by Susan Jaques
India, 23
infrastructure building, xv, 103–110
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, xiv, 260, 385, 400, 402, 459
Innocent XIII, 299
Institut d’Égypt, 311
insurrection, 55
intaglios, 356, 360
Intendant-General, 238–239
interior design, 60–63, 65–69, 70–71
iron construction, 108
Iron Crown, 164–165
Isabey, Jean-Baptiste, 57, 141–144, 239, 247, 353
Isis, 25, 26, 32
Islam, 29
The Issue of Laws Protecting Antiquities (Ferreri), 449
Italian Republic, 70
Italy. See also specific cities and regions
art plunder of, 11–21, 41, 90, 91, 121, 390–391
art repatriation, 433–442, 447–450
first Italian campaign, xi, 13–16
Kingdom of, 162, 256–257, 288, 290
Napoleon’s conquest of, 13–21
second Italian campaign, 47–52, 94–95
Jacob, François-Honoré, 62
Jacob, Georges, 61–62
Jacob, Georges II, 62
Jacobsen, Helen, 58
Jaffa, 31
Jefferson, Thomas, 219, 4534
Jena Bridge, 214
Jenkins, Susan, 469
Jerusalem, 10, 121–122, 126, 203–204
Jesuit order, 447
Jeuffroy, Romain-Vincent, 157
jewelry, 96–99, 115, 328–330
Jews, 291
Johns, Christopher, 382, 384
Josephus, Flavius, 10, 203
Jouberthon, Alexandrine, 111
Jourdan, Annie, 219
Jourdan, Jean-Baptiste, 127
Julian Forum, 254
Julian the Apostate, 101, 157
Julius II, 11, 18, 167
July Revolution, 471, 474
Jupiter, 223
Jupiter d’Otricoli, 18
Jupiter Optimus Maximus, 4, 5–6
Justinian I, 10, 121
Karlskrone, 133–134
Karlsschrein, 125–126
Kellerman, Marshal, 354
Kingdom of Italy, 162, 256–257, 288, 290
Kingdom of Naples, 176
Kingdom of Westphalia, 213, 215, 256
King of Italy, 164–166
King of Rome, 351–356, 463
The King of Rome (Gérard), 405
Kiosk of Trajan, 34
Kléber, Jean-Baptiste, 35, 48
Kleiner, Diana, 223
Knights of Saint John, 29
Koran, 23, 37
Labienus, Titus, 100
ladies-in-waiting, 237–238
La Fenice, 290
Lafitte, Louis, 61
La Joyeuse, 134
Lake Albano, 450
Lancaster, Lynne, 181
Laocoön, 17–18, 86, 439
La Paolina. See Venus Victrix
Lapatin, Kenneth, 329
La Scala, 290
Las Cases, Emmanuel, 473
Lascelles, Christopher, 45–46
Lateran Basilica, 48
latrines, 104
laurel crowns, 136
Lavallée, Athanase, 88
Lawrence, Thomas, 444, 450, 453
Lebrun, Charles, 71
Le Brun, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre, 88–89
Leclerc, Dermide, 268
Leclerc, Victor-Emmanuel, 256
Leda and the Swan (Correggio), 213, 435
Leda Fountain, 252
Legion of Honor, 78, 115, 116, 201, 241, 362
Legrand, Jacques, 369
Leipzig, Battle of, 416–417
Leivick, Joel, 282
Lemaistre, Leroy-Jay, 92
Le Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène, 473
Lemot, François-Frédéric, 200
Lentz, Thierry, 129
Leo III, 123, 124, 131, 146, 148
Leoni, Daniele, 223, 224
Leopold Wilhelm, 114
Leo X, 49
Lepère, Jean-Baptiste, 188–189
Lepidus, 9
LeRoy, 328
Les Invalides, 103
Le Sueur, Jean-François, 150
libraries, 305–307
Ligurian Republic, 169
Livre du Sacre (Ségur), 239
Livy, 8
Lloyd, Christopher, xiv
Loggia of the Heroes, 170–171
Lombardy, 39, 47
London, 103, 451–453
Longhih, Roberto, 458
looting, 7–10, 13–21
See also art plunder
L’Orient, 23–24
Louis I, 83, 369, 403
Louisiana Territory, 61
Louis-Napoleon, 313
Louis-Philippe, 471, 473, 480
Louis XI, 126
Louis XII, 11
Louis XIII, 11
Louis XIV, 58, 64, 66, 71, 85, 89, 103, 114, 185, 188, 193, 234, 239, 321, 369, 371
Louis XV, 64, 69, 96, 215, 220, 369
Louis XVI, 44, 63–64, 69, 90, 319, 364, 466
Louis XVIII, xv, 44, 63, 420, 421, 425, 428, 434, 435, 437, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470
Louvre, xv, 21, 41, 79, 82, 85–92, 102, 103, 109, 128, 444, 458
See also Musée Napoléon
Louvre-Tuileries complex, 193
loyalty oaths, 390
Lucca, 281, 292
Lucullus, 6
Ludwig, Emil, 23–24
Luna, 283, 284
Lusnia, Susann, 195–196
Lutetia, 100–101
Lutetia, Battle of, 100
Lützen, Battle of, 414–415
luxury goods, 243–248
Lyon, 70
Macdonald, Francesco, 461
MacGregor, Neil, 120–121
Mack, Charles, 187
Macpherson, James, 401
Madame Mère Seated (Canova), 273–275
Madeleine Church, xiv
Madonna of Montefeltro (Piero della Francesca), 258
Madonna with Angels (Cimabue), 391
Madonna with St. Jerome (Correggio), 14
Madrid, 264–265, 405
Mainardi, Patricia, 13
Mainz, 132
Maison Carrée, 217–219
Majanlahti, Anthony, 268–269
Malaspina family, 288
Malatestiana Library, 163
Malet, Claude François de, 408
Malmaison. See Château de Malmaison
Malta, 29, 116
Mamelukes, 23, 29, 30, 31, 51, 241
Manin, Ludovico, 46
Mantegna, Andrea, 11
Mantua, 11
marble, 282–287
Marcantonio II, 277
Marcantonio IV, 277–278
Marcellinus, Ammianus, 157
Marcellus, M. Claudius, 7, 8
Marcellus I, 230, 367
Marciana Library, 290
Marengo, Battle of, 49, 95, 192, 229
Marescalchi, Ferdinando, 345
Maria Augusta of Saxony, 317
Maria Carolina, 176
Maria Louisa, 291–292
Maria Theresa, 228, 234, 308–309
Marie Antoinette, 61, 63–64, 69, 176, 238, 319, 320, 333, 364, 466
Marie Louise, 83, 317–330, 332–334, 337–344, 351–353, 356, 362, 404, 405, 416, 419, 421, 454, 463
Marie Louise as Concordia (Canova), 346–347, 454
Marini, Gaetano, 441
Marini, Marino, 305, 441–442
Marlowe, Elizabeth, 196–197
marriage, 56–57
Marriage of the Virgin (Perugino), 440
The Marriage of the Virgin (Raphael), 258
arranged by Napoleon, 71, 255–256
of Napoleon, 56–57, 150, 307, 313, 319–330
Mars, 222–223, 381
Mars and Venus (Canova), 452
Mars Fountaine, 250–251
Marshal’s Table, 247
Mars Rotunda, 86
Martin I, 46
Mary Magdalene, 215, 480
Massa, 282, 286, 293
Masséna, André, 47
Massilia, 4
Mathis, Christine de, 316, 322
Mattei, Alessandro, 43–44
Matthews, Kenneth D., 251
Maury, Jean-Sifrein, 44
mausoleums, 366–370
Maximilian I, 207, 256, 463
Mayor of Paris, 51
Mazois, François, 261
McClellan, Andrew, 90
McLellan, Andrew, 440
medallions, 222–234, 326–327
medals, 157, 226–234, 326–327, 354–355
Medici, Catherine de, 64, 103
Medici, Marie de, 159
Medici dynasty, 228
Medici Venus, 83–84, 88, 91, 403
Melikian, Souren, 278
memory sanction, 465–471
Menou, Jacques, 36
Merovingian dynasty, 114, 368
Merryman, John Henry, 10
Metternich, Clemens von, 259, 281, 317, 319, 415–416, 437
Meynier, Charles, 86, 199
Micha, 285–286
Michelangelo, 14, 18, 185, 298
micromosaics, 150
Milan, xiv, 10, 163–164, 256–258, 288–290
Milan coronation, 162–166
Milan Mint, 228
Military Academy (Paris), xi
military household, 240–243
military uniforms, 209–210
Milvian Bridge, 121
Minerva Giustiniani, 448
Missirini, Melchior, 75
Mithridates, 6
Moduin of Autun, 120
Monge, Gaspard, 28, 35
Mongols, 29
Mons Claudianus, 26
Mons Porphyrites, 26
Montesquiou-Fezensac, Anne Elisabeth Pierre de, 355–356
monuments, 10, 380
Egyptian, 32–33, 34, 108
funerary, 366–379, 476–477
Roman, 7, 27–28, 108, 366–367
Monza Palace, 163
Morel, Jean-Marie, 62
Morrissey, Robert, 130
mosaics, 149, 150
Moscow, 406, 407
Mountain of Martyrs, 101
Muiron, 35
Mummis, Lucius, 8
Murano, 290
Murat, Caroline, 247, 258–262, 313, 320, 322, 461–462
Murat, Joachim, 35, 65, 71, 82, 151–152, 247, 258–262, 303, 320, 322, 417, 461–462
Musée des Antiques, 85, 128
Musée des Monuments Français, 88
Musée Napoléon, 279, 305, 380, 421, 433–440
Musée National, 90
Musée Royal, 421, 434–440
Museo Chiaramonti, 77, 448
Museo del Prado, 266
Museo Sacro, 16
Myrrhine ware, 9
Myssok, Johannes, 75
Naples, 176, 260, 262
Naples Mint, 261
Napoeonic memorabilia, 467
Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker (Canova), 81, 380–385, 387, 390, 468–469
Napoleon Crowning Joséphine (David), 159–160
Napoléon Empereur (Bartolini), 92
Napoleon François Joseph Charles, 351–356, 365, 463
Napoleon I, 110–116, 146, see also Bonaparte, Napoleon
Napoleonic Code, 255
Napoleonic medals, 228–234, 326–327, 354–355
Napoleonic wars, 171–176, 207–215, 301
Napoleon III, 313, 476, 477
Napoleon on His Imperial Throne (Ingres), 385, 400
“Napoleon’s Eye,” 88
See also Denon, Dominique-Vivant
National Archives, 305
National Guard, 156, 414
Natural History (Pliny the Elder), 189
Nectanebo II, 37, 435
nefs, 155
Neipperg, Adam Albert von, 404, 463
Nelson, Horatio, xiv, 29–30, 30–31
Nelson, Lord, 174–175
Nemausus, 217–218
neoclassical movements, 10, 16
neoclassical style, 68, 69, 92, 202, 381, 458
Neopolis, 168
nepotism, 254
Nero, 26, 194, 465, 466
Nerva, 179, 466
Netherlands, 436–437
New Year’s gifts, 246
Nile, Battle of the, 30–31
Nile River, 24, 34
Nîmes, 218–219
Nitot, François-Regnault, 328–329
Nitot, Marie-Étienne, 167, 360
Nobilior, M. Fluvius, 8
nobility, 241
Norman Conquest, xiii
Normans, 122
Notre Dame Cathedral, 100, 102, 136–140, 150, 168
Notre-Dame-des-Victoires, 220
nudity, 381, 385–387
oak leaf, 136
Oath of the Horatii (David), 158
obelisks, 27–28, 249
Octavia, 24–25
Octavian. See Augustus, Octavian
Odo of Bayeux, 172
Odo of Metz, 121
Olausson, Magnus, 351
Old Testament, 113
Oliver, Bette, xv
Omphale, 135
One Hundred Days, 427, 461, 462, 467, 469, 470
opera nobilia, 10
orator’s pose, 95
Order of Malta, 116
Order of the Golden Fleece, 310
Order of the Iron Crown, 166
Organic Articles, 52, 301
Ossian (Macpherson), 400–401
Östenberg, Ida, 7
Ostrogoths, 122
Otto I, 130, 133, 164–165
Ottomans, 23, 29, 31, 35
Ourcq canal, 103–104
ovations, 7
Pacca, Bartolomeo, 300, 303, 409
Packer, James, 183–184
Paganini, Niccolò, 281–282, 292
Paisello, Giovanni, 281
Palace for the King of Rome, 361–365, 409–410
palaces, 241–243, 257, 281, 361–362. See also specific palaces
Palacio Nuevo, 264
Palacio Real, 462
Pala d’Oro, 127
Palais-Bourbon, 220
Palais de la Bourse, 220–221
Palais du Luxembourg, 63
Palance of Ingelheim, 124
Palatine Chapel, 86, 121, 125
Palazzina di Caccia, 268
Palazzo Chiablese, 267–268
Palazzo del Principe, 169, 170
Palazzo del Quirinale, xiii
Palladio, 41, 42
Palladio, Andrea, 198
pan-European empire, 255
Pantheon, 122
Paoli, Pasquale, xi
Papal States, 43, 77, 162, 302
papal tiaras, 46, 167, 450
papal tombs, 76
Paradise (Tintoretto), 440
Parant, Louis-Bertin, 360, 361
Parian type 1 marble, 284
Paris, 1
burial practices, 377–379
Canova in, 79–84
as cultural capital, xiii, 244, 312
fountains, 248–252, 372–373, 410–414
history of, 100–103
infrastructure of, xv, 103–110
insurrection in, 55
modernization of, 109–110
as new Rome, 187
Roman roots of, 100–101
sanitation system, 104–105
traffic in, 251
triumphal arches for, 192–206
water supply of, 103–104, 248, 252
world library in, 305–306
Parisii, 100, 101
Paris Mint, 230, 234
Parma, 14, 442
Parthians, 194
Paschal III, 125
Patterson, Elizabeth, 111, 167–168
Paul II, 325
Pauline Borghese a
s Venus Victrix (Canova), 269–275
Pauline Chapel, 298
Paulus, Aemilius, 20
Paul V, 276, 298
Pavillon du Roi, 103
Pavlovna, Anna, 318
Peace of Amiens, 78, 116
Pellicani, Carlo, 164
Peninsular War, 415–416
pensioners, 58
Pentelic marble, 284
Pepin the Short, 102, 146
Percier, Charles, xv, 57–69, 73, 89, 107, 109, 138–140, 167, 193
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and, 198–201
death of, 460
interior decorating by, 242–243
later career of, 459–460
legacy of, 460
on Palace for King of Rome, 362
Père Lachaise Cemetery, 379
Perino del Vaga, 169–170
Pernon, Camille, 70
Perosini, Scipione, 390
Perseus, 20
Perseus (Canova), 77
Persian Empire, 24
personal emblem, 113–114
personal iconography, xiv
Pertinax, 194
Perugino, Pietro, 440
Petit Luxembourg, 63
Philae, 34
Philip II, 102, 136, 241
Philip V, 8
Philostratus, 253
Phocas, 184
Phrygian marble, 284
Piacenza, 14
Piazza del Plebscito, 261
Piazza San Marco, 291
Pichegru, Jean-Charles, 110
Piedmont, 267–268
Piero della Francesca, 258
Pietà (Bellini), 258
Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste, 381
pilgrimages, 126
Pinacoteca di Brera, 258
Pinacoteca Vaticana, 449
Pio-Clementino, 16–17, 18
Piombino, 280
Pitti Palace, 292
Pius VI, 15–17, 28, 34, 40, 44, 46, 49, 167, 230, 300
Pius VII, xii, xiii, 48, 198
abduction of, 299–305
art restitution and, 435, 441
burial of, 451
Canova and, 77
coronation of, 46
death of, 450
Diu satis, 46
election of, 40–45
move to France of, 395–399
Napoleon and, 49–52, 128, 137, 145–154, 162, 167–168, 174, 299–305, 387, 395–396, 408–409
portrait of, by David, 161
release of, 419, 446
restoration of Church and city of Rome by, 447–450
triumphal reentry into Rome of, 446–447
Pizzi, Angelo, 287
Place de la Concorde, 188
Place de la Madeleine, 215–216, 219–220
Place du Carrousel, 193
Place du Châtelet, 251
Place Vendôme column, xiv, 187–191
Pliny the Elder, 17, 86, 105, 113, 189, 243, 329, 385
Plotina, 183, 185, 356
Plutarch, 6, 20, 25, 430
Po-Adda-Mincio medal, 228–229
pointing technique, 75
Poland, 214, 405, 408
Pollux, 448
Polykleitos, 10
Pompadour, Madamde de, 96
Pompeia, 317
Pompeii, 69, 261–262
Pompey Magnus, 6, 8–9, 254, 255, 329
Pons Triumphalis, 447
Pont d’Austerlitz, 108
Pont des Arts, 107, 108
Pont d’Iéna, 108