The Azure Kingdom (Skeleton Key)

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The Azure Kingdom (Skeleton Key) Page 9

by Michelle Dare

  I glance at Luke and see his eyes have narrowed considerably. His jaw is set hard. I decide it’s my turn to speak, since King Azure doesn’t seem quick to jump in.

  “I may be Pine’s daughter,” I confirm. “But I’m not one of his pawns. I have never met the man. My allegiance doesn’t lie with him. It lies with Luke and him alone. I know nothing of this kingdom, but I’m one of you now. An equal.”

  Addison stops directly in front of me with wide eyes. “How dare you speak to us that way! You are not an equal. You are the enemy,” she seethes.

  I step toe-to-toe with her. “Don’t mistake my ignorance about how things work here for weakness. I’m not afraid of you, and I will not be spoken to like I am a lesser a person.” I’m royalty. It’s time to act like it, even if it means being a bitch to people. I’m not going to allow anyone to walk all over me and condemn Luke for standing by my side. Screw that.

  I quickly dart my eyes at Luke’s brothers. Ryland has a look of indifference, and I’m waiting for Elliott to burst out laughing. He appears to be seconds away from completely losing it. His lips are twitching and his eyes are crinkling at the corners. He’s almost the same height as Luke and has light brown hair. His eyes are the same hazel color as Ryland.

  Elliott steps forward and offers his hand to me, breaking the tension between Addison and me. I take it in mine. He bows at the waist and kisses the back of my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Alison.” He stands and his gaze flickers between Luke and me. “I apologize for the behavior of my sister. I would say she isn’t normally so rude, but that would be a lie. This is Addi’s normal behavior. Love her or hate her, she is who she is.”

  Addison rolls her eyes behind him. “No surprise Elliott sides with our baby brother.” She backs a few steps away from me.

  King Azure finally interrupts, “Enough. There is a reason I’ve summoned all of you here and before you even question it, Addison, Princess Alison has every right to be at our table, as you do.” Addison whips around and gives her father an incredulous stare. “Sit. Now. All of you.”

  Ryland sits on one side of the king, Luke on the other with me beside him. Elliott sits beside me and Addison is directly across from me, throwing daggers my way. We all begin to eat and the king starts his talk, or confession, if you will.

  I pretend my food is the most fascinating thing in the world as he starts his story with me arriving at the cottage. He goes into how I found out about their land. How I’m the daughter of King Pine, yet know nothing of him. That Oliver is supposed to be my future husband. Then he dives into the real heart of the discussion: Rya. How she’s very alive and when she left she was pregnant. I lift my head to watch their reaction to the news that their mother is alive. Elliott has almost the same reaction as Luke did. Addison is sitting still with tears streaming down her cheeks, and Ryland remains stoic, showing no emotion.

  Then he gets to the pivotal part about the key and how he’s using it to go in search of her. How I gave him the key and sacrificed my ability to go home, so he can possibly bring her back. One by one their heads turn to me. I drop my eyes to my plate again, although I can still feel the heat of their stares on me.

  All the while, Luke’s hand remains in mine. He doesn’t let go until Elliott reaches for me and pulls me into his arms. I hold him back as he whispers in my ear, his voice thick with emotion. “Thank you. Thank you for coming here and giving my father the opportunity to find my mother. And thank you for accepting my brother.” I pull back to take in his expression. He smiles softly. “I doubt Luke has told you, but he never lets women close to him. Not even as a child. Once mom died, or left rather, he only befriended boys and as he got older, men. Sure, he’s been in bed with many women–”

  “Elliott!” Luke yells from behind me.

  Elliott laughs, but continues, “All I mean is that no woman has been let inside his caged heart. He keeps himself closed off. To see him holding your hand and standing with you, it’s…well, it’s amazing. I, for one, am very happy to have you here with us.” He then pushes his chair back and kneels before me. I have no idea what’s going on and turn to Luke, whose eyes soften.

  “I, Elliott Azure, as second-in-command of the Azure Elite, pledge myself to protect you. I also pledge my loyalty to you and will stand by your side, as my brother does.” He stands and peers down at me. “I can never repay all that you’ve given up for us, but I’ll try.”

  My eyes mist over and I shake my head. “You don’t have to do that. It’s the least I can do. If it were the other way around, I’d want someone to help me get my mother back.” A tear escapes and glides down my cheek. “I’d give anything to have my mom with me, even for one day.”

  I turn to look at the family in front of me. I settle on King Azure and reach into my pocket to get the instructions I wrote out. Standing, I walk over to hand him the paper. “Take this with you. Read it tonight before you leave in the morning. Ask me any questions you have, no matter the time. I want to be sure you’re as prepared as possible for crossing over to my world. It’s nothing like it is here. The town you will step into is very small and the people very friendly, but I advise you stay in my apartment until Rya can get to you. There is food and everything you could need except clothes.”

  He takes the paper, then stands and embraces me. It’s the last thing I expect and remain frozen. Pulling back, his hands grip my upper arms and he says, “Thank you. This will never be forgotten.” I nod and return to my seat.

  The scary king I met only yesterday, turned into the warm, kind man before me. What a difference a day makes. Yesterday, I was thrown into a dungeon. Today, I’m welcomed as part of the family, at least by some.

  King Azure starts speaking again, but this time it’s business. He’s going over what they will tell their people and how Ryland will be in charge until, if and when, he returns. After all, we don’t know what the key will do once he’s on the other side. It’s old magic and could decide its work is done. There’s no way to tell.


  It’s late; at least I think it is, by the time we get back to Luke’s home. I shower and throw on another one of his t-shirts. I’m out of clean clothes now. I only had the two outfits with me. He tells me that tomorrow, once we see King Azure off with his brothers and sister, we’ll go to the local clothing vendor to get some clothes for me. He said I can dress however I like; pants, dresses, it doesn’t matter since I’m royalty. I still think it’s crap that women of lower standing wear dresses only, but this world is also very different than mine.

  The Azures have decided to say that the king is going away on a secret mission, and Ryland will be in charge in his absence. Ryland will address the people tomorrow, and he’ll also publicly welcome me into their kingdom. King Azure told me to be prepared for backlash, but with the royal family behind me, that should help minimize it. They are going to say I only recently found out who my father is, but I will ally with the Azures and not Pine.

  I crawl into bed and pull the damask closed. It’s odd to have this heavy fabric draped around the bed. It makes me feel safe, though. Like I’m wrapped up in my own little world with Luke. In a way we are, at least until reality comes knocking on the door again.

  Snuggled beneath the blankets, my eyes close, and I start to drift off to sleep when a warm body slides into bed behind me. His scent envelopes me as his arms do the same. Reaching up, I hold tight to his hands. There’s something very comforting about him. I won’t admit this out loud yet, but he feels like home. Each hour I’m here, this place works its way into my very essence. I’m becoming comfortable here: in Luke’s bed, in his arms, and in his kingdom.

  He brushes my hair aside, so he can feather kisses along my neck. “Tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

  I scoff. “Like today wasn’t?”

  “Okay, well tomorrow might be longer. We have to see my father off before first light. Only the Elite knows of his departure. It will be us, them, and my brothers and sister. The
n we have to address the public.”

  “Fun,” I say sarcastically.

  “Sleep, my princess. Tomorrow is a new day.”

  “Yeah, a long one apparently.”

  He laughs in between kisses below my ear. His grip tightens as he brings himself close to me. Together we drift off into sleep. A sleep where I have no dreams, only restful peace.

  It’s been a whirlwind since I woke up. We left under moonlight with the Azure family and the eight members of the Elite, Luke and Elliott complete the ten Elite. We said goodbye to the king before he used the key to enter my world. Addison fought tears, Elliott embraced his father, Luke did the same, and Ryland said farewell with a handshake. I don’t understand him in the least, however the king and Luke feel strongly he will be an excellent leader in King Azure’s absence. It was understood that Luke is to maintain control of the Elite and the king’s army. All directions in regard to protection and defense fall to him.

  At first light, the members of the army were put to work gathering all of the locals to the courtyard for an announcement. I stood with the Azures as Ryland vaguely spoke of his father’s mission, and how nothing will change, except for the fact that he is their interim ruler. My palms are sweating. I keep wiping them on my pants. Black pants that Addison let me borrow. We aren’t the same size. I’m taller and leaner, however cotton is flexible and works for now. She also gave me a top to wear, one she made sure to say that she didn’t wear anymore. How I can’t wait for this to be over so I can get my own clothes.

  “Now on to other business,” Ryland speaks. “You may have noticed the woman standing beside my brother, Lucas. Some of you have seen them together since she arrived a couple of days ago. I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Princess Alison Pine.” Gasps are heard throughout the crowd. Some women’s hands fly up to cover their mouths. Men narrow their eyes at me. I’m honestly waiting for someone to hand out pitchforks and torches like one of the old movies I used to watch.

  “Quiet,” Ryland commands. “Do not judge the princess due to her name. You know nothing of her.” It’s surprising that he’s standing up for me. I don’t get the warm and fuzzy vibe from him.

  “And you do?” someone calls from the crowd.

  “I know enough,” he responds. “She will be living within our walls as part of our royal family. While she may hold the Pine name, she is not one of them. She has demonstrated her loyalty to our king and to our family.”

  “In what way?” another person shouts.

  “That is official business and I will not be divulging the details. Just know she is our friend and ally. I demand you treat her with the same respect as you do me and my family. If I hear of any dissonance amongst our people due to her presence, it will be dealt with swiftly and without hesitation by our Elite. A move against the princess is a move against the royal family. Do I make myself clear?” People nod; some never move. I can feel their burning hatred of me. It will take a while for me to gain their trust. At least I know being alongside Luke, I’ll be safe.

  He steps closer to me and takes my hand in his. Some people don’t react to the gesture. They must have been the ones who’ve seen us together. Others gasp again, and if I’m not mistaken some women give me the evil eye. Ryland turns toward us and nods to Luke. It’s his turn to speak.

  “Nothing changes in regards to the protection of our kingdom,” he says loudly. “Our elite forces, as well as our army, will maintain peace within our land. To follow-up on my brother’s words, a move against the princess is a move against me, and you know I don’t play games. This woman beside me is kind, gentle, and someone who is very important to me. Do not disrespect her, in or out of our presence.”

  Addison steps forward. “You’ve been given a lot of news today, and I understand how this will have upset some of you. Our king is gone for the time being, and an enemy’s daughter is living amongst us. But be sure, we are a unified front. The words my brothers have spoken go for Elliott and myself as well, our king, too. Before he left for his mission, he embraced Princess Alison along with the rest of our family. Treat her as our own and we won’t have any problems.” She turns and nods to Ryland, who concludes the speech.

  The crowd disperses, but not before some rake their eyes over me in disgust. Luke catches it and moves himself in front of me to glower down at them. They quickly leave like dogs with their tails between their legs.

  He turns and cradles my face in his hands. “It’s over now. We can move forward. You’re no longer the hidden secret.” In relief, I let out the breath I’m holding. He presses his lips to mine in a tender kiss. A throat clearing breaks us apart. We both look over to see Elliott watching us with a big grin on his face.

  “Luke’s in love,” he singsongs. Luke lunges for him so fast, he doesn’t have a chance to get away. He’s got super-human strength. He grabs Elliott around the neck in a chokehold and holds him tight to his side.

  “What did you say?” Luke asks him.

  “You heard me, little brother.”

  “I’m not so little right now, am I?” I can tell they’re joking around. They both have smiles on their faces while they tease one another. It’s nice to see them have fun. Everything since I’ve gotten here has been so serious. Maybe things can calm down now.

  “Would you two stop being so immature?” Addison throws over her shoulder as she walks by to leave.

  “Never!” Elliott calls. Luke grinds his knuckles into his head and releases him. Elliott takes a step away, then it’s his turn to lunge for Luke. They wrestle around for a bit. I stand on the sidelines watching their fun. Addison steps up beside me. I thought she had left.

  “You break my brother’s heart, and I’ll break you,” she threatens. “The seers aren’t the only one with abilities.” I have no idea what she means by this, and know if I ask I won’t get an answer.

  I look at her, but am not the least bit ruffled by her threat. “I hear you loud and clear. Let’s just hope he doesn’t break mine either.” Her eyes meet mine, surprise evident in them.

  “I’m not a bad person, Addison. I’m just trying to find my way through life like everyone else. This world of yours is new to me. I’m doing the best I can. I can’t deny the attraction I have toward your brother, nor do I want to. He’s my anchor in this realm. My source of calm. He never told you about his dreams, did he?” She shakes her head. I turn back to watch the brothers toss each other around. “We’ve both been dreaming about the other for a while now. Little did we know that we were starring in each other’s dreams. We connected long before I showed up at the cottage. We’re joined, he and I, on a level I never imagined possible.” Just then Luke looks up and graces me with a megawatt smile that makes my stomach flutter.

  “I had no idea,” she admits quietly.

  “I trust that we can keep this between us.”

  “Yes, of course.” I have a feeling the hard ass attitude I’ve been getting from her has just changed. Maybe one day we can be friends.

  Luke and I spend the remainder of the morning shopping. We stop by the local clothing vendor so I can pick out enough clothes, bras, and underwear to last me at least a week without having to do laundry. High-end lingerie it’s not, but it will have to do. We stroll hand-in-hand through the courtyard, visiting other vendors along the way. He said it might be good for them to see us out and about together, showing them I’m not a threat.

  We drop the packages we purchased back at his home. King Azure made sure that I have access to my own money and a lot of it, at that. I can’t imagine ever needing that much money. However, he told me if I ever run out, his children are to give me more. They’re to keep me set for life. It makes me wonder just how wealthy they are.

  I drop down on the couch, exhausted from the day’s events, and close my eyes. Luke sits beside me, but before he can get settled there’s a knock on the door. I open my eyes and stand. He strides to the door and opens it, speaking with whoever is on the other side in a hushed voice. T
hen I see his shoulders tighten, but he takes a step back, allowing the person in.

  An older woman steps in. She has beautiful, straight silver hair that falls to her mid-back. She’s petite and curvy. Her navy twill pants accentuate her hips, as does her white, long-sleeved blouse. It’s light and airy. Her eyes are the same silver as her hair. They captivate me and draw me in.

  I step toward her. She smiles. Her eyes sparkle from the sunlight being let in by the still open door. Luke closes it behind her and offers her a seat in his living area. She sits in one of the chairs across from the couch where Luke and I sit.

  “Alison, this is Stephanie. She’s a seer. Our only one. She asked to speak with you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too, Alison Wescot,” she replies. Her voice is like a melody. I’m taken aback by her knowing my name, but then again, I’m assuming she probably knows everything about me.

  Luke slides closer to me and takes my hand in his. I’ve noticed that when there are people around us, he presses to my side. I’m not sure if it’s him staking his claim on me, or if he’s letting the person know I’m protected by him. Either way, I take comfort in the warmth of his hand and his thigh pressed to mine.

  “What would you like to talk to the princess about?” Luke inquires.

  “Well, I was going to ask to speak to her alone, but I know you better than that, Your Highness. You aren’t going to let this woman out of your sight. Not now, or ever.”

  Luke nods and then she looks at me. “Alison, my dear, I came to warn you. King Pine is coming, and he’s prepared to wage a war to get you.”


  “I don’t want him to fight anyone to speak with me,” I reply.

  “He doesn’t want to speak. The king knows where your allegiance lies and wants you on his side. I’m not the only seer in the realm. He has his own advisors. How do you think he found out you were here?”


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