Wishbone (Game On Trilogy #1)

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Wishbone (Game On Trilogy #1) Page 6

by Lisa Sommers

  “Oh, it’s so nice to meet you. Thank you so much. I’m really looking forward to watching the game,” I say, as I’m sure these tickets don’t come cheap.

  “You’re very welcome, dear. If you’re a friend of Chelsea here, then you are always welcome to join us.”

  “That’s very kind of you, sir.”

  “Bob, please.” He flashes me a warm smile and I immediately feel welcome.

  Bob and Chelsea continue talking for a few minutes, before she grabs my hand and leads me to another door. I am instantly taken aback by the view. I walk a few more feet until we are overlooking the baseball field.


  “I know, right? It’s totally ridiculous. In a good way, of course.”


  I turn around, only to see a long counter against the wall that’s holding countless entrées.

  “Oh my god. Chelsea? Did you see all this food?” There is enough food to feed an army.

  “Beer, too,” she says.

  “Really?” It’s all so much.

  “Yep. They go all out for us, right?”

  “They sure do.”

  Chelsea and I quickly declare our seats by putting our sweaters on two chairs before the room starts to fill up with more of Chelsea’s co-workers.

  “Here you go, sweet cheeks,” she says as she hands me a beer.

  “Thanks, babe.”

  The game is about the start, so we take our seats and listen while the announcer says each player’s name as they run out.

  “Oh. Oh, that’s McCall,” Chelsea screeches as a player runs out to the pitcher’s mound.

  I nod my head, but I can’t really see the players that clearly. I’m squinting my eye’s, trying to get a better look when she says, “Look on the big screen. You can see a close-up.”

  I do, but it has already switched to the next player. “Huntington on third,” they announce.

  Chelsea’s right, he’s not bad to look at.

  “Too bad they don’t have shirts with the coach’s name. He’s even hotter,” she says.

  “Seriously, Chels? Every guy is hot to you.”

  “Oh, hell. No they are not. Remember that guy from last week when we went out with Jessica? He was butt-fucking-ugly.”

  She’s right, he was. “You have a point.”

  The game is about half over when I see my face on the big screen. “Oh my god,” I scream, pointing to the big television.

  Suddenly, Chelsea plants a big wet kiss on my cheek. “It’s the kiss cam,” she hollers, excitement evident in her screech. “I just declared you my girl for the whole world to see.”

  I laugh at her declaration.

  The game is in the seventh inning stretch when people start yelling McCall’s name. “Why are they chanting his name?” I ask no one in particular.

  “He’s not on his game.”

  I turn to see Bob with his arms crossed over his chest. He looks upset.

  “Something’s wrong. He’s one of the best pitcher’s out there right now. Barely letting anything through his clutches. Now . . . now, I don’t know, it’s like he’s distracted or something. He’s definitely off his game.”

  “Hmm, strange. I guess everyone is entitled to have a bad day.”

  “Not when you get paid ‘X’ amount dollars to pitch that god-damned ball.” Bob clearly has a vested interest in this guy.

  Maybe he has a bet on this game or something.

  “I’ll have Cal up here after the game. See if I can get . . .” Bob starts to say, when Chelsea so rudely interrupts him.

  “Cal? As in Callihan Moon? As in Cal, the Coach?” I look over at my best friend, but she is no longer sitting in her seat. She’s already beside Bob, her hand not-so-delicately gripping his arm. Why the hell is she so excited for Bob to talk to Cal?

  “The one and only,” he says.

  “You have to introduce us,” Chelsea demands.

  Bob chuckles at her behavior, but he quickly puts her mind at ease. “No worries, honey. I’m sure Cal would love to meet you two lovely young ladies.”

  “Alli, did you hear that? We get to meet Cal!”

  “I heard, Chels.” I’m excited, but I guess the sound of my voice doesn’t express as much undying enthusiasm as hers.

  “Alli.” Chelsea releases her grip from Bob’s arm and makes her way back to me. “Maybe you didn’t hear clearly. We get to meet the hot Cal fucking Moon!”

  “I heard, babe. It’s awesome. I’ve never met a professional baseball player or coach before. So yeah, it’s pretty cool,” I try to reassure her.

  Luckily, Bob is on his way to get more food, because the next thing my best friend says would have been mortifying. “I’m getting fuckin’ lucky tonight!”

  “Oh my god, Chels! Keep your voice down.” I look around the room to make sure nobody heard her. I don’t think anyone did.

  “Or you. If you’re interested, by all means, go for him.”

  My mouth drops open. “Seriously, Chelsea!” I can’t believe she just said that.

  “Totally serious. Besides, if Cal is coming up to this box, then that just means some of the players will make their way up here, too.” And there she goes again. She has that dazed look on her face again as if she is imagining those players right now.

  “Okay, Chels.” I turn back to face the field, hoping that I haven’t missed the end of the game. I love Chelsea, and I know she means well, but I’m just not as brazen as she is. I can’t just move from one guy to the next. I’m not like that. Except for that one time with Chris.

  “I’m sorry, Alli.” I keep my eyes on the field, otherwise I have a feeling my tears would be on the verge of returning. “I promise I won’t put you on the spot when we meet Cal. I love you, and I just want to see you happy. You deserve so much better than how Jackass treated you. I hate that he had that power to make you feel this way. If he were standing here in front of me, I’d kick him in the balls. Hell, if he was over there,” Chelsea says as she points to some random seats across the whole stadium, “I’d run over there and beat the shit out of him.”

  She would, too. “Thanks, Chelsea. I know you mean well. I’m working on it, okay? I’ll try to get my butt back out there again.”

  I’m not paying much attention to the game as I try to soak in her words. She starts rubbing large circles over my back, comforting me.

  Suddenly she screams, and I jump away while she cheers, “We won.” And there she goes, back to her exuberant self. “Alli, we get to meet Cal now!”

  I look back to see Bob on his cell phone. He must be calling Cal. Chelsea is just beside herself. If I had half her attitude I’m sure I’d be over this hurdle much quicker.

  People are starting to filter out through the stands to head home for the day. But Chelsea and I, as well as a few other people, remain in the box drinking beer and eating food.

  Soon we hear a click at the door, but I remain facing the empty field. I’m not paying much attention to who is entering, when I hear Chelsea call my name. I turn around to see a very handsome man standing next to Bob. It must be Cal. Wow, Chelsea was right. He is gorgeous.

  I make my way to them and take my place next to my best friend.

  “Ladies, I’d for you to meet Mr. Moon,” Bob says.

  “Cal, please, and I’m very pleased to meet you both.”

  “Cal, this here is Chelsea. She’s one of the best purchasing agents we have,” Bob explains, as Cal takes Chelsea’s hand in both of his and gives a light shake. “And this here is her friend, Alli. Alli just moved to San Diego from the east coast.” Cal releases Chelsea’s hand and reaches for mine. “If we’re lucky, she might stay too.”

  I offer Bob a warm smile. He is such a nice man.

  Cal delicately wraps his large hand around mine and raises it to his mouth. He plants a gentle kiss against the back of my hand and lingers for just a moment, his gaze never leaving mine. “You couldn’t be more right, Bob. If we’re lucky.” His penetrating stare ent
raps me.

  Wow, he’s good. I’m feeling much better already. He so good looking. Still holding my hand, Cal clasps his other hand over the top of mine and rubs slowly back and forth.

  “Umm, Chels, maybe we should let these two guys talk. Okay?” I reluctantly pull my hand back, and Cal makes a gentle squeeze before releasing his light grip.

  “It was lovely meeting both of you.” Cal makes no attempt to remove his gaze from mine. “I’ll come see you both before I leave.”

  Chelsea hooks her arm in the crook of mine and pulls me back to our seats. “Holy shit, Alli! Cal is totally into you. Did you see the way he was looking at you?”

  Did I? His focus is still on me as he talks to Bob. “I did,” is all I can manage to say.

  “He is such a player, but fuuuck me. I’d do him in a heartbeat. Isn’t he hot?”

  “He is.” He’s definitely a good-looking guy, but he sure as hell isn’t someone I would ever consider starting something up with. Especially after the way Jack treated me. I’m not looking to get myself back in the same situation. I don’t think my heart can take another beating like that.

  “So what are you going to do about it?”

  I furrow my eyebrows at Chelsea’s question. “Do about what?”

  “Come on, Alli. You’re free again. I’m not asking you to marry the guy. Have a little fun.”

  “I tried that two weeks ago. Look where that got me.” Chris and I totally connected on the same level. Sure, he drove me crazy at first, but then something changed. I can still picture his stunning eyes, his tight muscles, his gorgeous tattoos that I’m sure all have a story behind them.

  “You know what your problem is?”

  Is she really going to take this route? “Enlighten me,” I grumble.

  “You get too attached. You need to figure out how to let loose. No strings attached. Don’t let those assholes tell you what to do. This is your life. You only have one, so make it the best. Show this world who you really are. Take charge, Alli. You’re gorgeous, and best of all, you’re my best friend,” she exclaims.

  I remain quiet, letting everything she said soak in. It hurts, but in the end, she’s right. This is my life. I only get one shot. I exhale a deep breath, before telling my friend, “You’re right.” There, I said it. “You’re right. You are my best friend, and I can do this.”

  With a smile a mile wide, Chelsea beams at me with admiration and mischief. Damn it if she doesn’t have something up her sleeve. What did I just get myself into?

  Before Chelsea has the chance to poke her cute little nose in any further, I see Cal approach from the left of us. “Alli, I’m so glad you’re still here.” His grin is almost as big as Chelsea’s. “I hope I’m not being to forward in asking this, but I’m wondering if you’d like to join me for a celebratory drink.” Cal reaches his hand out to brush down the side of my arm as he speaks to me, his eyes still piercing mine. “I have a few things to deal with in the locker room and with the press, but shortly after I’ll be free.”

  Throwing baby steps out the window, I accept Cal’s request for a drink. I gotta start somewhere, right? “I’d love that.”

  The look in his eyes is pure lust as he gazes at me up and down. His grin grows wider at my acceptance. “Should I just wait here for you?”

  Cal, once again, reaches for my hand and kisses the back of it. “Yes, here will be fine. I’ll be back shortly,” he says as he retreats backward to the door.

  The moment Cal is out of sight, my best friend nearly breaks my eardrum with the loudest screech known to man. “Yay! That’s my girl!”

  I look over to see Bob choking in laughter, clearly amused by Chelsea’s excitement.

  Forty minutes have gone by when Cal finally returns. He’s no longer wearing the clothes he had on earlier either. He’s wearing black dress slacks and a dark blue polo shirt. His dark hair is damp and a little mussed up. He’s still gorgeous, if not more so. He immediately walks to Bob and shakes his hand, then makes his way over to me. “I’m sorry for keeping you here so long.”

  “Yeah, it’s been rough,” I tease. “The digs here are horrible. And the food, don’t even get me started.” I throw in a little giggle so he knows I’m joking.

  Cal smiles at my light-hearted sense of humor. “I should save you then, and take you out of here. I wouldn’t want to expose you to this kind torture.” Cal takes a hold of my hand and starts leading the way to the door. “Chelsea, it was lovely meeting you. I’m sorry, but I must steal your friend here. Bob, a few of the guys wanted me to let you know they’ll be up shortly to say hi,” he says over his shoulder as we make our way out.

  “Oh, don’t you worry about me. Alli, I’ll leave the door unlocked for you. Have fun.”

  I look back and see Chelsea running her fingers through her perfectly groomed long locks of hair. She isn’t hurt one bit by me leaving. As a matter of fact, I’ve never seen her look so happy. And I have no idea if it’s because I’m moving on, or if it’s because of the baseball players that will be coming up to the box to see Bob.

  Chapter 6


  I don’t ever really pay attention to the jumbo-tron during intermissions at games, as I like to stay focused. You know, keep my head in the game and all that stuff. I take that time to strategize, talk to Cal and my teammates, and so forth. But fuck me. I was talking to Huntington and I noticed Alli out of the corner of my eye.

  I know it was her. I will never forget her face. Oddly enough, some chick had her lips on her cheek during the kiss cam.

  I have not been able to get Alli out of my mind since I left her at the airport in Texas. I hated to leave her. It’s the craziest thing, but that night in the airport with Alli . . . something changed me. I’ve never wanted anyone more than I wanted her.

  I had no choice, though. I had to go. I had to be with my dad. He died that morning. However, before he left me, he made me promise him something.


  My dad made me promise him that I would not act the way he did, with a different woman in his bed every night of the week. He loved my mom, I know that, but he just couldn’t seem to help himself. And in the end, he was alone. Aside from me, of course. My dad and I had a closeness that not many people have with their parents. He was my best friend.

  So, in his last moments of life I promised him that I’d found someone. Someone special.

  When I first said her name it stunned even me. However, it didn’t take long for me to realize that Alli had quickly become more to me than any other woman I’d had relations with. It just seemed natural to talk about Alli. I know I had only known her for less than twenty-four hours, but Alli’s name just rolled off my tongue. And it seemed so easy. I don’t know if it was easy because I had no claim to her, or if it was because I felt like I had a claim on her. I wanted her that night, but more importantly, I wanted her again, and not just in my bed. I left Alli my number thinking there was no way she wouldn’t call me. We had a connection. I know she felt it. I felt it in her touch. Her kiss. I saw it in her eyes. I felt it. She felt it.

  Then, two weeks later, after not hearing a word from her, I saw her on that kiss-cam. I lost all concentration. I tried getting back into the game, but my head wasn’t in it. Not once I’d seen her. I couldn’t think of anything else but getting up to that damn box. I know just what room she is in, too. I just so happened to see Bob in the background on the jumbo-tron Bob is a good friend of Cal’s. Not to mention my mom. I brought my mom and my little sister to a game several years ago, and Bob’s wife and my mom hit it off. They’ve been good friends ever since. So he’s one of us. He is always invited to anything we do, so I’ve gotten to know him pretty well.

  It’s not very often that I let a batter score a run, and it's clear every one of my fans notices my fuck-ups. People were yelling my name, or more like cursing my name.

  I didn’t care, though. I just wanted the game to end. I needed to get up to that box. I needed to see Alli. I needed to
find out why she didn’t get in touch with me. I know she felt it.

  Coach is heading up to the box right now, but I have to finish this stupid interview first. I told Cal to let Bob know Huntington and I will be up shortly though, and to not let Bob leave. I wanted to tell him to not let Alli leave too, but there is no way in hell I want him near her. Cal wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off her.

  “Huntington,” I yell out as I tie my shoes.

  “What’s up?”

  “You’re coming with me to see Bob.”

  “Dude, I’m heading out. We have a party to get to.”

  “It’ll take ten minutes.” I’m going whether Huntington wants to or not. Bob is going to want to talk to me about the game anyway, so I need Huntington there to create a diversion, if only for a couple of minutes.

  “I suppose Bob is going anyway. So, yeah, let’s go.”

  I stand before the door that separates Alli from me, and just stay still for a moment with the handle in my tight grasp. I know it’s only been two weeks, but it feels like months since I’ve seen my girl. Well, she technically isn’t my girl. At least not yet. She will be, though. I’m not sure why she didn’t call me, but at this point I don’t care.

  “Dude, what are you doing?” Huntington shoves me aside and opens the door himself.

  “Bob, my man! How’s it . . .” Huntington starts to greet our friend as he sees the beautiful blonde that had her lips on Alli. “Well, who’s this?”

  She bounds her way toward us and stops only inches from Huntington. “Hi, I’m Chelsea,”

  I search the room for Alli, but there is no sign of her. What the fuck? I know it was her.

  “Shane,” Bob mutters. “What the hell happened out there? You were on top of your game up until the seventh inning.”

  “Sorry, boss.” We call him boss, since he and Cal have the same vested interest in the game. “I was reminded of something about my dad.” I lie.

  I barely notice Bob nodding his head as I continue to search the room for Alli. Maybe she’s in the bathroom.

  “Yeah, you guys were tight. I’m sorry for your loss.” Bob is suddenly by my side, roughly patting my back. “Anything you need, you call me. Okay?”


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