The Death of Money

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The Death of Money Page 44

by James Rickards

  Toyota, 82

  Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, 295

  Treasury, U.S.

  bond issuance in Swiss francs (Carter bonds), in 1970s, 1, 253

  China’s U.S. Treasury holdings, 51

  debt issued by, 171

  Federal Reserve’s purchases of debt issued by, 172

  financial war, views on, 60–62

  sustainability of debt burden of, 171–72

  Treaty of Amsterdam, 117

  Treaty of Rome, 117

  Triffin, Robert, 209

  Triffin’s dilemma, 209

  Troika (IMF, ECB, EU), 128, 133

  trust, idea of, 166–67

  trust products, 102

  Turkey, 136

  U.S.-Iran financial war and, 55, 56, 57

  Tyson Foods, 255

  Ukraine, 136

  unallocated gold transactions, 275

  uncertainty, 85–86, 268

  regime, 84–87, 125–26


  in Eurozone, 125

  Federal Reserve’s targeting of, 186–87

  in U.S., 77, 80, 245

  Unit 61398 (China), 53

  United Airlines, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27–28

  United Arab Emirates, 56, 152, 154

  United Kingdom, 157–62

  Brown’s gold sales, 274

  debt-to-GDP ratio of, 159

  Federal Reserve’s easy-money policy and, 157–59

  gold-to-GDP ratio of, 157, 281

  quantitative easing in, 160

  United Nations, 213

  United States. See also dollar, U.S.

  asset bubbles in, 75–78

  China’s gold accumulation and, 283–84

  continuity of government operations, 63

  debt of, 171–73

  debt-to-GDP ratio of, 159, 173, 259

  deflation and, 9–11, 76–78

  dollar devaluations in, 1, 10–11

  financial warfare and, 53–58

  GDP of, 96, 244

  gold as percentage of reserves of, 279

  gold-to-GDP ratio of, 157, 280–81

  government program dependency in, 246

  IMF loan commitment of, 202–6

  inflation in, 1, 2, 3, 7–8, 75, 76, 77

  investment in European Union (EU), 127

  student loan bubble in, 247–49

  unemployment in, 77, 80, 245

  unit labor costs, 124, 131, 134

  Unrestricted Warfare (Qiao and Wang), 44–45

  unrestricted warfare doctrine, 44–45

  “Use of Knowledge in Society” (Hayek), 70–71

  Uzbekistan, 151

  value, meaning of, 166

  value-at-risk models, 4, 267

  Venezuela, 40, 231

  Vikings, 115

  Villiger, Kaspar, 233

  Viñals, José, 198

  virtual targets, in financial war, 46

  Volcker, Paul, 2, 118, 176–77, 190, 197, 210, 211, 252–53, 256, 291

  Volcker Rule, 252–53

  Vujcic, Boris, 136

  Walker, Marcus, 131–32

  Wall Street (film), 24

  Wall Street Journal, The, 39, 105, 106, 126–27, 131, 133

  Wang, Xiangsui (Unrestricted Warfare), 44–45


  financial (See financial war)

  information warfare, 44

  revolution in military affairs (RMA), 43–44

  unrestricted warfare doctrine, 44–45

  war games, 58–59

  Warlord Period, 91

  warning signs of economic collapse, 295–98

  China’s gold accumulation as, 296

  Chinese collapse as, 297–98

  end of QE and Abenomics as, 297

  gold market, disorderly price movements in, 295–96

  IMF governance reforms as, 296

  regulatory reforms, failure of, 296

  system crashes as, 296–97

  Warring States period, 90

  Warsh, Kevin, 273

  Wars of Louix XIV, 115

  Wars of Religion, 115

  Washington Consensus, 118–20

  Washington Post, The, 126, 206

  wealth effect, 72–75

  direction of, 74

  size and timing of, 73–74

  substitution effects, 73

  wealth management products (WMPs), 102–3

  Wen Jiabao, 151

  “What Washington Means by Policy Reform” (Williamson), 119

  Williamson, John, 119, 120

  Wirtschaftswunder, 127

  Woodford, Michael, 185–86

  World War I, 115

  World War II, 115

  Wriston, Walter, 190

  Yellen, Janet, 67, 88, 251, 262

  yen, 157, 161

  yuan, 212

  Yuan Dynasty, 90

  zero-interest-rate policy

  of Bank of England (BOE), 160

  of Federal Reserve, 72, 73, 79–81, 185, 186, 260

  Zhou Dynasty, 90

  Zhu, Min, 190–95, 197–98, 213, 283–84

  Zhu Changhong, 227

  Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad, 30




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