Redemption (The Restoration Series Book 1)

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Redemption (The Restoration Series Book 1) Page 19

by Christina Simpson

  “Don’t. Touch. Her.” I spat out at him before spinning and pulling the now-trembling, white-faced, Nova into my arms. She whimpered at my touch for a moment before she realized it was me. Within seconds, I had Nova outside and we were walking across the street and away from Dougie’s.

  “You okay?” I whispered as I set her down on the park bench before taking a seat myself, setting the ice cream on the table between us. She didn’t answer me right away. Her breathing was labored as her eyes were tight. She began whispering to herself. A few minutes passed before I could see her body visibly relax. She finally opened her eyes, color returning to her face.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You didn’t seem fine.”

  She glanced up at me, then looked away. “Pete and I…have a history.”

  I stiffened at her acknowledgment but stayed silent, letting her tell the story.

  “We dated in high school. Well, sort of. He didn’t go to high school with us. He was a summer resident. His uncle owned a ranch just outside of the east side of town and he’d come down every summer. I met him through some friends.”

  “What happened?”

  She lifted her spoon and took a lingering bite of her ice cream, taking a moment before speaking again.

  “He just lost it. He was always around, calling me every five minutes, and then one day, I spent time with my friends and he found us in town and just started yelling at me - in public, mind you - that I belonged to him and I should be by his side.”

  “He said that?”

  “Yeah. I told my parents what happened, and broke up with him. My parents talked to a lawyer, but they said since he never actually harmed me in any way that there wasn’t much to do. Last I knew he was gone and hadn’t come back after that. It’s been years.”

  “You didn’t know he was back in town?”

  “Nope. If I had, I probably would have been more cautious with all these trips. He still hasn’t changed. It’s there in his eyes.”

  “Don’t worry, Nova. I didn’t know the history, and I can assure you my grandparents didn’t know, either. They wouldn’t have hired him for the ranch. We’ll make sure he’s gone and you’re safe, okay?”

  She nodded and leaned her head to rest on my shoulder. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, beautiful.”

  We finished our ice cream in silence as we watched the town bustle around us. Parents were out with their children, going from shop to shop. I really loved this town. Although we were close to the city, it felt like we were in a small town in the middle of nowhere.

  Main Street had shops that lined each side of the road. Little shops, such as antique stores, book stores, coffee houses, and an old general pharmacy. In some aspects, it had modernized and kept up with the times, but in a lot of ways it stayed right and true to the native feel of the town.

  Nova reached for my empty cup and stood to throw our trash away. I watched her for a brief moment before slipping my phone out of my pocket to check my messages.

  Charlie: He’s gone. Stuff packed.

  My heart twisted as I kept an eye on Nova. She smiled brightly at me as I stood to head in her direction.

  “All right. Let’s get going, then.”

  She nodded and slipped her thin soft fingers between mine. When Nova held my hand like this, I felt relief that she believed I’d keep her safe, that I’d take care of her, and she surrendered to that. Knowing she trusted me made me feel ten feet tall, proud to have her with me, willing to do anything to keep that smile on her face.

  I drove her home with a promise that I’d pick her up in a few hours. She hugged me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, before turning and walking inside. Before I could step into my truck, Mr. Drake stepped outside and headed my direction. I steeled myself for the inevitable conversation, knowing I would have to reassure him of my intentions with Nova.

  “What exactly is going on with you and Nova, son? I mean, I can definitely see what’s happening, but she isn’t ready for anything right now.”

  “With all due respect, Mr. Drake, I’m not asking anything of her right now. I am letting her lead anything that she wants and feels ready for. She’ll know when she’s ready to move forward. I just want to be there when she is.”

  He studied me a minute and then nodded, accepting my answer.

  “I’m sorry, son. I just…I’m so scared that she’ll never move on and get past everything. I know that you guys have a special bond, because of everything, and I trust that you’re letting the Lord lead you in your decisions.”

  “Of course, sir. I’d never do anything to hurt Nova. I will do everything to make sure she feels safe.”

  “All right, then. You have my blessing. But don’t step out of line.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He nodded and turned, but I caught his arm before he could move away.

  “You may want to check the premises. Nova said she felt like someone was watching her earlier. We ran into Pete in town. I didn’t know the story until Nova filled me in. He’s been working over at my grandfather’s ranch for a few months now, but this morning he was packed up and gone.”

  Mr. Drake went pale before fierce protection layered his face. “I’ll take care of it, Davis. Thank you for telling me. I’ll let you know if I find anything.”

  I slipped into the cab of my truck and looked back at the house. Nova had peeked through the curtain and given me a simple wave. I grinned and winked back before turning to go.

  Chapter 19


  I slipped into a turquoise blue sundress with straps that tied in a bow on each shoulder. Across the hem of the dress were embroidered vines that wrapped around from front to back. I slipped my boots on and mussed my hair until it fell in wild curls around my shoulders. A knock interrupted my preparation and I reached over and opened the bathroom door.

  “Hey, baby girl.” Mom smiled, taking in my outfit. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks, Mama. I just felt like dressing up tonight, I guess.”

  “So, are you excited about this?” She asked hesitantly, gauging my reaction.

  “I am.” I took a seat on the edge of the sink and smiled at her. “I know that I’m still working through a lot, but there’s something that Davis gives me that no one else has been able to. He makes me feel like myself. The old me. The one that I miss and want to get back to. And I’m never afraid when he’s around. I trust him. He makes me feel beautiful, and wanted, and cared for. It’s like I’m this precious cargo or something. I can’t explain it. He’s so careful with me all the time, always watching and waiting to offer anything that I need.”

  Mama reached up and wiped her eyes. “Oh, sweetheart. You are precious cargo. We love you and we love Davis. So, have fun tonight. No worries about anything, just be yourself. Be free.”

  I kissed Mama on the cheek and slid off the counter, moving my way out of the small bathroom and across the hall to my bedroom, making sure I had everything I needed.

  “Nova!” My dad hollered from downstairs. “Davis is here!”

  I quickly shut my door and rushed down the stairs to meet him.

  “Hey.” I smiled as I took him in. He wore dark blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a fitted plaid button-down shirt. It looked great on him.

  “Wow. You look…” He sighed, his breath accelerating a little bit. “Beautiful.”

  “You always say that.”

  “Because it’s true.”

  I stepped into his open arms and soaked in his warmth. My place. I just felt it. With my head on his heart and his arms around me, I knew this is where I was meant to be.

  “You ready?” He cleared his throat, unwrapping me from one arm, but keeping me safely tucked under the other.

  “Sure am, cowboy. Let’s go.” He chuckled at my persistent nickname but let it slide. We moved out the door and I stopped mid step, frozen in place by what I saw as Davis’ choice of transportation. Standing tall outside my front door were two beautiful h
orses. One was Racer, Davis’ horse - the one he had rescued me with, so many weeks ago. The other was a white Camarillo horse.

  “We’re riding?” I exclaimed, hastily checking my outfit. Even though I was in a dress, it was long enough to cover everything important.

  He nodded and smiled. “I thought it’d be a good night for it. You want to go change?”

  I shook my head and walked closer to the horses. “Nope. I’m good.”

  Racer bent down to greet my hand as I rubbed his muzzle. Next, Davis guided me toward the other horse.

  “This is Snow. She’s really gentle and the sweetest horse you could ever imagine.”

  I offered my hand for the horse to familiarize herself with me, waiting for her acceptance as she nudged my hand with her nose, requesting a gentle caress.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered to the horse as I rubbed my hands across her head and neck. “Good girl.”

  “Need help?” Davis asked, waiting on the side to see if I could mount the horse on my own.

  “I’m good. Thanks.” I moved to the side, placed my booted foot in the stirrup and swiftly mounted the horse. Snow stood still the entire time, and I adjusted my weight to rest evenly in the saddle.

  “Good girl.” I spoke softly and patted her a few times across the neck and threaded my fingers softly through her mane before grabbing the reigns.

  “All right then.” Davis smiled as he jumped onto his horse and turned to face me. “Let’s go.”

  We trotted back toward the gate of the property, and once we were clear of it, I nudged Snow in the side and she sped up.

  “Beat you there!” I yelled as Davis laughed behind me. The wind blew through my hair and I leaned forward, letting the momentum of the horse keep me steady. Snow knew exactly where she was going and I closed my eyes briefly, enjoying the freedom of the outside air. I heard Racer’s footsteps before Davis made his appearance beside me.

  His face was so free of concern and serene. It was breathtaking and made him look even more dashing than he usually was. The freedom of being home on the ranch brought out this side of him, one that I hadn’t seen before. This was the place where he belonged.

  We ran for a few more minutes before Davis stopped us where the fence had been broken before. He quickly dismounted the horse and with a few tugs he lifted the large wooden planks out of the notched holes, opening a wide enough space for us to cross over into his property. I grabbed Racer’s reins and pulled him along with me across the gate and waited for Davis to return the planks.

  “Thanks.” He smiled and took the reins from my hands, before slipping back into his saddle.

  “You’re welcome.”

  We kept a steady pace for the rest of the ride, but it didn’t take long. We were coming into the front quarter field within a few minutes and the sun was setting in front of us casting glowing golden wisps of light across the hillside. The barn lights were on and people were milling about in every direction. There had to be at least a hundred people here. Nerves filled me a little but Davis nudged my hand.

  “Don’t worry, beautiful. You’re not leaving my side all night. You’re safe.”

  I let his calming words fill me and smiled up at him. “I know.”


  We moved the horses to the stable and Davis removed all the equipment, brushing them down, while I fed them a few carrots from the bags hanging on the wall. When we finished, Davis grabbed my hand, threaded his thick fingers with mine, and pulled me out to the open air.

  “Sorry if I messed up your hair and dress with the horse idea. I didn’t even think about it.” He looked a bit bashful and a tint of red was on his cheeks.

  “Cowboy, I’m a country girl at heart. Horse riding in dresses and boots is a common thing in my life.”

  He bit his lip, eyes far off for a moment, then looked down at me and grinned boyishly. “Yeah. I can see that.” He reached up in an attempt to tame my hair, before pulling me toward the crowd of people.

  Mrs. Matthews saw us first and rushed toward me, wrapping her arms around me. I stiffened slightly then relaxed and embraced her back.

  “Hi, Mrs. Matthews.”

  “Hello, dear. You look beautiful tonight.” She smiled and stepped back before narrowing her eyes at her son.

  “You should have taken the truck.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He smirked, glancing at me then back at her.

  “Well, let’s go see your grandfather, then you can get some food.” She turned and rushed back the way she came.

  Davis pulled me beside him, letting his arm stay across my shoulders the whole way through the crowd of people. Eyes turned toward us, some wide, and some knowing. I felt uneasy at the obvious perusal and questioning stares but Davis quickly quelled my fears.

  “Ignore them.” Davis chuckled. “They haven’t seen me with a girl in a really, really long time.”

  Mr. Matthews stood on the porch, grinning as we approached.

  “Good to see you, Nova. How are things?” He reached up and tipped his well-worn Stetson in my direction.

  “Pretty good, sir.”

  “Glad you could make it.”


  Mrs. Matthews smiled and took my hand, pulling me from Davis’ arms. “I’m just going to borrow her for second.” She said as she pulled me along into the house.

  Inside, we stepped into the kitchen that was surrounded with pies on every counter. “You mind helping me put these out?”

  “Sure.” I reached down to the first tray and lifted them into my hands. They smelled heavenly. Apple pie, peach pie, and custard pie filled my senses as I groaned in anticipation.

  “These smell amazing, Mrs. Matthews.”

  “Oh, dear. Thank you. And please call me Sara.”

  “Sara,” I repeated, waiting for her to show me where to go.

  She nodded and held the door open for me as we walked out to the porch carrying the large silver trays. Davis saw me and immediately whisked them from my hands and set them on the long table resting underneath the windows on the porch.


  “You’re welcome.” I slipped back inside, and after a few trips back and forth, the table was full. Davis reached for my hand.

  “Want to go mingle a little?”

  I nodded and he pulled me to him, guiding me down the steps and into the crowd of people. We spent the next hour laughing and talking with various people that Davis had grown up with. It was very insightful. The people he met just reinforced what I already knew about him. He was loyal and passionately dedicated to those he loved.

  Halfway through the night, a car pulled up the drive and I saw Evie and her mom step out. Evie seemed nervous and pale, but I quickly rushed toward her.

  “Hey! I haven’t seen or heard from you in a few weeks.” I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly. She wrapped her arms around me like an iron vice and didn’t let go. “Sorry. I’ve not been feeling well.”

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, glancing at her mom and then back to me. “I’ll talk to you about it later.”

  I nodded and pulled her back with me toward Davis.

  “Hello, Evie. Mrs. Palmer.” He greeted them, offering his hand.

  Each of them shook it and said their hello, and he continued. “Thanks for coming. I know Nova hasn’t really seen you much, and I’ve been taking up most of her weekends. I’m sorry for that. Thought it’d be nice if you could join us tonight.”

  I watched as Evie’s eyes roamed all around us at the people huddled in every direction. Nervous fidgeting was beginning to tremble her hands and I pulled her arms, forcing her to move closer to me.

  “You’re safe. This is a safe place.” I whispered in her ear. She took a deep breath. Davis studied us with concern.

  “Why don’t we find a quieter place to talk?” He stepped forward, offering his arm to Mrs. Palmer and turning her toward the house. We all stepped up and into the living room, taking seats a
round the room. Evie stayed glued to my side and Davis took the arm of the couch beside me.

  “So what’s going on? Where have you been?” I asked my friend.

  “Around. I started going to the center. Lillian is really nice.”

  “Yes. She is.”

  Evie’s face went pale and she shot to her feet. “Restroom?” She asked as Mrs. Matthews pointed to the small door beneath the stairs. Evie rushed over and flung open the door, throwing herself to her knees and letting whatever was making her feel sick flood out of her stomach and into the bowl. I quickly moved to pull her hair back as Davis rinsed a small hand towel with water and passed it to me.

  “You okay?”

  “No!” She cried, wiping her mouth with the towel.

  “What’s wrong?” I panicked and tried to get her to focus on me.

  “I’m….. I’m… oh, Nova!” she cried out. “I’m pregnant.” She fell apart then. She leaned into me and sobbed. I heard Davis step out of the room quietly and shut the door behind him, leaving us to our moment.

  “Shh.” I comforted her as best as I could. Thoughts raced through my head. Knowing that this was a product of “the event…” I couldn’t imagine what she must be feeling.

  “Are you healthy?”

  “Yes. The doctors did a test at the hospital while we were there, but it was too early. I just found out a few days ago and I just don’t know what to do. Mom says we’ll be fine and she’ll support me no matter what happens, but I don’t know if I can do this, Nova. I don’t know if I can raise a child that will remind me of that terror, every day of my life.”

  I didn’t know if I would be able to do it either, but it was her decision alone to make and no matter what I’d be by her side to help her through it all. She was family.

  “Shh. You don’t have to make any decisions right this second. Let’s get you cleaned up and presentable and we’ll go out there together.”

  “Did you get the call about going back?” She questioned as she stood to wash her face and pull back her hair.


  “And are you going to?”

  “I think we have to. They need us.”


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