Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set)

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Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set) Page 102

by Martha Sweeney

  The song changes to another slow one.

  “I’m stealing this sexy man from you ladies,” Nathan states. “We need to have a dance for ourselves, if you know what I mean.”

  Maggie and I let the two lovebirds go and turn to leave the dance floor. A few steps from the edge, Henry captures Maggie and leads her out for a dance. Jade runs and jumps into my arms as I make it to the table where she’s having another helping of dessert.

  “Look at you, monkey,” I tease. “You’ve got chocolate on your face.”

  “I was saving it,” Jade laughs.

  “Saving it for later?” I question.

  “No,” Jade replies. “For you. Thought you might want some before I eat it all.”

  “Now that you mention it, I am still a little hungry,” I comment. “Hold still.”

  “Why?” Jade giggles.

  Leaning into her, I stick my tongue out. “I’m going to get a taste.”

  “Ewww, Emma,” she replies, pushing me away.

  I playfully bite her fingers when they near my face. “Mmmmm,” I moan, getting a lick of her cheek. “I’m not sure if it’s you or the chocolate, but it sure does taste good.”

  “I hate to interrupt,” Joe says, drawing our attention. “But, I was wondering if you’d like to dance.”

  “She’s all yours,” I return with a grin. “But, I’d watch out. She might have some chocolate hidden in her pockets besides what’s on her face.” I shift Jade in my arms for her to be closer to Joe.

  With a smile, Joe takes his finger and gets some of the dessert from Jade’s face. “Mmmm,” he hums, sucking his finger.

  Jade is squealing two seconds later as Joe blows raspberries into her neck. She kicks her legs in protest while trying to push him away.

  “Actually, beautiful,” Joe says. “I was hoping to dance with you first. If you don’t mind, Jade.”

  “No,” she replies. “I want to finish my cake. Emma might eat it all while I’m gone.”

  “I don’t need to wait,” I comment, reaching for the plate.

  Jade takes my arm, trying to prevent me from getting to it.

  “Must . . . eat . . . cake,” I say playfully.

  “Nooooooo,” Jade replies with a giggle, yanking on my arm more.

  “Alright, you win,” I announce to Jade, placing her back down in her seat.

  Jade stands up on the chair and offers me a mouthful and I gladly take it.

  “Mmmm,” I reply. “Thank you, sweetie.”

  Joe takes my hand, leading me to the dance floor like he can no longer wait to dance as I finish swallowing the chocolatey goodness. “We’ll be back, princess,” he assures when we’re a few feet away. “So,” Joe begins just as we start to dance. “How’s my girlfriend doing?”

  My head snaps to look at him.

  “I like the sound of that,” Joe says with a chuckle. “How about you?”

  “It’s . . . not bad,” I return playfully.

  “So . . .” he huffs. “Dare I ask as to why you blurted our relationship like you did?”

  I sigh. “Jared. The look in his eye . . . we had lost him. He was going to leave.”

  “Really?” Joe says a little shocked. “He looked fine.”

  “He wasn’t,” I confess.

  “Well, it all turned out,” Joe comments. “He stayed and now they’re engaged.”

  “Yeah,” I agree with a grin.

  “Nathan, Denise, you and everyone else did a really great job today,” Joe praises.

  “Thanks,” I accept happily, proud of Nathan and his team.

  “I don’t want to push,” Joe states oddly. “So, I’ll let you lead.”

  “About what?” I ask. “You’re doing a good job leading right now.”

  “Not dancing,” Joe chuckles. “I mean about saying or doing anything here with our friends and family.”

  “What? Why?” I question. “I agreed to . . . .”

  “I know,” he replies, cutting me off. “It’s already been an exciting day and I don’t want to take away from Jared and Nathan.”

  Warmth in my heart beams throughout my body at the kindness of this man standing before me. He doesn’t know how amazing he is, or does he?

  One Hundred Ten

  Once the party is over and everyone has left, my friends and I remain seated at one of the tables in a far corner as the staff cleans up. Our half-finished drinks are on the table and Nathan is gleefully sitting on Jared’s lap. Maggie is sitting in Henry’s and Jimmy and Allen are seated side by side holding hands. Joe and I are sitting next to each other with his arm slung over the back of my chair and his other hand holding my right one.

  “Am I the only one who didn’t know?” Henry asks out of nowhere, disrupting the pleasant silence. “I mean . . . .”

  “No,” Allen speaks up. “Jimmy and I suspected, but we never had confirmation.”

  “So, who did know?” Jimmy inquires. “Aside from Emma and Joe of course?”

  “We did,” Maggie admits pointing to herself, Jared and Nathan.

  “Apparently, they took bets on when it did happen,” Henry jabs.

  “Honey,” Maggie calls, kissing him on the cheek.

  “You honestly didn’t know either?” Jimmy searches.

  “No,” Henry huffs. “My wife failed to mention it.”

  “Shit,” Allen comments.

  “Honey, don’t be like that,” Maggie coaxes. “I haven’t not told you about anything else. I swear.”

  “Why didn’t you tell him, Allen or me?” Jimmy explores.

  Maggie lets out a sigh. “If any of us pushed anything, it wouldn’t have happened. Emma needed to do this all on her own.”

  I sit quiet, unsure of what to say and dazed by the topic.

  “I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me, Joe,” Henry comments. “How long have you two been dating?”

  “We haven’t been dating,” Joe answers.

  “No,” Nathan confirms nonchalantly, taking a sip of his drink. “Just fucking.”

  “Nathan!” I scold.

  “What?” Nathan returns. “It’s the truth.”

  “You were claiming it was just sex the other night, Kitten,” Jared reminds.

  “It is . . . it . . . was,” I answer. “It . . . never mind.”

  “How long?” Henry asks.

  “Since the wedding,” Maggie answers.

  “Who’s wedding?” Henry checks. A look of realization pops onto his face. “Our wedding?”

  “Yes,” Maggie, Jared and Nathan confirm in unison.

  “Holy shit!” exclaims Jimmy. “Are you shitting me right now? How long did you three know?”

  “I knew since Henry and I got back from the honeymoon,” Maggie admits.

  “You’ve known that long?” Henry gasps.

  Maggie shrugs her shoulders.

  “You two?” Allen checks, looking to Jared and Nathan.

  Joe and I remain silent.

  “We speculated things either did or would happen around the time of our trip to Hawaii,” Nathan says casually.

  “I was more certain around the bachelor-bachelorette weekend,” Jared verifies.

  “You two have been having sex that long and you’ve failed to even hint to it to me . . . to Henry?” Jimmy presses.

  “It was complicated,” Joe reveals.

  Pain forms in my heart, making me feel bad knowing that I’m the one who made it complicated. Who am I kidding? It’s not easy hearing Joe say that it was complicated — that I’m complicated. My head lowers a little in shame.

  “I don’t understand,” Henry states. “If you’ve been having sex for that long, why hasn’t anyone said anything?”

  “That’s what we’re trying to explain, honey,” Maggie comments. “Joe didn’t say anything because if he did, he knew he could possibly lose his chance with Emma if something was said or done too soon.”

  “What do you mean?” Henry explores.

  “Emma’s never done relationships, Hen
ry,” Jared interjects. “This whole thing is new for her. Breaking her rules. Admitting that she has feelings for someone.”

  “I can speak for myself,” I announce, finally feeling like I can speak up.

  “We know you can, Kitten,” Jared soothes, reaching out, touching my arm. “We’re just trying to help.”

  “I know,” I reply. “It’s just . . . .” My brain shuts down, unable to think or speak clearly.

  “I didn’t talk to Jared, Nathan or Maggie,” Joe announces. “If that makes you feel better, guys. I didn’t talk to anyone about it.”

  “Why not?” Henry asks. “We could have helped.”

  “Because . . . I didn’t want to lose her,” Joe comments. “Especially, not after . . . .”

  My eyes lift to find Joe’s and I find his jaw clenched and eyes glassy.

  “After what?” Henry questions.

  “I’m sorry,” my voice meekly says as my head slumps.

  “You mean when you two were acting weird during Christmas?” Maggie inquires.

  I don’t say anything other than bob my head slightly.

  “So that’s why you were drinking,” Jimmy states.

  “What?” I ask in shock.

  “Nothing,” Joe replies.

  “It wasn’t nothing, Joe,” Jimmy continues. “You drank almost every night . . . more than I’ve ever seen you drink . . . .”

  “Stop,” Joe commands sternly.

  “It was freaky, man,” Allen adds. “I’ve never seen you so upset and . . . .”

  “Enough,” Joe commands.

  A twinge pokes in my chest and I do my best to stay calm and not cry. “I’m sorry,” my voice mumbles. I look away, to hide my shame and to control myself before anyone notices.

  For the entire year I’ve known Joe, I’ve never heard about, let alone see him drink to excess. He’s had a few drinks here and there, sure, but nothing where he’s lost control. I can’t believe that I’ve hurt him like that — causing him to drink — causing him to lose that kind of control.

  “Hey, don’t,” Joe says, cupping my face. “It’s good. We’re good. Right?”

  I hold back the tears as a fake, half smile spreads on my face and I nod. “Yeah.”

  “Emma?” Joe calls, tempting me back from the darkness.

  “Yeah,” I reply softly.

  Joe brushes his lips against mine and I start to get lost in his touch — we get lost in each other.

  “Ahem,” a throat coughs loudly.

  “I’ve waited this long to be able to kiss her in front of you,” Joe announces with his lips stuck to mine. “You can deal with it.” He tastes me more.

  “Go for it, man,” Jared chuckles. “Fuck her for all I care.”

  “Jared,” I shout, peeling away from Joe.

  “What?” Jared laughs. “I gave you my blessing after we watched Galaxy Quest the other night.”

  “Jared?” Maggie calls. “You okay now?”

  “I’m good now, Mags,” Jared confirms. “Thanks, sweetie.”

  “Good about what?” Jimmy inquires.

  “I thought Nathan was cheating on me,” Jared announces. “I know . . . I’m an idiot.”

  “No, you’re not, baby,” Nathan challenges.

  “Yeah, I am,” Jared counters. “For all the years we’ve known each other, you’ve never cheated on me when we did date or any of the men whom you dated when we weren’t together. I’m a dork and you know it . . . I know it . . . especially since I broke a promise to Emma.”

  “What promise?” Maggie searches with the undertone of awareness to his statement.

  “Shit,” Jared says under his breath.

  “It’s okay, Jared,” I console, taking his hand.

  “No, it’s not, Kitten,” Jared returns. “I made a promise and I broke it. I’m just really glad that you’ve forgiven me. I promise I won’t drink like that ever again.”

  Maggie and Nathan gasp, sure of what Jared meant by his statement.

  Henry, Jimmy and Allen stare, hoping to be filled in on what we’re talking about.

  “I’ll explain it to you later, honey,” Maggie says still shocked by the moment. “Emma?”

  “I’m okay,” I reply. “Nothing happened.”

  “You’re lucky she’s still talking to you,” Maggie comments.

  “I know,” Jared says shame-faced.

  “Hey,” I command. “Enough of that. Tonight is a happy occasion.”

  Everyone’s quiet for few beats.

  “So . . . what was with the weird way of telling us, Emma?” Allen investigates.

  “It was me,” Jared cuts in. “The night I thought Nathan was cheating on me, I went to Emma’s hotel room. She had Joe hiding, but I knew he was there right away.”

  “No, you didn’t,” I protest.

  “Yes, I did,” Jared affirms. “I may have been drunk, but I smelled sex all over you. It took me a minute to register who it was . . . I know when you and Maggie have gone at it.”

  Joe chuckles and I say nothing.

  “So, when I called her out on it, I made Emma swear to come out to you guys in order for me to agree to come today,” Jared shares. “When we were in the back . . . when she blurted it . . . she knew I had lost it and was ready to leave.”

  “That’s how she kept him here,” Maggie adds. “We new about the proposal.”

  “Who knew?” Allen checks.

  “Emma, Henry, me, Nathan, Pop-Pop and Denise,” Maggie answers.

  “You didn’t know?” Jimmy asks, looking to Joe.

  “Nope,” Joe confirms.

  “At least I knew something this time,” Henry jabs.

  “Aw, honey,” Maggie sweetly calls, kissing him.

  “Say it, Kitten,” Jared pokes.

  “What?” I ask, not sure to what it is he’s referring.

  “What do you have to call Joe now?” Jared sings playfully.

  Rolling my eyes, I share, “That Joe’s my . . . boyfriend.”

  “Awww,” Nathan and Maggie say at the same time.

  “Mom and Dad are going to flip,” Jimmy comments.

  “About what?” I ask.

  “Please,” Jimmy chuckles. “You don’t think they’re going to be ecstatic when they find out that you two are finally dating?”

  Laughing, Allen adds, “Or, how upset Tony and Tom will be.”

  The eight of us laugh at the thought.

  “Wait!” Henry shouts. His expression is one that I’ve never seen before on him. “Our wedding . . . back in July? That’s how long you’ve been sleeping together?”

  “Yes,” Joe answers.

  “You don’t think that’s information I would need to know before that night?” Henry questions, looking at Maggie.

  “What night?” Jared explores. “The wedding?”

  “No,” Henry counters, keeping his gaze on Maggie.

  “What?” she asks, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Nothing,” I say as my ears begin to burn a little, wanting to prevent that topic from being discussed.

  “I wouldn’t have, Emma,” Henry states with a pleading expression. “Joe is like a brother to me.”

  “Wouldn’t have what?” Jimmy presses.

  “It’s okay, Henry,” Joe comments. “I knew right after it happened.”

  “After what happened?” Jared inquires.

  “It’s not like anything really happened between the two of you,” Maggie interjects.

  Nathan spits out his drink. “Holy shit! You fucked them?” Nathan looks back and forth to me, Maggie and Henry as does the rest of my friends.

  My eyes bulge out of my head. “No,” I rebut.

  “Then, why would Henry say . . .” Nathan starts.

  “Emma and I have shared men in the past, but . . . .”

  “Maggie!” I shout, cutting her off.

  No one says anything as they look at everyone else, waiting for something to be said.

  “But, never a boyfriend . . . or a spouse,” Nathan comme

  “Exactly,” Maggie confirms. “She and Henry didn’t, but she and I did while Henry watched. Then, while I . . . .”

  “Don’t,” I interrupt. “Please, don’t finish that statement.”

  “How are you not freaking out about it, Joe?” Henry asks nervously.

  “Because, like I said, I knew right after it happened . . . I figured it out pretty quickly. Emma told me that night too when I asked,” Joe explains. “It’s not like we didn’t know about the two of them.”

  “The two of them, yes,” Henry confirms. “But, not one of us.”

  “So, who started it?” Jimmy pries.

  Maggie looks at me.

  “Don’t even think about answering that question,” I declare.

  “Honey,” Henry coaxes.

  “So, you did sleep with them,” Allen presses.

  “No,” I object.

  “Kind of,” Maggie comments.

  “No,” I repeat.

  “How can you kind of sleep with them?” Jimmy inquires.

  As if it’s nothing, Maggie proceeds, “Emma and I started and she was about to make me . . . .”

  “Don’t,” I command.

  “Maggie,” Henry calls. “Its uncomfortable for both of us.”

  “What? We’re all friends,” she comments. “Henry came in when I was about to finish.”

  “Maggie,” I call.

  “Henry watched while Emma and I went at it, except for when he was pleasuring me while I was pleasuring Emma, and then,” Maggie says, without hesitation.

  “Maggie!” I shout.

  “Shh, Kitten,” Nathan bids. “She’s getting to the good part.”

  I sit and stew, aware that there’s no way now that the story isn’t going to be exposed. Joe holds me closer, trying to calm my nerves — he helps a little. Henry’s pretty composed, but I can tell he’s not excited by the storytelling either.

  “Then, I used a dildo on Emma while Henry and I went at it,” she concludes.

  “How does that work?” Jimmy explores.

  “Oh my God!” I blurt, standing up. “Seriously? If you’re going to describe any more details, I’m leaving.”

  Joe coaxes me to sit back down, this time on his lap.

  Maggie sticks her tongue out at me. “I don’t know what the big deal is.”


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