Sinful Needs (Wicked End Book 2)
Page 45
“That’s what I normally do.” Ashley looked over at Mackenzie. “But, then, I didn’t expect him to run home to me. Now, it’ll be our home. He better not try and buy me an expensive house like this.”
Mackenzie laughed. “I fought Brandon tooth and nail to not buy something so huge. They’re stubborn. Let them spend their money sometimes. They work hard for it.”
“True.” Ashley sighed. “Julian’s excited.” She glanced at him, carrying leftovers into the house. “His father doesn’t even call him. Chico was pissed when he heard that. But he does a great job of being a surrogate father, even when he’s on the road. Julian loves him like a dad.”
Smiling widely, Mackenzie told her, “And Chico loves him as if he were his son. He doesn’t treat anyone’s child like he does Julian. A few times I heard them talking on the phone. It was adorable.”
“I’m not adorable,” Julian huffed as he stepped outside. “I’m 11 already.”
Mackenzie laughed. “You’re a handsome young man, Julian.” That earned her a grin. “A helpful one, too.” She handed him condiment bottles. “Thanks.”
“I’m glad Chico will be around when he’s a teenager.” Ashley sighed. “It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.”
Chapter 49
Several hours later, Julian had gone to bed and the patio was full of people. Jake had invited 10 girls, who also brought friends. Jesse had invited his friends. Terri and Travis had showed as well. What was meant to be a small get-together had turned into a wild party. Brandon and Scott had to go out on a beer run within the first hour.
“Looks like your friends are enjoying themselves.” Mackenzie sat next to Jesse and watched his friends play “chicken-fight.”
Jesse nodded. “Yeah.” The girls on his friends’ shoulders were most definitely hotter than the ones they normally dated. “I’m not sure if Terri expects me to only hang with her, so I don’t know what to do.”
“Did you ask her?” She thought that was obvious.
He shrugged. “No.”
“So ask.” She knew they weren’t dating, just fooling around.
He glanced around. “She’s changing into her bathing suit.”
“She’s done.” Mackenzie waved to Terri, who was walking outside. “Hey. Glad you could come.”
Terri smirked and bit her lip as she looked at all the men and women. “Wouldn’t pass this up, girl. Might just take someone home with me.” She wondered if any of the girls were bisexual. “Time to mingle.” She dove into the pool and surfaced close to Tommy, who eyed her with a devilish look in his eyes.
“Guess that’s my answer.” Jesse was slightly disappointed. “I should find a chick to hit on.”
Mackenzie patted him on the back. “She looks like she needs someone to talk to.” There was one young lady apart from the crowd, sitting on the pool steps. She looked nervous. “Go work your charm on her.”
“Hey, Tink.” Brandon came outside, carrying two cases of beer. He set one next the shallow end of the pool and one at the deep end. Then he made his way to her. “Less hassle.” He smiled. “Let me get changed and we can go in the pool too.”
She smiled. “OK. I’ll be right here.”
Scott packed the outside refrigerator with several more cases of beer before standing next to her. “How come you’re sitting here and not in the pool?”
“Waiting for Brandon.” Her attention shifted when she heard a splash. Terri had been thrown and came up laughing.
After taking off his shirt, Scott grabbed her hand. “I’ll go in with you.” He tugged her up.
“No. No.” She resisted as much as she could. “Not without Brandon. Never again.”
Scott felt her trembling and quickly wrapped his arms around her. “I wouldn’t let you go, Kenzie. I swear.”
“I can’t,” she admitted. “I start to freak out. He has to be there.”
He smoothed her hair and leaned his head on hers. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize. We’ll wait for him.”
“What happened?” Brandon walked out to see Scott holding his shaking fiancée. “She fall in?”
Scott shook his head. “I tried to get her to go in. I thought she trusted me.”
“This is gonna take a while to get over.” Brandon knew her quite well. “She made a lotta progress, though.” He took her hand in his and pulled her towards him. “I’ll be right with you.”
Mackenzie sighed, then took a deep breath. “OK.” Her voice was soft, showing her fear.
She clutched Brandon’s hand tightly as he led her to the stairs. When he took both hands, she relaxed a bit. They walked slowly into the pool.
Once off the stairs, Brandon held her close. “Swim for me.” He rubbed her nose with his. “Please.”
She nodded and took a step back. Knowing he would be at her side, she pushed off the ground and swam towards the other side, still in the shallow end. She could hear Brandon swimming beside her, which helped.
When they reached the end, Brandon tugged her into another embrace. “You did it!”
“You can swim now?” Jake asked from nearby with a huge smile on his face. “That’s great.”
She turned to him and realized everyone was staring. “Brandon and Scott taught me.”
Brandon was relieved she learned so fast. Every time she went out on the lanai, his heart pounded. He could finally stop worrying.
“You wanna play with everyone?” Brandon whispered.
She shook her head. “I don’t wanna go under.”
“OK. We won’t, then.” He squeezed her. “We’ll work on that next.”
Scott dove into the pool and surfaced near Austin. “Did you see her?”
“Yeah.” Austin turned away from the girl he was talking to. “You guys worked hard teaching her. Scott, this is Brandy. Brandy, Scott.”
She bit her lip. “I know who he is.” She looked around, and then continued, “He’s your lover. That is such a turn-on.”
Austin’s mouth dropped. “It is?” Other than Mackenzie, she was the first girl they met since the stripper that embraced that side of them. “So, then, would you be cool with a threesome or something?”
“Hell yes.” She licked her lips and looked them both over. “Anytime.” Her hand ran over Austin’s shoulder. “This is hot.”
Scott glanced at Austin’s tattoo. “That’s what I said when he got it. Looks good when I fuck him.” He couldn’t believe he had just said that to a stranger. However, everything was public by then, so why not?
“I wanna see that.” Brandy put an arm around each of them making them step closer. Then she jumped up, wrapping her legs around them both. “All of us, licking, sucking and fucking. Do you have toys I can use on you both? I’ve always wanted to use a strap-on to fuck a guy.”
A chill ran up Austin’s back. Did we really just find the perfect woman? “We can get one if you want. We rented a nice car.” He put an arm around Scott’s back. “Sounds like fun, right?”
“Oh yeah.” Scott was definitely down for whatever she wanted at that point. “Tonight’s gonna be a good night.”
A few feet away, Jake had a cute little blonde in his arms. “So, baby,” he whispered in her ear. “How about I fuck your brains out?” She giggled, which he took for a yes. They had put a bowl of condoms out and a trashcan to toss used ones in. He hauled himself out of the water and sat on the edge. “Just gimme a second.”
Scott turned in time to see Jake rolling a condom over his cock. He had only been away from Bridgette for a day and he was already going to fuck another woman? It seemed there was no commitment there. Or Jake was still “Asshole Jake.” They had all hoped she changed him. Obviously not enough.
“Should we go inside and get to know each other?” Austin asked Brandy.
She squeezed them tight with her legs. “How about we start out right here?” She turned to Austin and kissed his lips. “Some kissing, talking, groping. Then we can get down to it in your room.”
Scott leaned towards her and br
ushed her lips with his. “Perfect.” He slowly ran a hand up her body to her breast. Then he rubbed her nipple with his thumb. “I love sharing a girl with my man.” He moved his face to Austin’s and kissed his lips.
Having swum back and forth a few times, trailed by Brandon; Mackenzie sat on the stairs with him, holding hands. “Check it out.” She nodded her head at Scott and Austin.
“Wow.” Brandon could see the woman was excited about the affection the guys were showing each other. “Seems you’re not the only one who gets off on that.”
She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. “I knew there were others out there.” Both of them happy was an amazing sight. “Maybe this will help them even more.”
“You wanna get outta here and let them all play?” Brandon felt a bit uncomfortable in his own house. It wasn’t like they could interact with their guests. They were almost all otherwise occupied or watching those who were. “I bet no one’ll even notice we’re gone.”
Glancing around, Mackenzie didn’t think they would notice either. “At least Jon and Tommy are enjoying themselves.” She scanned the pool and found Tommy pushing his body against a woman in a way that could not be anything but fucking. “Really enjoying themselves.”
Brandon laughed when he followed her line of sight. “One day soon, I’ll fuck you in the pool. But you need to lose the fear first.”
“OK.” She was curious but did not want to risk freaking out. “So we going upstairs?”
He nodded and stood. “We can have our own little party.” He took her hand and helped her stand. “Try out that Jacuzzi tub.” He winked.
“Great idea.” She followed him up the stairs. “I’ve been dying to try it.”
Towels around their bodies, they slipped into the house unnoticed. They were shed once in the bathroom as was their bathing suits. Brandon started the water in the tub as Mackenzie lit candles. They planned to take the time to relax for a change.
“That does feel good,” she said as she sat in the water. The jets sprayed at her from either side of the tub.
Brandon pulled her between his legs as he lounged against the back edge. “Yeah. It does.” He had a flow against his lower back. “Finally alone.” He sighed.
They had not had much time alone since returning from California. Both felt the need to play host, since they constantly had guests. In addition, Scott and Brandon did a lot of talking over the last week. Their friendship was as solid as it had been before Brandon started sharing his girl. Mackenzie also had been working long hours trying to get everything together for her investment firm.
Mackenzie snuggled against Brandon, glad for the quiet moment. His arms came around her, and she smiled. Closing her eyes, she treasured the feel of his chest to her back. His fingers made lazy circles over her belly. The only sounds they heard were the water and their breathing. It was so peaceful.
“Do you want kids some day?” he softly asked.
She wasn’t sure how to respond. They didn’t fit into her plan yet. “I guess maybe one day.”
“That’s all I’m asking.” He exhaled over her neck. “We’re taking this a step at a time, but I wanted to be sure it wasn’t a definite no.”
“I’m open to it… when we’re ready.” She had dreamt of having his children at one time. “For now, let’s work on us.”
He nuzzled her neck. “Can do. I loved you for longer than I knew.”
“Me too.” She turned and kissed his lips. “If we had kids this would be complicated.”
Letting out a chuckle, he replied, “We’ll get a nanny or something. So we can have mommy and daddy time. Baby-making will be fun. Not that sex isn’t now. Cumming in you will have new meaning when we’re trying.”
“True.” She twisted around and lay back on him again. “Can we stay in here for the whole weekend?”
He laughed. “If you wanna be a prune.” He hugged her tightly. “After the party in Jersey, we’ll have the house to ourselves for a month or so.”
“I love your friends, but I can’t wait.” She closed her eyes and sighed. “At least Scott and Austin clean up after themselves.” She let her entire body relax.
* * *
“Kenzie? Kenzie?” Brandon looked at his shriveled fingertips. He hadn’t wanted to wake her though. “Kenzie, we need to get out of the tub.” She jolted awake, splashing water in every direction. “Hey, relax. It’s OK.” He rubbed her arms. “I’m right here.”
She woke to the feeling of water all around her and panicked. When she realized they were still in the bathtub, she let the feeling go. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to crash.”
“It’s fine.” He ran his hands up and down her arms again. “Glad you felt so comfortable.” He patted her skin. “We need to get out. Everything is shriveled up.”
She turned to check out his cock. It wasn’t hiding, but it was limp—affected by the water that had turned quite cool. “Sorry.” Carefully, she stood and climbed out. Then she grabbed two towels. “Here.” She handed him one as he got out of the tub.
Brandon wrapped it around his waist. “Kinda wish I took a nap, too.”
“We can go to bed if you’re tired.” She just wanted to be close to him.
He smiled. “I’m not that tired.” He opened the bathroom door and was surprised at the music and voices they heard from outside. “Well, sleeping isn’t in the cards anyway.”
“Guess I wasn’t asleep too long.” She looked out the sliding glass door but couldn’t see anything but the edge of the screen enclosure, the yard and the lake beyond from that angle. “Can we sit outside for a while?”
He grinned. “You love that balcony. Don’t you?”
“Yep. Almost my favorite part of the house.”
“Glad they could extend the screen enclosure over our side.” Brandon hated the bugs in Florida. “Separates it from the other side too.” He liked that his friends couldn’t just walk in the bedroom from the balcony.
A few times Scott had been outside when she was reading. They talked through the screen. It was like they were in a hotel, in a way. She was thinking about asking for a door to be put in, but sounded like Brandon would be against it.
“Get something on though.” Brandon started drying his body. “You bringing a book?” He knew she read out there to get away from everyone.
She shook her head as she also dried off. “No. Just wanna sit with you.” She donned one of his Slipknot shirts and pajama shorts. “We can finally see if the lounge chairs are really sturdy.” She winked.
“I love how you think.” Brandon threw on a pair of gym shorts. “If it gives out, I’ll just buy a better one.” When he opened the door, the noise level doubled. “Forget relaxing. Maybe I should tell them to keep it down.”
Mackenzie stepped outside and looked to the left and right. “The neighbors are far enough away. They probably can’t hear us.”
“True.” He sat on one of the zero gravity loungers and held her hand as she sat in the one next to his. The wide balcony had plenty of room for them and more. “I love these chairs. Wore mine out back in Baltimore.”
She had enjoyed his chair as well when she stayed there. “Scott likes them too. Glad we bought a bunch of them.”
Laughter and splashing floated in the air. The background music was not too loud. 311’s “All Mixed Up” started to play. Surprisingly, several people started to sing along. They couldn’t tell whose voice was whose, but the harmony was decent.
Brandon was humming the words as well. He was sure Scott had put it on. It was one of his favorites when in a good mood. He had a wide range of music tastes, all in the basic rock genre.
“You know this song?” Mackenzie was a bit surprised.
He cocked an eyebrow. “You don’t?”
“I do. Just didn’t think it was up your alley.”
Understanding, he replied, “On the bus, I’m forced to listen to plenty of music outside my usual tastes. 311’s music is calming, with a good beat.”
That’s why I like them, too.”
She linked their fingers, letting the music set the mood. When suddenly the beat changed, her eyes widened. She had zoned out. Adelitas Way’s “Dirty Little Thing” had come on.
“That’s a big difference.” She glanced down at the pool. Well, what she could see of it. There seemed to be a few less people down there. “Hey.” She smirked. “This was playing in that room backstage.”
Brandon had the scene playing in his mind. “Yeah. I remember. It was great when ‘Control’ was on, and Jesse slapped your ass. Fuckin’ to music.” He sighed. Then his eyes opened wide. She was climbing on top of him. “Hey there.”
“Hey there yourself.” She straddled his hips, feet planted on the floor. “Let’s see if this works.”
He lifted her shirt and smiled. “Took ’em off, huh?”
“Yep.” She reached down and lowered the front of his shorts. Then she sat on his thighs. “Can’t make it work like this.” She tugged on his almost flaccid penis.
Staring at her wet pussy was already doing the job, but her perfect stroking was working faster. He moaned as she squeezed the head a bit. Then she slid her body up and ground her pussy against him, skin to skin.
“That did it.” He lifted his hips a bit, begging to be inside her. “My dick’s ready.” His eyes half closed, he watched her move. “Want me to cum on myself?”
She shook her head and leaned down. “In me.” She kissed his lips hard and grabbed his shoulders. Then she shifted her hips and let his erection slide inside. “That’s what I wanted.” Rocking slowly, so the chair wouldn’t break, she took him in inch by inch.
Brandon grasped her hips tight. “Been wanting this all day.” His mouth opened as she moved faster. It all felt so good. “Kenzie, Kenzie. Damn, I love you.”
With an evil grin, Mackenzie forced her hips down on him fully. His gasp was expected, but it affected her anyway. He held her down. Her head was thrown back. She watched the pleasure wash over him as she rhythmically tightened within.