Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set)

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Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set) Page 98

by Martha Sweeney

  “The one thing I like about women,” Jared mentions, looking up to Joe and me. “Boobs.”

  “Since when do you like boobs?” I giggle.

  “Especially yours,” he adds. “They’re the perfect pillows.”

  The three of us laugh.

  “Don’t get too comfortable,” Joe jokes.

  “Don’t worry,” Jared soothes. “I’m just borrowing them for a while.”

  “Sounds good,” Joe chuckles. He leans in, kissing the back of my head. Joe drapes his arms over me, including Jared in the embrace.

  The three of us lay connected with Sadie for the rest of the movie. Every so often, I check to see if Jared has fallen asleep, waiting for it to be safe to use my phone — it’s been buzzing a lot. He doesn’t fall asleep until a few minutes just before the end of the movie, exhausted from the whisky and tears that ran down his face several more times throughout the night.

  Joe and I wash up for bed and just before I get under the covers, I grab my phone and head back into the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?” whispers Joe, following me.

  “Nathan and Pop-Pop need to know where Jared is,” I inform him.

  “I thought he didn’t want you to talk to them,” he reminds.

  “I know,” I say, looking back at Jared. “But, I have to. They need to know what’s going on, especially since this will change things.”

  “What do you mean?” Joe searches.

  I shake my head, not willing to share as a tear traces my cheek.

  “Emma, what is it?” Joe presses, pulling me close.

  “I can’t,” I choke. “You’ll understand . . . soon.”

  “Is there anything I can do?” Joe checks.

  With a smile, I reply, “No.” I kiss him passionately.

  “You sure?” he checks, clearly wanting to know more.

  “Do you trust me?” I ask.

  “Of course,” he replies. “Why?”

  “When I ask you for help . . . I need you to do it, whatever it is. No questions asked. Okay?”

  “Okay,” he assures, holding me tight.

  “Thanks,” I accept.

  Joe helps me pull back the blankets to cover Jared and then we get into the bed ourselves. As we lay snuggled into each other, my mind goes back over the events of the evening since Jared called. I’ve seen Jared upset before, but that was mostly when he was dealing with ghosts from his past. Sure, he’s been affected by a man when a relationship was over, but it never drove him to drink whisky like tonight.

  My heart breaks for lying to my best friend. A lie has been revealed, and I’m not ashamed of it anymore — in fact, I’m glad that he knows about Joe and me. However, there’s something very important that I’m not telling him — can’t tell him. If I tell him, I break a promise — if I don’t, Nathan and Jared might not make it. He can’t know — not yet. Will he ever forgive me?

  Breathe, Emma. Just Breathe.

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  Just Breathe


  (book #3)

  One Hundred Seven

  I wake sandwiched between two hot bodies with a third draped across my legs. Who knew this is how my life would turn out? The events of last night have put some things into perspective for me — things I never thought I would ever consider and always questioned or denied.

  For starters, there’s an irresistibly sexy man in my life who came out of nowhere and somehow has stuck to me. I’m not complaining — I just never saw my life happening like this. My life has changed completely from almost a year ago — something I swore would never happen, and yet, it has. I’ve broken my rules, all of them because of him, and I don’t regret one second of it.

  He’s smart, sexy as hell, funny and fits into the crazy thing called my life — he stimulates my body and brain in ways I never believed possible. Even when he challenges me, he always has a way to make me feel different; good different, special and wanted — and I’m not just talking sexually. I wonder if I have the same effect on him?

  “Morning, beautiful,” he hums.

  “Morning,” I reply softly, lifting my gaze to Joe. “How did you know I was awake?”

  “By the way you were breathing,” he answers. His arms tighten around my body as he kisses the top of my head. “I’m not sure if he’s still asleep or not.”

  “Definitely asleep,” I assure.

  Jared’s curled into me, spooning me from behind. Sadie sniffs her way up to us, forcing Jared to hide and rotate to the other side of the bed. He unconsciously covers his head with the blankets which allows me to get more comfortable with Joe until Sadie insists on us getting up.

  While Jared continues to rest, Joe and I make our way out of the bedroom, but don’t rush to do anything in particular other than take care of Sadie. Pop-Pop calls early — just a few minutes after I text him that we need to find time to talk. He confirms that Nathan is heartbroken and finally resting from crying himself to sleep. I agree to keep him up-to-date on Jared’s progress as best as I can until our meeting.

  Jared doesn’t wake until almost eleven in the morning. “Kitten?” he calls.

  “I’m here,” I assure, getting up from the couch where I was lounging with Joe, making my way into the bedroom with Sadie on my heels. Jared stays on the bed as I slide in to join him. “Hey,” I greet.

  “Hey,” he replies.

  I’m not sure by his tone what his current emotional state is exactly — at least he’s not crying.

  “You hungry?” I check.

  “Yeah,” he confirms, snuggling into me with his head on my chest. “I’m just borrowing them, Joe.”

  “Sounds good,” Joe chuckles as he stays perched in the doorway. “How are you feeling?”

  “Eh,” Jared answers.

  “Eh is good,” Joe supports.

  “Thanks,” Jared accepts.

  “What are you in the mood for?” Joe questions sweetly.

  “A good pity fuck,” Jared answers flatly.

  “Can’t help you there, man,” Joe replies with a laugh, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I love you, but not like that.”

  Jared nods. “I’ll take a large plate of french toast with chocolate, fruit and lots of whip cream, an omelette with the works and a gallon of ice cream.”

  “I think we can do that,” Joe comments.

  “Thanks, man,” Jared says. He turns his head and faces me. “So, what are the plans today?”

  “What do you mean?” I explore.

  “What were you two planning to do? I’m game . . . just need to eat and get in the mindset,” Jared answers.

  “Uh . . .” I say, pausing, unsure if he can handle the truth. “What are you in the mood to do?”

  “Oh,” Jared breathes. “You guys were planning a sex day. I get it. I can hang out on the couch with Sadie and put headphones in and watch movies or whatever.”

  “What?!” I reply shocked by his words.

  With a chuckle, Joe comments, “We didn’t really have anything planned today. Emma has a short meeting, but that’s it.”

  “What meeting?” Jared inquires.

  My brows furrow as I give a look that says please don’t make me answer that.

  “Oh,” Jared returns as his eyes glaze over and fall to the bed.

  “I don’t hav
e to go,” I offer. “I can stay.”

  “No. No,” Jared objects. “It’s okay, Kitten. Really.” He sighs. “I know you’ve got a lot of money riding on Nathaniel’s.” Jared’s voice cracks on his last word.

  “Are you sure?” I check.

  “Yeah,” he replies. “Is Joe going with you?”

  “I wasn’t planning on it,” Joe states.

  “Good,” Jared says perking up. “We can hang out while you’re gone, Kitten.”

  “You sure?” I ask, looking at both of them for a response.

  Joe smiles and nods reassuringly which causes the corner of Jared’s mouth to curl a little.

  “See,” Jared directs. “We’re big boys and we’ll be fine for a bit.”

  Joe calls down to order Jared’s breakfast — oddly, the hotel is very accommodating and is able to provide such requests that Jared had mentioned in the bedroom and more. The three of us don’t say much as we wait for Jared’s food to arrive. We hang out on the couch with the television playing in the background. Joe sits on the far right with me right next to him. Jared has his head in my lap and his legs stretch up and over the left arm with Sadie laying on his belly.

  Once the food arrives, Jared stuffs his face, literally licking the plates clean. I study him carefully, trying to gauge his emotional state. He’s really calm which concerns me. Jared can be like this for a long while, then suddenly explode with either rage or sorrow. He lounges back on the bed with Sadie, putting on a movie as I head into the bathroom to shower.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, nervous at the fact that Joe is naked and appears to be planning to join me.

  “Conserving water,” he answers with a grin.

  “Not today,” I direct with a low voice.

  “Why not?” he asks, closing the door behind him.

  My eyes dart to the right toward the wall where the bedroom is on the other side.

  “So? He knows,” Joe challenges. “Besides, we have showered and not had sex many times.”

  “You’re pushing boundaries, Joe,” I return as he pulls me into him.

  “If I wanted to push boundaries, beautiful,” Joe comments, holding me tighter. “A lot more would be happening in here right now. Would you like me to demonstrate?”

  “No,” I rebut, pushing my hands on his chest for him to step back.

  Joe takes two measured steps in, pressing me into the wall. “You sure?” he searches with his sexy voice.

  All I can manage is to bite my lip and bobble my head.

  “I’d be happy to,” he shares, delivering his lips to mine before running them down my chin and neck.

  “Joe,” I moan as my hands tighten in his hair.

  He pulls away, laughing under his breath.

  “Tease,” I state.

  “Only for you, beautiful,” he replies. “Would you like me to continue?”

  It takes me a few seconds to answer. “Later.”

  “Later it is,” he confirms, followed by a kiss.

  There are several times I almost cave, not caring that Jared is in the other room. I get out of the shower first, distancing myself from Joe’s temptation before something does happen. Right as Joe steps out of the shower, Jared opens the bathroom door and walks in. My hand pauses in mid-reach while handing Joe a towel.

  Jared sits down on the toilet to relieve himself like it’s nothing. “What?” he says, looking at me.

  Joe takes the towel as I continue to stare at Jared in shock.

  “I see why you keep him around,” Jared comments after his eyes focus on Joe’s groin.

  “Jared,” I scold.

  “What?” he repeats. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked and I’ve seen lots of men naked.”

  “That’s not the point,” I say nervously.

  “It’s okay, Emma,” Joe soothes. “I’m used to it with Jimmy and my brothers after all these years.”

  “See,” Jared verifies.

  I leave the bathroom, wanting to avoid any more weirdness. Once Jared comes back into the bedroom, I’ve got at least my bra and panties on while towel-drying my hair.

  “Kitten,” Jared calls. “Don’t be like that.”

  “Like what,” I say, avoiding the elephant in the room.

  “I honestly forgot that he was here when I went in,” Jared states.

  “Sure,” I reply, wanting to move on and not really believing him.

  “I’m serious,” Jared defends though there’s a hint that he’s lying. “Besides, Joe didn’t mind.”

  “It’s fine,” I reply flatly, moving back into the bathroom. “Just drop it.”

  Jared stays on the bed with Sadie while Joe and I finish getting dressed. Joe calls down for some lunch for the two of us as I style my hair and put makeup on for my meeting. When our food arrives, Joe and I eat in silence while we text to be able to discuss Jared and Nathan without being overheard.

  “Might be good to get Jared down to the gym,” I write.

  “What would you recommend?” Joe replies back.

  “Sparring, lifting, anything that is strenuous and can make him tired,” I answer.

  “How long do you think you’ll be?” Joe texts.

  “Don’t know. Maybe an hour or two. Depends on how long Nathan keeps me there,” I mention.

  “Any advise if he starts crying again?” Joe sends.

  “If you’re in the hotel room, have him pick one of his favorite movies,” I suggest. “Get some more ice cream.”

  “Sounds good,” Joe answers. “How’re you holding up?”

  My eyes lift to his face. “Good.” I write back.

  “Emma,” he sends.

  “Really. I’m okay,” I reply.

  “I’m just checking,” Joe texts.

  “Thanks,” I say.

  “You’re not going to disappear on us?” he checks.

  “No,” I confirm with a smiling emoji.

  “Good,” he sends back with a kissy-face emoji.

  We stop texting for a few seconds to take a few more bites of food.

  “So . . .” Joe begins.

  “So?” I write back.

  “How do you want to do this?” he inquires.

  “Do what?” I check.

  “Tell our friends about us?” he sends.

  I let out a sigh. “Need to think about it.”

  “What’s to think about?” he writes.

  “Joe,” I reply.

  “Emma,” he texts.

  “It depends on how Jared will be at the show,” I share.

  “How so?” Joe searches.

  “He’ll hold me to it, it’s just a matter of when,” I return.

  “Want me to take the lead?” Joe suggests.

  My cheeks tingle and I look up at him. “No.” I return quickly.

  Joe offers a grin, confirming that he meant to get a reaction out of me.

  “Keep that up and you’ll be sleeping at your place tonight. Alone,” I write. My gaze lifts to his to see his response.

  Joe’s smile widens as his fingers type away. “Jared won’t let you kick me out.”

  “Wanna bet?” I challenge.

  “Gladly, beautiful,” Joe answers. “What’s on the table?”

  We hold each other’s attention with our eyes as I decide what I’m willing to agree. “If I win, you have to buy the fuzzy handcuffs and I get to use them on you first.”

  “Okay,” Joe answers. “And, if I win, you have to move in with me.”

  “No,” I quickly write back after staring in shock to his message.

  “Yes,” Joe presses.

  “That’s not a fair bet,” I argue.

  “I know,” Joe admits.

  “Then, why did you say it?” I reply.

  “To get a reaction out of you,” he states.

  “Ha ha, very funny,” I answer unamused.

  “Okay, then you have to call me your boyfriend once our friends know,” he writes.

  “What?” I send. “No.”

��Yes,” he challenges. “And, do things with me that couples do in public like hold hands and kiss.”

  My eyes narrow at him and I don’t reply my confirmation to the agreement as I weigh the pros and cons.

  With a confident grin, Joe writes, “Scared, beautiful?”

  “About what?” I search.

  “Losing,” he replies.

  “I never lose,” I state.

  “We’ll see about that,” he writes while chuckling under his breath.

  “No talking to Jared about the bet,” I present.

  “So, you agree to the terms?” Joe explores.

  “As long as you don’t say anything to get Jared to sway in your favor, yes.” My body cringes as soon as I send the message.

  With a twinkle in his eye and a self-assured expression, Joe reaches his hand across the table. I hesitantly extend my hand and shake his — considering for a second time in my life, the first time being just only last night, that I’m not sure I’m going to like the outcome of an agreement.

  Thirty minutes later, I’m on my way to see Nathan and Pop-Pop in Nathan’s room. We never had a meeting scheduled, not today. It was a cover in order for the three of us to speak about what happened last night. Nathan is clearly just as upset and devastated as Jared. Pop-Pop and I do our best to console Nathan, but he struggles. I try to discuss several things about the show for tomorrow, hoping to distract Nathan, but the conversation always moves back to the topic of Jared. Pop-Pop coaxes me to allow him to come back to the room, but I’m not sure how Jared will take it. I know that Jared knows there’s a good chance that last night’s events will be talked about, but I’m not sure how he’ll respond to having anyone coming back with me.

  Back at my room, I take several deep breaths before opening the door, readying myself for Jared to be mad that Pop-Pop is with me. As we enter, Joe and Sadie rush to greet me. They are both pleased when they see that I have company.

  “He’s in the shower,” Joe announces moving toward us, offering to take Jared’s bags that Pop-Pop and I brought back with us. He hugs Pop-Pop and does the same with me, refraining from being overly affectionate in front of our guest.


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