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Chimera Page 7

by M. W. Huffman

  “What? You are seeing ghosts now?” he sneered.

  “No Jim, I see you. You signed off on them when you took the oath of office. As part of your taking office you were to read the Executive Orders and then sign that you had read and would abide by them.”

  “Well I didn’t so I guess I can do as I please,” he shot back.

  “But you did sign,” she said holding up the book with his signature attesting to the fact that he had read them and would uphold them.

  He just stood there looking first from her to the signature and back again.


  This is a Special News Bulletin from the Center for Disease Control. Stay tuned for his special news conference.

  The camera cut to a scene that showed several military personnel in full biochemical suits. Several were using a high pressure hose on military vehicles. It was an eerie scene to say the least. The station then cut to a young woman holding a microphone with a huge white trailer in the background. CDC was painted on the side in large letters. The most startling part was that she had on a face mask.

  Good evening. In a minute, the Director of the Center for Disease Control will be making an announcement. Doctor Riser will start the briefing and will introduce members of a special government division that deals with various aspects of the control of air borne pathogens. I see the trailer door opening and they are coming out now.

  The camera cut to a small group of men and women as they stood behind Mark. He adjusted his mask quickly and looked out at the cameras.

  I am Doctor Mark Riser, Director for the Center of Disease Control. We are here to give the population important information. This is not intended to frighten you or create a panic. It is our belief that Americans, when given all the facts, will respond in a mature and rational manner.

  “As you know, an outbreak of the Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever virus has been found within the borders of the United States. How it got here is an unknown element at this time. What we do know is that it appears to be spreading because of the nature of the infection. This is an air borne transmitted disease and the infection can be passed from one person to the next by simply being in the same general location.”

  “Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever is extremely contagious and very deadly. I will not insult you by telling you that everything is under control. For this to be contained we will need the help of every citizen. If we do not have your cooperation, the disease will continue to spread exponentially. Within one month, virtually 90 percent of the population could be infected.”

  He stopped and looked directly into the camera before going on.

  “President John F. Kennedy realized that the spread of a form of nuclear, biological, or chemical warfare could be unleashed on the United States. To that end he created a special team of medical experts to help combat and control the spread in such an event. Executive Order 60600.1A, B and C were put into effect. That order created a special agency called the Deadly Virus Containment Team. DVCT, for short. It gives the Director, Doctor Randal Peel, the authority to take whatever steps are necessary to contain the spread without interference from any further government approval. This is Doctor Peel, head of the DVCT.”

  The cameras all cut to Doctor Peel as he stepped to the microphones. Much like Mark Riser had done earlier, he looked around at the reporters and then directly into the cameras.

  “Honestly, I was hoping and praying this day would never come. I would have been happy to be back at the lab and have remained anonymous the rest of my life. Unfortunately that isn’t the case today. The Ebola virus we are dealing with, and I don’t want to confuse the issue using a bunch of technical terms, has had five variations. That is until now. This virus is mutating which has both good and bad connotations. The good is that it may mutate to such an extent that it is no longer deadly. Of course the other end of that is it may mutate to something even more deadly. It is what we call a Chimera. It changes by absorbing other viruses. This mutation can either weaken or make it even more deadly. We intend to err on the more cautious side.

  The DVCT has issued the following directive. All air, land, and sea travel is immediately suspended from state to state and from into or out of the United States. While we realize the tremendous disruption it will cause and even anger in some areas, this is what must be done to prevent worldwide contamination. Currently at least fourteen states have known or suspected cases of the Ebola virus. We are taken these steps in hopes of preventing further spread.

  You must understand that this was not taken lightly. We know what we are asking you to do but if we continue the way we are, 90 percent of the American population will be infected within one month. Of those 90 percent, the mortality rate is 90 percent or better. Think about that for a minute. Your chances of winning a super jackpot lottery twice is one thousand times greater than not contracting the Ebola Virus.”

  He turned back to Mark and nodded. Mark stepped back up to the microphones. He hesitated a few seconds.

  “That probably scared the daylights out of you,” he said smiling briefly.

  “There are some basic precautions that everyone should initiate immediately. Wait. Don’t everyone run out and start buying milk, bread, and water. That is not the answer and it is both foolish and dangerous. Your best protection is to isolate yourself as much as possible. Get a mask and start wearing it immediately. Remember this is air borne. You can drink your regular water safely. It doesn’t affect food. I am going to turn this over to Stacy Langhorn and she will go down a list of things you can and should do to lessen your chance of exposure. Panic is the last thing you should do. When you panic you breathe deeper and faster. Stay calm and we will get through this together. Stacy,” he said passing it off to her.


  “Ladies and Gentlemen. The Vice President of the United States.”

  “Good evening my fellow Americans. Many of you are wondering why the Vice President is addressing the nation instead of President Thornburg. The President suffered a fractured rib when he stumbled while jogging. It is not life threatening but the doctors insisted that he remain overnight for observation. The President sends you his best wishes.

  Earlier today the Center for Disease Control and the Deadly Virus Containment Team held a press conference. Tonight I want to assure the American people that we have complete and total faith in both of those agencies. Doctor Peel and Doctor Riser are the top experts in the field of viruses and containment. The suggestions offered should not be dismissed. As of this moment, every government employee is hereby directed to start wearing a face mask before they report to work tomorrow. Many of you have already heeded this advice and we salute you for doing so. All Americans who are concerned for their loved ones and for themselves should immediately implement the suggestions offered today.

  All newspapers, television stations, and radio stations will repeat those instructions every hour for the next thirty days. While it is not mandatory currently, we are asking for your cooperation to help stop the spread of this virus.

  Fellow Americans, we are faced with a great peril that could potentially travel to every corner of the world. Every one of us fully understands the hardships that lie ahead but the restriction of travel must be implemented to contain this virus. Everyone is a soldier in the war against this Chimera. We need each and every one of you to do your part. Our entire country is under attack and only we can stop it.

  Thank you and God Bless You.”

  * * *

  “Well that was a bit unusual, the Vice President addressing the nation. Her message was very clear. We are at war and all of us are on the front lines. It appears that the White House intends to fully support the ban on all land, sea, and air travel with the exception being within the individual states. How they intend to enforce this is not clear at this time. We have learned that every airline company has been ordered to cease all air travel. Private planes will not be allowed to operate as well. Basically we are a quarantined nation with no one al
lowed to enter or exit. The borders between Mexico and Canada have been closed. The Canadian and Mexican governments are cooperating.

  The list of suggestions by the CDC will appear on the screen shortly. You may want to have a pen or pencil and pad of paper handy.

  We now return you to our regular broadcast.”

  * * *

  “What do you think?”

  “I think it went as well as could be expected. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m sure some cities will have riots break out. The bad elements in society just can’t wait for an opportunity to loot and burn.”

  “I wish you were wrong but unfortunately you are probably right,” the Chief of Staff replied.

  “I do not like lying to the people of this country. It leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.”

  “It had to be done. The last thing we need is for the American public to hear even more bad news.”

  “I know but I don’t have to like it.”

  “None of us do Madam President.”

  “Well, that certainly doesn’t roll off the tongue very well does it?”

  “It will take some getting used to.”

  “How long will they keep Thornburg sedated?”

  “That depends on his mental capacity. It is obvious that he cannot be in charge of the country. At least not in his present condition.”

  “We need to let the leaders from both parties know what’s going on.”

  The new Chief of Staff, Beverly Wilson, let out a big sigh.

  “You know it won’t be a secret very long.”

  Acting President Andria Toll laughed.

  “Bev, you couldn’t be more right. A secret in D.C. Talk about an oxymoron.”


  “You are sure you can get me across the state line?”

  “Absolutely. I guarantee it.”

  “You know what happens if we get caught.”

  “Believe me, we will slip right through like a walk in the park.”

  “Okay. Here is two fifty up front. You get the rest when I am safely over the border into Missouri.”

  Bud Sorensen had been about as close to a mountain man as you could be in today’s world. He owned seven hundred and ninety acres that ended at the edge of the Mississippi River. Bud hardly ever left the place he called home. A couple of weeks ago he went into town to get a few supplies. One of the few trips he ever made into the small town of Hick Port. He ate at one of the local dinners and listened while people flapped their gums about this and that.

  Of course the most attention was given to this new deadly virus that seemed to be spreading all over Kentucky. All he got were bits and pieces. He was glad he didn’t have to deal with these town folk very much. They worried about everything.

  “Why hello Bud. I ain’t seen you in like forever.”

  “Terri. Big stuff going on,” Bud said, jerking his thumb over his shoulder at the television.

  “That’s all everyone is talking about,” Terri said coughing into her arm. “Sorry about that. I got a cold coming on. My throat is a tad sore.”

  “Maybe you should get checked out,” Bud suggested.

  “Like Earl would ever let me off long enough to go to the doctor. Hell, I’ll probably die right her in the diner.”

  “That Earl, what a corker.”

  “What can I get for you honey?”

  “Bacon, three eggs over easy, taters and a couple of those biscuits you all make.”

  She coughed again and headed for the kitchen. While Bud was waiting for his order a man slipped into the booth across from him. Bud looked at him questionably.

  “I don’t think I know you friend,” he said at last.

  “You’re Bud Sorensen right?”

  “Who’s askin’?”

  “My name is Stillwater. Ted Stillwater.”

  “Okay. Is that supposed to mean something to me?” Bud asked still looking at him suspiciously.

  “Look. I happened to be over her in Kentucky on a business trip when they stopped interstate travel. I just have to get back to Missouri where my wife and kids are.”

  “Uh-hu. And how does that concern me?”

  “They tell me you have land that is right on the Mississippi.”

  “They do. Who tells you that?”

  “Ed Jenkin, Tommy Lee, and some others.”

  The waitress came back with Bud’s food. She looked puzzled at the man across from Bud but didn’t say anything.

  “Anything else I can get you Hon?” she asked Bud, more or less ignoring the man across from him.

  “No that will do it Terri.”

  She coughed and left, glancing back at the man once more.

  “So, why are you sharing this sad story with me?” Bud asked.

  “Mr. Sorensen, my wife is eight months pregnant. I have to get back home. She can’t even drive. I want you to get me across the river. That’s all. I’ll get home from there. I only live a few miles up Highway A, near the Dorena Ferry ramp.”

  “Oh, is that all? You want me to get you across the Mississippi, over into Missouri. Even if it is against the law. You somehow feel I can magically transport you over there is that about it?” Bud said taking a big fork full of eggs and potatoes.

  “Mr. Sorensen, I just have to get home. What would you do if you were trapped like this?”

  “Make my own way across. I don’t need anyone to help me,” he said shoveling another fork full in his mouth.

  “Look. I’m a salesman. I don’t have any knowledge of how to get across a river like that. I can just barely get from point A to Point B without GPS.”

  “Sorry. I can’t help you,” Bud said.

  “I’ll give you five hundred dollars to get me across the river,” he said.

  Bud looked up at him.

  “Five hundred cash. No bull Ed. I don’t take to kindly to having my chain jerked.”

  “In cash.”

  “Alright Ed, you got a deal. You come out to my place at nine O’clock tonight and I’ll get you across,” Bud said drawing out a quick map on a napkin.

  “Ain’t hard to find. Do you know where Upper Bottom Road is?”

  “I do.”

  “Good. Go north and as soon as you cross that little tributary look for a gravel road on the left side. It usually has a gate across it but I’ll leave it open for you. Just follow that road. You’ll see my place about a mile back. I’ll be waiting for you there. Bring the money.”

  “I’ll be there,” Ed said and slid out of the booth like he wasn’t ever there.

  Bud just chuckled. Five hundred bucks. Hell, he would have done it for a hundred. Dumb sucker.


  Telling people they can’t travel and stopping it are two entirely different things. Over twenty-seven hundred arrests were made across the country on just the first day of the new restrictions. Many others probably slipped through.

  On the second day, riots flared up in L.A., Detroit and Chicago. Protests took place in San Francisco and Denver. Runs were made on grocery stores all across the nation.

  On day three, L.A. was forced to call out the National Guard. Fires were raging across the entire city. By nightfall the jails were overflowing with those arrested. San Francisco had come to a screeching halt. Portland Oregon held a huge rally demanding that businesses be allowed to operate across state lines.

  A large portion of downtown Chicago was in the hands of gangs that were keeping the police at bay. Even with the help of the National Guard, they were managing to keep control of the central business district. Stores were being systematically looted.

  Even some smaller towns were having problems with the population. Areas that were rural and were generally trouble free had a higher frequency of reports of looting and stealing. Undermanned Sherriff’s offices were quickly overwhelmed.

  The effects of the rising death toll reported each night were fueling the wave of violence spreading almost as fast as the virus itself.

  * * *

/>   “Doctor Riser, you should take a look at this.”

  Mark rubbed his eyes, stretched his neck and walked over to the microscope.

  “What have we got here,” he asked wearily, rubbing his eyes again.

  “This is from our latest batch of admittances.”

  “Alright,” he said and bent to look into the eyepieces.

  He stood motionless for several seconds before raising his head, lost in deep thought.

  “It has mutated again. How in the hell could this be happening?” he said to no one in particular, “Get Doctor Peel in here ASAP. If this is what I think it is…” but he didn’t finish the sentence.

  A few minutes later Peel came into the trailer. It was clumsy with all the biological gear on.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “You need to look at this and tell me what you think,” Mark told him.

  Randal bent and looked into the microscope. He adjusted the focus a couple of times and then slowly raised his head.

  “That can’t be,” he said finally.

  “But it is.”

  “I don’t understand. That's Yersinia Pasties Bacterium.”

  “I agree.”

  “The Chimera is bonding with the Yersinia.”

  “It would appear that way,” Mark agreed.

  “This simply can’t be. Do you know what this implies?”

  “I do. The real question is what do we do about it?”

  * * *

  The plague, also called The Black Death, happened during the 14th Century and wiped out over half of the world population. It occurred suddenly and spread rapidly across all of Europe. Millions died. Typically the plague exists in two different strains. Bubonic and Pneumonic are the two different varieties. Pneumonic plague is spread through the air by coughing, sneezing and face to face contact. It is ideally suited for today’s packed world. The Chimera was growing in strength and building an even more deadly virus. Many of the symptoms of Ebola were replicated in Pneumonic plague.

  If this new Chimera got out of the United States it could sweep over the entire planet.


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