Wishbone (Game On Trilogy #1)

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Wishbone (Game On Trilogy #1) Page 2

by Lisa Sommers

  I try to mind my own business, but when I see him strip off his teal button-up shirt and lay it at the far end of his yoga mat, I nearly choke on my own breath. Holy shit! His arms are massive. And those tattoos. Damn, he’s hot!

  There are several ink designs on both biceps that seem to run up and over to his back. I can't see what they trail off to be though. I've always loved a man with tattoos. I don't know what it is. Something masculine. Something rugged, sexy. All of it. He looks absolutely stunning. He appears to have an athletic build, and I can't seem to keep my gaze off of him. The definition in his arms is unbelievable. There’s a tattoo on his right arm that seems to run on the inside of his forearm, and I can't tell what that one is either.

  I move my stare up his arm, past his neck, and I finally stop at his face. I am so enthralled with his appearance that I don't even notice that he is staring right back at me. Oh shit! I quickly divert my gaze onto the floor in front of me and busy myself trying to fluff up my small airline blanket. Shit, he totally caught me gawking at him. I am so embarrassed. I can feel my cheeks flush bright red, but I turn quickly to hide it from him.

  I hear him chuckle. He is clearly satisfied with my ogling.

  I roll over and face the wall. I can't believe I just did that. Oh my god, he is freaking hot though! I can hear Michael and Brea chatting with one another. They appear to be getting along like old friends. Why does Mister Brown Eyes have to be so strange? I hope he doesn't start touching me tonight. I will go ballistic on his ass. Oh crap, I need to call Chelsea.

  I grab my cell phone and walk into the snack area. "Hey, Chels. I'm not flying in tonight."

  Chelsea immediately goes off on me.

  "No. No, I didn't stay. I left him. The airline made me miss my connecting flight. I'm stuck in Dallas."

  Chelsea has a right to be mad at me. I’ve tried to leave Jack once before, but I chickened out. She thought I caved in to his charming ways again.

  "Yeah, they say they’ll have me on the first flight out of here in the morning. Can you still pick me up? If not, I can just grab a cab."

  Luckily, Chelsea took the rest of the week off work to spend with me, so she has no problem getting me tomorrow.

  "Yes, I'll call you the minute I land. Thanks. Yes, I'll see you soon. Love you."

  I quietly walk back into the room, minding my own business, then set the alarm on my phone to wake me up in plenty of time before my flight. I get to my mat, lie down, and try to close my eyes and get some rest.

  I lie here for I don't know how long, but I still can't seem to fall asleep. This isn't the most comfortable place to sleep. Besides, Michael and Brea are still talking. Not loud, but they sure seem to be hitting it off. By the way they are talking, I wouldn't doubt it if they hooked up after this.

  Out of curiosity, I quietly roll over to see what has Chris so peaceful. He looks relaxed and doesn't seem to have any problems sleeping. He's lying on his back with his legs fully stretched out and crossed at the ankles. His arms are above his head and folded under his brown locks. His biceps are bulging, but not in a body builder form. He has more of an athlete’s physique—toned in all the right places.

  "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

  I nearly jump out of my spot. What the heck? How did he know I was looking at him?

  His eyes are still closed, but the smirky grin that appears on his beautiful face glows with cockiness.

  I quickly roll back over and face the wall again. Damn him! "What, does he have eyes on the back of his head?"

  "No, I just felt your stare," he says.

  Oh shit! Did I say that out loud?

  Once again, I am so embarrassed.

  Chapter 2


  I can’t help but chuckle at her nonchalant way of being enthralled with me. It’s why I’m here. She captivated me the moment I saw her stunning green eyes. I knew after our brief conversation that I wanted more. More of her. Now, here I am stretched out on this thin as shit yoga mat. Which offers little to no comfort between me and the hard flooring in this airport. Thinking of what I’ve done, it dawns on me, what the hell am I doing? This is completely insane and not like me at all. I have places to be, and people to talk to. My team is depending on me. I don’t have time for this. What the fuck am I doing here? I don’t even have a connecting flight to San Diego. Well, I didn’t, anyway. Not until I told the attendant to add me to that list of people waiting. I am supposed to meet my mom in Los Angeles before heading to San Diego. And I hadn’t expected to be staying in a fucking exercise room on the floor. But since the only reason I am in this situation is to follow a chick around, I can’t whine about it. Christ, I can afford my own hotel room. The whole damn floor, if I wanted to. But no, a beautiful long-haired brunette sitting next to me had to catch my eye. I couldn’t help notice the tears slipping down her, what I assume is soft as silk, cheeks. Something about her struck me, and I couldn’t seem to put it to rest. I don’t make it a habit to chase girls; they usually chase me. Shit, if my teammates ever found out what I just did, they would hand me my balls in a brown paper bag.

  It’s clear that I strike a nerve with her though. I seem to annoy her with anything I say or do. But it only makes me want to do it more.


  That’s what the attendant called her.

  Alli Bane. I like the way her name sounds when I say it.

  I shake my head at the situation I just put myself in. This is seriously not like me. What the fuck was I thinking? What am I planning to do here? That’s just it, I wasn’t thinking. Shit. I scrub my hands over my face. This is absurd. And I don’t know why I took my shirt off. Never mind that—hell yes, I do. I wanted to get a reaction out of her, and it worked. The gasp she released when she rolled over and looked at me made me think about what other sounds she might make. I sensed her stare on me and it took everything in me to not laugh out loud.

  Shit. I need to call my coach. He’s going to be pissed. We were supposed to do a shoot in Los Angeles before heading back to San Diego. I’ll just tell him something came up with my dad.

  I slide up a bit and reach over to grab my discarded shirt, then throw it back on. After reaching for my cell phone, I stand up and head into the small snack room. I take one last glance back at Alli before I enter. A smile immediately spreads across my face as I notice the tense, sexy brunette staring after me.

  She disappears from my sight when I enter the snack room, but she doesn’t go from my mind. Once again, I shake my head at this ridiculous charade I started.

  “Hey, Cal. It’s me,” I say into the receiver of my phone. “Yeah, I’ll be back tomorrow. I just needed one more day. Sure, I’ll tell him. Alright, man. Thanks, I appreciate it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” It pains me to no end that I just lied to coach. I’m at the top of my game, and here I am chasing something that’s not even mine.

  I grab a paper cup and dispense some cold water. After drinking it, I crumble the cup and toss it into the trash.

  I walk back into the room, only to notice the back of Alli as she’s peering through the door that exits into the long corridor of the airport. Is she leaving? The thought of never seeing her again pains me.

  I quickly walk past the two college kids that are obviously becoming more acquainted with one another.

  I ignore them sucking face and make my way to Alli, only to grab her arm and quickly whisk her away.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” Alli struggles to release herself from my grip.

  I have no idea what I am doing. I’ve never done this before. “Just come with me.”

  “Let me go. Where are you taking me?” she whines, but doesn’t put up much of a fight.

  Where am I taking her? I take in my surroundings and see that most of the stores are closed. Shit, what do I do now? I really need to map out my kidnapping plans before I do shit like this. Suddenly, I come across a pub that is still open. Alli pulls back roughly and slips through my fingers. The loss of her smooth skin under-min
e leaves me wincing. I turn back and see she is standing in the middle of the walkway with her arms crossed over her chest. Her beautiful chest.

  She glares at me as if I were a stranger. Oh wait, I am a stranger to her.

  I mimic her stance and stare at her with my arms crossed over my own chest. As if in an old western movie, we’re facing each other in a stand-off, before I finally say, “I just thought we should leave that room before we both witness something neither of us want to.” I nod my head in the direction of those college kids getting it on.

  “You don’t know what I want.” Alli tries to show what I assume is her pissed-off face, but it does nothing more than confirm my feelings for her. My feelings? Did I suddenly become a chick over night?

  My eyebrows lift at her comment. “So you wanted to see those two kids have sex?” I question.

  I’m game if it means I get to be next her.

  She huffs and hastily releases her arms until they rest beside her hips. Hips that I’d love to wrap my fingers around. My gaze lowers to that exact spot, and thoughts of pulling her flush against me ruin my train of thought.

  Suddenly, she throws her arms up in the air and storms past me. “Come on, then.”

  I release a low chuckle and do as she says. It’s clear to her that I’d follow her anywhere. I’m just steps behind her, until she heads for a small, cozy table in the far corner of the pub where I thought about taking her just moments ago.

  Alli dramatically throws herself down on the bench seat. She seems annoyed with me, but she still whisks her hand out in front of her and gestures for me to take a seat opposite her. Without question, I do. Somehow, the tables have turned between us. I am more than happy to let her take the lead, but I will not let this night end without her knowing that this will not be the last.

  Alli seems to be watching my every move, and neither one of us want to break the silent stare we are stuck in.

  I huff my annoyance at the sound of the waitress. “Would you like a food menu, or just drinks this evening?” she asks.

  I wait for Alli to respond. “I’ll just have a Dos Equis, please.”

  Hmm, I didn’t have her pegged as a beer drinker. Wine maybe, but not beer. “Make that two,” I say to the waitress, but my eyes remain on Alli. I am hungry as hell, but I can wait. I don’t want to break whatever this is going on between us.

  “Two beers, comin’ up.”

  Alli has her beautiful big brown eyes fixated on mine. She takes me in as I take her in. I make no attempt to break the connection between us.

  “Sooo.” The annoyance in her voice does nothing to distract my want for her. She looks me up and down with squinty eyes. I’m sure she’s contemplating my intentions, and it makes me smile.

  I still have no idea what I’m doing here with her. “Sooo,” I repeat her own word, buying me time to formulate a plan.

  “So, why didn’t you say anything on the airplane?” she asks.

  I’m confused about her question. “About what?”

  “When I voiced my frustration about being stuck here, why didn’t you say you were stranded here as well?”

  Think quick dumbass. “I don’t know. Why? Were you disappointed when you thought I was going somewhere else?” I goad her. I don’t know this girl, but I sure as hell am having fun teasing her.

  “Cocky much?” she says, as I see her shoulders slump just a bit. She’s starting to relax. Her gaze slips down to my arm on the table— most likely taking in my tattoos.

  As much as I get off on working a reaction out of her, I have a feeling she is beginning to relish in our little interaction as well.


  Her gaze darts up to mine. I could look into those green eyes forever. I smile, and I can tell that, yes, yes indeed, I have finally broken her wall down.

  Once again, the waitress breaks our connection as she slides our cold beers on the table in front of us.

  I keep my eyes trained on Alli’s as I lift mine to take a sip. As if mimicking me, she takes a drink as well. After she places it back on the table, my eyes shoot down to her mouth as she licks the froth from her upper lip.

  Holy shit.

  She must notice my reaction, because the corner of her plump lips turn up slightly. I think she enjoys teasing me as well.

  Touché. I can play this game all night with her. Game on.

  Alli begins to fidget with the coaster that her beer is sitting next to. She appears to want to say something, but she can’t seem to get it out.

  I interrupt her indecisiveness and begin, “So, Alli”—I bump my glass against hers—“what’s bringing you to San Diego?”

  She takes one more sip of her beer before answering, probably wondering why some guy she just met is getting personal with her.

  “Clearly not this airline.”

  Beautiful and witty. I like that.

  I smile at her charming sense of humor. “What else?” I ask, wanting to know everything about her.

  She pauses briefly before answering. “Fresh start.” She squares her shoulders and sits up straight. Tension clearly building again.

  Well, there goes asking the most important question of all. She just answered it.

  She’s single.

  She doesn’t say anything else, and it makes me wonder what has her so wound up. Why is she starting over? Is she running from her friends? Her family? Did she do something that warrants her starting over? Then it hits me. Did someone hurt her? I may have only met Alli hours ago, and we certainly have not even scratched the surface on the communication front, but the thought of someone hurting her has my hand balling into a fist at my side.

  I won’t bring it up again, at least not right now, but I will eventually find out. At the moment, I just want to wipe the strain from her body and bring her back to where we were only minutes before.

  Let’s go back to her being single.

  I am just about to resume flirting with her when her phone, which is sitting between on the table, starts ringing. She immediately looks down and sighs, before quickly grabbing it. I think she is about to chuck it across the room, but she refrains. I managed to get a glimpse of the display, and it makes me chuckle internally.

  Jackass. That’s what was scrawled across her phone.

  Alli stares at her phone for just a moment before finally saying, “Excuse me,” then swiping the display. She stands up and walks to the entrance of the pub. Her demeanor switches to pissed-off, and maybe a little scared.

  I watch as she talks to whoever it is on the other end of the line. I can’t make out what she’s saying, but it’s clear she’s not happy. Again, the balls of fury pool in my fist. I clench my other hand tight around my glass of beer and watch as Alli talks to Jackass. After taking long gulps, I realize I just pounded the whole thing.

  Shit, she’s gonna think I’m a drunk.

  Alli returns, and I watch as she slaps her phone on the table. She picks up her glass and downs the rest of the alcohol, then she raises her arm and gestures for the waitress to return.

  Shit, Jackass must have done a number on her.

  “Another round?” the waitress asks.

  Alli nods her head, then looks in my direction, eyebrows raised.

  “Yes, another round,” I reply, keeping my eyes on Alli.

  The waitress retreats, and Alli finds the courage to speak, fire clearly radiating in her eyes. What I wouldn’t do to see that spark under me. “Tell me, Chris, what guy cheats on a girl after she gives everything she is, everything she has, to that asshole?”

  Oh fuck, my suspicions were dead on. She looks more than pissed. She looks like she wants revenge. I certainly wouldn’t want to be on the other side of her situation. But then again, the receiving end might not be so bad. I’m more than happy to help her get her rage out.

  The waitress returns with our beers before I have a chance to answer her question. I immediately take a gulp, and Alli does the same. Her plan to get revenge might get interrupted if she keeps drinkin
g like this.

  I need to defuse that spark and refocus her attention back on me.

  “Not all guys are like that,” I say, but I am certainly no innocent bystander. I have had my fair share of women, and I’m sure some of them had spouses at home. Being in the industry I’m in comes with an endless line of willing women. Why would I turn them down?

  “Are you sure about that?”

  Alli’s question makes me feel like a total loser. It’s like she can read my thoughts. I take another gulp, and my refusal to answer her question makes her wince.

  “Chris.” Alli doesn’t know that I don’t go by Chris, but hearing her say it with rage makes me glad she doesn’t know it. I don’t think I could stand hearing my name roll off those beautiful lips of hers with such anger, unless it led us into the bedroom. I look her up and down. I can picture her pressed up against me, and me licking down that soft neck—inching my way down her chest, and lingering on her perfect breasts. Alli clears her throat, bringing my attention back to her eyes. “Do all men stray?” This time her voice is weak and barely above a whisper.

  She asks me again. Fuck, I am not the man she should be asking.

  “No.” I lie. Well, it’s not exactly a lie. I would never cheat on someone I was in a relationship with. My problem is . . . it’s why I tend to not be in a committed relationship.

  Seeing Alli look so distraught and lost makes me want to pull her close, wrap my arms around her, and not let go. I wonder what her skin feels like. I touched her briefly when I pulled her out of that room, but it was too short-lived. Is it as smooth as I remember?

  Alli’s arm rests on the table, and without thinking I reach out to touch it. My hand stills instantly at the feel of her soft skin.

  I trail my fingers down until I reach her wrist. I lightly press my hand over hers and squeeze.

  She pulls away.

  I am such an ass. She just told me, though not in so many words, that she was cheated on. And here I am making a move on her.


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