
Home > Fantasy > Cuffed > Page 1
Cuffed Page 1

by A Muse


  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4


  By A. Muse


  * * * * *


  Muse on


  Copyright © 2013 by A. Muse

  Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


  To the best muse and beta this writer could ever have!

  I couldn't have done it without you!

  God bless our troops!

  Chapter 1

  The flashing lights in the rearview mirror made me groan. I pulled over and hoped the truck would go around me. It pulled to my truck’s bumper. No such luck, I turned off the truck and sat still. He got out briskly and I had to admire his build in that uniform. Solid, but leanly built, with a dark buzz cut his tanned skin looked dark against the blue shirt. I rolled down my window and smiled at my reflection in his reflective lens.

  “Yes officer?” I asked as he leaned on my door.

  “Do you realize how fast you were going?” his voice was pleasant but growly.

  “The speed limit, I had my cruise control on.” I sassed back, getting mad now.

  “Mmmm,” he grunted. “Get out of your vehicle please miss,” his abrupt order worried me.

  “Why?” I demanded.

  “Because I said so, do it NOW.” His voice deepened and I got out quickly. He looked me over and I looked down wondering what he was looking at. “I just got a bulletin about your truck,” he stated and moved towards my truck bed. I gasped and followed demanding to know what he meant. “The bulletin says you have stolen property.” I stopped and my jaw dropped open.

  “Stolen property?” I parroted dumbly. He turned and pulled off his glasses and I stared into the prettiest pair of hazel eyes I had ever seen. He came to stand in front of me and I noticed that we were eye to chin. I swallowed, but didn’t break eye contact since I wasn’t guilty of anything. He stared back then grinned.

  “Are you a real redhead?” The switch in subject confused me.

  “Uhm yeah,” I answered and looked down his body. He had a noticeable bulge in his pants. I looked back at his hands as he removed his cuffs from his utility belt. I watched the silver bracelets shine in late morning sun.

  “Turn around Red, put your hands on the tailgate,” I obeyed and then gasped louder as his large hands frisked me a bit too slowly. “You have any weapons or drugs?” I shook my head and stared at the tailgate handle. His hand holding the cuffs rested on my lower back and as he leaned in to frisk my breasts, his hardness nudged me. I moaned low and dropped my head on my bracing arms. The cold metal on my wrist didn’t register until the soft “snick” sounded as he closed it. He left it dangling off my wrist and crowding me to the tailgate crushed me against it as he grabbed my breasts. I writhed around and he grabbed me harder. “Be still!” he barked and once more, I obeyed.

  “Officer please!” I yelped as his hands squeezed me harder and then ran down my front to my waist and hips. I lifted my face and looked over my shoulder at him as he grabbed my full hips hard. He pulled me back until I was leaning with my ass in the air. He unbuttoned my jean shorts and pulled them along with my panties down, to let them fall around my boots.

  “Step out of the shorts and spread ‘em,” I did as he directed. His hands grabbed my ass cheeks and spread them wide. I gasped and wiggled. “Maybe I need to do a more ‘in depth’ search here miss.” His voice was still pleasant and I found myself getting aroused at his words and actions.

  “Officer,” I moaned out as his fingers buried in my slit and pushed deep. My wetness helped but his two fingers were thick. “Oh my gawd!” I shrieked and released the tailgate to lean more forward on the bumper.

  “Nice and tight,” he complimented. He pulled his fingers out and told me to turn around and get on my knees. I did resting on my shorts. He stood in front of me and gestured at his hard on. “Well, take it out and suck it,” I focused on his uniform pants and nodded. My fingers fumbled and he locked the other cuff over my free wrist, further hindering my ability to do as he said. But, I took him out and wanted to taste the pre cum on the thick head. I sucked him in slowly and looked up as he touched my hair and cupped the back of my head. He thrust and began to fuck my mouth. I relaxed my throat and took him to the balls. He watched me watch him and grinned as my face flushed and my eyes began to water. “Fuck Red, keep moving your tongue like that,” he said softly and I closed my eyes to concentrate on the feel of him in my mouth and throat. I moaned on my mouthful and he pulled out quickly. I fell a bit forward and grabbed his muscled thigh to balance myself.

  “Am I free to go now sir?” I husked out, clearing my throat.

  “Not fucking likely,” he snorted and pulled me by my hair to my feet. I didn’t protest. He used my long hair as a tether and led me to his truck. He opened the tailgate and gestured for me to climb up. I did, awkwardly, with my hands cuffed. He stood between my legs looking at my red furred pussy. “Nice babe,” he stated and pushed me until I lay back. He raised my legs and put my feet on the tailgate. “Officer don’t!” I cried out as he buried two fingers in my pussy again. He began to fuck me hard and fast, holding my hip to keep me still.

  “You need this or I won’t fit,” he grabbed my breast and I jerked as he pinched my nipple. “Now stand up in the bed.” I hesitated and he slapped my thigh hard. “NOW!” I scrambled to get up. I looked down and he stepped back jerking his dick and watching me. “Mmmm, not bad.” he sat on the tailgate and lay back and demanded I “cowgirl up” since I was wearing boots. I stepped over him and sat with my back to him. I guided his dick to my slit and balancing on my toes, lowered myself onto him. He stretched me wide and as I came to rest on his lap, he grabbed my hips and began to move me fast. I leaned back and let him guide the motions. He reached under my shirt and pulled my bra cups down under my heavy breasts. He pinched and pulled at my nipples while I rode him faster and faster. I moaned at his handling and he cupped me fully pressing my nipples with his fingers as he mauled my breasts a bit. I wiggled and moved to rest on my knees.

  “Fuck,” I breathed out leaning forward and bracing my hands on his thigh. “So thick, so hard,” I chanted grinding hard now about to come. “Yes yes yes,” I said and his hands grabbed my hips hard as he thrust up into the motions.

  “Hell yes!” he shouted out and I felt his dick jerk inside me. I tried to move off him but he held me down hard and filled me full. This set me off and I came hard, squirting out my juices and his, violently. He rolled us suddenly and I found myself on all fours, at the edge of the tailgate, staring at the ground. He began to really pound me then. He was slamming painfully into my cervix on each trust. I screamed and wiggled but he held me so tight I couldn’t get away.

  “Please sir, please sir, please…” My voice trailed off as he leaned over me and my legs spread more under his weight. My body responded without thought and I began to grind up and down as he thrust in and out of me. My pussy flooded at the sensation and I grabbed the tailgate edge with my cuffed hands and began to moan as his balls banged my clit repeatedly. I dropped my legs wider and felt him rest his weight on me at the drastic angle shift. His hands bruised my hips and made me writhe as I continued to stare at the ground.

  “Love to make you beg Red,” he stated and pulled my hair back hard so he could nip my neck and ear. “Don’t stop and
I may go easier on you,” his breathed promised chilled me.

  “It hurts sir, you are too big to go this fast,” I gasped out and he moved harder holding me tighter. “Please, let me finish you off in my mouth now,” I continued to plead with him as his pace increased to the point of jarring me closer to the edge of the tailgate. “Sir I will do anything else that you want to do…” his violent fucking increased and I felt his dick shoot in me again. I fell to my elbows and he continued to pound me for a few more seconds. I screamed and came hard at the painful pleasure he gave me. I fell to my stomach then and he followed me down still inside me and still hard. He thrust more slowly. I went limp and he settled half over me. I finally opened my eyes at the feel of him still throbbing inside me. I shifted and he fell out finally. I moaned and rolled to my side. He patted my up thrust hip and then pulled me back against him. I settled and he rubbed my stomach and then my pussy hair.

  “So you would do anything else?” his voice teased me and I tensed but he soothed me and I went limp once more. “I guess you aren’t who I was looking for after all Red,” he said lazily still rubbing my pussy in small circles.

  “Then I’m free to go officer?” I quipped. His chuckle made me smile in this odd situation.

  “I love big tits and wide hips babe,” his words soothed me for some reason.

  “Well then lucky me!” I sassed back.

  “Mouthy little thing aren’t you?” he quizzed and patted my ass. I sat up and moved around a bit before getting out of his truck bed.

  “That’s the rumor,” I agreed wryly and began to dress myself in my shorts. My bound hands made it difficult to do but I managed to get them zipped and buttoned while he watched amused.

  “Shit Red, I like mouthy, especially when it is that talented too.” I raised a brow and without another word held up my wrists. He was slow to reach for his key ring and slower still to unlock the manacles. I rubbed my wrists and noticed the dull ache and the light bruising that showed. I shook my head and looked at his handsome face one more time before turning away to go to my truck. I got in and started it, pulling out while watching him watch me in my rearview mirror. I shook my head and smiled a bit. I couldn’t wait to get home and write this one down in my diary. I sped up and was thinking of how I would title this adventure. I looked up and noticed flashing lights in my rearview mirror…

  Chapter 2

  I looked down and sure enough, I was speeding. I pulled over and the truck pulled in behind me. I laid my head on the steering wheel, groaning. I rolled down the window and saw a familiar, grinning face looking at me. He pulled off his glasses and raised a dark brow. I just shook my head and started giggling. He laughed a bit too but then his face got stern and he gestured me out of my truck. I turned it off and got out. He took my wrists and looked at the faint bruises then turned me to face my vehicle and frisked me again. I let him, knowing that round two was going to be completely different from round one.

  “Do you know how fast you were going this time?” he asked over my ear as he palmed my breasts. I turned to look at him and grinned.

  “Bout 15 over I’d guess.” I sassed and his chuckle made me smile. His hands were insistent as he pushed down my shorts and rubbed my clit. He groaned at how wet I was and I moaned a bit since I was still sensitive. He ground on my ass and I gasped. “You can’t be hard again.” His fingers delved deeper and he panted a bit as I pushed back against him hard.

  “Guess I am huh?” he grunted as I bent my knees and rubbed up and then down over and over until he grabbed my hair and barked “Stop,” as he pushed me harder into the side of my truck. I stopped but grinned widely. He moved back some and then turned me to face him. His eyes were so dark and his face so angry, I couldn’t help but piss him off more.

  “You gonna cuff me and stuff me officer?” I purred and his face relaxed and I knew I was in big trouble.

  “Oh yea, you’ll be cuffed… and stuffed,” his voice growled and made me shiver a bit in fear. “See, I recall you claiming to do anything if I stopped,” he continued and I paled a bit, swallowing hard.

  “But you didn’t stop so that doesn’t count now.” I reminded him as he pulled out his cuffs. I couldn’t help but hide my hands behind me. He grinned at the movement and dangled them once more on a finger and as he stared me down. I sighed and put my hands out, close together, and once more he cuffed one wrist. I watched him do this and then I gasp as he grabbed me aggressively and lifted me into my truck. I wiggle back and he crawled over me. I arch up wanting him for some reason even though I wasn’t really aroused.

  “Hands over your head,” he growled and I obey. I look up to watch him cuff me to the door. “Your sassy mouth and tight pussy go well together Red.” He said and pulled my face down to kiss me hard. “But I think you should have to pay with pussy for being so sassy to me.” I lay back and pull on the cuffs winching as they hurt my bruised wrists.

  “I paid in that already,” I reminded him even as I watch him take out that lovely cock and crawl over me. I licked my lips and then the seeping head. He watched me and I watched him. I laved the crown then the shaft. Then getting serious I took him deep, swallowing on the down strokes, sucking hard on the head on the up strokes. I did this for several minutes and loved his moans and pants and one word commands. I begin to move faster, wanting his cum in my mouth when he stopped me. Grabbing my hair, he pulled me off with a bit of a pop. I open my eyes and glare at him. “You are close!” I accuse and his face hardened a bit.

  “If you remember, coming doesn’t mean I am done.” I nod agreement.

  “So let me drink your cum then, you can still fuck me.”

  “What’s your name?” he demanded as I raise my head and licked his tight balls since I couldn’t reach his dick.

  “Sarah,” I say and he pulled away demanding my full name. “Sarah Jane McCoy,” I answer and he gave me back his cock. I closed my eyes and settle to sucking him off. He began to thrust and buck and I relaxed letting him face fuck me. He filled my mouth a few moments later and I swallowed all his cum happily.

  “Fuck Sarah, you swallow too?” The disbelief in his voice made me smile as he pulled away.

  “I do LOTS of stuff Officer? Officer?” I hint but he just grinned and move between my legs looking at my fur.

  “Tell me the ‘lots’ Sarah Jane,” he purred and entered me slowly. He rested a thumb over my hard clit and began to thrust easy. I gasp and arch at the size of him inside me.

  “Tell me your name Officer Hottie,” I quip and he chuckled but increased his speed. His other hand reaches under my shirt again and I gasp as he pulled down my bra and then sucked my nipple deep, lashing his tongue and even biting it a bit. I fight then and he goes easier.

  “Call me David,” he relented and I moaned as his thumb rubbed my clit in time with his cock on my g-spot.

  “Oh gawd! That is gonna make me come David,” I gasp and he sucked my other nipple but didn’t use any teeth.

  “Tell me the other stuff you do?” he reminded me and I gasp out loud and come from his hand and cock. “FUCK,” he yelled suddenly and begin to fuck me harder removing his hand and grabbing my soft waist to really pound me. “Too tight, so fucking good, damn… damn…. damn” he muttered and I open my eyes to watch him during his second orgasm. He looked down at me and growled before kissing me hard. I curve my legs over his waist and squeeze him inside and out. He laid over me and I loved that so I arch up gasping “Yes” until I feel him fill me full again. “Don’t want to come now,” he muttered even as he shot more cum inside me. I ride his orgasm and then keep moving even as he stopped.

  “David, you’re the perfect size for me,” I purr against his ear and then lick and nip it as he shivered and jerked against me. I watch him rise up and grind hard on my clit watching my face. I smile and release him from my legs, finally. He slowly pulled out of me and I lay back feeling my wrists throb and ache from how I fought the cuffs in my passion. He reached up and released me and then he pushed my
hair off my face.

  “Sarah Jane,” his voice has deepened more. “That was so good,” I smile and lower my arms.

  “Chapter two,” I say with a smirk and he raised his brows at the comment. “Never mind,” I say and he crawled off me and out of my truck. I get behind the wheel and he shut the door. I put on my seatbelt and he reminds me to set my cruise control. I nod and start my truck.

  “Sarah Jane?” he stopped me from leaving. “I want to see you again.” I nodded and winked sassily. With a wave he stepped back and I pull away slowly, realizing I wasn’t even off the fire road yet. I grinned but set my cruise, knowing that I would not forget this “sexcapade” before I got home and wrote it down.

  “Oh, I want to see you again David.” I muttered as I watched him become smaller and smaller in my rearview mirror. “I want to see the you that you are hiding from the rest of the world.” I giggled and knew he would find me sooner rather than later.


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