by David Crane
Aberdeen, George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl 229
Acorn 75
Adams, Abraham 160, 284
Aimwell 74, 101
Alava, General Don Miguel Ricardo de 29–30
Albemarle, earls of see Keppel family members
Alexander I, Tsar of Russia 8, 84, 171, 237–8, 305
The Alfred 74
Allen family 130
Alten, General Sir Charles 184
Altrincham (Cheshire) 99–105, 280, 315
American War of Independence 187, 188
Anderson, William 225
Angelo, Henry 143
Anna 75
Anson, Admiral George 59
Antwerp 31–2, 112, 116, 245, 248, 299
Arbuthnot, Charles 260
Arbuthnot, Mrs Harriet 313
Argyle, Lady 293
Arnold, Lieutenant 197–8
Arnold, Thomas 59
Arundel (Sussex) 20, 191–4, 198, 238, 258, 314
Ashcroft, Joshua 102
Astley’s Royal Amphitheatre 19
astronomy 238
Austen, Jane 76, 203
Backler, Joseph 192
Bailey, Mary 287
Baillie, Joanna 266, 299
Bank Restriction Act (1797) 193
Barbould, Anne 176
Barclay, Captain 144
Barclay family 130, 131
Baring 238
Barnes, Thomas 69
Barrett, Elizabeth 292
Barrow, John 99, 105
Basque Roads, Battle of (1808) 82–4, 87
Bathurst, Lady Georgiana Lennox 255
Bathurst, Henry, 3rd Earl 28, 260, 261
Beaumont, Sir George 139, 172, 173
Beckford, William 243, 267
Bedford, Georgiana, Duchess of 293
Bedford, John Russell, 6th Duke of 293
Belcher, Jem 144
Bell, Charles 226, 254, 258
Bentham, Jeremy 37, 69, 237–8
Beresford, General William, 1st Viscount 171
Bergen-op-Zoom 113, 188
Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, Prince 197
Berry, Mary 275, 276
Bessborough, Henrietta Frances Spencer, Lady 271
Binstead, John 191, 193, 202, 238, 289
Blackman, Captain John 111–12, 266–7, 317
Blake, Catherine 9
Blake, William 9, 172
Blower, England 190
Blücher, Gebbard Lebrecht von 8
based at Namur 23
near Charleroi 30
portrait at RA exhibition 176
ransacks Paris 275
staunch supporter of Wellington 178, 183, 197
survives at Ligny 177
Blunden, Edmund 96
Boehme, Mrs 261, 271
Bonaparte, Jérôme-Napoleon 110, 124–5, 127
Bonington, Richard Parkes 172
Bontein, Captain 71–2, 134
Botany Bay (Australia) 20, 239
Bouverie, Hon Bartholomew 208
Bowdler, Thomas 211
boxing 142–5, 296
Braddock, General Edward 188
Bray, Betty 105
Briggs, Christopher 100
Briscall, Reverend Samuel 203–4
and angry debates on war vs peace 8–10
bird’s-eye view on the eve of Waterloo 19–20
effect of Napoleonic wars on 6–7
as forward-looking 7–8
military myths and patriotism 291–318
British Army
7th Hussars 47, 58, 195
8th Hussars 313, 317
10th Hussars 194, 197
12th Light Dragoons 222
13th Light Dragoons 313
16th Light Dragoons 225, 237
17th Lancers 295
23rd Dragoons 76
Household Brigade (Royal Horse Guards, 1st & 2nd Life Guards) 146, 262
Life Guards 72, 134, 262, 313
Scots Greys 147, 165, 222, 313
Union Brigade (Royal Dragoons, Scots Greys, Inniskilling Dragoons) 146, 164, 222, 301
1st Division Headquarters 43
3rd Division 108
4th Division 30, 62, 274
6th Brigade 194–5
14th Foot (Buckinghamshire) 57, 58, 61
27th (Inniskilling) 95, 197, 225, 301
28th Foot (North Gloucestershire) 47
30th Foot (Cambridgeshire) 47
33rd Foot (Yorkshire West Riding) 187, 189, 296–7, 313
40th Foot (2nd Somersetshire) 111, 225, 275
42nd Foot Highland Regiment (Black Watch) 45, 47, 299–300
44th Foot (East Essex) 2nd Battalion 187–9
51st Foot (2nd Yorkshire West Riding) 57, 95
52nd Foot (Oxfordshire) Light Infantry 196
57th Foot 95
69th Foot (South Lincolnshire) 47, 112, 225
71st Foot (Highland) Light Infantry 95, 225, 228
73rd Foot (Highland regiment) 97
79th Foot 113
88th Foot 301
92nd Foot (Gordon Highlanders) 45, 47, 48
King’s German Legion 112, 179, 181–2, 184
British Society for Extending the Fisheries 50
Brookes, Eliza 113, 179, 180, 316
Brougham, Henry 68, 69, 189
Brunswick, Frederick William, Duke of 245
death of 41, 112, 175
description of 41
premonitions of 111
Brunswickers 41–2, 47, 112, 195
arrival of wounded in 200, 254
dawn exodus of soldiers from 45
effect of Waterloo on 265
émigré Britons in 199–206
filled with motley crowd of people 24
guillotining of three murderers in 200–1
intelligence from 206
as one giant sickroom 270
panic in 40
preparing for result of battle 112
rumours in 24, 40–1, 199–200
view of the Highlander in 299
Buckingham, Ann Elizabeth Brydges, Countess of 258
Bülow, Friedrich Wilhelm von 178, 195
Bunting, Jabez 104
Burney, Charles 20
Burney, Frances ‘Fanny’ D’Arblay 20, 34, 200
Burney, James 17, 18, 34
Bute, Lord 300
Buxton, Anne 133
Buxton, Fowell 131
Byng, Sir George 204, 229
Byron, Lady, Annabella Millbanke 19, 27–8, 212–13, 215–19
Byron, Augusta, The Hon Mrs Augusta Leigh 213–15, 218–19
Byron, Lord George Gordon 18
affair with Caroline Lamb 213–14
comment on Wordsworth’s poems 211–12
as friend of Hobhouse 112
idealisation of 315
leaves the country 232
looks forward to seeing Castlereagh’s head on a French pike 9
love for Augusta Byron 213–15, 218–19
meets Wordsworth 211–12, 219
poem on Waterloo 44, 198
unhappy marriage 19, 27–8, 212–13, 215–19
visits Leigh Hunt in gaol 69
visits Samuel Rogers 176, 211
walks home late at night 237
Corsair 215
Don Juan 213
Caledonian Mercury 193, 265
Cambrai 273–4
Cameron, Colonel Philip 95
Campbell, Thomas 121–2
Capel, Lady Caroline 43
Carlisle Journal 238
Carlyle, Thomas 67
Caroline, Queen 41
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount 9, 18, 19, 232, 278, 279, 303
Cathcart, William, 1st Earl 84
Cato Street Conspiracy (1820) 280, 304
Chalmers, Thomas 117–21, 316
Chambers, Sir William 169, 170
The Champion 5, 237
Charleroi 30
Charlotte, Princess 41, 59, 60, 175
Charlotte, Queen 233, 235
Chartism 304, 315
Churchill, Sir Winston 304
Clapham Sect 211
Clark, Mary Ann 160, 283
Cobbett, William 67, 303
Cochrane, Thomas, Lord 72, 286
buried in Westminster Abbey 315
campaign against Admiral Gambier 82–4
character and description 81, 83–4
escapes from King’s Bench prison 80–1, 88
expelled from the navy and the Commons 88
indicted for fraud 84–7
joins forces with Wilberforce 286
nicknamed Le Loup de Mer 78
organises fireship attack on French fleet 81–2
returned to prison 88–9
Cochrane-Johnstone, Andrew 85
Cockburn, Henry 7, 8, 280–1
Colborne, Colonel Sir John 63, 196
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 15
dictates his Biographia Literaria 238
influence on Hazlitt 35–6
Collins, William, The Reluctant Departure 173, 174
Congress of Vienna (1814/1815) 3–4, 6, 21, 277, 278
Constable, John 172
Constantia (horse) 146, 318
Constive, William 296
Cook, James 17
Copt Hall, Hendon 187, 189
Corn Laws 9
Corunna 27
Cotman, John Sell 172
Cotton, Sergeant Edward 47, 48, 195, 317–18
Cotton, Reverend Henry 282, 284, 285
Cotton, Reverend Mr Horace Salusbury 120, 160–1, 282, 284, 285
counterfeiters 193–4, 202–3
Courier 237, 262
Crane, William 86
Craufurd, Sir James 269
Creevey, Thomas
in Brussels 203
on conversation with Wellington 92–3
‘young ladies’ 200
Cribb, Tom 141, 145, 149
Crimea 305, 309
Croker, John Wilson 259–60, 269
Cruikshank, I. Robert 152
Culloden 300
Cumberland, Ernest Augustus, Duke of 19, 115
bloody attack on 234–6
family background 232
inquest of 315
marriage allowance increased 286
marriage to Princess Frederica 233–4
military career 232
as object of loathing 232–3
rumours concerning 233, 235
Daer, Basil William Douglas, Lord 25
Dakin, Corporal 134, 141, 145, 224
Dalrymple, Christian 257–8
Dance, Nathaniel 155
D’Arblay, Fanny see Burney, Frances ‘Fanny’ D’Arblay
Darling, Colonel Sir Ralph 107
De Lancey, Magdalene Hall 166
death of 317
family background 24–6
on her last few hours with William 29–31
joins her husband in Brussels 28–9
meets and marries Sir William De Lancey 27
moves to Antwerp for safety 32, 41
nurses William until his death 249–53
remarries 316–17
returns to England 255
waits expectantly for news of William 112, 246–7, 265
weeps for her dead husband 228
De Lancey, William Howe 226
at Quatre Bras 32
lingering death of 249–53
meets and marries Magdalene Hall 27, 28–30
memorial plaque to 317
severely wounded 165–7, 257
summoned back to Brussels 28
Despard, Colonel 68, 70
Devonshire, Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of 212
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 6th Duke of 275, 276
Dickens, Charles 66, 79
Dickson, Corporal 147, 229
Disraeli, Benjamin 315
Disraeli, Isaac 315
Dodd, Dr William 18
Du Bourg, Lieutenant Colonel (aka De Berenger) 84–6
Dundas, General Sir David 251
Dundas, Henry, 1st Viscount Melville 117
Duquin, Pierre 84
Dyer, George, at Lamb’s literary salon 17, 18, 19
East India Company 13, 14, 74–5, 246
Edgworth, Maria 69
Edinburgh Courier 5–6
Edinburgh Review 34, 67
education see Sunday School
Egan, Pierce 144
Egremont, George Wyndham, 3rd Earl 127
Elba 4–5, 8, 60, 204, 278, 305
Elgin, Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl 65
Ellenborough, Edward Law, Lord Chief Justice 69–70, 86, 210, 232, 286
Enghien 204
Erlon, Jean-Baptiste Drouet, Comte d’ 145, 146
evangelical movement 119–21
The Examiner 9, 34, 65–71, 91, 112, 161, 207
Exeter Flying Post 192
Farington, Joseph 170–1, 174, 237
Fenning, Eliza 316
accused and convicted of poisoning 153–62
attempts made to blacken her name 286–7
as cause célèbre 280–1, 287–9
confined in Newgate gaol 151, 281–4
execution of 284–6
family background 152–3
relationship with the Reverend Cotton 160–1
Fenning, William 152, 154
Findlater, Agnes 239
FitzRoy Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan
loses his arm at Waterloo 226, 254
suffers from depression 254–5
unafraid for himself and his pregnant wife 6
Fogg, marshalman 191, 238
Foley, Admiral Sir Thomas 84
Foster, Elizabeth 212
Frau Anna 74
Frazer, Sir Augustus 43, 238
on the Brunswickers 41–2
unable to find Waterloo on his map 48, 97
on Wellington and Napoleon at Waterloo 92, 163
writes letter home 112, 228–9
Frederica of Solms-Braunfels, Princess 233–4
Frederick 74
Frederick Augustus, Duke of York 261
Frederick William III of Prussia 171
Frederick William of Solms-Braunfel, Prince 233
Fremantle, Thomas 101
French Army 110, 124–5
Army of the North 30, 48
Chasseurs 197
Grande Batterie 163, 165, 222
Imperial Guard 164, 186, 195
French prisoners, returned to France from Edinburgh 7–8
French Revolution 25, 206, 278
Frischermont Wood 183
Fry, Elizabeth 132
Fry family 131
Frye, Major W.E. 254, 255
Fuseli, Henry 171
Gale, Robert 189
Gallatin, James 206
Galler, wardsman at Newgate 190
Galton, Samuel 131, 132
Gambier, Admiral James, 1st Baron Gambier 81, 82–4, 88
Garrow, Sir John 210–11, 219
Gazette 255, 262, 266, 295
Genappe 186
George, Prince Regent (later George IV)
at banquet to celebrate peace 171
at Vauxhall Gardens 258
attends morning service 175
attitude towards Cochrane 87
considered ludicrous by the Hunts 67–8, 70
designs plumed and crested helmets 146
despised by the populace 9
Duke of Cumberland’s influence over 232
as embodiment of his age 18
learns of victory at Waterloo 261
portrait at RA exhibition 172
royal mercy of 160, 322
spends day with Duke of Cumberland 233
Ghent 40, 265
Gibbon, Hannah 105
Gifford, Thomas 15
Gifford, William 175
Glasgow 119, 120, 121, 238
, Count August Neithardt von 178
Godwin, William 9, 15, 70, 268
Gordon, Sir Alexander 226, 228, 229
Gosford, Millicent Pole, Lady 216
Graham, Corporal James 127, 203
Grammont 93
Grant, Elizabeth 25, 271
Grant, Mother 60
Gretna Green 71–2
Grey, Charles 268
Grimaldi, Joseph 59
Grindrod, Reverend Edmund 99, 101, 102, 104, 173
Gronow, Ensign Rees Howell
on advancing cavalry 181
on battlefield at Hougoumont 127–8
on death of Curzon 226
death of his friend Chambers 225
on death of Jack Shaw 148
kits himself out with money borrowed and acquired 108
pleased to be at Waterloo 107–8, 109, 181
Grouchy, Marshal Emmanuel de 178–9
Gurney, Catherine 133
Gurney family 130, 131
Gurney, Priscilla 133
Hackman, James 19
Haggerty, Owen 285
Hall, Basil 25, 26, 27, 248, 316
Hall, Lady Helen 24, 25, 239
Hall, Sir James of Dunglass, 4th Baronet
has no memory of Bonaparte 24
mental capacities questioned 25
as president of the Scottish Royal Society 26
sets off on the Grand Tour 24–5
Hallam, Arthur Henry 19, 237
Hallam, Eleanor 19
Hallam, Henry 19, 237
Halliday, Samuel
considers another visit to Copt Hall 238
death of 288–9
steals silver from Copt Hall 189–90
takes silver to Newgate where it vanishes 190
Hamilton, Lady Dalrymple 247–8
Hamilton, Colonel James Inglis (born Jamie Anderson) 148, 225
Hamilton, Sir William 81
Hampden, Lady 175
Hanbury family 130, 131
Hankey, James 190
Harnage, Sir George 267
Harrington, Macaijah 100
Harrow School 221, 222
Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, 2nd Baron 261, 263
Hay, Cornet 225
Hay, James, Lord (son of 17th Earl of Errol) 63–4, 254, 266
Hay, Lord James (son of Marquis of Tweeddale) 266
Haydon, Benjamin 69, 92
artistic sensibilities 136–9
character and description 135–6, 237
commits suicide 292
eager for peace in 1814 171
on greatness of Britain’s efforts 291–2
indignant at Lord Castlereagh and his ilk 289
male models 133–4
paints innumerable portraits of Napoleon 292–3
reaction to news of Waterloo 261–3
on sense of liberation 7
visits Paris and the Louvre 134–5
Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem 133, 137–9, 176, 237
Judgement of Solomon 134, 136
Macbeth 134, 139
Hazlitt, William 15, 314
on boxing 143, 148–9
branded a Jacobin 36–7
character and description 33–4, 65, 66