The Commander's Fated Mate

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The Commander's Fated Mate Page 19

by Lily Anton

  Ezon didn’t want to hope, but it was bubbling up in his chest, his skin flashing bright with the feeling.

  “You are not obligated to-”

  Her stark laugh cut through his words. “Have you met me? Do you think I would stay out of any sense of obligation?”

  She shook her head fondly. “The position is appealing, I’ve been assured I can always go back to earth, and most of my friends and family are spread out anyways. I wouldn’t be giving up much to be here, but I would possibly be gaining something.


  Both her hands cupped his face. “You.”

  He forgot how to breathe. Her brown eyes shone with a depth of emotion he had never seen from her. “Truly?” he whispered.

  Ezon saw it dawn on her that he had honestly expected her to go back to Earth and yet had still opened his heart. “I think for once in my life, I should take a risk. We’ll see where it leads…”

  He leaned down and kissed her, his arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her close.

  “I could want nothing more than that, Leila…”

  “I sense a ‘but’ coming…” she murmured against his lips, although she didn’t appear too concerned.

  “I...will not age with you...and I understand if you would wish to have someone to grow old with…”

  The thought saddened him; he would gladly spend his life with her until the end of her days, but he wasn’t sure if that would be fair to her.

  “This is still new, Ezon,” Leila reminded him gently, “should we decide on going through with bonding...I’ve been informed that will not be an issue.”

  Ezon was quietly stunned. “I do not understand.”

  He had no idea what she meant, and it clearly showed on his face.

  “I met Venav and Misha a few days ago. They are bonded now. It turns out you guys have a magic bite,” she joked, attempting to make light of something they both knew was not so simple. “Opho confirmed that somehow it affects human biology and syncs up our lifespans. Don’t ask me to explain, I still don’t get it.”

  Ezon blinked, his eyes glowing bright silver. He would never wish her to make such a choice and opened his mouth to tell her so only to have her kiss him quiet.

  “We have time,” she promised.

  He could not predict the future, no matter how much he wished to, but the fact that she would even consider…

  “Yes,” was all he could think to say, marveling at the glorious creature in front of him.

  They had time.

  One year later...


  Leila: Oooo, a Q & A.

  Ezon: *scowls*

  Leila: People are curious about us. I’m actually flattered.

  Ezon: *mumbles under his breath*

  Leila: *tries to hold back a smile* Ignore him. Let’s get started.

  Question 1

  Who is more extroverted?

  *looks at each other*

  Leila: I think it’s pretty equal between us. I’m naturally very introverted, which seems to surprise a lot of people given my position now as an emissary and my former career back on Earth.

  I enjoy socializing with others and even the occasional formal event *ignores Ezon’s grumbling*, but I do need a lot of alone time to recharge; whether it be reading or watching T.V., which I’m extremely happy to say that due to the magic of alien technology, we now get Earth shows and movies.

  Ezon: *crosses his arms*

  Leila: Of course, my favorite thing to do to recharge is spending some quiet time with this handsome man here.

  Ezon: *uncrosses his arms*

  Question 2

  Who is the better cook?

  Leila: I don’t think either one of us has a fondness for cooking, but I think we’re pretty decent at it when we need to be.

  Ezon: I am the better cook.

  Leila: *side eyes*

  Ezon: You burned the fish.

  Leila: That was one time! *whispers* I don’t really like fish too much.

  Ezon: *narrows eyes* You burned it on purpose?

  Leila: Oh, what’s this? Next question? Great!

  Question 3

  What were your immediate impressions about one another?

  Leila: *laughs*

  Ezon: That she was noble and brave.

  Leila: The first time you saw me I was practically unconscious and bleeding from a head wound!

  Ezon: *nods seriously* Yes. You had risked your life for Caleza and defended her from your own people, even though you did not have to. Noble and brave.

  Leila: *refuses to blush* As someone who is extremely risk-averse, I think it was also a bit stupid of me.

  Ezon: Yes, that as well.

  Leila: Isn’t he a charmer?

  Ezon: You have not answered the question.

  Leila: Fishing for compliments?

  Ezon: *remains silent*

  Leila: The first time I truly saw him, he was sparring in the water. He was...graceful and powerful and extremely handsome. *glances over at Ezon*

  Ezon: *preening*

  Question 4

  Who is more stubborn?

  Leila: *grins* I hope there aren’t any more questions after this one because odds are we’re just going to argue about this forever.

  Ezon: She is not wrong. Next question.

  Question 5

  Who is your favorite person? Besides each other.

  Leila: Hmmm, well I have to say my family because otherwise I’ll feel like an asshole if I don’t. But other than my immediate family...I’d have to say Nelo, even though he is now technically family too..

  Ezon: *blinks in surprise* Truly?

  Leila: Yup. Although your parents are a close second.

  Ezon: *considers thoughtfully* ...Nelo as well. Do not tell him I said that!

  Leila: I picked Nelo first. *elbows him* Pick someone else.

  Ezon: Atens.

  Leila: Oh, I should have picked him!

  Ezon: *turns towards her* Do you really like my parents?

  Leila: Very much. You know I do.

  Ezon: *mutters under his breath*

  Question 6

  Favorite sex position?

  Leila: A naughty question snuck right in there! I love it.

  Ezon: *is ready to leave* That is not an appropriate question.

  Leila: Believe it or not, I like missionary the best. Not an exciting answer I know, but it’s the truth.

  Ezon: *debates saying something* What is...missionary?

  Leila: When you’re on top of me and we’re facing each other. It’s considered a very standard and non exciting position among many humans.

  Ezon: Then they are doing it incorrectly.

  Leila: *laughs* Not going to answer the question? You don’t have to agree with my response.

  Ezon: *shifts uncomfortably and crosses his arms* Position is irrelevant. I enjoy your body and bringing you pleasure.

  Leila: *stunned silence*

  Ezon: *looks slightly nervous*

  Suddenly, Leila’s hands cradle his face, kissing him deeply, her nose gently rubbing against his before sitting back down.

  Leila: *clears her throat* Next question!

  Ezon: *eyes keep flickering silver*

  Question 7

  Is it true that when one completes the joining ceremony you can hear each other’s thoughts and feel what the other is feeling?

  Leila: Thoughts? No. Feelings? Sort of? *looks at Ezon* It’s difficult to explain.

  Ezon: The joining ceremony allows one to be more in tune with one’s huerta. Times of great happiness or distress can be detected, but it is not all encompassing.

  His gaze flickers over Leila, who looks mildly uncomfortable.

  Ezon: Perhaps it is time for the next question.

  Question 8

  Who among your friends do you think is next in line, in terms of finding their huerta?

  Leila: *smirks* Spoilers.

  Ezon: *looks at Leila briefly* I am
not at liberty to discuss that information. Are we finished here?

  Leila: I think there’s just a couple more. Besides, this is fun!

  Question 9

  As one of the only two bonded Debir/Human couples currently, what’s something unique or unusual that you didn’t realize about the other’s species?

  Leila: *grins* I’ll keep this G-rated for his sake. His fingers and toes are webbed, but only in water.

  Ezon: *nods* It is an evolutionary adaptation.

  Leila: *looks over at him expectantly*

  Ezon: You molt.

  Leila: What?

  Ezon: You are constantly molting. *points to her head*

  Leila: *laughs* He means I shed a lot. Yeah, my hair gets everywhere, he’s right.

  Question 10

  Ending with a personal question.

  The Debir apparently have two types of pregnancies: one which produces a clutch, which become children raised in a community collective, and the other being a singular birth to a bondmates. It’s absolutely fascinating.

  Ezon: I do not see a question.

  No pressure here, but I know people are curious: Has there been any change of opinion with regard to potentially having one of your own, even in the distant future?

  Ezon: *glances over at Leila as she shifts in her seat* We are more than happy as we are. Leila has honored me by accepting me as her huerta. That is more than I had ever expected, and more than I could ever wish for.

  Leila: *remains unusually quiet*

  Ezon: Leila-

  Leila: Do you mean that?

  Ezon: Of course I do. Have I done something to make you think otherwise? *looks increasingly nervous*

  Leila: You haven’t. I’m just...I’ve seen so many women on Earth - successful, accomplished women - who simply lost their identities and became known as just a ‘mother’. Some were happy with that, but I know a lot of them aren’t.

  Careers that took a backseat when their partners: the fathers of their children, did not share the responsibility, expecting women to give up their lives and all that they’ve worked for. And the sad thing is, a lot of times, they didn’t realize until after they’d had children; that their so-called partners, who had no doubt assured them things would be 50-50, were not helping.

  I didn't think I could ever trust a man enough to go through with having a child. Plus, they’re not the ones that have their bodies transform during a pregnancy or go into labor either. Almost everything about it always falls to women. We are smart, capable, empathic, strong, and unique. Men are assholes.

  *takes a breath*

  Fuck, I sound bitter don’t I?

  Ezon: *looks horrified* Raising offspring is a sacred and welcomed duty. It is not taken lightly by either parent. Males of your species are idiots.

  Leila: *laughs softly* Luckily, I have you.

  Ezon: *considers his words carefully* I treasure you. You are all those, capable, empathetic, loving, stubborn…

  Leila: *looks away*

  Ezon: *gently turns her chin towards him* You are loved beyond measure.

  Leila: I… *takes a shaky breath* I love you too. So much…

  Ezon: Please tell me what is wrong, so that I may fix it. You have been very contemplative as of late…

  Leila: *raises a brow* Are you saying I’m not a contemplative person?

  Ezon: *smirks as he continues to caress her cheek* You know that is not true.

  Leila: I…have found myself thinking about...things.

  Ezon: …

  Leila: *closes her eyes*

  Ezon: Leila, whatever it is, please tell m-

  Leila: Iwanttohaveachildwithyou.

  Ezon: …

  Leila: *jumps out of her seat and begins pacing* I love you. I love you so fucking much. And knowing that you would never make me choose between being a mother and who I have spent my whole life working to be, I-- You are everything to me. I just...I can’t stop thinking about it.

  You are a wonderful man and you are the best person I know. I adore you, and the thought of-mmmpf

  Ezon: *sweeps her off her feet, kissing her soundly* No more questions.

  Leila: *dazed and panting for breath* What he said.


  Leila & Ezon

  Leila had no choice but to follow him as he sped across the corridor, needing to practically jog in order to keep up. She knew that if he could, he would have scooped her up in his arms, regardless of who was around the palace, and it was a surprise he hadn’t taken her hand and all but dragged her back to their rooms.

  She had barely had time to process her confession.

  It had been on her mind for a while now; longer than she cared to admit, even to herself. The thought of having a was so against everything she had ever said she wanted. She had never wavered from it.

  Children were a lifetime commitment, one that many people did not take seriously enough. But that was on Earth, and with humans. That wasn’t here, with Ezon. Ezon, who was now throwing the doors open to their quarters.

  He grabbed her by the waist, unable to keep his hands off her as he carried her bridal style, his lips finding hers as he moaned deeply, her body practically vibrating at the feel of it.

  Her tongue began a dance with his; one that they knew all too well at this point... sultry and slow but with a longing that had not diminished over time. She doubted it ever would. He was hers, and she was his; several centuries waiting ahead of them to experience together. And perhaps with a new addition…

  As his lips now moved down her neck, she sighed, arching towards him as the warmth of his mouth sucked gently at the delicate skin.

  “You need to put me down eventually…” she murmured as he continued to hold her in his arms, despite having made it all the way to their bedroom.

  He hummed against her shoulder, placing a light kiss over where his bond mark was under the fabric of her dress. “I find myself unable to part with you just yet…”

  His desire and passion for her was always so genuine that it constantly took her by surprise.

  “Wouldn’t you prefer me naked?” she asked innocently, lifting her head to kiss under his chin.

  Her self-consciousness had finally fallen away over time; Ezon determined to prove to her that she was every bit as beautiful as he thought she was. She still had her moments; when she compared a few of the soft, squishy bits of herself to the hard, muscular plains of his body.

  She heard him suck in a breath, as if he’d not considered that.

  “Yes…” his deep baritone making her shiver in anticipation.

  Having opted for a long navy-blue dress today (a gown, by human standards), she watched as he set her down and turned her around, reaching for the first of many silk buttons that ran along down the back.

  She chuckled quietly, turning him around and enjoying the momentary confusion on his face.

  “I would like to watch you undress first. If you don’t mind,” she added, taking a seat at the edge of their bed and waiting expectantly for him to do as she had asked.

  “As you wish, my love.” He smirked at her, a charming thing that was seen so rarely. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she watched him undo the clasp on his shoulder, allowing the cape to fall loose. A formal lunch earlier had required equally appropriate attire. His form fitted jacket followed suit. If she could fuck him with his clothes on, she would have.

  Leila knew she was practically salivating at this point, watching as he slowly undid his shirt, his gorgeous storm-cloud colored skin catching her attention as more of it was revealed.


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