One More Kiss: A Second Chance Romance (One More Series Book 1)

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One More Kiss: A Second Chance Romance (One More Series Book 1) Page 3

by Roxy Sinclaire

  “Wow,” I whispered.

  Amy ran forward and grabbed Julia’s hand. “You look pretty, Mom! Are you ready to go?”

  Julia nodded and shot me a grin as they headed for the pool. My gut shifted as I quickly followed behind them. It seemed so natural to have Julia there holding Amy’s hand. For a brief second, I’d forgotten about the years of betrayal and pain that her absence had caused. As soon as the sun hit our faces, Amy dashed off to the slides and Julia took a seat under a large umbrella. She was amazing, as almost every man around quickly noticed.

  I sat down protectively on the end of her lounge chair and the smile from watching Amy at once fell away. “I guess we need to talk now?”

  “I think it would be best if we didn’t wait any longer. Amy is pressing and so is my mother.”

  “Well, what do you want to tell them then? Or rather, what lie have you already been telling them over the years?”

  There was a little twinge of judgement in her tone. I reacted without thinking. “A story that didn’t make you seem cold and heartless to my daughter. I’d rather she didn’t know that you abandoned her.”

  Julia sucked in a sharp gasp. Instantly, I regretted my words. I tried to say something, but she jumped in before I could. “Well, by all means, don’t mince words. I knew this was a bad idea from the beginning. I should have waited for you in Arizona.”

  “No, Julia,” I said quickly. “I’ve told them you’ve been working with the refugees overseas. It explained why you couldn’t ever bring Amy to visit. I was just careful about everything else—only inviting Mom when I knew you would call Amy so she didn’t start to wonder, that sort of thing.”

  “You’ve been carrying around this lie the whole time just to protect Amy?”

  “It’s what you do as a father. I didn’t want her to grow up and hate you. Even despite everything you’ve done, I know you love her.”

  “I do,” she gushed. “With everything I am. Thank you for what you’ve done. I think I can play along with that. Before all of this, I loved volunteering.”

  It was the first time she’d spoken of the past. I knew that I was going into dangerous waters, but I wanted to know more about her. She was different from before but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Something inside her was fearful. She still carried so much worry even though she was the one who had called me.

  “Did you volunteer while you were helping your mother?” I asked carefully.

  Julia shook her head. “No. There wasn’t any time. My mother was a full-time job.”

  “On the phone, you told me she was in a hospital. What happened to her? I would think you’d stay with her if it were an injury.”

  I could almost see the wall going up between us as she shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about that. How have you been?”

  “Good,” I said as I took the chair next to her. “There have been some rough patches, but we always got through okay. I’m teaching at Amy’s school now. I haven’t taught her, obviously, but it’s a great job.”

  “That’s wonderful!” she said. “I always wondered if you continued to teach after . . .” Her face started to blush. “Well, I guess now I know. I bet Amy loves that.”

  I grinned, watching Amy making new friends in the pool. “She does most of the time, but she’s reaching that age where I’m getting a little out of my league. Before, she was always such a tomboy.”

  “No thanks to you, I’m sure,” Julia said with a grin.

  “True. But now, she’s starting to grow up a little. I don’t know about makeup and what new trends are.”

  “No, but I do. Now that I’m back, I will make sure to help her as much as I can through all of this.”

  I shifted uneasily. “Right.”

  Her body stiffened at the sarcasm in my voice. “You know, I am trying here, but you aren’t making this easy.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said honestly. “I really am. I wish that I could keep my mouth shut, but it’s hard for me to trust you when you won’t tell me about anything that’s happened. I have a lot of questions but you just keep shutting down on me.”

  “I am here for Amy, okay?” she hissed as Amy approached.

  “Hey! Are you gonna swim or what?” Amy asked Julia as she stood in a quickly forming puddle in front of us.

  “I absolutely am!” Julia exclaimed as she jumped up. “I bet your dad could use some sun anyway. Let’s go for the slides.”

  Amy grabbed her hand and started to pull her away. I was about to follow when Julia shot me a look laden with daggers and I slumped back down into my seat. Once again, she had managed to avoid the conversation entirely. I knew what she was telling me, but I wouldn’t give up on us so quickly. There was something behind the fear in her eyes and I was going to figure out what that was. It was the only way I would get her back. Never would I have thought that having her in my life again would be possible, but it seemed that fate had given me a second chance and I wasn’t going to ruin things again.

  I could have changed everything that night, but instead, I let my stubbornness ruin my marriage.

  “You don’t have to do this,” I whispered to her, trying not to wake Amy.

  “You aren’t giving me any other options. I don’t want to leave, but my mother needs my help.”

  “Then we’ll find her some help, okay? You have a family and a good life here. I didn’t like the way she spoke to us when we were there.”

  “Oh, please,” she scoffed. “You didn’t like my mother from the day you met her.”

  “Yeah,” I joked. “Because she never liked me. Please don’t turn this around. We can find her someone to help out around the house. There are people who are skilled in working with elders and do this for a living.”

  “You make her sound old and decrepit. I promise that she is neither, but she needs me right now and I have to respect that.”

  “Damn it, Julia, why are you forcing my hand on this one? Your mother is playing you, okay? You know how manipulative she can be.”

  “You know, she said you would say something like that. I told you, I don’t want to pick between my family and my mother. I am going to stay with her for a couple of weeks and then I will be back and we can work something out.”

  “Something that requires us to uproot our lives to go help her? I know things have been rough around here, but it will get better, I promise.”

  She smiled at me. “This has nothing to do with you, okay? My mom needs me right now. I’ve waited too long to go see her, okay? Unless there is something life-threatening, I’m going to go.”

  It hit me like a brick to the head when my phone started to vibrate. The conversation was put on hold as I looked down. It was Mike Vincent, the dean of the private school where I worked. I looked back at Julia, and she nodded for me to answer the phone as she went to pack up her bathroom things. I quickly answered the phone, anxious to get back to the conversation at hand.

  “Hey, Mike, this is a really bad time,” I said quickly.

  “Well I’m sorry, Aaron, but they are about to get a whole lot worse. Do you know a student by the name of Jenny Thompson?”

  My stomach sank instantly. “Yeah, Mike, she’s the one I filed an incident report on last week. Same one we talked about yesterday. Why?”

  “Well,” he said carefully. “I brought her into the office yesterday like you asked. A student with a crush can sometimes lead to a lot more headache, and I’m sorry to say that this is one case of just that.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I’m sorry to do this, but I’m going to have to place you on administrative leave until the charges she’s pressing have been dealt with. It’s nothing personal. I hope you know that.”

  “My God,” I said.

  The wind had been knocked out of me as I stumbled backward and collapsed down onto the bed. My head was spinning. Jenny Mae Thompson had been a strange girl from the first time I’d met her. Young, attractive, and accustomed to getting whatever
she wanted, she’d set her sights on me. At first, she been harmless enough, coming into the room during office hours and asking questions and lingering a little bit longer than made me comfortable. Then, she managed to get her hands on my private cellphone number.

  After the first set of ‘sorry, wrong person’ messages and photos, I called her into my office. She’d been embarrassed and cried. I thought that we had come to an understanding that her actions wouldn’t be tolerated, but it didn’t last long. A week ago, I’d been out with Amy while Julia volunteered at the animal shelter. I’d taken her for ice-cream, and when we came home, Jenny was waiting for us. Julia had put her foot down and I’d filed a formal report. She was reprimanded and I’d once again assumed the issue was dead.

  “Mike,” I whispered. “You know me.”

  “I know, but I’ve got to follow protocol on this. You don’t know how much swing her father has on the board here. I have to play by the rules. An officer is going to stop by at some point to get your statement. Just be honest and open and the truth will come out eventually, okay?”

  “Eventually doesn’t pay the bills,” I said.

  “It’s the best I can do. Sorry, Aaron. Hang in there,” Mike said as he hung up the phone.

  “Who was that?” Asked Julia as she tossed a few more things into her suitcase.

  I stood up and looked at her. “Um, Mike. We need to talk about something.”

  She looked concerned. “Okay, but my flight leaves in less than two hours. Isn’t this something that can wait until I come back?”

  I shook my head. “No. It’s about that girl.”

  Julia scoffed. “Don’t tell me she is outside again. Once, I call the school, but twice, and I’m just going to give her a good old-fashioned piece of my mind.”

  “No,” I said. “She’s accusing me of having sex with her.”

  Julia dropped the makeup in her hands. “Oh, my God. She was only over here one time though! And you had your daughter with you! Does she honestly believe that she can make a case with just that?”

  My hands shook as I looked away from her. “Julia. She was here one other time.” I could barely say the words. “And we were alone.”

  Chapter 5


  Theresa showed up earlier than expected. I’d only had an hour in the water with Amy before I saw her waving from the cabana. I plastered a smile on my face as Amy led me back to them. She didn’t want to leave my side or let go, and I was in no hurry to be away from her. She made me forget about everything that had happened in the past few months and even years. Suddenly, nothing else mattered.

  “I was just telling Aaron that we’re about to dock at the first port. I’ve decided to celebrate a little bit, so I have a surprise. Of course, we can’t start exploring until tomorrow, but I just can’t keep a secret.”

  “Really?” Amy said. “What, Grandma?”

  “Well, I thought we girls would have a whole day of exploring and maybe even a movie night and popcorn on the beach. You two have some catching up to do, so you can set off on your own, then we can meet up back on the ship the next morning.”

  “Why the next morning?” I asked cautiously.

  A wry smile crossed her face. “I’ve rented two cabins for tomorrow night on the island. So you see, I’ve already spent the money. It’s a done deal.”

  “Mom,” said Aaron. “That’s—”

  “That’s wonderful, Theresa. Thank you so much for that. We can’t wait,” I said quickly before Aaron could talk.

  I could see the elation on her face. I knew that Aaron was just trying to protect me from another potentially awkward moment, but I didn’t want to be that person. I wanted everyone to have as much fun as possible, even if it was only for a week. I shot him a wink as Amy distracted Theresa with a grateful embrace and started to plan the big adventure.

  Aaron rose and took my hand, leading me away from them. “Julia, you don’t have to do this. I know you want to spend as much time as possible with Amy.”

  “I do,” I said softly. “But she wasn’t my only reason for coming back. I do want to talk to you more and finally have that conversation.”

  “All right, if you’re sure.”

  “You two have plenty of time to catch up later!” hollered Theresa. “I’m an old lady, and I want dinner, so let’s get this show on the road.”

  I laughed and held out my hand for Amy, which she latched onto right away. She didn’t let go again until I promised to find her as soon as I was done changing. I hadn’t had much time to shop, and I’d spent far more than planned. I had enough money to live well, thanks to my father, but I still pinched every penny, just like my mother had taught me. The red dress I tugged on had been a splurge. It slenderized my entire body as it hugged my curves. The modest neckline was offset by the high slit in the snug skirt.

  The door opened and closed softly just as I was done pulling the comb through my hair. I spun around, half expecting to see Amy. When I turned and saw Aaron staring at me with his mouth hanging open, a blush coursed through my body. He wasn’t hiding the fact that he was checking me out. His eyes lingered on my breasts and my heart started to race. He took a few steps forward. For a second, I thought that he wasn’t going to stop. I thought he felt like I did and was going to wrap me in his strong arms.

  “Here,” he said. “You left the tag on the dress. Its lovely, by the way.”

  He stepped around me and cut off the tag. I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. “Thanks. I was shopping in a rush. I guess we’re ready to go?”

  “Yeah. They’re waiting on us in the dining hall already.”

  “Wow, Amy left without me?”

  Aaron smiled. “Don’t worry, she made me promise that I would bring you in the next five minutes or, as she said, ‘She will just faint from boredom,’ or something dramatic along those lines.”

  “Ha! I know where she got that attitude from—your side of the family,” I said playfully.

  “Julia,” he said softly.

  I realized for the first time that he hadn’t moved away from me. All I needed to do was twist sideways and we would be close enough to kiss. He would tilt his head down as he always did and take my chin. Guiding our lips together until they touched, it would ignite my body. The flames would lick at my flesh until he satisfied the desire burning deep inside me. I craved his touch. I’d waited five years for it.

  “We should go,” he said, quickly stepping away from me.

  I almost leapt away from him. “Right. Thanks for cutting that off. I don’t want Amy to faint, after all.”

  “You know, I would still like to talk.”

  Talk? He couldn’t even touch me without shrinking away. The last thing I wanted to do was talk, but there was no way I could start a fight. Amy was waiting on me and I’d agreed to play his game for a week. Slipping past him, I grabbed my purse from the bed and smiled back at him.

  “I don’t want to keep your mother and Amy waiting. Ready?”

  He sighed but nodded his head, not wanting to fight another battle. We still had a long time to repair our relationship, even if it would never be the same. Tonight was about something bigger than us. As we silently made our way down to the dining room, Aaron took my hand. I started to pull away before realizing that Theresa and Amy were watching us.

  “Just for the week,” I reminded him.

  “There you two are!” Amy said. “The man in the funny uniform was talking for like, ever.”

  Theresa smiled. “He’s the captain, honey.”

  “He’s making the food take forever and I’m starving.” She pouted.

  I sat down next to her with Aaron at my other side. “Don’t worry, I think I see them bringing it out now. Are you having fun?”

  She nodded while picking at a dinner roll. “Can you tell me what you did?”

  Her abruptness made me briefly draw back before I realized the rest of the table was watching us as well. I smiled at her. “What do you think I was doing?”

  Amy looked around the table and leaned closer to me. In a secretive whisper, she said, “I think you were a spy.”

  “Oh, really? What makes you think that?”

  She shrugged. “Daddy never really talks about your work. He said it was far away though. Spies have to travel a lot, you know. They can’t have families.”

  My heart tugged at me. She had made up her own reasoning for my absence over the years. The wild imagination of a young girl. Amy was an amazing young woman, and I had left her. The guilt was overwhelming but her warm smile brought me back.

  “How do you know so much about spies? You would make a very good one, you know that?”

  Her eyes lit up as she vigorously nodded. “Have you ever met the president?”

  I shook my head. “No, have you?”

  Amy burst out in laughter and leaned across me to talk to her dad just as the first course came out. I busied myself with eating the food, but it was gone long before the next course came. Theresa smiled at me and tapped the chair next to her. My heart started to race as I scooted away from Amy and took the seat next to Theresa.

  She leaned in and spoke softly as we watched Aaron and Amy talking. “She thinks the world of you.”

  “I think the world of her too. I’ve missed out on so much,” I said quietly.

  “That’s the life of a spy, right?” she said with a grin. “Aaron hasn’t told me much about what you do, but I understand your reasoning.”

  “You do?”

  Theresa nodded. “Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made to keep our families safe. Whatever you’re doing while you’re away, you should know that little girl worships you. I don’t remember the last time I saw her so happy.”

  “I’ve only ever wanted what’s best for her. I hope that doesn’t change now that—” I froze. “Now that I’m back here for good.”

  Theresa’s eyes lit up. “Well! I had no idea. To be honest, I wasn’t even sure you were going to make it on vacation with us. Hearing that Amy will have her mother home with her every day is such a relief. I do wish we lived closer together, but now, I know they will be taken care of.”


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