Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set)

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Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set) Page 12

by Martha Sweeney

  They all follow me into the kitchen, watching me closely, wondering if anything should be said and trying to find out if I might share. I start my morning process by feeding Sadie and then drinking my glass of clay. Nathan has a glass as well while Maggie and Jared make tea.

  “What time are we meeting Romeo?” I tease Maggie with a smile.

  “Ha ha,” she shoots back with a grin, lighting up at my playfulness. “I told them to meet us at the courts for eight-thirty.”

  “Cool. We have plenty of time to get ready,” I continue with a bounce in my voice.

  Jared watches me cautiously as Maggie and Nathan start chatting about their excitement for the day. As I finish my drink, I rinse out the cup and walk over to Jared to give him a reassuring hug and kiss.

  With a tentative tone, he whispers, “Glad to have my Kitten back.”

  My grin widens seeing him ease. “Me too.”

  “You rebounding this morning?” Nathan directs at me.

  “Just to loosen up. I want to be on my A-game for kicking some butt in volleyball,” I reply.

  “That’s what I was thinking,” Nathan shares. His smile widens, “I figured you haven’t lost your competitive side.”

  Nathan has had a rebounder since Christmas. It was a gift from me when he had vocalized several times that he wanted to start improving his overall health.

  “Nope,” I confirm.

  “Be nice today, Emma,” Maggie comments, as if I’m never nice.

  “I’m alway nice,” I mock.

  Jared and Nathan giggle.

  “You know what I mean,” she counters, waving her finger at me.

  Laughing, Jared taunts, “She’s serious, Emma. She’s even using Nǎinai’s finger wave. You better watch out.”

  I shake my head at all the fun while deciding on if I want to add to their morning entertainment.

  “Why don’t you start jumping while I take Sadie out,” I suggest to Nathan.

  Jared joins Sadie and me for a walk on the beach, obviously concerned about this morning. “You okay, Kitten?”

  “Yeah . . . yeah . . . I’m fine,” I uncomfortably agree.

  Jared and I both know that I’m lying.

  “Want to talk about it?” Jared gently pushes.

  He knows I hate talking about the dream and he always treads lightly when we do.

  “Not really . . . but, I know you do.”

  “It’s been a while since you’ve had them . . . and then you had one a few weeks ago before our meeting, and then this morning,” he reminds.

  “I know . . . and this one was different,” I accidentally blurt, crossing my arms in front of me.

  “Different?” he quickly questions.

  “Umm . . . shit,” I comment.

  “Different, how?” he confronts.

  Jared’s demeanor changes as he gets into protective mode.

  Taking a deep breathe, I admit what I saw. “Everything was exactly the same . . . except . . . .” A shiver slides down my spine.

  “Except . . . ?” Jared pries.

  “I saw the truck driver . . .his . . . her . . . face . . .” I hesitantly reveal.


  “Yeah . . .” I confirm. “ . . . but, not how you think.”

  “What do you mean?” Jared stops us, placing his hands on my upper arms.

  “It was . . . Maggie,” I begrudgingly confess, not wanting to look him in the eye.

  “Maggie?” Jared repeats, confused and bewildered.

  “Yeah . . .” I unwillingly verify. “Please, don’t tell her.”

  Jared doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t need to. He just pulls me into his body, hugging me, reassuring me. We stay embraced for a little while until Sadie insists on one of us throwing her ball again.

  When we resume walking back towards Nathan’s, Jared breeches the subject again. “So, why Maggie’s face?”

  “Don’t know . . . and, I don’t really want to know,” I confess.

  Jared nods his understanding and during the rest of our walk, we stay connected by holding hands.

  By the time Jared, Sadie and I return from our walk, Jared jumps on the rebounder first. “I really need to start using this more,” he announces as he jumps off. “I can feel the difference with just ten minutes.” He sits down on the floor to stretch. “And, look at Nathan . . . he’s gotten sexier just using it these past few months.”

  “And, you wonder why you have a challenge when we go trampolining,” Nathan adds playfully.

  I laugh because it’s true. We go to some of the local trampoline places between Santa Monica and Pasadena. They have large trampolines in rows across the floor that allow you to jump from one to the other. We go when they have their free jump times and Jared gets tired after about thirty minutes into our hour long paid session.

  “Emma’s like the freakin’ Energizer Bunny,” Maggie comments as I hop on for my turn.

  It’s true, I jump every morning on my rebounder for at least thirty minutes, usually more, and that doesn’t count when I do the same thing in the evenings. At least two days a week I head over to the trampoline facility in Glendale to take their morning hour long rebound classes on the large trampolines.

  Today, I’m inclined to keep jumping, but I have to control my tendency to continue after having the dream. I'll need to relieve the rest of my tension when we play volleyball.

  “She’s the Energizer Sex Kitten,” Nathan laughs out.

  This gets all three of them laughing and a hearty giggle out of me.

  By the time we hit the showers, Nathan and Jared are in one and Maggie and myself are in another. We’ve got about forty-five minutes to eat and dress before getting to the courts by eight-thirty to meet Henry and Joe. Luckily, dressing isn’t as big of a deal for the boys and they are dressed in record time as I finish packing the soft coolers with water, coconut water, fruit, trail mix and a few snacks for Sadie. Maggie isn’t helpful packing the coolers since she’s more concerned with texting Henry. We all gulp down the smoothies I prepare before we’re out the door.

  “Which Tesla should we take?” Jared asks. “Yours, mine or Maggie’s?”

  Not looking up from texting, Maggie replies, “I left me keys upstairs.”

  All she brought was her phone and small clutch purse which she stashed in one of the outside pockets of the blue cooler.

  “Alright. Your’s or mine,” Jared states to Nathan with a seductive undertone.

  “Oh, God. Please don’t start now or we’ll never leave,” I poke.

  “Mine then,” Nathan says, taking the high ground before smacking me on my ass.

  “Cute. Just hope we aren’t on opposite teams today,” I threaten deviously as I put the coolers in the trunk on top of the beach chairs.

  We’re at the volleyball courts in just five minutes since there’s nobody on the Santa Monica roads this early on a Saturday morning.

  “They should be here any minute,” Maggie shouts as Jared and Nathan put out three folding chairs onto the sand near one of the nets and I start setting up the umbrella.

  “Yay,” Jared yells in a mild mocking tone, jumping up and down and clapping his hands.

  Maggie sticks her tongue out in protest while Nathan and I laugh.

  When the boys and I finish getting the umbrella situated, we turn to see Maggie running to the entry way of the fence towards the parking lot.

  “They’re here,” Jared squeals into Nathan’s ear while wrapping one of his arms around Nathan’s shoulders.

  As Maggie, Henry and Joe approach the fence, Sadie whines, so I signal her that she can go greet them. Sadie gets to Joe first and is met warmly by him. I’m still perplexed at her response to him — she only bares her belly with the people within our little family. Henry has to let go of Maggie’s hand to pet Sadie, but immediately returns his palm to hers as they resume their way over.

  Henry and Joe immediately hug Jared and then Jared makes introductions to Nathan who openly hugs Henry and Jo

  Approaching me, Henry holds out his hand and I shake it happily, “Good morning, Emma.”

  “Good morning, Henry,” I return warmly.

  My attention goes to Joe next, who can wear workout clothes as well as he wears a suit.

  “Hi, Joe,” I initiate with the same smile I gave Henry.

  “Good morning, Emma,” Joe returns with a full, elated smile as he reaches to shake my hand.

  My lady parts tingle at his warm touch as he lifts my hand to his mouth again.

  “Is it just the six of us,” Henry questions.

  “For now . . . but we usually pick up a few more as the morning passes,” Nathan replies.

  “Cool,” Henry acknowledges.

  Joe nods in agreement.

  “I’m on Henry’s team,” shouts Maggie.

  I swear that Jared, Nathan and I all roll our eyes and shake our heads at the same time.

  “Should we have the girls on different teams to make it fair?” Joe questions, which is immediately met with laughter from Nathan and Jared.

  I deliberately choose to not respond which could work to my benefit.

  “Sure,” Jared eludes in agreement. “We should definitely make it fair.” He and Nathan continue to crack up as Joe appears a little confused.

  The air is still cool this early in the morning, but I decided to take my dark grey running jacket off leaving me only wearing a tight white v-neck cotton tee shirt, that makes my natural c-cup sized breasts pop, even in a sports bra, and dark grey spandex capris. I’m always barefoot when I play beach volleyball.

  “Hey Joe! Do you want a front view or back view while we play?” Jared inquires loudly.

  I glance over at them when I hear Jared’s remarks and spot Joe looking away. Was he just checking me out?

  Nathan roars with laughter as Joe blushes a little. Joe was checking me out and I almost blush myself. Maggie and Henry seem too preoccupied in their own conversation to notice.

  “You’re right,” Nathan agrees. “He’s totally into her. But, then again, what guy wouldn’t be?”

  I shake my head in protest and mild irritation. I should be used to this by now from Nathan and Jared.

  We divide up into our teams of three and begin playing. Henry, Maggie and Nathan are on one team and Jared, Joe and myself on the other. With one person up front and two in the back, we volley for the serve as I stand in the back left position. Jared is in front me and purposefully misses the ball when he and Nathan jump up at the net, letting Nathan win. Man, does he have it bad for Nathan.

  Henry serves first in my direction. I pop the ball up for Jared who lobs it over the net.

  “Come on man. Play the game. Stop flirting with Nathan,” I yell playfully, not letting my competitive nature out too quickly.

  “What?!” Jared retorts.

  I glare at him. “You know you’re getting laid tonight regardless, so you better play,” I chide with a smile.

  Jared’s eyes look to Nathan who nods in agreement.

  Maggie, Henry and Joe look at me a little in shock at my blatant announcement. I’m only this vocal when I’m surrounded by my friends and I seem to not care with two others present. Maggie’s only shocked because Henry is here.

  “Emma,” Maggie scolds with embarrassment in her voice.

  I smile proudly. Oddly, I find my gaze heading to Joe as I take my position to the left of him.

  By the time I get to serve, it’s five to three and my team is losing.

  “This one is for you, Dartmouth,” I shout to get Henry’s attention which is on Maggie.

  I hurl the ball into the air and jump to hit it with my fist. The ball spirals towards Henry’s feet faster than he expects, causing him to miss the ball.

  “Four-to-five!” I broadcast as I look for Joe’s response before the ball is returned to me for my next serve.

  His smirk has returned.

  “Be nice, Emma,” Maggie scolds.

  “What?!” I reply. “I’m just playing the game. It’s not my fault if he’s not going to pay attention.”

  She shakes her head at me.

  “Fine,” I agree.

  Aside from my competitive nature, my eagerness to get the tension out from the nightmare from this morning is going to need to be tempered a little.

  “Let the torture begin,” Jared proclaims as he raises his arms above his head.

  “Don’t encourage her,” Maggie warily shouts.

  Nathan laughs and directs to Maggie, “You better bring your A-Game now, girl! This is no time to be all cutesy for a guy.”

  Maggie’s face flushes a little as her eyes widen. Though she’s short, Maggie can play a mean volleyball game when she wants to. She’s nowhere near as competitive as I am, but she starts to get the look in her eye that she’s not going down without a fight.

  “There’s my Mags,” Jared coaxes her.

  “It’s on,” Maggie confirms with determination.

  I serve four more times bringing the score to eight-to-five with my team in the lead before we falter. Maggie sends a sharp serve over that causes Joe and I to almost collide.

  “Call it!” Jared shouts.

  Joe and I nod in agreement.

  “Six-to-eight,” Maggie announces, pleased with herself before her second serve.

  Nathan pops the ball up, forcing me to line the ball to the net for Joe to send over towards Maggie. The ball falls to the edge of the court, staying in play by a couple inches. Jared boasts as we win the point.

  We continue playing until my team wins by one point, fifteen-to-fourteen. After Jared serves the winning point, I jump up on him with my arms and legs wrapped around his body, almost knocking him to the ground. Everyone has a good laugh at our celebration.

  Taking a break, everyone starts hydrating and adds some natural suntan lotion to their exposed skin. Sadie eagerly greets everyone, looking for attention. I pour her some water and a few snacks into her mesh bowls.

  Maggie’s team triumphantly wins the second game by two points. Getting ready to start our third game, all of the guys are shirtless. Trying not to directly stare, my peripheral vision allows me to enjoy the sight of Joe’s body. There’s not an ounce of fat on the man with his rippling muscles from his shoulders to his lower abdomen. For an East Coast boy, he’s got a slight tan and no sign of tan lines. His muscles sparkle as a hint of sunlight bounces off his sweat. Joe’s got a little bit of chest hair that tappers down into a happy trail all the way to the edge of his shorts. I feel an increase in moisture between my legs as a small gust of wind lightly swirls around me. Focus, Emma.

  A group of four guys join us just as we take the court again, making it five people per team. The new teammates take their turns flirting with Maggie and me, but Maggie tries to ignore them. I, on the other hand, thoroughly enjoy the attention and flirt back, even adding Joe to the mix so he doesn’t feel left out.

  My team wins again, by two points.

  By the end of the forth game, Maggie’s team has won and we decide to call it a draw. The four guys who joined us are sad when our group explains that we are done for the day. I guess they were hopping to see Maggie and I bounce around a little more. They ask for my phone number, but I refuse politely.

  “Henry and I are going for a walk on the beach,” Maggie discloses after speaking privately with him and folding up the beach chairs.

  “Good idea. Wanna go for a walk, cutie?” Jared questions Nathan mischievously.

  “Of course,” Nathan answers with a gleam in his eye.

  The four of them head away as Joe, with an adorable smile, states the awkward and obvious circumstance we’re left with. “Looks like it’s just you and me.”

  “Yep,” I confirm.

  He helps me get the chairs, umbrella and coolers packed into Nathan’s car as Sadie bounces around us.

  “I like your car,” Joe states.

  “It’s not mine. It’s Nathan’s,” I reply.

  “Oh, sorry. I just figured it was yours,�
�� he says nervously. “That’s right, you don’t like cars.”

  I wince a little at his words and he catches me.

  “Sorry . . . I, uh . . . that didn’t come out right,” he stutters.

  Joe seems sincere, so I let him off the hook. “It’s okay,” I say, hoping he doesn’t inquire why. I grab Sadie’s ball and look to Joe, “I’m taking her out to play a little?”

  “Do you mind if I join you ladies?” he asks.

  “Sure,” I return, not sure if it is a good idea.

  We start walking in the opposite direction from the rest of our group. There are fewer people, so it’s easier to give Sadie more room to run and fetch. We walk quietly all the way to the water’s edge tossing the ball for Sadie each time she brings it back, staying far enough away from the ocean since it’s chilly.

  “I didn’t mean to be rude earlier . . .” Joe starts as he scratches his head. “. . . when I was asking if we should split you and Maggie up for teams.”

  “It’s okay. No big deal,” I reply.

  It’s obvious that Joe means what he says. The trait of honesty seems fully seated in his personality and I appreciate that. This idea only bothers me since my attraction for him is more than I anticipated.

  He continues as he still seems a little rattled, “I didn’t think you girl’s couldn’t play . . . I . . . .”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I reassure him. “No hard feelings.”

  This brings a relieved smile to his face as he nods.

  I take a few more steps before saying timidly, “Please don’t think I’m . . . not a nice person.”

  “Why would I think that?” he questions with his eyebrows raised before picking up the ball this time to throw if for Sadie.

  “I know I can seem a little gruff and mean, and I wasn’t very nice when we first met and . . . .”

  Cutting me off, Joe turns towards me to respond, “Not at all. I can see that you’re just protective of your friends. I admire that.”

  My eyes soften under his gaze. “Thanks.”

  Aside from my sexual attraction to Joe, I actually feel very comfortable with him. It’s a similar comfort I felt with Jared and Nathan when I first met them, though I know Joe is not gay. What is happening?


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