The Azure Kingdom (Skeleton Key)

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The Azure Kingdom (Skeleton Key) Page 3

by Michelle Dare

  Attempting to wrench my arm free, I hiss, “I’m not going anywhere with you. Let me go!”

  “We can do this two ways, Alison. Either you come with me of your own will, or I make you. But either way, you will get on that horse.”

  “Why are you doing this? I didn’t do anything wrong,” I cry.

  He halts in his tracks and turns to seethe his words at me. “You might not have, but your father did. He’s a murderer. He killed my best friend in battle.”

  His words rock me to my core. My father is a murderer? How can this be? My mom would have never been with someone so vicious. She didn’t have a mean bone in her body.

  I’m trying to figure out a reason why he would have killed someone so important. “Maybe he didn’t know he was so important to you.”

  “He knew. Make no mistake. I saw his face after he did it.”

  Tears are threatening to spill from my eyes. “I don’t even know him.”

  We are right next to his horse. “Get on, Alison.” Some of the anger has left his voice, and if I’m not mistaken, there is indecision in his eyes.

  There is no use in fighting him. He’s bigger and stronger than me. At least if I move on my own, maybe he won’t hurt me.

  I look up and take in the size of the steed in front of me. He’s tall. Way too tall. “I’ve never ridden a horse and he’s too big. I can’t climb onto him.”

  Lucas grabs my hips, and with an effortless ease, lifts me up in the air, so I can grab the saddle and pull myself the rest of the way up. He swiftly climbs up and settles himself behind me with my bag between us.

  In my ear he says, “Don’t try anything.” What does he think I’m going to do? Launch myself from this height and break a leg? I’m not jumping down. Yeah, I want to run, but that chance is gone for the time being.

  We start a slow trot in the opposite direction of the cottage. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach. I wanted to come here. I thought I’d find my very own knight and live out some beautiful fairy tale. The opposite is happening. I found a knight, but one whose friend died at the hands of my father. Now I’m being taken to who knows where and my knight is no longer friendly.

  The further we go, the fewer pretty blue flowers I see. We start climbing a steep hill, and once at the top, I can see a castle. There is a great, grey stone wall surrounding it, and in the middle is a tall, weathered red tower house. The windows along the sides are arched at the top. There are other structures within the wall that are the same color as the tower house, including a circular building; which isn’t as tall as the tower, but still massive with square windows. The closer we get, I realize that the castle is surrounded by water with a stone bridge connecting it with the land. At the top of the tower house is a large flag, which appears to be the same azure color as the flowers with an eagle on it. The eagle’s wings are spread wide.

  “Is that where you’re taking me?” I ask, inclining my chin to the castle.

  “Yes, that’s my home and where you’ll be staying until I can contact King Pine.”

  I turn abruptly and come face-to-face with Lucas. His breath mingles with my own and my heart seems to stop in the moment. His eyes move from mine down to my lips. Instinctively I lick my bottom lip. His own part and we are again looking into each other’s eyes. My body is starting to react to his. I can feel heat spread throughout me. The horse slows suddenly, effectively breaking us from the spell.

  Facing forward again, I say, “I didn’t know my father is a king. My mother is no longer alive, and I only have a letter from her telling me very little about this world.”

  “This world?”

  “Yeah, the one you live in. I told you I wasn’t from here.”

  “Yes, but I thought you were from another kingdom.”

  “No, Lucas. I’m from another place entirely. I told you the door brought me here. I left my apartment and appeared here.”

  “That’s not possible. I don’t believe you. I went into the cottage. There’s nothing there.”

  I wave a hand dismissively. “Believe what you want, but I’m telling the truth.”

  He scoffs behind me. “I’m reluctant to believe anything you say due to your relation to King Pine.”

  “He’s your enemy?”


  “So you have your own king?” I’m so confused and trying to figure out everything about where I am. Knowledge is power, right?

  “Yes, my father is King Azure.”

  “You’re a prince?” I ask in astonishment.

  “Yes, but I’m not next in line for the throne. I’m the youngest of four and have no desire to rule this land. I’m happy defending it.”

  “Are you a warrior?”

  “Yes, in a manner of speaking. I have a small, elite group, who defend this territory with our lives. We have a larger army that I’m in charge of as well, but only use them when we are at war or to stand guard around the castle. They all report to me.” When he talks about his place and his men, I can tell how proud he is of it; how much it means to him.

  We are closing in on the castle when a loud roar reaches my ears. Then I see five dragons take to the air just beyond the tower house. They look like they’re playing with one another. Nipping at each other, chasing, they remind me of the way dogs play. There is always one dominant that puts the others in their place. With the dragons, that appears to be the white one.

  “Is that your dragon?” I ask pointing to the sky.

  “Yes, that’s Tali.”

  “Do they always play like that?”

  “When they can. It’s a nice way for them to enjoy themselves. When we need them, they’re always ready to go, and we work them hard. When we don’t, we tend to let them do as they please. They always stay near the castle. Even at night they stay in their own area.”

  “Are people attacking you often?”

  “Why are you asking so many questions?”

  I shrug. “I’m curious by nature, and I’ve never seen a dragon in real life before, nor a castle. This is all new to me.” He doesn’t need to know I’m banking every piece of information in my head to use later.

  He slows the horse to a walk and asks, “You’re being honest with me, aren’t you?” He must really think I want to sit here and lie to him. That I’m making everything up. I’m not after anything except to protect myself.

  “I have no reason to lie.”

  “Yes, you do. You’re the daughter of King Pine. That alone is enough to make you lie.”

  I turn to peer at him over my shoulder. In a gentle, placating voice, I say, “Lucas, I have never met my father and didn’t even know who he was until yesterday. I come here, and you tell me he is a murderer. I’m not exactly feeling all warm and fuzzy where he’s concerned. Would I like to know more about him? Yes, but only because he’s my father. Right now, I don’t have any desire to be in his presence, if what you are saying is true. I don’t want to go to a man that’s cruel.”

  He tenses behind me. I’m not sure why, since I wasn’t speaking of him. He still doesn’t believe me, though. “I find it hard to believe you know nothing of our kingdoms or the wars we have battled. Who are our enemies and who are our allies? Your father is a vicious, brutal killer, Alison. He killed Leo and countless others during battle.”

  “Can you stop the horse for a minute?”


  I roll my eyes. Seriously, I’m sitting here with no weapons, and in a fight with him I wouldn’t stand a chance. This is crazy. “I want to show you something. Proof that I’m telling you the truth.” If he doesn’t trust the fact that I knew nothing of my father, I wonder what will happen to me when we get to the castle. Will I be locked up inside? Will I be sent away to the man I don’t know, but am of blood relation to? And what will he do with me? He’s never met me. I could be treated awfully for all I know.

  Lucas stops the horse and I reach around to my backpack. “What are you doing?” he inquires with narrow eyes.

  “What I need to
show you is in my bag.”

  “Then I’ll get it.” Eye roll number two. Does he honestly think I’m carrying a gun or something? If I was, I would have used it by now to not get dragged away.

  “Fine. Inside my bag is a pewter box. Inside is a letter. Read it.”

  I feel him rummaging through my bag and wait for him to find what I said. Then I remember I put a knife in there. I hope he doesn’t find it. I’ll really be considered a threat then. Even if it is only a pocket knife. Next I hear the crumpling noise of paper being unfolded. I sit and wait for him to read it. I watch the sky and the dragons, who are still playing in the air.

  His voice is low, but I can hear the surprise in it that he might finally believe me. “You only found this yesterday?”

  “Yes. I couldn’t believe it when I first read it, but everything she said is true so far.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “A small country town in the United States.”

  “The United States? Where’s that?” I wonder how many of the people who live here even know another realm exists outside of their own. The same with where I live. Does anyone else know about this place?

  “It’s the country I live in. You’ve never met anyone from another realm?”

  “Another realm? No, I didn’t know any other place existed. I only thought it was the kingdoms we have here, in our country. Yes, there are other kingdoms far away, across oceans even, but this is all I knew. I can’t believe this. There’s a portal in the cottage. Amazing.”

  “I didn’t know either until I walked through that door and into the field of blue flowers that I’ve been dreaming about.”

  He tucks everything back into my bag. I hear the zipper slide closed before we start moving again.

  Lucas lets out a deep breath. “I don’t know what’s going to happen when we reach the castle.”

  I don’t turn around, but place my hand on his leg nestled next to mine. “I’m scared.” That’s the honest truth. There are so many things that could happen, and that’s only in my imagination. This is a world I know nothing of, or their ways when dealing with someone like me. I’m the daughter of the enemy and not just any enemy, a king.

  “I’m going to be honest with you, Alison. When we go over that bridge, everyone is going to wonder where you came from and who you are. You don’t dress the same as our women. Most of them wear long skirts or dresses. Only women who hold higher roles within our kingdom dress differently. People with magical abilities like seers or royals.

  “When my father finds out who you’re related to, you’re going to be locked up. You will be seen as a spy, sent here to learn about our defenses. I’m going to have to talk with him and explain everything. I’ll need to show him the letter. He isn’t going to believe me otherwise. It’s the only evidence I’ll have at my disposal.”

  Ice spreads through my body at the thought of being locked up. I’m not a spy. They aren’t going to believe him. I just know it. I shouldn’t have come. I could still be safe in my apartment.

  I’m so lost in my own thoughts that I don’t realize we are only feet away from the castle. The horse takes it first steps on the grey and white stone bridge. Its hooves clop along as we approach the tall, imposing doors.

  Two guards stand on either side in armor similar to what I saw Lucas wear in my dreams. These have the eagle on them, with its wings spread wide, and talons showing in the same steel blue color. On the top of the wall, I notice other guards patrolling. My heart starts to pound in my chest. I don’t want to go in. What if I never come out?

  I twist my body and look at Lucas with pleading eyes. “Please don’t take me in there. They aren’t going to believe me. I don’t want to be locked up. Please.” Tears start falling onto my cheeks. I’m unable to hold them back.

  He stops the horse just a few feet from the doors. With a gentle hand he reaches up and captures my tears with this fingers. “Shhh, don’t cry. I won’t let them hurt you. You might get locked up, but only until I can clear things up with my father. Be brave, my princess. I’ll protect you.”

  “You said you were going to contact King Pine about me. What changed? Why do you want to protect me now?”

  “I believe you. That is what’s changed. I can’t be too careful. You must understand that. I find a woman in the middle of a field, who happens to be the daughter of our enemy. Now that I have proof of your words, it eases my mind. I also saw the knife in your bag and knew if you wanted to harm me you would have. It’s in my pocket now, by the way. Plus, I use my instincts a lot and they tell me I can trust you. They tell me more, but that is for me to know right now. I feel like I’ve known you much longer than I have. Seeing you for so long in my dreams, I can’t explain it, but there’s something very special about you.”

  His words cause my body to relax marginally. They are what I need to hear. I might be in a cell once we get inside, but Lucas would watch over me, right? He said he’d protect me. I only hope he means it. I close my eyes and lean into his touch, relishing this moment which will soon break. I’ve been alone for too long. It’s nice to have someone touch me and care.

  Heavy footsteps come toward us. His hand drops from my face, and I immediately miss the warmth of his skin on mine.

  “Prince Lucas,” one of the guards calls. “Allow me to walk you in.” Lucas nods as the man takes the reins and walks the horse with us on it through the door. The other guard remains at his station, but bows as we pass.

  Once inside, I’m amazed by all I see. The courtyard is covered with the same grey and white stone that the bridge is. There are a few vendors within the walls with colorful carts selling different goods. There are azure colored flags sticking out from the wall with the same eagle on them, with its talons spread wide and feathers sticking out on either side.

  Men bow and women curtsy as we pass by, and Lucas nods in their direction. I notice the men are dressed in loose fitting twill pants with long-sleeved cotton shirts. The women are wearing dresses or skirts that reach their feet. Some are more colorful than others. Aren’t they warm? I only just got here, but sweat has formed on my brow from the sun. It’s not stifling, just warm.

  We attract everyone’s stares as we make our way through the courtyard. I don’t look like these women, with my fitted top and jeans that form to my hips and legs. I wonder what they think of me. A couple of people even whisper as we pass by. Lifting my head, I focus straight ahead and not on those around us.

  The horse is brought to a halt in front of the tower house. Lucas dismounts first, then helps me down. He thanks the guard who escorted us in and leads me into a dark room.


  Lucas said he would protect me, that no one would harm me. I can’t help but feel he won’t be able to keep his word. Sure, he’s a prince, but he’s not the king. I’m sure the king makes the final decisions, and I’ll be labeled as a spy. Even as I reflect back on how I appeared and what I said, it seems so far-fetched. Without the letter I’d really be screwed.

  My body is trembling. Lucas stops, and I bump into him with my shoulder, since I’m not paying attention. I look around waiting for something to happen, unsure why we halted.

  We’re in a dark hallway with only bits of light filtering in through windows. There were a handful of guards we passed, but now we’re alone. He turns to me and speaks in a soft voice. “Alison, I can feel you shaking. Please, be calm. I already told you I’d watch over you. You must trust me.”

  My voice is barely above a whisper. “But I don’t even know you.”

  His head tilts slightly to the side. “Don’t you? We’ve been meeting in our dreams for a while now. Have you ever felt frightened of me or worried?”

  “No, not frightened of you. Worried, yes. Scared in general, yes. I always felt like something was about to happen to me, and I needed to get to you; that I would be safe by your side.”

  “And now? Are you afraid of me? Do you think I’ll let harm befall you?”

  “I’m still
not frightened of you, but I don’t think you’ll have the last say as to my fate. I think the king’s word will be final.”

  He shakes his head. His dark brown hair that was swept back falls onto his forehead. I have to resist the urge to brush it back. “Have faith in me,” he urges.

  I look away. I can’t have faith in someone I don’t know. No matter how many times I’ve seen him while asleep, I don’t actually know him well enough to put all of my trust in. Although, what choice do I have? No one else is going to sweep in and save me. The only person who I’m related to in this realm doesn’t even know I’m here. Does he even know I exist? I was born in the U.S., at least that’s what my birth certificate says. Who knows what’s true and what’s not anymore? Only two people know the answers and one is gone.

  “Ali, believe in me.” I nod. It’s all I can do. To speak a confirmation out loud would be a lie.

  To my surprise, he takes my hand in his and leads me through the corridor. I have so many conflicting emotions where he’s concerned. He’s shown me he can be hard one moment and soft the next. We stop outside a grand wooden door with thin pieces of wrought iron curling in design over it. It’s closed and guards are stationed on either side. They both bow to Lucas.

  “Is my father in?” he asks.

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  Lucas nods and steps toward the door. One of the guards opens it so we may pass through. The door shuts with a loud clang, making me jump. There is a gorgeous chandelier above the long table before us. It’s wrought iron with candles atop it. Three men are sitting at the far end. One at the head and one on either side. The man at the head I know is the king. He has the same color hair as Lucas, but is stockier with a full beard. He exudes power. None of the men are dressed formally, only in simple cotton, navy long-sleeved shirts and black pants. The king’s eyes immediately fall on me and he tries to hide a gasp, but I hear his sharp intake of breath. Next, they are on our joined hands, then to his son. The men at his sides shift in their chairs to look at us as well.


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