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Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his...

Page 13

by Haven, Leila

“Hmmm, you taste so good, babe. Come for me.”

  I let the orgasm peak just a little bit more as Cooper pulled my clit into his mouth and nibbled gently. It was more than enough for me. The climax rolled through my body like a wave.

  I writhed underneath him, accepting the blissful tidal waves that ebbed and flowed around me. They swept me away while Cooper’s brilliant green eyes gazed on lovingly. He was enjoying my orgasm almost as much as me.

  My skin was a vibrant glow of joy, encasing me in a happy bubble that would never pop – not when the billionaire was in my life. I could have taken that treatment every second of every day for the rest of my life.

  Cooper made the bed dip as he moved to the side. I vaguely watched him while my heart send blood racing through my veins. He went to a panel on the wall and pressed a few buttons. The strains of classical music started filtering through speakers that were built into the walls.

  “Now it’s time for some serious fucking, babe,” he said as he stood by the bed. He was gloriously naked, his gaze still burning its way over my skin. “I hope you’re up to it.”

  “I am, sir.”

  “Is that right?” He leaned onto the bed, approaching me like a wild animal did to its prey. A round of goose bumps prickled over my skin. “Because I plan on fucking you hard. You’re not going to be able to remember your own name.”

  “I’m ready, sir. I really am.”

  He crawled closer until he lingered over my body. Somehow he was able to refrain from touching me, leaving me in a desperate suspense as I waited for him to make his next move.

  “You’d better be. Because I’m ready to take what I want from you, and you’re going to love it.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He always made sure there was a buildup to the main event, and I loved him for it. Cooper didn’t make empty promises. If he said he was going to fuck me hard, he was going to fuck me hard. I knew what to expect and I always loved what he gave me.

  My brain was frazzled as he lowered himself down over me. His kisses were deep and frantic, a passionate promise of what was to come. I felt his ownership, wanting nothing more than to be physically claimed by the sexy man.

  All of a sudden Cooper pushed back up again. In the next moment he flipped me over so I lay on my stomach. He pulled my ass up into the air, spanking me before rubbing it better again. “You’re my sexy little slut, aren’t you? You love being spanked.”

  “Yes, sir, I do.”

  He tapped my bottom again and I jumped with the pain and pleasure. He was driving me wild as he massaged my ass cheeks and let his fingers roam just close enough to my pussy to tease me further. His fingers glided easily through my snatch, the moisture of my arousal making everything slippery.

  Cooper replaced his hand with his cock, his thick and heavy length rubbing over my pussy and tickling my clit with the expert ease of a sexual master. My sexual master. He owned my body and all the pleasure he could give me. In return I wanted to give him all the untold pleasures of the universe.

  He was that good.

  His weight shifted as he pulled back from me so his cock could be positioned at the entrance to my cunt. He didn’t wait for permission; he knew what I wanted and wouldn’t wait any longer to give it to me.

  My hips were secured in his hands as he started to push in. His cock stretched my walls. Even though I was ready for him, he was still large. The feeling of being filled was beautiful and exactly what I needed.

  I loved our connection. The physical coupling made everything feel better. We weren’t just two people fucking but a committed couple ready to take on the world together. In all our intimate moments it felt like we could do anything as long as we were doing it together.

  His hands moved down my back until they reached the clasp of my leather bra. He quickly undid it, pushing the straps down my shoulders until it fell into the crook of my elbows. My boobs popped free as the leather came away.

  Cooper leaned over as his cock was buried deep inside of me. One of his hands continued rubbing over my back before finding its way down to my folds. His fingers relentlessly skimmed over my clit and rubbed my nub with exquisite tenderness.

  His other hand helped him to balance while he covered me from behind. His hips bucked, thrusting his shaft in and out of me as if he needed to prove a point. If his point was that he could fuck me as hard as he’d promised, he succeeded.

  My hands were still bound together while my elbows helped to keep me up. I bounced with each thrust, my boobs swaying with the motion underneath me. I wanted Cooper to touch them, to squeeze the nipples like he always did.

  But his hand was preoccupied with my pussy and I was more than happy to let him continue there. My arousal was only growing stronger and louder. I wanted to climax, I needed to climax, but that would have to wait until my dom decided I was ready.

  Cooper groaned with his efforts, matching his sound effects with the rhythm of his thrusts. “Fuck, babe. I’m so hard, it feels so damn fucking good.”

  I couldn’t speak. He had stolen each and every one of my breaths until all I could do was hold on for the ride. Every part of me was sensitive, ready to explode when the command was given. Judging by the sound of Cooper’s encouragement, he was sitting right on the brink too.

  His thrusts started to get faster. Our bodies slapped together with the sweat and frantic movements. The classical music was nothing compared to the sounds of our love making. If anything it only helped to drown out our passionate groans for the rest of the staff outside the doors.

  My boobs swung with the sway of my hips, everything jerking back and forth with the pressure from Cooper’s cock. He was making me work for the climax, fucking me hard just as he had promised. I couldn’t stave off the orgasm for much longer.

  “Your cunt is so tight, babe. I want you to come. Now.”

  He tugged on my clit, giving me no chance of escaping the joy that was about to come my way. About a second afterwards I let all my self-control slip and allowed the bliss to take over. The warmth of the orgasm slid through my body like a delicious snake, awakening every one of my nerves until they tingled with delight.

  Cooper came crashing into his own release with a string of cursing. He wasn’t afraid of being noisy, letting the walls shake with his cries of ecstasy. I had brought the billionaire to his knees and joined him in the blissful celebrations.

  We rocked our bodies together as the orgasms held us in their grips and refused to let us go until we were so overcome with happiness that everything felt incredibly right.

  My skin tingled and my lungs heaved for air. I had to place my forehead on my hands to stop myself from collapsing onto the bed. A sheen of sweat was on my brow from the physical exertion, every bead well earned.

  Cooper pulled me against him before we fell onto our sides together. He spooned me from behind, his cock still within me but no longer spraying his seed.

  We lay together for a long time, catching our breaths and letting them run away again in a long, contented sigh. Cooper’s bed was big and luxurious, his pillows as soft as clouds. It was a beautiful place to be together so completely.

  Cooper untied my hands and threw the tie over the edge of the bed. He pulled me closer and nestled into the crook of my neck. “God, you’re fucking awesome. I can’t tell you how much you mean to me, Emily.”

  “So you’re not mad that I’m in your bedroom?” Even though we had just shared the most incredible time together, I was still worried about overstepping the boundary. As much as it didn’t feel like it, Cooper and I had only really just met recently. I didn’t know him as well as I needed to.

  “I love having you in here. If I didn’t, I would have thrown you out the second I found you here. Trust me when I say I don’t do anything I don’t want to, Emily.”

  His words sounded like a promise and threat at the same time. Cooper had never pretended to be anything other than the dom I had met in the adult store. It seemed like so long ago now.

  I f
ell asleep in his arms. For the first time, we spent the entire night together. It felt like we’d turned a corner in our relationship. If only his ex-wife had realized what impact she’d had on us, she would have returned and demanded another ten million.

  Chapter 17

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  It was weird going back into the office the next day. I still wanted to help in the business and be able to learn everything about what Cooper did. His work was a big part of who he was and I was determined to help in any capacity I could.

  I continued to go back every day until I found my niche. Cooper appointed me the marketing assistant a few months later. He wanted to make me the manager, but I refused, wanting to work my way upwards until I deserved the title.

  Our relationship only grew stronger as we spent more and more time together. His ex-wife never showed up again. Whatever magic document his lawyer had made her sign had done the trick and freed us from her unwanted presence.

  It was eight months after our fateful meeting in the adult store that I had to take a moment and really think about what we were doing.

  Cooper had promised me he would be a strong and loving dom. In turn, I had vowed to be an obedient and faithful submissive. We had spent countless hours both in the playroom and out as we explored every part of our bodies and senses.

  It was all that incredible sex that had led me to having to question our relationship. It was a Sunday morning and Cooper wanted to go out horseback riding on the estate. I had initially agreed, but there was something nagging at the back of my mind.

  At first I couldn’t place my finger on the concern. I thought it might be because my horse had galloped out of control the last time we’d gone riding. It had been a while since Cooper had suggested we go riding and I was grateful for the break.

  But it wasn’t that.

  I hadn’t been feeling well for a few weeks, and the thought of riding a horse wasn’t all that appealing. I didn’t think it was the flu. That would have cleared up after a few days. There was only one other possibility that I thought was a real contender.

  I took a pregnancy test.

  Sitting on the edge of the tub, I waited with my foot tapping while the minutes ticked by. I refused to think of the outcome, whether positive or negative. Whatever was about to happen would be dealt with when the test was ready. Stressing about it in the meantime would not have been productive.

  The minutes felt like hours. Days, even.

  Finally, my phone dinged with the countdown reaching zero. I stood and took a tentative step toward the counter. I had waited impatiently for this moment and was now too scared to even look. I took a deep breath and picked up the test.

  It was positive.

  A baby had not been on our schedule. It wasn’t even on our radar. I was only twenty-one years old. I had no idea what I would do with a baby to care for.

  All the air felt like it was trapped in my lungs and I couldn’t breathe. The panic gripped me like nothing else. I had no clue what I should do.

  Cooper would know. He always had the answers. All I needed to do was work out how I was going to tell him and then somehow go through with it.

  I definitely couldn’t go horseback riding now.

  I took the positive test with me in my pocket and found the man I loved in the study. He was doing something on his laptop, typing away furiously. His head peeked over the top when he noticed me. “Hey, babe. Have you come down here to distract me? Because I could be easily distracted right about now. Actually, don’t say a word.”

  He stood and took me by the hand. There was nothing I could do except trail after him. Cooper took me through the house until we reached the backyard. His golf cart was waiting there – he normally used it to get around the estate quickly.

  “Come on, hop in. There’s something I want to show you,” he said.

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.” It sure would be; we’d both get one when I told him my news. I closed my mouth and waited to see where he was taking me.

  The golf buggy took us all the way to the part of the estate that was covered in trees. I always referred to it as our secret forest. Tall trees ran in straight lines all through the area.

  There was something in the trees ahead, something that shouldn’t have ordinarily been there. “Come on,” Cooper urged when I didn’t move fast enough. He was such a control freak.

  As we moved closer to the area and delved between the trees, everything came into view. Someone had tied big red bows around the trees and littered the ground with red rose petals. Strands of Christmas lights twinkled in the trees, wound around and around until everything was iridescent.

  Cooper held my hand until we were standing in the middle of the whole thing. He had gone to a lot of trouble to create this magical, romantic fairyland in the middle of our secret forest. My heart burst with love for him.

  He got down on one knee.

  I froze.

  “Emily, you know I love you. I try to honor that love every day by proving to you I am the man who can make you happy for the rest of your life. I want to make this official. I want to be able to call you my wife. Will you marry me?”

  “Of course I will,” I managed to mutter through the tears of happiness. He pulled a massive diamond ring from his pocket and slipped it on my hand. It sparkled like all the lights.

  Cooper stood and pulled me into a hug so tight I thought I would melt into him. A shower of kisses was to follow, making my belly flutter with butterflies.

  “Are you okay?” he asked when it was clear my tears weren’t going to stop anytime soon.

  “I have something to tell you,” I said. “But I’m not sure how.”

  “Just say it, Emily. You can tell me anything.”

  “We’re going to be parents,” I blurted out. I pulled the stick from my pocket and held it out to him so he could see the positive result.

  He was silent.

  Way too silent.

  He stared at the pregnancy test for a long time without moving. So long I expected he was formulating a response that would devastate me.

  “Say something, Cooper. I can’t handle your silence right now,” I said. My emotions were all over the place, no doubt because of the bun in my oven.

  Cooper stood stock still. I waited for the verdict like my life depended on it.

  His face split into a grin. “This is the best news I’ve ever heard.” He swept me up into his arms and twirled me around the rose petals. The whole time he laughed with happiness and excitement.

  His mood was infectious. All the doubts I had felt instantly evaporated. This wonderful man and I were going to have a child. A little human being that was half him and half me and made out of love. It was going to be the most awesome kid around.

  And we were going to be married. Husband and wife, forever and ever. Our family would be instant and it would grow over the years into something spectacular. I imagined little kids in the forest with us, all laughing and dancing without a care in the world.

  Cooper was going to be an amazing father. He would take on the challenge like there was no tomorrow. Our children would always be the most important part of our lives.

  When he released me, my legs were still shaky and my head was giddy. “Are you really that happy? I wasn’t sure how you would react.”

  “It’s a surprise, babe, I’m not going to lie. But I’ve always imagined having a family with you when I thought about the future. This is just bringing it forward a few years. Are you not happy about it?”

  “No, I am. I’m just terrified, that’s all.”

  “Don’t be. We’ll have a team of nannies and I’m going to be a hands-on dad. Everything will be fine, I promise.” He kissed my forehead as his hand cradled my cheek.

  Of course it would be fine. I had Cooper King, the billionaire with everything. He was my everything. The bright future we imagined was right there and ready for the taking.

  The world was at our feet. />
  And we would be together forever.

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  First off, I'd like to thank you for reading! I truly hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to hearing any feedback you have on it by way of review, email, or on my website.


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