much of what she wanted, he couldn’t escape. Sullen, his thoughts turned dark, not a good thing for a god of light.

  “And what have you heard from the court?” Baldr asked. He waited and tugged at the petals, one leaf at a time, watching them flutter to the ground.

  Each pantheon had its own major and minor gods, as well as those who associated with them. Some had even taken their devoted believers and allowed them entrance into their holy courts.

  “You wish to know of the gossip?” Kara chuckled.

  “Jupiter’s court has its own reputation.” He shrugged,

  He should know, considering his history with Minerva. Her name held enough power to make him shudder. Back then, he should have been forewarned, but they were young, and he naïve to think that such a beauty could be lovely inside and out. Now, he knew her for what she was—walking insanity.

  “Yes, it does precede itself, but the newest tidbit is that Minerva caused the latest entertainment by hosting a tapestry contest.”

  Baldr chuckled. She was known for creating chaos. He could only shake his head.

  “There was a woman in Rome who declared herself to be the best weaver. Well, Minerva didn’t take kindly to that, and challenged the poor mortal.”

  “It didn’t end well, I presume.”

  “No, not at all. So, they both created their best tapestry, and then what no one knew was, that Minerva had also declared her
self judge for the contest.”

  “She won! Ha!”

  “Of course she did, and then she throttled the poor woman, bullying her to the point where she nearly committed suicide, but Minerva wouldn’t have that, and turned the woman into a spider. She now keeps it as a pet.”

  “The poor woman. What was her name?”

  “Arachne. I’ve heard that when Minerva is truly irked, she’ll take Arachne out of her jar to play with her to make herself feel better.”

  Baldr gulped. Everyone knew about his prior dalliance with Minerva, it seemed, so any and all news was typically about her. But, thankfully, that was over.

  “And what news do you have of Midgard and my blood there?”

  “All is well. They remain hidden and safe. The runes remain in place, and their true identity a secret.”

  Baldr had taken every precaution to protect the one woman in Midgard who’d shared in his infatuation.


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