The Commander's Fated Mate

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The Commander's Fated Mate Page 22

by Lily Anton

  They had been warm and cordial with each other, her parents’ concerns slowly tempered by Ezons’ parents gushing review of her.

  It had been so embarrassing, but thankfully Ezon had been forced to endure it alongside her.

  “They’re doing well,” Leila responded warmly. “I know they were talking about coming to visit next year, along with my sisters possibly. They said to pass along their hellos.”

  Elzi smiled at that, asking that she do the same on hers and the king’s behalf. “Perhaps you should have them come to Debiraan sooner…”

  The subtle suggestion made Leila suspicious, smirking back at the woman who was doing a good job of looking innocent.

  “Are you going to tell me why…?” she asked slowly, trying not to laugh as the Debir shrugged like it had merely been a stray thought.

  Although speaking of stray thoughts…

  “May I ask you something?”

  They had been walking towards the grand staircase of the residential hall, Elzi stopping at the bottom of the stairs and nodding for her to continue.

  “Your reaction earlier…” Leila started, only to stop herself as the woman looked positively gleeful for a split second before she smoothed out her expression.

  “What do you know about vatta, my dear?”

  “Well,” she considered, although she was thrown off by the question. Leila wondered where the trap was, because there was definitely one somewhere in this conversation. “It’s a popular fruit here. It grows on trees. It’s supposed to be sweet and tart unless it’s not ripe and then it’s extremely bitter…”

  Elzi smirked, eyes glowing with some sort of secret. “That is not the only time it is bitter. What are your plans for the day? You failed to mention them during brunch.”

  The further change in subject threw her for a moment, but she played along. “I was going to go to the spa for a massage actually.”

  “I suggest you take a detour first and stop by the medical wing.”

  Elzi made the recommendation like one would advise someone to take an umbrella with them because it looked like it could rain later.

  “The medical wing?” Leila’s confusion mixed with mild alarm. “Why would I-”

  She froze, everything clicking into place.

  It had only been a week since her and Ezon had been together, both of them fairly confident he had gotten her pregnant. She had been highly aware of this for the two days following it, but then Real Life happened. Their careers had kept them both busy and separated.

  Not only that, but Ezon’s presence had been requested in a city on the other side of Debiraan, which only served as motivation to stay focused on her work, keeping her distracted from his absence. Clearly she had done almost too good of a job at it.

  Surely it would take more time before she knew for certain whether she was…

  ‘That fucking fruit.’ Leila’s eyes narrowed at the thought, her expression greatly amusing the other woman who looked to be near-bursting with joy.

  “So it is true?!” Elzi’s astonishment was apparent as her eyes alternated swiftly between different shades of blue. “You and Ezon chose to...”

  Seeing no point in denying it, Leila nodded in defeat, flinching as the Queen of Debiraan actually squealed, guards immediately rushing in, much to their mutual embarrassment.

  The time it took to reassure several palace guards that they were fine was enough to calm the other woman down.

  Once they were alone again, Elzi chose her words carefully, but the fondness in them were clear. “You always seemed so certain of your choice. Ezon and you both.”

  Leila hated sentimental conversations. Fucking feelings.

  She had never wavered on not wanting to have a child, something Ezon had made very evident to his mother and father even before they had bonded.

  For a race that was trying to avoid extinction, it had been pleasantly surprising to her that his parents had been so overjoyed Ezon had found his huerta that they didn’t seem to care about them having children or not.

  “I knew it would be different...with him,” Leila admitted honestly. “None of the reasons I made my choice for were relevant anymore.”

  Elzi nodded understandingly. “Would you believe I was once the same?”

  Leila’s silence answered that question, and she couldn’t help but wanting to know... “What made you change your mind?”

  The regal looking Debir grinned as she parroted Leila’s words.

  “I knew it would be different with him. Now,” her tone advised, “I suggest you make that trip to the medical wing.”

  Leila nodded, the reality of her situation feeling like it was some sort of dream.

  “Will you please not say anything?” Leila asked, her own voice sounding strangely meek to her ears.

  If it was true...that she was actually expecting, it felt extremely personal. More than she’d anticipated. And considering she knew that would only last for so long, Ezon deserved to be the first to know.

  Well...second, after his mother. Damn that maternal intuition.

  Elzi looked surprised. “Of course not, my dear. This is between you and Ezon.”

  The tension in her shoulders lessened as she smiled in appreciation.

  “Besides,” the woman continued, “Ezon’s father wouldn’t be able to keep this a secret to save his life.”

  Leila huffed a laugh..

  “You should know though,” Elzi warned playfully, “If you think I was excited, wait until you tell him he’s going to be a grand-father.”

  That did not surprise her in the least and she grinned.

  “I appreciate the warning. I guess I...need to go to the medical wing now.”

  Just saying that made her stomach roll in anticipation, but Elzi insisted she go now as opposed to spending the day overthinking this.

  She barely remembered saying goodbye before her feet guided her forward and through the palace, her hand constantly wanting to go to her stomach.

  Leila kept it stubbornly by her side, knowing it was stupid to think she’d notice a change. She was absolutely not going to be one of those pregnant women who constantly did that.

  “For fuck’s sake it’s only been a week,” she muttered under her breath, ignoring the obvious truth that she actually had no idea exactly how long a Debir pregnancy lasted or whether it would be different because she was human.

  It was less than nine months and she wouldn’t get crazy big, but that was all she knew.

  “Ambassador Leila? Is something wrong?”. Opho had spotted her and was assessing her carefully.

  She probably looked completely out of it. Then again, she knew just how sharp he was.

  Hell, she half expected him to confirm she was pregnant just by looking at her.

  “I-” Leila couldn’t even correct him like she usually did whenever he addressed her by title.

  That was apparently enough for Opho to become immediately concerned, guiding her into an exam room.

  The fact that she allowed herself to be so easily guided with his hand on her back was raising even more alarms with him.

  When the door shut behind them, Opho’s usual semi-detached demeanor was nowhere to be found, his gaze sweeping over her for any immediate signs of distress or injury.

  She still hadn’t said anything, although she clearly struggled to word whatever was bothering her.

  “If you would prefer a female-” he ventured a guess, only to earn himself a shake of her head. His offer, however, seemed to snap her out of her thoughts and she let out a soft laugh.

  “If you of all people are walking on eggshells around me, then I’m clearly out of it.”

  His lips quirked in mild amusement as she took a seat on the edge of the examination bench.

  “I’m actually glad I ran into you,” she finally said, the doctor’s brow raising in interest. “I was drinking vatta juice earlier…”

  Opho nodded, urging her to continue.

  “It was bitter.”

  Leila held his gaze as his eyes flickered color; the only sign she had clearly surprised the near unflappable man as he pulled his tablet out of his long coat.

  He was now in full on assess-the-patient mode.

  “Unripe?” he asked, eyes on his screen as he tapped away.

  “No. The juice was dark red. And another in the group was drinking the same and said it was perfectly fine. Elzi suggested I come to the medical wing.”

  “Queen Elzi is very observant,” he stated factually before continuing on, obviously perplexed. “Other than unripe vatta, pregnancy is the only other explanation.”

  At her lack of response, Opho looked up from his tablet, finding her smirking.


  “The great Opho is speechless?” she gently ribbed. “No comment about my fertility levels this time?”

  He cleared his throat, his tablet all of a sudden extremely fascinating. “I’ve been informed it is not polite to discuss that.”

  Leila saw the twitch of his lips and chuckled, both of them thinking back to their first meeting. “True. I need your medical expertise here though, and fertility levels kind of play a part in what’s happening…”

  “Are you certain you wish it to be me?” he questioned. “Many of the human females have requested-”

  “Even if you hadn’t run into me, I would have made my way to you,” she assured him. “Now, go all doctor mode on me. Preferably without sending me a million files of medical jargon.”

  Opho sighed. “Of course you did not read the material.”

  “I skimmed it!,” she protested half-heartedly. “Although, mostly the male anatomy parts because I wanted to know what I was getting into…”

  He did not seem impressed, but pulled up a chair to sit beside her so that she wouldn’t have to keep craning her neck.

  “Very well. When was impregnation attempted?”

  Leila blinked. “Cutting right to the chase, I see. Seven days ago.”

  Opho nodded.

  “Isn’t it too soon to know?” she asked.

  He shook his head, tucking his tablet away as he stood up.

  “No. Pregnancy can be detected at this time. In fact, vattas are usually used as a preliminary test before being confirmed medically.”

  “I have numerous questions.”

  “And I have numerous answers,” he countered easily. “But first...let us see whether those questions will be relevant. Please lie down while I conduct a scan.”

  Leila turned and laid down on the exam bench, willing herself to relax as she did as instructed.

  If she closed her eyes it was almost like being at the spa. Except for when a strip of light scanned her body repeatedly, chirping thirty seconds later when it was done.

  Opho was back on his tablet, reviewing the results. She waited as patiently as she could, hoping he hadn’t forgotten she was still laying there.

  After a few minutes he indicated that she could sit up.


  “You are pregnant.”

  The three words slammed into her.

  She had known what the results would be, but hearing it officially…

  Her hands gripped the bench, not realizing she wasn’t breathing until Opho was in front her, attempting to guide her through breathing exercises.

  “I’m fine, I’m fine…” she breathed out, closing her eyes and calming herself. Information would help. Information always helped.

  Opho took a moment, making sure her breathing smoothed out before he dimmed the lights and tapped on his tablet, the action causing a large holograph to project in front of them.

  “This is a scan of a female Debir approximately two to three weeks into pregnancy…”

  Leila leaned forward, noticing a tiny egg-shaped object. It looked like the size of a quail egg.

  “This is your scan…”

  A second image appeared, both now side by side. Other than the difference in body outline and the slight cloudiness of her scan, the focal point was exactly the same.

  “I...that’s me...” she breathed, eyes focused on the literal egg that seemed perfectly content resting within her body.

  “Yes. As your body absorbs more of the true seed, your scans will become clearer over the next several weeks and we’ll see your egg grow exponentially in size.”

  She felt like they were having completely different conversations.


  Opho gave her a look. “You really should have read the material.”

  “Give me the highlights.”

  “Male Debirs deposit a single egg along with their true seed, sealing it within a female’s body with a more viscous like fluid that acts as a sealant.

  If impregnation is successful, the true seed that was deposited -as well as the sealant- will absorb into the female’s body in the early stages of pregnancy, continuing to fertilize the egg. If impregnation was not successful, your body would have already expelled everything.”

  He spoke matter-of-factly as if reading out of a medical textbook. She bet he had probably memorized it.

  “As a human female, the initial scan shows evidence that pregnancy will likely last less than the standard six moons, the equivalent to five human months.

  It is too early to say definitively, but my professional opinion is that you will most likely deliver your offspring in three to four human months, although weekly scans moving forward will be needed. I will adjust the timeline accordingly.”

  Had he even breathed at all during that whole lecture?

  “You did that on purpose didn’t you?” Leila scowled.

  Opho hummed. “You should have read the material.”

  Leila shrugged, doing her best not to smirk. “Is it too soon to tell Ezon?”

  “No. Your scan results showed none of the risk factors. While there are never any absolute guarantees that one can make with such things, the risks are minimal. Some do choose to wait, but that is your decision.”

  “Are there any physical examinations that need to happen right now?”

  He knew what she meant and shook his head. “No. It is uncommon for us to do so unless you are carrying an unusually large clutch like some of those participating in the Initiative, or the scans indicate further examination is needed. In such a case, I would bring in someone else.”

  She nodded, hopping off the bench. “I understand. I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “You misunderstand. I have done such examinations when necessary before.”

  Leila tilted her head. “Then why-”

  “Because I enjoy having my head attached to my body.”

  Why would she…? She laughed as she caught on. “You think Ezon would…”

  Her bondmate could grumble all he wanted if it came to that but it certainly wouldn’t stop her from requesting Opho's expertise.

  “I think you are the only one to see the side of him that you do. Holy Waters knows how hard it was for me to get him to listen to his officers when he was a newly promoted captain…”

  The statement didn’t make as much sense as maybe it should have, and Leila was having a hard time interpreting it.

  Had Opho and Ezon worked together? As far as she knew, their knowledge of one another was from their positions at the embassy.

  “How long have you known each other exactly?”

  Opho looked mildly surprised as he handed her a small packet that she slipped into her pocket; the Debir equivalent of prenatal vitamins that would be safe for her to consume.

  “A very long time. Ezon became commander when I stepped down.”

  A laugh escaped her as she stood up, shaking her head in amusement. “That was funny.”

  “Opho?” Getting no response from him was weird.

  She found him staring at her with an honest to god smirk on his face. “You weren’t joking.”

  He shook his head. “No.”


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