Her Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 1)

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Her Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 1) Page 3

by Nellie C. Lind

  “Does it bother you?” Phoebe asked.

  “No. There's nothing more I want than to be with you. I will always protect you, stay by your side, and give up my life to defend yours.”

  Phoebe's heart started to race. His devotion was clear and she pushed aside the thought that his love for her was forced upon him. Would he have fallen in love with her if he had been a human? She decided the answer was yes and not make it more complicated than that. She had been through these kind of thoughts during the first few months of her evaluation to find out if she was suitable to be the bound one of a cyborg or not. She had listened to teachers talking about everything that had to do with cyborgs. She had gone through many tests, especially mental ones, and once she had been approved, she had received her diploma. It had been the happiest day of her life up to that moment, and now, she was happier than ever before.

  He was here now, just a step away from her, evaluating everything. But at the same time, she couldn't help but wonder if he was fine with everything. She had been taught that the cyborgs didn't question their own existence and they didn't question their bound one's reasons for creating them. They just went along with it. As long as they were happy, and their bound ones cared and loved them, there was nothing that they needed to question.

  Phoebe had met a few cyborgs during her time in school, cyborgs that belonged to the teachers or doctors who worked at MedAct and none of them had looked unpleased with their fate. Instead, the love for their owners had been obvious.

  Cyborgs weren't as common as one might think, though. They were expensive after all and not everyone could afford one. Phoebe was grateful that the company she ran single-handedly from home gave her enough money to fulfill that dream. She ran a marketing company and she was one of the best out there. People didn't mind paying a lot for her services because once she was in the picture, everything came alive.

  “You must have questions,” she said.

  “Yes, and I will ask them when the right time comes.”

  His voice was determined. He sounded self-assured and his straight posture was another proof of that. He knew what he wanted, how he wanted it, and when he wanted it and no one could tell him otherwise. It was a characteristic she had chosen for him. She had wanted a strong cyborg who would always be by her side and not be afraid to stand up for her and that was exactly what she had. She saw it when she looked at him. With Shade by her side, she would feel safe. She already did.

  Shade moved closer. Phoebe held her breath. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. His front was impressive with the six-pack abdomen and hairless chest. Heat rushed to her cheeks.

  “It pleases me to see that my body appeals to you,” he said, making her blush even more. “I will make sure you are always thoroughly satisfied.”

  Now her cheeks were burning painfully. She smiled shyly and expected him to joke away his words. She was so not used to hearing a man talk like that, but his face remained serious. He studied her for a while before he took another step closer. Phoebe gasped when he grabbed the blanket and tried to pull it away from her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Your body temperature is rising. You need satisfaction.”

  He was right about that even if she had already had him several times. But her body didn't agree with her emotions. She was still sore between her legs.

  “Let go of the blanket,” he demanded. “Your satisfaction cannot be achieved when it's in the way.”

  “I know, but I think we should talk before we ... you know.”

  He released the blanket. “As you wish.”

  Phoebe blinked. She had expected him to disagree and pull the blanket away from her anyway, but instead, he had done what she had told him. She realized he would never go against her decisions. She had the final saying in everything, whether he liked it or not, at least as long as he was a newborn cyborg. How things would be in the future, she couldn't tell, but the future didn't matter right now. What did matter was getting him onto his feet, showing him the world, and teaching him everything he needed to know.

  Phoebe watched him. He stood still in front of her and watched her too. He had a tense facial expression and clenched hands. He breathed fast and when she looked down, she saw his strained shaft.

  Then it hit her.

  Emotions still drove him and they would continue to drive him the following days. He needed her badly, but she had turned him down. He had obeyed even if he was about to explode on the inside. The burning desire in his eyes and the way he licked his lips while he ogled her made it obvious. She couldn't allow him to suffer. He needed his satisfaction too and she intended to give it to him.

  He got a surprised look on his face when she knelt in front of him. He opened his mouth, maybe to ask her what she was doing, but he was silenced when she grabbed his shaft and licked the tip.

  He gasped and Phoebe smiled to herself.

  This was going to be good.

  Chapter 6

  Shade lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He was exhausted, but satisfied. He had just come down from another exquisite height Phoebe had taken him to. Her sweet and gentle hands had explored him in the most teasing and enjoyable ways. They had barely done anything else but touch each other these last two days. Few words had been exchanged between them, but it didn't matter. He was happy and so was she. He saw it in her smile and he felt it in her touch. As long as he could make her smile, he knew he did things right.

  The world around him had become clearer. He still felt confused even if he understood more now. The fog inside of his mind wasn't that much of a problem anymore. It was slowly going away. He could focus now, and when he looked around the room, he knew by instinct what most of the things were. He knew that he lay on a bed, that the blankets were white, and he knew what every part of his body was called. Phoebe didn't have to explain everything to him. He learned by himself. It was somehow embedded deep inside his mind and all it needed was a tiny push to awaken, but there were still a lot of things he needed to learn. He knew Phoebe would help him with that. They just needed to get out of the bed first.

  He had studied things with his gaze while Phoebe had laid exhausted in his arms with a wide smile on her lips. The technical things were the easiest to understand. All he had to do to find out what they were meant for was to connect himself to them. Within minutes, he had learned how to use the computer, the television, and the holographic telephone thanks to the cybernetics inside his head.

  The other things, like how to use the bathroom or the kitchen, clicked as soon as he saw Phoebe use them. Of course, he didn't follow her into the bathroom, unless to take a shower with her, but she didn't need to explain how to use the shower or the toilet. He figured it out quickly on his own.

  But the world outside the windows was still a mystery. He had stood by the windows and looked out a few times while she had slept, just studying everything, wondering, and thinking.

  He put his arms around the woman who lay on top of him. He held her tight and he didn't want to let her go. She didn't struggle under his firm grip. Instead, she cuddled her face against his neck.


  He had known her name from his first breath. He had learned his name, Shade, when she had called out to him two days ago from the bedroom. He liked it. It was her gift to him and he would carry it with pride.

  Somehow, he knew he was different from the woman in his arms. The difference between them wasn't big. He looked like a human, but he wasn't a human. He knew he was a cyborg. He had known from the first moment he had opened his eyes. He was a humanoid with cybernetic implants and processors. He was a lot stronger than a regular human, learned faster, had a photographic memory, and he wouldn't age. He healed faster and he was difficult to kill compared to a human. He knew how to fight, how to defend, and how to protect. In short words, he was the perfect killer machine, and yet, here he was meant for loving a woman and making her happy instead of going to war.

  He eased his g
rip on her and caressed her back with the tip of his fingers. He heard a pleased sigh come from her and that simple sound boosted his ego. He was doing it right. His bound one was happy.

  Shade leaned his head closer and pressed his nose against her skin. He inhaled deeply, letting her scent fill his senses. It had a calming effect on him. He could lie like this all day long. Phoebe. He was hers whether he wanted it or not. He knew he hadn't been given a choice. His programming told him he had to be bound to a human to be able to live. His programming also told him that cyborgs without a bond to a human went crazy and he didn't want that. Besides, he didn't mind belonging to Phoebe. He found her attractive and beautiful from the inside out. He liked the way her cheeks blushed and the way she smiled when he looked deep into her eyes. He was her creation. She had created him from the bottom of her heart. She felt as bound to him as he felt bound to her. He knew that.

  He had some details about her, information that had been put inside his programming so that he would know from the start whom he belonged to. Phoebe had had a good upbringing with loving parents, but they had passed away in a car accident about ten years ago. She had been a single child and spent a lot of time with her best friend Faye while growing up. Today, their relationship was tight and they told each other everything. Shade had no idea what Faye looked like, but he knew that she had a strong and stubborn personality. It had been added to his information bank inside of his programming because Phoebe had given that information to Jade before he had been created.

  He knew Phoebe worked from home with her marketing business, whatever that was. She lived in Glaswell, a community just outside of town. He didn't know what it looked like there, but he knew that it was a living area where people with money lived. It was well protected behind a high wall, bringing the people who lived there peace and safety from the outside world that wasn't always the safest place. Phoebe had made her fortune thanks to her company that she was very proud of. Even if he had never seen money, he knew what it was for, but he didn't know how to use it. It was details like that that he had to learn on his own. Some things only came with experience, but he knew money was what had made his existence possible.

  Shade caressed her cheek. He knew how lonely she had been over the years. She had been in a bad relationship that had almost destroyed her. It had taken her a long time to get over it. She had been on her own ever since, and she had hated it. That was why she had applied for a cyborg. She had considered it to be her last chance for happiness and she had been right. He would never make her cry, never make her sad and angry. He was hers to command and he felt the need to do what she wanted him to do as long as it wasn't something bad or wrong. He could tell her no if he wanted to if it was the right thing to do. He wasn't a machine who would follow his bound one blindly. It didn't work like that, and even if she had created what she believed to be the perfect man for her, they still needed to get to know each other and make their relationship work, just like any other couple. He had his basic programming, but his experience could and would change him.

  One thing he did know for sure, though, was that he would die for her. He would do everything in his power to protect her from anything he considered to be a threat. She was his to keep safe and if anyone tried anything, they would pay with their blood. The bond he felt for her was so strong that it almost overwhelmed him. He felt his love for her inside his chest and it made it difficult for him to stay away from her. He didn't want to be separated from her. He would follow her anywhere she went whether she wanted him to or not. She was stuck with him now. Period.

  Phoebe moved in his arms. She yawned and looked at him with sleepy eyes. He turned them onto their sides, and when Phoebe lifted her leg and placed it on his hip, he knew what she wanted. He was hard for her almost all the time. The intense need for her wasn't as desperate as it had been the first day, but it was still there. He still needed her several times each day and Phoebe knew it.

  He moved a little bit up, and without much effort, he found her entrance. Phoebe closed her eyes when he pushed inside. He was glad she let him love her again. He preferred this rather than her using her hands and mouth on him like she had done the last two days. A pleased moan left her mouth as the passion slowly took him over. He would never grow tired of this. The feeling was amazing and beyond anything he would ever be able to describe. He wanted to stay like this forever, moving slowly inside of her while he held her in his arms, satisfying her.

  Phoebe still looked sleepy, but a smile decorated her sweet features. It was a smile that reached deep inside of him. He needed that smile to satisfy his hunger for her. It was an emotional hunger that would never leave him. She would have to keep satisfying his hunger each and every day for the rest of their lives to make sure he was fine, and he knew that she wouldn't mind.

  Phoebe placed a hand on his behind and made him move faster. Shade obeyed. The slow pace was starting to frustrate him too. The need to come grew and he pushed himself closer to her, moving even deeper inside of her. It made Phoebe gasp, but he knew it wasn't from pain. He saw it on her face.

  “Don't stop,” she moaned. “I'm close ...”

  She wrinkled her forehead as he increased his pace even more and felt the passion fog his mind. It took over him and stopping was the last thing he wanted. He couldn't. He was beyond the point where he could pull out and stop. He needed to finish now. He was hanging on a thin thread between complete satisfaction and frustration.

  He closed his eyes and wrapped his arm around Phoebe, placing his face against her throat while he thrust in and out of her with desperation. Each time he hit deep inside of her, Phoebe moaned and it didn't take long before he felt her tense. She screamed out her pleasure way too close to his ear. The sound would sing in it for a while, but right now, he didn't care. When her vaginal muscles clamped around his hard shaft like a tight glove, he knew he wouldn't last long. He felt the passion hit him in his spine, traveling fast into his balls and filling his shaft. He felt himself explode inside of her. His body jerked, his head spun, and his toes curled as his roar filled the room.

  Afterward, they lay in each other's arms in silence, just enjoying each other's company. Words weren't necessary. Phoebe eventually fell asleep as he kept holding her in his arms. He knew she was exhausted. He was a newborn cyborg after all, and because of that, he demanded a lot from her during his first few days. It was nothing he had control over. That was just the way it was, but Phoebe didn't mind any of it even if he had to awaken her several times each night when holding her wasn't enough anymore.

  About an hour later, she opened her eyes again and gave him a pleased but tired smile. “Do you need me again?”

  He shook his head. “I can wait. You need to rest.”

  “The feelings aren't that bad anymore?”

  “No. They don't drive me like they did yesterday.”

  “That's good. How does your head feel?”

  “Clearer with each passing hour. I understand now what most things in here are. I can also think easier.”

  Phoebe took a deep breath and gave out a pleased sigh. The complete happiness that was written all over her face felt good on the inside. That was how he always wanted her to look and he would do everything in his power to make her achieve that state of mind every day.

  “So it's going in the right direction,” she said. “One more day, or two, and you will be ready for the next step.”

  “Yes.” He was silent for a while. “What is the next step?”

  Phoebe licked her lips. “Meeting the doctor who created you.”

  “Doctor Jade Silva.”

  Phoebe nodded. “You know her name.”

  “I have basic information about her and what she does. She was the supervisor during my creation. She followed your wishes to the letter. I have all your wishes programmed inside of my mind. I look just like you wanted me to.”

  Phoebe watched him for a while. “Are you pleased with your looks?”

  He wasn't sure he understood
the question. “Shouldn't I be? If it makes you happy that I look like this, then I am happy too.”

  “There isn't anything you wish to change?”

  Another strange question. “Why would I want that?”

  She shrugged. “I don't know. I'm just trying to figure you out.”

  “I see.” He smiled and relaxed. “I'm fine. Don't worry.”

  Phoebe smiled back and sat up. “How about I question you about the things you can see in here?”

  He grinned. He didn't find it necessary, but Phoebe wanted to be reassured. The joy in her eyes told him that she looked forward to asking him. He knew she needed it. It would make her feel better to know that he was evolving as he should. It actually made him happy to know that she cared so much about him. After all, she had created him to fill a gap in her life and the look that she gave him told him that she was head over heels in love with him. Yes, he was her perfect man. Doctor Jade Silva had done a great job putting him together for Phoebe. He knew that he would evolve into becoming his own person based on what Phoebe and Doctor Jade Silva had given him. Everything depended on what life would throw at him, but he knew that at Phoebe's side, he would have a wonderful life.

  “Why not,” he said.

  Phoebe's smile widened and she got up from the bed. She grabbed her nightgown and put it on. It was a cute little thing in light pink with straps instead of sleeves. It barely reached to her knees and it laid perfectly around her round bust. The sight of her in it made his body react. Heat traveled to his shaft, making him hard under the linens, but he tried to control it. Phoebe needed a break.


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