Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set)

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Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set) Page 49

by Martha Sweeney

  “Ever!” Nathan repeats.

  “Where are you going?” Maggie asks as I start to walk away.

  I kiss Amy and Kim on the cheek as well and I head off without a word. I don’t look back. I continue forward in my pursuit.

  “Hi,” I offer with a dazzling smile to a handsome man sitting at the far end of the bar.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” he returns.

  His mocha latte skin shimmers in the light, accenting his pearl white teeth and chocolate brown eyes. He closely resembles the television star Michael Trevino who would make any woman’s panties drop.

  “Is this seat taken?” I ask in a flirtatious tone.

  “Not at all, my dear,” he says, standing up to pull the seat out for me.

  “Is this your first time here?” I inquire.

  “Sedona, no. At this resort, yes,” he replies with a gleam in his eye, returning to his seat. “I’m Javier.” He extends his hand forward.

  Placing my hand in his, I offer, “Emma.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Emma.” Javier lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses it.

  “The pleasure is all mine.” I take out a pen from my purse and jot down a little note for Javier on a napkin. Once he’s finished reading it, we exchange a few glances. I place my hand on his knee to finalize what’s about to happen.

  Javier covers my hand with his and slides it up a few inches. His eyes scan the room behind me and I know he sees my friends watching.

  “Would you like to go somewhere a little more quiet,” I say seductively followed by a wink. “To chat, of course.”

  Javier eagerly jumps to his feet and assists me off of my chair. “Shall I order us a bottle for the room?”

  “Why not,” I giggle, stepping into him.

  Javier instantly places his hand on my hip and dips it just a little low where his fingers extend to the top of my ass. I press my body into him as I glance over my shoulder with a wicked grin to see who of my friends are watching. The entire table are watching me, especially Joe.

  When the bottle of wine is delivered to his room, Javier answers the door with his shirt off, his belt undone and barefoot. “There were a couple of men out there snooping,” he informs me after closing the door.

  I can’t help but gloat with a wicked grin as I unzip my dress and it drops to the floor.

  Two hours later, Javier and I exchange a heated kiss just outside his room, just in case anyone is watching. I make my way to my cottage, doubting that any of my friends are still in the dining room or lobby waiting for me.

  Just before I take my keys out to let myself in, I text Javier. “Thanks for a hot night!”

  “Thank you! Anytime baby!” he writes. “Call me next time you’re in Vegas.”

  Sunday, I decide to do an early morning yoga class and then hang out by the pool. Just after a quick dip in the refreshing water, as I get my sunglasses on and lay down on the lounge chair, I hear Jared and Nathan approaching. Sadie rushes over to them and I pretend to not notice.

  I’m not mad anymore by their good natured fun from yesterday, but that doesn’t mean I still can’t have a little fun.

  “Hey, Kitten,” Jared greets, sitting down on my chair.

  “You’re blocking the sun,” I state flatly.

  He shifts. “Is that any better?”

  To comment, or not to comment on his blatant attempt to block more of the sun?

  “Wonderful,” I retort.

  “Come on, Kitten. You can’t be mad at us anymore,” Jared groans.

  “Yes I can,” I rebut, lifting my sunglasses up.

  “No, you can’t,” Maggie’s voice calls from a few feet away. “This is my weekend and everyone needs to be talking, having fun and being happy. Including you!”

  “Next weekend is your weekend. I’ll be all of that then,” I playfully contend with her as I close my eyes and lower my sunglasses back down. The stinging of a towel being whipped on my leg jolts me up. “Hey!”

  Maggie winds up for another blow. “What was that?” she threatens with a wicked grin.

  “Okay. Okay. I’ll be nice. I’ll be happy,” I confront with a fake smile.

  “Smile like you mean it,” she commands.

  “That’s kind of hard with the pain in my leg,” I rebut, but still try to comply to prevent another attack.

  “That’s better,” she accepts. “You two shoo. We’ve got some girl talk to do.”

  Maggie delivers a stern look that she learned from Mŭqīn. A look they won’t dare to battle. Jared and Nathan retreat to join the men of our group as Amy and Kim hop over. Now I know what Maggie meant by girl talk.

  “Did you really sleep with him?” Amy blurts.

  I blush with embarrassment since all the guys from our group turn to look in our direction. I’m grateful when I notice that no one else is around the pool area.

  “Why is my sex life the topic of discussion?” I ask, deliberately lowering my voice to give them all the hint to do the same.

  “Maggie’s told us about, you know . . .” Amy says.

  “No . . . I don’t,” I return, narrowing my eyes.

  “About how you are with men,” Maggie explains.

  “It’s perfectly natural for women of any age,” Kim interjects to my defense.

  Kim knows more than Amy because if and when I do need to consult with a doctor, I make appointments with her.

  “I know that. I wish I had the balls to do it before I was married. I did have a three-way with my roommate and a guy back in college one night . . .” Amy's voice trails off.

  “You never told us that,” Maggie expresses.

  “I’ve never told Eric and I wasn’t sure we could share that kind of stuff. Besides, Mŭqīn or Nǎinai are always around,” Amy adds. “I like this. We should have a girls' only weekend again.”

  “Definitely.” I concur.

  “Emma and I deflowered each other,” Maggie offers.

  My hand instinctually launches in Maggie’s directions, clipping her in the shoulder.

  “I did the same with a girl in college,” Kim admits.

  The four of us giggle at our openness and I feel much better overall.

  “So do you two still, yah know?” Amy searches.

  “Sometimes,” Maggie discloses. “Emma’s not into as much because of Henry.”

  “Why not? You’re into men, obviously,” Amy investigates.

  “We’ve shared a man or two, but she would never with any of my past boyfriends, let alone Henry,” she reveals.

  “And, I don’t plan to,” I inform them. “It’s just too weird.”

  They all nod their understanding.

  “So how was he last night?” Maggie presses.


  “Ohhh . . . even his name is sexy,” Amy comments.

  At this moment, I have the desire to tell the three of them what really happened. I want to tell them, but something is telling me to hold off even though I’m really enjoying our current girls’ moment we’re having.

  “Better than the majority,” I offer with a wicked smile.

  The three of them squeal loudly which causes all of the men to turn in our direction. Jimmy and Allen come running over, jumping in to find out what’s being shared. The four of us refrain from anything other than giggles.

  By late afternoon, our whole group decides to go on another hike, wanting to catch the beautiful sunset off of the mountains before returning back for dinner. The four of us girls gravitate towards each other more during the hike. I think we feel more connected after our poolside gossip session. The boys try to listen or join in, but we’re able to keep our voices low for just the ladies.

  After dinner at a little local restaurant that we find on the way back from the hike, Maggie walks me to my cottage. Our conversation is light as she joins me, lounging on my bed. We don’t have sex, we just sit and talk like we used to.

  “I have a confession,” I begin.

  “You did sleep with Joe,” she

  “What?! No!” I return with shock.

  “Ohh. Sorry,” she apologies.

  “Why does everyone think that something is going on with Joe and me?”

  “Do you really want to know the answer to that?”


  “Because of how you two are together.”

  “What does that mean?” I say confused.

  “You’ve never gotten along with a man before. A non-gay man,” she offers.


  “You two have very similar personalities. He’s clearly into you and you do flirt back,” she explains.

  “Why would that lead my friends to thinking that Joe and I are sleeping together?”

  “We’ve never seen you this comfortable with a man . . . especially, a man who you know has the hots for you,” she reports.

  I’m rendered speechless for a moment. “It’s nice to be pursued . . . especially in a non-weird way. I swear. We haven’t had sex. Joe and I are just friends.”

  “I believe you. Honestly, I do. It would make the most sense, though.”

  “What would?”

  “You and Joe hooking up.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because, like I said, you two get along. You’re compatible. The logical conclusion would be that you two would have or eventually would have sex.” Seeing my lack of response, Maggie continues. “The ease in which you and Joe are friends is like Jared and Nathan . . . or Henry and Me.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that the two of you are a perfect match for each other . . . if you would only get out of your own way and date, that is.”

  I sit stunned for another minute. “Shit. And here I was just going to tell you that I didn’t sleep with Javier.”

  “What?!” Maggie’s jaw drops. “What? He’s so hot. Why didn’t you sleep with him?”

  All I do is give her a look.

  “What?! Seriously? He’s gay?” Maggie responds with absolute astonishment.

  “You can’t tell Jared or Nathan!” I disclose.

  “Crap! I would never have guessed . . . when did you know?”

  “Right when I saw him. He flirted with the bartender. I knew it was the prime opportunity to bait Nathan and Jared to get them off my back.”

  “So, are you still going with Chris to the premier?”

  “Of course. Regardless of the shit Nathan pulls, it’s a business transaction that I want to happen. I’m an investor in his company. Remember?” I explain.

  “Damn, you’re good!”


  We giggle a little.

  “I swear I will take that to the grave,” Maggie confirms.

  “Thanks. You know you can’t tell Henry.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’ll just tell Joe who will tell Jared.”

  “No, he won’t,” she defends.

  “There’s a guy code just like there’s a girl code.”

  “But, there’s a code between husbands and wives too,” she stipulates.

  “True,” I agree. “But, you’re not married yet!”

  “So, I’ll tell him on our wedding night.”

  “How about after the night of the premier. I don’t want Jared and Nathan to find out before then,” I suggest.

  “Good idea! I know nothing.”

  After Maggie leaves, I snuggle into bed with Sadie and a book. Jared and Nathan come knocking on the door — actually doors. They each take a door and keep knocking until I finally let them in after five minutes of the irritating sound.

  “What?” I whine, opening the door.

  Jared tackles me, wrapping himself around my body. “I love you!” he shouts, kissing me all over my face.

  “We both love you!” Nathan says, adding himself to the human pile of bodies.

  “I love you two too . . .” I mutter, barely able to breathe from them squishing me. They continue to shout several more times, “We love you, we love you . . . !”

  “So, you aren’t mad anymore?” Nathan seeks.

  “Javier took care of that,” I offer with a smile. “I just wanted to make you two sweat a little.”

  “I want details . . .” Nathan shouts.

  “You are excluded from details,” I object.

  “Why? You always give details,” quips Jared.

  “You two don’t deserve them. Not right now, anyway,” I counter.

  “Awww . . . come on,” Nathan whines.


  “Maggie will tell us,” Nathan protests.

  “No, she won’t. I didn’t tell her anything either because I know you two will try to get it from her,” I oppose.

  “Damn,” Jared exclaims.

  “Seriously?!” Nathan pouts.

  “Well, we all need to go,” Jared instructs.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I got a text from Maggie summoning all of us to her and Henry’s suite. She said to make amends and pick you up on they way.”

  “Why do they need us?”

  “I don’t know.” Jared shrugs.

  Jared, Nathan and I are the last to show up at Maggie’s and Henry’s cottage around nine forty-five. Everyone is sitting around the room either on a bench, chair or the floor surrounding a blanket that has some food and beverages on it. I’m relieved when I see everyone else dressed more relaxed or in their pajamas too.

  “Yay, you made it!” Maggie beams.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” I question, hugging her.

  “Henry and I wanted to toast to all of you,” she explains, handing me a wine flute.

  “Joe and I should be the ones toasting,” I politely object.

  “Not tonight,” she declares.

  Henry waits for Maggie to get settled on his lap. “Maggie and I would like to thank all of you for your love and support. It means a lot to us and it has helped greatly with the short time frame we’ve imposed on everyone to help make the wedding happen so quickly,” Henry starts.

  “Joe. Emma,” he pauses for a few seconds. “Maggie and I are beyond appreciative for this weekend you gave us here in Sedona. It’s been a gloriously relaxing and fun celebration which is exactly what we needed. Thank you.”

  My heart melts a little at his gratitude and sincerity. I’m actually starting to like Henry. Not that he’s a bad guy or I didn’t like him before, it’s just that I’m actually starting to see him as an extension of Maggie, another member of our family.

  Everyone raises their glasses, expecting Henry to signal the end of his toast, but he continues. “I toast to all of you who are not just friends, but who are our family.”

  “To our family,” Maggie excitedly repeats.

  “Family,” we all cheer before taking a sip of our wine.

  All fourteen of us and Sadie hang out, eat and drink as we swap stories. Henry explains how he met Lee and Richard during college, and like Joe, they became like brothers. There are a lot of similarities between the four men. They are all good looking, confident, but not cocky, successful and easy to get along with guys. I learn that Lee is a lawyer and Richard works on Wall Street.

  At some point, Jimmy and Allen convince everyone to play some kind of question game. The questions are rather funny as well as some of the answers until they become a little more bold and daring.

  “Who’s most likely to get hitched next?” Allen inquires.

  “Jared and Nathan,” I shout before anyone else comments.

  Jared and Nathan both blush at the prediction. Score one for Emma on the roasting.

  “Okay. Okay,” Jimmy starts. “Who after them?”

  “Emma!” Maggie cheers.

  My eyes narrow at her statement. “Not happening.”

  “You can’t denounce Nǎinai’s blessing,” she retorts.

  “What’s Nǎinai’s blessing?” Jimmy searches.

  “Every New Year’s Nǎinai blesses the family and each family member . . .” Maggie grins.

  “What did she b
less?” Allen inquires, seeking clarification.

  “Long story short, Nǎinai blessed Emma with a husband and children,” Amy explains, excited to share.

  “Nǎinai’s never wrong,” Kim validates.

  “Just because she was accurate with you two,” I point to Maggie and Jared. “Doesn’t mean that the same will happen with me. I’m not in a relationship, therefore, there’s no chance of me being the next one after you two to get hitched.”

  “Yes, it will,” Jared interjects. “Deny or fight it all you want . . . but you will.”

  “Nope! If anything, Jimmy and Allen are next in line,” I contest. “Remember, you’re still on thin ice.” My eyes fall upon Joe, catching him with a smirk.

  “Maybe it’s Javier,” Maggie says with a wink.

  I roar with laughter. “Maybe.”

  “Who?” Jimmy searches.

  “Emma’s hot hook up from last night,” Amy explains.

  “He was hot,” Maggie adds.

  “Details, Emma,” Allen yells.

  I see curiosity building in the faces of all of the men, including Eric, Peter, Lee and Richard.

  “Nope,” I object.

  “Why not?” Jimmy pleas.

  “Those two can tell you why,” I voice, pointing at Nathan and Jared.

  Everyone looks at Jared and Nathan. Silence falls upon the room.

  “Just give us a little,” Jimmy begs.

  “He’s hot,” I share.

  “That’s obvious,” Allen argues.

  “Definitely hot,” Jimmy adds.

  I snicker at Jimmy’s comment. If he and the rest of them only knew.

  “Let’s just say . . .” I pause for effect. “I’d repeat last night with him again. Anytime. Anywhere.”

  “So, who’s next to get into a relationship?” Amy continues with the next question a few seconds later after letting my statement sink in as if she was having visions of a night with Javier herself.

  “Joe,” Jimmy answers rather quickly.

  All eyes bounce between Jimmy and Joe.

  “Why do you say Joe?” Nathan investigates.

  “I’ve heard him on the phone at night with a girl . . .” Jimmy teases. “It’s been going on for like a month now.”


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