The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust

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The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust Page 47

by Gilbert, Martin

  Louis P. Lochner (editor), The Goebbels Diaries. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1948.

  Alexander Matkovski, A History of the Jews in Macedonia. Skopje: Macedonian Review Editions, 1982.

  Joseph Matsas, The Participation of the Greek Jews in the National Resistance (1940–1944). Janina, Greece, 1982. (Text of a lecture delivered in Athens on 2 October 1982 and in Salonika on 6 December 1982.)

  Joseph A. Melamed (editor), Lithuania: The Land of Blood. Tel Aviv: Association of Lithuanian Jews, April 2000.

  Odette Meyers, Doors to Madame Marie. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997.

  Meir Michaelis, Mussolini and the Jews: German–Italian Relations and the Jewish Question in Italy, 1922–1945. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978.

  John F. Morley, Vatican Diplomacy and the Jews during the Holocaust, 1939–1943. New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1980.

  Stephen Cameron Jalil Nicholls, Jewish Life in Pomerania. Burgess Hill, Sussex: privately printed, 2002.

  Adam Nossiter, The Algeria Hotel: France, Memory and the Second World War. London: Methuen, 2001.

  Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman (editors), Women in the Holocaust. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1998.

  Ingrid Palmklint and Daniel Larsson (editorial group), Raoul Wallenberg: Report of the Swedish-Russian Working Group. Stockholm: Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for Central and Eastern Europe, 2000.

  Yitzhak Parlan (editor), Sefer Skierniewic (Memorial Book). Tel Aviv: Organization of the Survivors of Skierniewic, 1955. (In Hebrew.)

  Jacob Presser, Ashes in the Wind: The Destruction of Dutch Jewry. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1998.

  Martin Randanne and Marc-Alexis Roquejoffre, Monsignor Piguet, un évêque discuté. Clermont-Ferrand: privately printed, 2000.

  Shmuel Spector, The Holocaust of Volhynian Jews, 1941–1944. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem/The Federation of Volhynian Jews, 1990.

  André Stein, Hidden Children: Forgotten Survivors of the Holocaust. New York: Viking, 1993.

  Lucien Steinberg, Le Comité de Défense des Juifs en Belgique, 1942–1944. Brussels: Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 1973.

  Nathan Stoltzfus, Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse

  Protest in Nazi Germany. New York: W. W. Norton, 1996.

  Paul Valent, Child Survivors of the Holocaust. London: Brunner-Routledge, 1993.

  Susan Zuccotti, The Italians and the Holocaust: Persecution, Rescue and Survival. New York: Basic Books, 1987.

  Published Articles (by author)

  Zvi Bacharach, ‘Lichtenberg, Bernhard (1875–1943)’, Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (editor in chief Israel Gutman), volume 3, p. 868.

  Lili Bat Aharon, ‘Forgotten Life-savers on German TV’, Jerusalem Post, 10 September 1973.

  Moshe Bejski, ‘Oskar Schindler and Schindler’s List’, Yad Vashem Studies (Jerusalem), volume 24, 1994.

  Joseph Berger, ‘A Monk, a Saviour, a Mensch: Nine Jews Gather in New Jersey to Remember the Man Who Rescued Them From the Nazis’, New York Times, 5 July 1992. (On Father Bruno Reynders.)

  Shyam Bhatia, ‘My Saviours in the Holocaust’, Observer, 14 September 1997. (On Cirla Lewis.)

  Gilbert Blum, ‘De vrais amis’, Mémoire Vive, March 2002.

  Grace Bradberry, ‘Surrey’s Own Oskar Schindler’, The Times, 1 March 1999. (On Henk Huffener.)

  Henry Walter Brann, ‘Pastor Who Rescued Jews Is Honoured’, Jewish Week (Washington DC), 20 August 1970. (On Pastor Grüber.)

  Desmond Brown, ‘Israel Honours Two Toronto War Heroes’, National Post, 9 February 1999. (On Jan Schoumans and Sandor Tonelli.)

  Rudolph Chelminski, ‘A Debt Repaid’, Reader’s Digest, September 2000. (On a Muslim rescuer.)

  Jonathan Curiel, ‘Maria Paasche, Daughter of German General Who Helped Jews Escape Nazis’ (obituary), San Francisco Chronicle, 5 February 2000.

  Dr Rachel Dalven, ‘The Holocaust in Janina’, in Solomon Gaon and M. Mitchell Serels (editors), Sephardim and the Holocaust. New York: Jacob E. Safra Institute of Sephardic Studies, Yeshiva University, 1987.

  Douglas Davis, ‘Quiet Saviour on the Island of Jersey’, Jerusalem Post, 30 January 2000.

  William H. Donat, ‘Could I Still Be a Little Catholic Deep Inside?’, The Hidden Child (newsletter), Fall/Winter 1997.

  David Eppel, ‘Key to Righteousness’, Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 2000.

  Liliana Picciotto Fargion, ‘Note biografiche dei decorati con medaglia d’oro’, in Giuliana Donati, Persecuzione e Deportazione degli Ebrei dall’Italia durante la Dominazione Nazifascista. Milan: La Giuntina, 1975. Joseph Finklestone, ‘Pope and Jewish Child’, Jewish Chronicle, 28 May 1982. John Follain, ‘Village Hid Jews from Nazis’, Sunday Times, 18 January 2001. (On Nonantola, Italy.)

  Pal Foti (Paul Friedlaender), ‘The Survivor’s Tale: 50 Years Ago the Holocaust Reached Hungary’, AJR Information (published by the Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain), April 1994.

  Frank Fox, ‘A Skeleton in Poland’s Closet: The Jedwabne Massacre’, East European Jewish Affairs, volume 31, number 1, 2000.

  Frank Fox, ‘Endangered Species: Jews and Buffaloes, Victims of Nazi Pseudo-science’, East European Jewish Affairs, volume 31, number 2, 2001. (On the Warsaw Zoo.)

  Ya’akov Friedler, ‘Nazi Spirit Not Dead in Germany, Rescuer of Polish Jews Says’, Jerusalem Post, 21 October 1969. (On Otto Busse.)

  Si Frumkin, editorial, Graffiti for Intellectuals (magazine, Los Angeles), 3 July 2000.

  John and Carol Garrard, ‘Barbarossa’s First Victims, The Jews of Brest’, East European Jewish Affairs, volume 28, number 2, 1998–99.

  Karen Glaser, ‘Wartime Heroics of Dutch Woman Are Recognized’, Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 2000. (On Elizabeth Browne.)

  Jeffrey Goldberg, ‘Latvia’s Empty Gesture’, Forward, 27 February 1998.

  Ruby Gonzales, ‘Recognition Sought for Man Who Defied Nazis’, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, 13 May 2001. (On Karl Plagge.) Ruth Gruber, ‘Wartime Bravery of Nuns Recognized by Yad Vashem’, Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1999.

  Katia Gusarov, ‘Valentina and Valik, Rescued from the Wreckage’, Yad Vashem Quarterly Magazine (Jerusalem), volume 25, Winter 2002.

  Roman Halter, ‘Before and After’, Journal of the ’45 Aid Society, number 18, December 1994.

  Rena Hass, ‘This Is How It Is’, The Hidden Child, volume 10, number 1, Summer 2001.

  Zula Hass, ‘This Is How It Was’, The Hidden Child, volume 10, number 1, Summer 2001.

  Roberta Hershenson, ‘Dutch Rescuer to Give Talk’, New York Times, 26 March 1995. (On Dr Tina Strobos.)

  Terry Hokenson, ‘Sabina Zimering Gets Students’ Undivided Attention’, The Voice of Piotrkow Survivors, magazine (edited by Ben Giladi), number 24 (123), October–November 2001.

  Philip Jacobson, ‘Rusty Bike Shipped to Israel to Honour Wartime Heroine’, Sunday Telegraph, 25 March 2001. (On Marie-Rose Gineste.)

  Sharon Jaffa, ‘Saved by the Kindness of Others’, London Jewish News, 8 June 2001.

  Louis de Jong, ‘Jews and Non-Jews in Nazi-Occupied Holland’, in Max Beloff (editor), On the Track of Tyranny: Essays Presented by the Wiener Library to Leonard G. Montefiore, OBE, on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. London: Vallentine, Mitchell, 1960.

  Dovid Katz, ‘“Radin’s Last Jew” recalls Nazi and Soviet Horrors’, Jewish Chronicle, 7 November 1997.

  Richard Kay, ‘Revealed: Secret Heroism of Prince Philip’s Mother’, Daily Mail, 26 July 1993.

  Rose Kfar, ‘Reuniting with My Family (1945–1948)’, The Hidden Child, volume 10, number 1, Summer 2001.

  Sam Kiley, ‘Secret Witness Tells of Nazis’ Boasts’, The Times, 3 January 2000. (On Yanis Vabulis.)

  Bronka Klibanski, ‘In the Ghetto and in the Resistance: A Personal Narrative’, in Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman (editors), Women in the Holocaust. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1998.

  Mary Stewart Krosney, ‘Gallant Ch
ristian Honoured on Remembrance Hill’, press release, Holyland Features, Christian News from Israel, August 1980. (On Raoul Laporterie.)

  Simon Kuper, ‘Tarnished Glory’, Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 2001. (On Holland.)

  Ephraim Lahav, ‘German Friend Settles in Israel’, Jewish Observer and Middle East Review, 24 April 1970. (On Otto Busse.)

  Egon Larsen, ‘Resistance in Nazi Germany’, Association of Jewish Refugees from Germany, Information (bulletin), volume 36, number 1, January 1981.

  Etgar Lefkovits, ‘A Lifetime Friend Comes to Visit’, Jerusalem Post, 30 November 2000. (On Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, then Polish Foreign Minister.)

  Masha Leon, Forward, 14 July 2000. (On Adolf Althoff.)

  Benjamin E. Lesin, ‘Lithuania, the Evil and the Righteous’, Los Angeles Jewish Times, 2 August 1996.

  Isidor Levin, ‘Uku Masing (11.8.1909–25.4.1985)’, Ural-Altaic Yearbook, number 59, 1987.

  Allan Levine, ‘A Boy’s Gripping Story of Survival in Wartime Warsaw’, National Post (Toronto), 23 September 2000. (On Jack Kajman.)

  Dr S. Margoshes, ‘Dr Felix Kanabus, Rescuer of Polish Jews, His Deeds of Heroism, Welcome!’ News and Views (New York), 7 September 1965.

  Elisabeth Maxwell, ‘The Righteous Gentiles’, European Judaism, volume 90, number 2. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1990.

  Elisabeth Maxwell, ‘The Rescue of Jews in France and Belgium During the Holocaust’, Journal of Holocaust Education, Summer/Autumn 1998.

  Susan Meadows (publisher), Spotlight (magazine), March 1995.

  S. T. Merhavi, ‘Earthbound Angel’, Jerusalem Post, 10 November 1978. (On Father Niccaci.)

  Ernie Meyer, ‘Saying “Thanks” to Denmark’, Jerusalem Post, 7 February 1973.

  Ernie Meyer, ‘German Officer—and Gentleman’, Jerusalem Post, 26 April 1982. (On Alfred Battel.)

  Ernie Meyer, “‘Italian Wallenberg” to Be Honoured for Saving Jews’, Jerusalem Post, 22 September 1989. (On Giorgio Perlasca.)

  Odette Meyers, ‘A Long-Delayed Public Thank You to Chavagnes-en-Paillers’, The Hidden Child, volume 9, number 1, Spring 2000.

  Beatrice Michman, ‘Never to Be Forgotten: A Young Girl’s Holocaust Memoir’, Imprimis, Because Ideas Have Consequences, volume 28, number 4, April 1999.

  Jozeph Michman, ‘Westerweel, Joop (1899–1944)’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 4, p. 1648.

  Sam Modiano, ‘Island’s Jews Saved by Greek Archbishop’, Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1978. (On Zante.)

  Keith Morgan, ‘Hidden from the Holocaust’, Province (Vancouver), 24–27 October 2000.

  Samuel P. Oliner, untitled article, The Month (magazine, London), January 1994.

  Rob O’Neil, ‘Helping Hand for Old Heroes of Holocaust’, Los Angeles Times, 1 August 1996.

  Wila Orbach, ‘The Destruction of the Jews in the Nazi-Occupied Territories of the USSR’, Soviet Jewish Affairs, volume 6, number 2, 1976. London: Institute of Jewish Affairs.

  Nissan Oren, ‘The Bulgarian Exception: A Reassessment of the Salvation of the Jewish Community’, Yad Vashem Studies (Jerusalem), volume 7, 1968.

  Anna Ostrowiak, ‘Soldier Showed Mercy Amid Brutality’, Miami Herald, 25 December 1999.

  Gottfried Paasche, interview in Maclean’s (magazine, Toronto), 28 February 2000.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Getter, Matylda (d. 1968)’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 2, pp. 578–89.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Helmrich, Eberhard’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 2, p. 654.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Kowalski, Wladyslaw (1895–1971)’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 2, pp. 828–99.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Overduijn, Leendert (1901–1976)’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 3, p. 1100.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Schindler, Oskar (1908–1974)’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 4, pp. 1331–32.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Schmid, Anton (1900–1942)’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 4, p. 1333.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Simaite, Ona (1899–1970)’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 4, p. 1358.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Skobtsova, Elizaveta (Mother Maria; 1891–1945)’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 4, pp. 1362–63.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Zabinski, Jan (b. 1897)’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 4, pp. 1723–24.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Is Goodness a Mystery?’, Jerusalem Post, 8 October 1989.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘The Rescue of Jewish Children in Belgium During World War II’, in Dan Michman (editor), Belgium and the Holocaust: Jews, Belgians, Germans. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1998.

  Mordecai Paldiel, ‘A Last Letter and a Precious “Bundle”’, Yad Vashem, volume 26, Spring 2002.

  Jolanta Paskeviciene, ‘Childhood Is Not a Dream’, Lithuania in the World (magazine, Kaunas), 2001.

  Elizabeth Petuchowski, ‘Gertrud Luckner: Resistance and Assistance. A German Woman Who Defied Nazis and Aided Jews’, in Ministers of Compassion During the Nazi Period. South Orange, New Jersey: Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies, Seton Hall University, 1999.

  Marianne Picard, ‘Il fut le seul…’, Mémoire Vive, March 2002.

  Michael Posner, ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’ Globe and Mail (Toronto), 30 December 2000.

  David Preston, ‘Horrors of Nazis Recalled’, Columbia Missourian, 23 April 1978.

  Joe Quinn, ‘Honour for Scots Holocaust Heroine’, Express, 23 November 1997. (On Jane Haining.)

  Walter Reed, ‘Children Protected by Swiss Red Cross’, Aufbau (German Jewish refugee newspaper, New York City), 21 September 1999.

  Alan Riding, ‘Jews Found Haven in French Town’, New York Times, 31 October 1999. (On Le Chambon-sur-Lignon.)

  Pierre Sauvage, ‘“Weapons of the Spirit”: A Journey Home’, Hollywood Reporter, 17 March 1987.

  Steve Schloss, ‘Reader Remembers: Holocaust Victim Is Surprised as Rescuers Are Honoured in Jerusalem’, The Jewish Week, New York, 27 August 1982. (On Lorraine Justman-Wisnicki.)

  Peter Schneider, ‘The Good Germans’, New York Times Magazine, 13 February 2000.

  Cecile Seiden, ‘In Honour of My Righteous Rescuers’, New Jersey Holocaust Curriculum, ‘To Honour All Children: From Prejudice, to Discrimination, to Hatred…to Holocaust’. Trenton, New Jersey: no date.

  Somini Sengupta, ‘Tearful Reunion for Friends Who Defied the Nazis’, New York Times, 28 November 1997.

  Eda Shapiro (editor), ‘The Memoirs of Victor Kugler, the “Mr Kraler” of the “Diary of Anne Frank”’, Yad Vashem Studies (Jerusalem), volume 13, 1979.

  Avi Sharon, ‘A Youth in Hiding’, The Greek American, 29 November 1997. (On Pepos Levis.)

  Benek (Baruch) Sharoni, ‘Man’s Humanity to Man’, Mizkor (the newsletter of the Centre of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel), number 11, October 2000.

  Barbara Sofer, ‘An Angel Named Maria’, Jerusalem Post, 2 February 2001. (On Maria Nickel.)

  Shmuel Spector, ‘Graebe, Hermann Friedrich (1900–1986)’, Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, vol. 2, pp. 599–600.

  Denis Staunton, ‘In Defiance of Fascism’ (obituary of Countess von Maltzan), Guardian, 18 November 1997.

  Maxine Steinberg, ‘The Trap of Legality: The Association of the Jews of Belgium’, in Patterns of Jewish Leadership, in Nazi Europe, 1933–1945, proceedings of the third Yad Vashem International Historical Conference, 1–7 April 1977. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1979.

  Judy Stone, ‘French Hero Who Saved 5,000 Jews from the Nazis’, Sunday Examiner and Chronicle (San Francisco), 19 July 1987. (On a German officer.)

  Dr Tina Strobos, interview, Gannett Suburban Newspaper, 5 March 1992.

  Doug Sweet, ‘Couple’s Heroism Honoured: Montrealer’s Grandparents Risked Their Lives to Save Jewish Children from the Nazis’, Montreal Gazette, 16 October 1997.

  Nehama Tec, ‘A Glimmer of Light’, in Carol Rittner, Stephen D. Smith and Irena Steinfeldt (editors), The Holocaust and the Christian World. Beth Shalom Holocaust Memorial Center in
conjunction with Yad Vashem. London: Kuperard, 2000.

  Batsheva Tsur, ‘Sarajevo Family Finds Refuge with Israelis They Saved in WWII’, Jerusalem Post, 13 February 1994.

  Tom Tugend, ‘French Village Honours “Hidden Child” Survivor of Holocaust’, Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 2000.

  Alexandra Tuttle, ‘Marking a Blessed Conspiracy’, Time (magazine), 5 November 1990.

  Rudi Vis, letter to the Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 2001.

  Shewach Weiss, ‘A 700-Day nightmare’, Jerusalem Post, 8 April 1983.

  Leni Yahil, ‘Denmark’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 1, p. 364.

  Ruth Zariz, ‘Luxembourg’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 3, p. 928.

  Alexander Zvielli, ‘The Price of Courage’, Jerusalem Post, 2 March 1979 (reviewing Leesha Rose, The Tulips Are Red).

  Published Articles (no author given)

  ‘200 Jews Owe Life to Belgian Priest’, New York Times, 28 December 1945.

  Associated Press, obituary of Cardinal Palazzini, Globe and Mail (Toronto), 16 October 2000.

  ‘Eger’, in The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust, volume 1, A–J, p. 355.

  ‘French Bishop Honoured for Holocaust Action’, Jerusalem Post, 25 June 2001. (On Bishop Piguet.)

  Haggadah Supplement. New York: Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, 2001.

  ‘Hungarian Hero Fought Nazis, Soviet’, Associated Press obituary, Globe and Mail (Toronto), 5 March 2001. (On Sandor Kopacsi.)

  ‘Ida Peterfy, Nun Who Helped Save Jews, 77’, obituary, Jerusalem Post, 18 February 2000.

  Interview with Jerzy Kisson-Jaszczinski, Voice of Piotrkow Survivors (magazine), number 5, September–October 1997.

  ‘Looking For…’, The Hidden Child, volume 9, number 1, Spring 2000.

  Maariv (newspaper), Youth Supplement (Tel Aviv), Holocaust Remembrance Day, 1996.

  ‘Parczew District, Bialka’, Scenes of Fighting and Martyrdom Guide. Warsaw: Interpress, 1978.

  ‘Postscripts’, Jerusalem Post, 17 January 1977.

  ‘Rijeka’ (Italian ‘Fiume’), Encyclopedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 1972), volume 14, column 185.

  ‘Saved by the Corpse on Top of Me’, Hampstead and Highgate Express, 26 March 1993. (On Rosa Lipworth.)


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