Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set)

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Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set) Page 56

by Martha Sweeney

  “So, no wedding yet, right?” I check with lightness in my voice.

  “No,” he assures us both. “But, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “Thanks,” I reply graciously, appreciating his intent. “But I’ll be good either way with you two. You have history . . . so, it’s not a surprise for me. You know?”


  “What about Pop-Pop? Is he still moving out here?”

  “Yeah. He’ll move in with us.”

  “Wow. Poor Pop-Pop,” I tease.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Jared feigns hurt feelings.

  “Living with you and Nathan . . . having to deal with the sex-capades.” I eye Jared.

  “He’s just going to stay until we find him a place in Santa Monica. He likes it there and I like having him close by.” Jared has a look in his eye that can’t be explained.

  “If you say so,” I comment jokingly.

  “Very funny,” Jared contends, tickling me until I surrender.

  After sometime snuggling, Jared and I make lunch and hang out like we used to in our old apartment. We sing. We dance. We wrestle. We review the funny things that happened during Maggie’s wedding. We chat and hang out like we always do.

  By the time I take Sadie out for her walk after dinner, Jared heads back to Nathan and Pop-Pop. I jump in the tub, knowing that Sadie and I are in for the night. I’m surprised at how tired my brain and body feel after the past couple of days with sleeping as much as I did today.

  Jared texts that he made it home as I get out of the bath. Once I’m curled up on the bed with Sadie for a movie, the phone rings.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Joe’s voice sings and tingles my body.

  “Hey,” I return comfortably.

  This doesn’t seem too awkward.

  “Did Jared come over?”

  “Yeah. He left about forty minutes ago.”

  “Have a good day?” Joe sweetly checks.

  “Yeah,” I offer with a smile. “You?”

  “Good . . . especially this morning,” he states sinfully.

  My cheeks redden at his reminder.

  “What are you up to?” he inquires.

  “Curled up with Sadie. We’re going to watch a movie and then bed,” I explain with a yawn.

  Joe laughs. “You sure you’ll make it through the whole thing?”

  “No . . .” I return.

  “What are you going to watch?”

  “Not sure yet.”

  “Well . . . enjoy the movie,” Joe hums in my ear.

  “Thanks . . .” I comment with another yawn.

  “Goodnight, beautiful.”

  I hear the smile in his words and it makes me smile too.

  “Goodnight, Joe.”

  Forty Nine

  Monday and Tuesday are back to normal for me with the ebb and flow of my daily routine and work. Jared checks in on me, but doesn’t come over. Maggie finally texts back late Tuesday after I send her a Happy Birthday message. Nathan is focused on the custom pieces for Chris’ premier while Diane handles the main workings of Nathaniel’s. Joe and I talk and text on occasion, but nothing beyond the usual.

  With Joe’s family in town and our upcoming meeting tomorrow, he hasn’t been able to pop over unexpectedly or unannounced, which is nice. He’s not overbearing or needy, even though I desperately need to get laid again. As bad as I want it — want him — I’m not in any hurry to let him know that.

  My current task at hand is going through all of the photos Ian uploaded to my cloud system that his and his wife’s company took during Maggie’s wedding — there are so many. I’m trying to sort them into different folders for easy access when I finally start constructing the picture book I’m giving to Maggie and Henry as part of their wedding gift. I'm also creating one for the Li family and one for the Wú family. Depending on the amount of pictures, I may make a smaller photo book for Jared and Nathan and myself. I definitely will be getting framed prints set up for all of the immediate family.

  As I peruse the pictures, I notice that there are a lot of candid shots of Joe and me, alone and together. Many of them are when we were performing our maid-of-honor and best man duties, but there are a number of them that aren’t. I purposefully put most of them in a separate folder labeled miscellaneous two, so if anyone checks my computer or iPad, they won’t think much of it. My heart races as my eyes stare at the photos of Joe and me. The majority of them are when we are laughing and smiling — and not in the because we’re having fun at our friends’ wedding kind of way. I start to sweat when the photos change to when I was giving my toast. Whoever took the shots did me justice for the most part. I don’t see any that make me look like a dear in headlights, but the terror in my eyes in a couple of pictures is apparent. When I come across the shots of Joe placing the garter up my thigh, I find myself laughing under my breath.

  By bedtime, I’ve got what I think is the preliminary outline of the photo book for Maggie and Henry. One or two more scans of it, then I think it’ll be ready to be ordered.

  Wednesday morning after my regular routine, I start getting ready for the official meeting with the Covelli family and their lawyers to proceed with our business agreement. The documents have been reviewed and now it’s time to sign them and begin this joint business venture. I’m excited and nervous simultaneously for a variety of reasons.

  Sadie notifies me that someone is at the door before I hear the knock.

  “Hi,” greets Joe with a half-hearted smile when I open the door.

  “What are you doing here?” I say, confused by his presence.

  “I came to get you for the meeting,” Joe mentions.

  “I was planning on walking,” I comment.

  With a look in his eye that tells me he won’t let me walk like I had the last time, Joe adds, “That’s why I’m hear a little earlier.”

  I take a step back to let Joe in and turn to get my heels and briefcase, avoiding the temptation of being distracted by his body — God, does he smell good.

  Joe follows me into my bedroom. “So you did steal this,” he remarks, holding up the sleeve of his button down shirt from the wedding that’s hanging in my closet.

  Shit! I thought I had it hidden well.

  “I didn’t steal it . . . I borrowed it,” I contend, taking the shirt and its hanger and handing it to him. “You can have it back. I’m done with it.”

  I’d rather hold onto it for some strange reason, but Joe doesn’t need to know that.

  “Keep it,” Joe offers with a wicked grin as he pulls me into him. He returns the shirt to its previous spot.

  “What makes you think I want it?” I playfully inquire.

  “I want you to have it even if you won’t admit that you do,” he insists.


  “Because I’m hoping to see you where it . . . and nothing else,” he admits.

  “So you think you’ll get lucky again, huh?” I try to calmly present without any hint to the fact that I want him.

  Without saying anything, Joe leans in and delivers a deliciously deep kiss. “Besides, I have the garter and your underwear.”

  “Why do you still have my underwear?” I question, not really wanting to pull away from his attempted seduction. “That you ripped off?”

  “I couldn’t just through them away,” he states before seeking another kiss. “They’re priceless.”

  “Joe . . .” I barely mutter with my lips stuck to his.

  “Mmmm hmmm,” he checks, then slides is tongue in further to meet mine.

  I allow him and his tongue to temporarily distract me. “The . . . meeting,” I reluctantly remind him.

  Grunting, Joe hesitantly peels his lips away.

  From the time we leave my apartment and take our short drive to his place, Joe and I are quiet.

  The meeting doesn’t take long and I am surprised to find out that the Covellis' lawyer flew all the way out from New York just for this small business dealing. Mr. George Steinbe
rger is a very friendly, older gentleman, probably around Pop-Pop’s age, and has been apparently working for Mrs. Covelli’s family before Mr. Covelli and her were married.

  Starting next Monday, two of my contractors will be testing the updated software with Nathaniel’s social media marketing, making sure there aren’t any glitches before having the staff from Mr. Covelli’s first hotel integrate the software into their sales and marketing programs. The Covellis aren’t paying for the service until its cleared for sale, but Maggie has already done some video conferencing and training with the five members who will begin implementing social media advertising for the first time.

  As I’m about to excuse myself from the meeting once we’re done signing the documents, Mrs. Covelli insists that I stay for lunch as a celebration. Mr. Steinberger joins Mr. Covelli, Mrs. Covelli, Jimmy, Allen, Joe and myself for a tasty meal prepared by Anna. By the end of our meal, I learn that Mr. and Mrs. Covelli, are flying back to the East Coast tonight along with Mr. Steinberger.

  When Joe takes me home, as per Mrs. Covelli’s insistence and his own, I can see a look of trepidation on his face when we get to my front door. “Dare I ask?” Joe begins when I open the door to my apartment.

  “What?” I question, not sure what he’s referencing.

  Joe gently seizes my face in his hands and kisses me, not wanting to let go. My hands instinctually grab onto his waist, pulling him closer. I’m thrown off by my actions and thoughts. How is it that I want to push him away and pull him in at the same time?

  “When can I see you again?” he inquires with strain in his voice.

  “I don’t know?” is all I can mutter. My body has practically taken over my brain, preventing me from being able to think clearly.

  “Can I come over later?” Joe searches as he looks into my eyes.

  I know he’s trying to read my expression.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I state painfully, turning him down.

  Joe nods his understanding as if he knows not to push. “Jimmy and Allen aren’t leaving until after Nathan’s birthday.”

  That’s at least a whole week of no sex, and out of all the years of sleeping with others, including Maggie, I don’t think I can possibly last that long. I’ve lasted weeks and even months in the past, so why does it freak me out to wait this long now? As much as I’ve wanted him since Sunday, I’ve been purposefully keeping him at a distance. This is new territory for me and I don’t want to come across needing it that bad nor give the impression of a relationship.

  “Really?” I return, unable to hide my shock.

  Joe chuckles. “Yeah . . . Looks like I’m not the only one who can’t wait that long either.”

  “What are you talking about?” I deny any truth to his statement.

  “I want you too,” Joe muses, kissing me.

  Willing my lips to release his, I argue, “It’s not like that.”

  “Like what?” Joe pulls back to look at me.

  Not sure what to say or how to handle the situation, I stare at him for a second before I blurt, “It’s just sex. Nothing else.”

  “Call it what you want,” Joe says with a smirk. “But, I know you want me too.” He presses me up against the door with his body.

  Before I can rebut, Joe’s mouth is tasting my neck. I moan at the delicious use of his tongue in all the right spots as my fingers curl into his hair. “Joe . . .” I whimper in glorious delight.

  “Tell me,” he says, stopping and watching my face. One of his hands grips my ass.

  “What?” I check to see what he’s expecting me to say.

  “Tell me you want me,” he instructs, then snatches a kiss.

  “No,” I protest, not wanting to admit my desire for him. I press into him wanting more, but Joe denies me.

  “Tell me and I’ll give you what you want,” he confronts.

  “No,” I refuse while trying to steal a kiss.

  The corner of Joe’s mouth curls up. “Deny it all you want, but your body tells me the truth.”

  “No, it doesn’t,” I oppose. It takes several seconds for my hands drop to my sides.

  Joe plants a long, sensual kiss on my mouth, which involves his tongue massaging mine. My body succumbs to his persuasion, wrapping itself with his.

  “I’ll be all yours when you’re ready to tell me,” explains Joe as he removes his body from our sizzling embrace and bends down to greet Sadie.

  “You’ll be waiting a long time,” I challenge, shocked by his move.

  How dare he use sex against me like this. I’m the only one who uses sex to get what I want or is allowed to. Two can play this chess game. Aware that Joe is watching me, I begin to unzip my dress and take it off before I move toward the bedroom to change. I hear Joe clear his throat in opposition as I sashay away wearing nothing but my nude, lace bra and thong, heels and jewelry.

  After hanging my dress up in the closet, I’m not surprised when I see Joe standing in the doorway to my bedroom. I deliberately unfasten my bra and toss it into the hamper in the closest, watching Joe’s expression as he takes in the sight of my practically naked body. Confident that I have his complete attention, I kick off my heels and drape my body with Joe’s button-down shirt. Only one article of clothing to remove to give Joe the very thing he wants to see — and for me to win. I purposefully turn my body so my back is to him and then slowly shimmy my underwear down my legs, bending at the waist. I hear a groan escape Joe’s mouth as I pause for a second or two before actually picking up the panties and then toss them in the hamper.

  Heading into the living room, I brush my body against Joe’s, just to torment him. I hear him cautiously follow me as I head into the kitchen and get my iPad from my briefcase and then move to the couch. I strategically place my body in a laid-back seated position against some pillows with my knees bent and slightly parted, exposing my sex.

  Joe judiciously sits down on the couch at the opposite end. In my peripheral vision, I see Joe chewing on his lip as his eyes stay fixed on me and his hands occupy themselves by petting Sadie. Determined to get him to know that I’m the one in control and I’m the one who dictates if and when sex will be had, I drop my left leg to the side, allowing my knee to hang over the edge of the couch, baring my naked lip.

  Seconds later, I find Joe crawling toward me, taking my iPad and gently placing it on the coffee table. He hovers over me as his tie tickles my belly. Neither of us say anything as I wait to see what Joe’s next move will be. To persuade him, I trace my fingers across my exposed chest, sliding them under the edge of the shirt and circle my nipple.

  “Touch yourself,” Joe requests with a deep, sexy voice. “Please.”

  I happily agree, knowing that he’s surrendered. As I lower my hands down my body, I watch Joe loosen his tie and toss it to the floor. Joe’s eyes bounce from between my thighs and my face as he unbuttons his shirt and removes it. Joe’s fingers kiss the length of my legs, causing the moisture inside my cave to increase. His lips drift down to caress the tips of my knees and he takes a long inhale to capture the scent of my sex.

  Joe continues to observe me pleasuring myself, and on occasion, he brushes his fingers, bears a soft kiss or flicks his tongue along my legs. The fingers of my unoccupied hand squeeze and pinch my breasts and nipples as I get closer to orgasm. My eyes begin to roll back into my head as Joe suddenly breaches the rim of my cave with his fingers. I almost shutter my release at his unexpected touch, but I fall short when he removes them.

  Like a snake, Joe coils his fingers back into my mounds and strikes the very spot that causes my climax to ricochet like a thunderstorm. My eyes close to savor the sensation. Before I finish convulsing, I feel Joe’s arm shift my body slightly. When my eyes open, I’m blissfully met with a naked Joe who is kneeling between my legs with a condom already on. Gripping the arm of the couch behind my head, Joe skillfully slithers inside me. My legs wrap around his waist as he positions me higher on the pillows to get a better angle.

; As desperate for another orgasm as I am, I’m thoroughly enjoying the all-encompassing feeling of his body in and on me. With slow, rhythmic thrusts, Joe tantalizes my sex in a way that I have never experienced. He keeps a consistent, relaxed pace as his mouth explores mine. Enthralled by the feeling of this new type of sex, my arms desperately curl around his back wanting more.

  “God, you feel good,” Joe announces as our foreheads touch.

  “Mmmmm . . .” I moan in agreement, snatching his lips with mine.

  “There?” he checks with the deep, sexy voice that I’m starting to enjoy.

  “Yes . . .” I whimper.

  Joe’s pace increases a little, sending cool chills throughout my body. I can feel myself getting closer and my moaning confirms it for him.

  “Cum for me,” he requests, then grips the back of my neck.

  “Mmmmmm . . . yes . . .” I purr, wanting to comply. My grip tightens around his body, my nails press into his skin and I shift my hips slightly. “Right . . . there . . .” I whimper just before the orgasm bursts inside of me.

  Joe thrusts deeper, harder into me as my release continues its rush from the constant stimulation. He shudders his release, never moving his forehead from mine. “God . . . Emma.”

  We stay sandwiched together well past our lungs finish heaving. Our lips unite like they're dancing to the beginning of the song Gymnopédie for Piano No. I. I can’t help but to smile for my victory.

  Laughing, Joe says, “You’re proud of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Checkmate,” I gloat with the yummy taste of victory lingering in my body.

  Joe’s grin widens as he shakes his head. My mouth takes his and he willing gives in. Wanting the celebration for two victories to continue, one victory for business and the other for pleasure, I start rocking my hips.

  “We can’t,” Joe begrudgingly announces as he slides out of me.

  “Why?” I groan.

  “I want to,” he explains. “But, this was my only one.”

  “Oh,” I sigh my disappointment.

  “I could leave some here next time,” he offers with a wicked grin.


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