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When Opposites Attract

Page 4

by Romina Valdes-Alsina

  Chapter 8


  For a prep Anastasia has a lot of reasons to be emo. She pressed play, and then sat down next to me. Today I keep acting without thinking. I don't know why, but this blondie has such a weird effect on me. I put my arm around her. Her perfume overwhelmed me. I hate to admit it, but I was wrong about Anastasia; she's not fake at all everything about her is real, and she's not as perfect as she tries to look, but that makes her even more attractive. Who knew it was possible? I also never thought she had to put on a mask everyday for school and bottle up the pain of losing a parent inside. Trust me, I know how much that hurts. She probably kept the mask on for so long it became a part of her. It's amazing how you can think someone is so perfect, but then when you actually get to know them or at least get them to take off the mask, even for a second, and you realize they are real and not so perfect after all. On the T.V. appeared a woman that looked exactly like Anastasia only a bit timeworn. She was playing with a baby.

  "That's you?" I looked down to see Anastasia blush a bit.

  "Yeah," she said looking at her feet.

  "You're adorable," again I blabbed something out without thinking. Where is my mind these days? I think Anastasia took it.

  "Thank you," she said smiling at her feet.

  "You look a lot like your mom." I said looking from the women on the screen to Anastasia.

  "Yeah, except I got my dad's eyes instead of her honey brown ones. They make her seem so kind and inviting."

  Then the lady in the video gave baby Anastasia to a man that I'm guessing is Anastasia's dad.

  She looked at the camera and smiled a sad smile.

  "Hello sweetie," she said into the camera. Anastasia sank lower in her seat, but leaned closer into me and rested her head against my side.

  "I am so sorry that I can't be there to help you dress up to go to prom or walk down the aisle. I’m sorry that I can’t help you plan your sweet sixteen, get through heartaches, or see you fall in love. I'm sorry I will never get to meet the special guy that will sweep you off your feet, or be there for any of your many wonderful adventures." Tears were rolling down her eyes now. "I wish I could, I wish I could always be there by your side, through thick and thin, like a mother should be."

  "Me too," whispered Anastasia mostly to herself, so I pretended I didn't hear.

  "But sadly god has different plans for us. I have been diagnosed with cancer, it's fatal so there's nothing to do except to wait, but don't you worry, my little angel." That's what my mom use call me, her little Angel right before she tucked me in, but she dropped the nickname when I was ten then it was just Angel. "I will always be there even if you can't see me, watching over you." She said with a reassuring smile, "and after you have lived a long and happy life and it's your time, we will see each other again, but hopefully that won't be for a long long time."

  "You know, surprisingly, we have a lot of stuff in common," I said and she paused the video.

  "Like what?" She asked sitting up straight.

  "Well, my dad, he died from lung cancer. He was diagnosed before, he beat it and we thought he was fine, but he started smoking and he didn't care if the doctor said that it could increase his chances of cancer again, he didn't quit. Even though my mom and I begged him to stop, he had to stop. He would smoke at work or when he was home alone."

  "So he died," she said softly her voice being a pitch higher than normal since she was holding back tears.

  "Yeah, he got diagnosed with lung cancer on December, and we were all really scared. Unfortunately, they we were too late to do anything about it this time. That wasn't the best Christmas for us. I remember asking Santa to bring my dad new lungs for Christmas. All I wanted for Christmas was a healthy dad." I said softly. My dad and I were really close we would do everything together." I stayed silent. After a few minutes Anastasia asked.

  "How old were you when he died?"

  "I was 10 going on 11."

  "That's why you turned emo and looked so different when you came back to school first day of middle school."

  I froze.

  "What's wrong?" She asked.

  "Why a person decides to cut is really personal."

  She stayed quiet for a few seconds.

  "But that is why, right?"

  I sigh, "yes and now you know my deepest darkest secret and that's not fair."

  "Well, I talked to you about my mom and I never do that much less show the video that my mom made for me."

  I smiled as I realized something.

  "What's so funny?" She asked suspiciously.

  "I think we just bonded."

  "You're right we did. Want to see the rest of the video?"

  "Sure," I told her and she pressed play.

  "So since I won't be around for much longer I want you to always keep this video, that way I could always be with you and you won't forget me. Ana I know you will grow up and become a strong woman. Remember all problems have answers, they may be hard to find, but they are there." Anastasia's mom said then she put her hand over a locket; and I noticed that Anastasia did the same.

  "I'll leave you this necklace, so you can always have a piece of me with you."


  Oh, mommy, I miss you! I really need you here. I need help about Angel, the kind of help only you could give me.

  "I don't want you to cry over me," she told me. How could I not? Hot tears started to spill down my cheek. I cried quietly looking down hoping Angel wouldn't notice. I mean I don't even remember my mom holding me.

  "That's horrible." Angel says out of nowhere.

  "What?" I asked confused wiping away my tears.

  "That you don't remember her holding you."

  "How did you?"

  "You were talking out loud."


  "Yeah," He said with a slight chuckle.

  "You remember your dad right?"


  "Then why are you emo? I have more reasons to be emo than you, but I'm not."

  "I was just thinking that," he said, "and I don't cut myself all the time; I've only cut myself a handful of times. It was mostly around the time he died, I just didn't know how to cope with the situation."


  "Doesn't it hurt?" She asked her blue eyes growing with curiosity.

  "I know it probably sounds strange and stuff, but when you're in a sad mood, thinking all those negative thoughts and shit, it kind of acts as evidence to the thoughts. Does that make any sense?"

  I turned to her, but didn't give her a chance to respond, "probably not," I continued. "I guess it's like some sort of relief. Like all the stress, pain, suffering and all the bad shit you're feeling is the blood, you're just letting it go." She stayed quiet, I was afraid she was going to reject me, but then she did this wonderful thing; she sat closer and put her arms around me and placed her head on my chest. Her sweet, warm scent putting all my worries to rest. I also put my arms around her, bringing her even closer, and kissed the top of her head.

  Chapter 9


  Beep... beep...beep.

  I pressed the snooze button and sat up. I pushed the blankets off of me and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Twenty minutes later I was dressed, after changing two times, primped, full from breakfast, and ready for school. It’s mid October not really that cold yet. I had a small pain on my side, but I ignored it and I got out and locked the door, then got into my car. I was on my way to pick up Hailey and Jenny.

  “Hey, Hails, what's up?"

  "Nothing my weekend was so boring." She said getting in the front seat.

  "Well mine was amazing," I said as I drove down the street to pick up Jenny.

  "What did you do?"

  "I was with the guy of my dreams." I said as I honked the horn letting Jenny I was waiting.

  "Who Derek?"

  "Gross, no."

  "Then who?"

  I was about to tell her when Jenny appeared.

ll tell you later."


  "Hey," Jenny said as she got in.

  "Hey," I said and started to drive.

  It was getting pretty awkward.

  "Want to have some fun?" Jenny said out of nowhere.

  "What do you have in mind?" I asked.

  "I'm going to have a party and invite all the rejects, plus all the cool kinds and when the rejects get there we just shut them out."

  "Wow so fun." Hailey said sarcastically. "Jen, we do that everyday, so what's the point." Hailey said not caring much about the subject. But I do! Jenny can't do that!

  "Ana, are you in?" Jenny asked ignoring Hailey.


  "You're not going to side with all the social rejects are you?"

  "No," I said quietly.

  "Perfect, then you're in." Jenny said and started texting. Probably telling people about the party. I have to get to Angel and tell him.

  "How will you know if they would want to go?" I asked. She looked up from her phone.

  "Oh don't worry they will." Jenny said confidently.

  Hailey was just texting beside me. She didn't like Hailey that much. This is a really stupid plan and a waste of a party.


  When I got to school I went in as if I owned the school, like I do everyday just acting as normal as possible. I walked all over campus until I found Angel. I was about to say something, but he beat me to the punch.

  "What do you want, prep?" Gosh that was harsh I thought we bonded. His emo friends laughed and I put on my game face, not showing even the tiniest bit of emotion. He walked away and didn’t look back. What the hell?

  "What the hell?" Jenny asked. I was already pissed and now Jenny's voice was pushing me over the top, but I kept my poker face on.

  "I don't know emos are so stupid." I said calmly but inside I was crying. What the fudge just happened? I walked away calmly.

  Through all our morning classes Angel ignored me. It was lunchtime and I wasn't eating. I couldn't manage even a glance at the food, my stomach was in a tight knot, and I felt this huge pain in my right side I was sitting next to Hailey with my head on her shoulder.

  "Are you sure you don't want to eat? It's not like you, you love to eat." She said offering me some food.

  "No thanks," I said turning the food down.

  "My stomach is upside down right now." I tried to ignore the pain.

  "Maybe you should see the nurse?" Lisa said from across the table. I saw from my peripheral vision Angel and his friends leaving the cafeteria.

  "You're right," I said and slowly got up.

  "Want me to go with you?" Hailey asked.

  "No thanks, Hails, you don’t have to skip lunch. I’m sure I’ll be fine."

  I walked for the door normally, smiling at those who said hello. When I finally got out of the cafeteria, I saw them ahead.

  "Angel!" I said he turned around smiling, until he saw me, then his face went cold.

  "What do you want?" He asked or rather spat at me.

  "Ms. Dawson wants to see us, something about our project," I lied.

  "Okay," He turned around said something to his friends the started to follow me.

  "Where does she want to see us? Her class is the other way," he asked form behind me.

  "Courtyard." I lied yet again.


  "I don't know." I said grabbing my side. Which, by the way, really hurt!

  Once we got there I looked around. Good no one is around. Then, I turned to face Angel.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked rather loudly.

  "Keep it down will you?" He was annoyed.

  "Why are you treating me like crap?"

  "Because I know all about the party," he said nonchalantly.

  "What?" I asked confused. This made no sense!

  "Your friend Jenny, or whatever her name is, is really stupid."

  "You think I don't know that?" I screamed "and what does Jenny," then it came to me.


  "Yeah 'oh' you did all that, the video and all the shit about bonding, just to get me to that stupid party. I bet your mom isn't even dead and that is really low, even for a prep like you." He practically spat in my face. Angry tears formed in my eyes.

  "You think that was fake? Do you really think I could lie about something like that? How could you even think that?"

  "Well, because you're a shallow cold prep with no feelings."

  "Oh yeah?" I challenged.


  "Then why did I feel like I was starting to fall in love with you, huh?" I blurted out without thinking it through, letting my anger get the better of me. His face went blank no expression at all. No mean, anger, hurt, nothing.

  "Just forget it! Forget me, forget everything!" I yelled then ran to the nurse; the pain almost killing me. I stopped in front of her door and collapsed on the floor.

  "Are you okay?" The nurse asked running towards me.

  "No, I have this horrible pain on my right side." I explained.

  "It might be your appendix and you have a fever." She said after feeling my side and forehead.

  "Can you walk?" she asked.

  "Not anymore, the pain won’t let me." I said as she called for an ambulance. They came and picked me up; luckily no one was around, because I bet I looked horrible right now. At the hospital they called my sister, Aitana. They quickly explained to me that I'm going into surgery for my appendix as they rolled my gurney towards the O.R.


  I was walking back to the library where I told Pete and Sakura to meet me. In love? Yeah right, how far is that prep willing to take a joke? Deep down inside I didn't really believe it was a joke, but you'd have to kill me to get me to admit it right now, even to myself. I walked through the library doors and quickly found my friends in a corner.

  "Hey what did Ms. Dawson want?" Pete asked as I sat down.

  "Nothing the prep just wanted to tell me something, nothing important." I said nonchalantly.

  "What?" Sakura asked.

  I shook my head messing up my hair.

  "That my friend is classified information." Pete said in a deep voice. I chuckled, but was still thinking about Anastasia. Ugh why can't I just forget about her, you know what that's what I'm going to do who needs the prep anyways all they bring is drama.

  "Wait does Pete know?" She asked.

  "No, but he'll tell me." Pete said.

  "That's not fair!" Sakura said a little louder than she should have.

  "Shhh! This is a library." Mrs. G, our main librarian, hissed from behind the check out counter.

  "Sorry," Sakura snapped at her.

  Chapter 10


  This past week hasn't been the best. I have been all week at the hospital, and to say that I hate it would be an understatement. My family is way too paranoid. My step mom checked out everything herself after the doctor did. She said that it would be better for me to stay here since our house has too many stairs. So, I have been in here with nothing to do. Luckily Hailey has been texting me since she is the only one that knows I'm in the hospital. She won't visit me because she is terrified of hospitals, and I mean deathly afraid. At first I thought it was funny she swears she has Nosocomephobia, but when I actually saw the way she acted in a hospital I felt bad for her. I won't make her come and visit.

  "Hello Anastasia," the doctor said as he came in the room.


  "How are you?"

  "Not very well, I keep on vomiting, that can't be normal, right?"

  "How many times do you go to the bathroom?" He said ignoring me question.

  "Not very often, even though I have been very thirsty lately, and again I ask if that's normal?"

  He started feeling around me stomach; I winced.

  "It hurts?"


  "Okay we need to get you to the O.R."

  "Again, but I thought everything was fine."

  "Us too, but app
arently your peritoneum has inflated because of the appendicitis."

  "Oh gosh, I have no idea what that means."

  "I'm going to bring in the nurses so they could take you to the O.R. see you in a few minutes."


  This past week has been prep free. Anastasia has been absent the whole week. I know I should be happy, but I'm not and that worries me. Another thing that worries me is that she didn't look so good on Monday, and the fact that I was so mad at her really doesn't make me feel any better. I mean I was mad about that stupid party, and then she said she was... I can't even say it! I'm not a big believer in love; love just doesn't make any sense to me. Anyways, I'm pretty sure that something bad has happened to Anastasia. All that shit that I yelled at her really makes me feel horrible. I could stop by her house today afterschool, or maybe tomorrow.

  "Hey Angel!" I turned around to see Sakura running towards looking very sexy in a short skirt and a shirt that showed almost all of her boobs. Hey I'm not complaining or anything, but how the hell does she get away with wearing that? She is pretty, I used to think she was hot, but now that I think about it Anastasia is so much hotter than her even, though she doesn't dress as slutty as her. Actually apart from that, the hair, and the whole emo prep thing they are kind of similar. Come to think of it, I have never seen a scar on Sakura's body, and boy does she love to show it off, I don’t think she’s every talked about cutting herself, or being depressed.

  "Hey," I said but I kept walking to Reid's class.

  "Want to go to the movies today?" She asked as she caught up with me.

  "You, me, and Pete right?"

  "No, not Pete."


  "Because we got into a fight."

  "Are you crazy?" I asked her.

  "Huh?" She asked confused at my respond. Is she freaking serious?

  "I can't go to the movies alone with you, while you and Pete are fighting."

  "Why not?"

  I sigh; "because," I said my tone implying that what I was going to say was really obvious. "It would be like a date." I tried really hard not to call her an idiot.

  "Right," she dragged out the word.

  "Whatever," I said then sat down in my seat. She sat down on my desk.

  "So is that a no?" She said crossing her legs making her skirt go up slightly.


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