Guardians of Vesturon 2 - Resurrection

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Guardians of Vesturon 2 - Resurrection Page 22

by Hargrove, A. M.

  Then, she reached out to him with her hand and intently looked at him. Her brows were scrunched together when she exclaimed, “Oh. My. Gosh! Your aura is identical to your father’s!”

  “My aura? How can you see my aura?” he asked suspiciously.

  “Oh, there is so much I need to tell you. I see auras, Rayn. I have really strong telekinetic powers.”

  Rayn staggered backward, in shock. He detected differences in Maddie, but he had no idea how many there were. Her Vesturion abilities now rivaled his. How could that be he wondered?

  “Well, I have Vesturion blood from my father’s side too! He was descended from the ancient Celts. That is why, Rayn!” she said, reading his thoughts.

  “This means…” he began.

  “Yeah, most of my powers and abilities are full strength! You should see me fight! Ha! I can take down most men, and I am FAST, Rayn! Really, really fast!” She was laughing, and he found himself smiling back at her.

  “Maddie, I’m glad you are here, but we have been so busy. I am worried about you being a distraction for me.”

  “Stop, Rayn.” She walked toward him and placed her hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eyes. “I am not here as a distraction. I need you to come with me.”

  “Where?” he asked.

  “Please, just give me your hand so that we can go.”

  “Maddie, my love, I do not want to disappoint you, but I cannot leave here.”

  “Yes, you can… just trust me. I promise.”

  “No, Maddie, I cannot leave. I am in charge here and…”

  “Rayn,” she interrupted him, “Call your second in command. Now,” she ordered.

  He had not yet seen this side of her, so he was a bit surprised by her dominating actions.


  Rayn hit his shadar and called for his second.

  “Sir, I thought you would be gone by now.”

  “Well, it would seem so. I guess I just wanted to tell you that I was leaving.”

  “Yes, sir. We shall see you in three days. Enjoy your free time, and, sir, if an emergency arises, I shall notify you immediately.”

  “Thank you, Kennar,” Rayn said turning to Maddie with a puzzled look on his face.

  “Maddie, what is going on?” he asked.

  “Rayn, trust me, please. Now, take my hand.”

  Seconds later, they materialized in front of the Great Hall at the Academy of Guardians, where the graduation ceremony would be taking place shortly.

  Rayn still had a puzzled look on his face, and Maddie had to stifle a to giggle. Rowan and Annalise were there, and Maddie waved to them.

  “Maddie, why are we here?”

  “Oh, we are attending the graduation ceremony, and then we are going to a party.”

  “I still do not understand,” he said.

  “I know, but I think it will soon make sense.”

  She hugged him and then his parents, and she left the three of them to make their way to their seats. She wandered off, and when she was sure Rayn wasn’t watching her anymore, she ducked out the side entrance, exited, and came back in behind the stage, where the graduates were assembled. She had to hurry to get her Guardian uniform on. She had help from Saylan, and she just finished strapping on her shadars when they were told they needed to take their places.

  The music started playing, and she fell into line for the Grand March. They paraded up and down the aisles of the Great Hall, and she couldn’t stop herself from seeking out Rayn. He was shocked to see her. His face was ashen, and his mouth was agape. Rowan and Annalise, as well as Taruk and Lysandra, were all smiling at her. Therron and Xarrid were grinning, but Tesslar, Rykerian, and Sharra looked exactly like Rayn; they were astounded. Maddie let a bubble of laughter escape.

  The ceremony flew by, and when the awards were presented, Maddie accepted hers with grace. She was given the award for her capture of the team of four in the Unforgiving Forest in record time, and she was also acknowledged for her endurance during her torture session. They didn’t exactly put it like that though; they flowered it up by calling it the Covert Trials award. Lastly, she was given the honor of being first in her class, which was quite an accomplishment. The only other Yarrister to receive that distinction was Rayn.

  Maddie was beaming as she walked across the stage and received her Guardian markings on her hands. She could not have felt more proud. When she turned around, she saw the Yarristers and her grandparents applauding. She finally felt like she had accomplished something worthwhile and notable.

  All the newly installed Guardians filed out into the street, followed by their family members.

  Maddie ran to Rayn, but then, everyone surrounded them. All the Yarrister siblings were chatting at once, so Rowan and Annalise instructed everyone to head over to the Ballistarius home for the graduation party.

  Maddie looked up to see Saylan heading her way. She quickly introduced Rayn to her and told her she would see her soon at the party.

  Rayn took Maddie by the elbow and began steering her away from the crowd. Maddie looked up at him and was surprised to see his jaws clenched.

  “Is everything ok, Rayn?”

  “I hardly think this is the time or place to discuss this, Maddie. We will talk about this after the party.”

  “Wait! What are you talking about? You’re angry, aren’t you?”

  “Do I need to respond to that?”

  “Yes, you do. This is one the greatest days of my life, and you are acting angry for some reason.”

  “Again, Maddie, I hardly think this is the place.”

  “Yes, you are correct. I do not want an audience, but I hope I am wrong in what is happening here.”

  Rayn did not respond to her, but he kept moving ahead of the crowd. Finally, she stopped him, entered the proper coordinates in her shadar and teleported them to her grandparents.

  Since they were one of the first to arrive, Maddie dragged Rayn up to her room, shut the door, folded her arms over her chest and asked, “So, tell me, what is bothering you?”

  Rayn sighed deeply and struggled for the right words.

  “Maddie, I love you beyond reason. I would do anything for you, including sacrifice my life. I cannot explain to you the depths of my feelings, as there are no words to describe them. I simply do not understand why you would take on something like becoming a Guardian and not mention a word to me about it. I have experienced the training. I know firsthand what is involved. I know what you endured to gain this status, and it upsets me greatly.”

  “I didn’t tell you for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, I knew you would not want me to do this. I know it looks like I went against your wishes, and I did... but I had a solid reason for doing so.”

  She took Rayn’s hands in her and pulled him to her so that they were facing each other.

  “I want to be with you, always, no matter where you go. I want to be there with you and for you, without you having to be constantly worried about my safety. I thought that if I had the proper training, you would feel better about me being with you. I am strong, Rayn, and fast and very powerful. I am not saying this to boast but to tell you the truth of things. I have been trained in combat and came in first in my class. I know you won’t like hearing this, but I was the only one in my class who completed the torture session in its entirety. You won’t have to always protect me as I have been taught by the best to protect myself. And my second reason was I wanted to surprise you and make you proud of me.”

  She reached up and placed her hand on his cheek and continued, “For for first time in my life, I feel like I’ve accomplished something meaningful.” She walked away from him, gathering her thoughts.

  She returned to his side, grabbed his arm, and sat him down on the side of her bed, where she turned to face him.

  “Rayn, for my whole life, I have felt like parts of me didn’t go together. I was clumsy except when I ran. I stumbled over my own two feet; you saw me and how uncoordinated I was. Then, I came
to Vesturon, and things started falling into place. Julian thinks my body was in a state of friction—the human side fighting the Vesturion side. Then, when I came here, my Vesturion side took over, and I came into my own. I’m not a clumsy moron anymore. I don’t worry about falling down and making an idiot of myself. Maybe I won’t destroy your home back on Earth any more. If I’m lucky, I may even end up being a passably decent cook! Well, maybe not!”

  “Maddie, I would love you anyway. It matters not to me if you are strong or fast or whatever.”

  “I know it doesn’t, and I love you for that. I wanted to… no, I HAD to do it for me. I need to have self-worth. I always felt so inadequate around you and your family. It wasn’t anything you did; it all came from within me! I made myself feel that way, but I don’t feel that way anymore. Can you try to understand?”

  “When you turned me away, I thought I would die. I did not know what to do.”

  “Rayn, I never turned you away. I just had a great deal to learn about everything, including myself, and I really like the person I’ve become. I hope you’ll like her too.”

  Rayn got up and ran his hands through his hair. Maddie smiled; she hadn’t seen him do that in awhile! He looked at her and cocked his head to the side.

  “If you so much as do ANYTHING like this EVER again without discussing it with me first, so help me, Maddie, I will not be able to bear it. Just so we are clear, do you understand me?”

  “Yes, my liege, I do,” she said as she flew into his arms, nearly knocking him over. They kissed and kissed, not able to tear away from each other. Their thoughts swirled about them, and Maddie felt tears slipping down her cheeks.

  Rayn pulled away from her and wiped her tears with the pads of his thumbs. “Why?”

  “Happy tears, not sad ones.”



  She turned her head into his hand and kissed his palm. He ran his thumb along her lips and wrapped her hair around his other hand.

  “Maddie, I have missed this so much.” He bent his head into her neck and inhaled deeply. Then, he surprised her by picking her up in his arms and carrying her to the bed. He laid her down and stretched out alongside her and began caressing her. He ran his finger down her chest until he reached the swell of her breast, where he stopped.

  She lifted her head and looked at him. “I want us to get married, Rayn. I don’t want to wait any longer than necessary. I think we have waited long enough, and this war doesn’t look like it’s going to have the quick resolution everyone had hoped for.”

  Maddie wanted to have their unity ceremony as soon as possible. They could have a big reception when everyone was home on Vesturon again. Right now, simply put, she had to be by Rayn’s side. Her commander at the academy told her she would be stationed wherever Rayn was, acting as his second in command. They had waited long enough to be together. Besides all the logical reasons, they would also make an awesome team.

  “But what about Xarrid, Therron, and… Sharra will be so upset with us, Maddie! You know she will!”

  “No, she won’t! She can do all her party planning. We can even repeat our vows if she wants and have that huge reception of hers when this conflict is over. But for now, we can have a simple ceremony that will be every bit as meaningful to us. Therron, Xarrid, and Sharra can all join us by holograph if they have to… to see our union. We can get your parents and my grandparents to come. What else do we need?”

  “So… a Guardian, huh?”

  “My telekinesis master says I am a force to be reckoned with. He said he doesn’t know any other Guardian with my capability!”

  “Maddie! Amazing!”

  “Wanna see?” she asked.

  At his nod, she raised her arm toward him and elevated him up to the ceiling. Rayn was astounded.

  “When you said telekinesis, I just figured small items. This is unbelievable. Um… can you put me down now?”“

  “One more reason why you need me by your side!” He would be totally shocked when he discovered exactly what she could do telekinetically.

  She had a tough argument, and she had thought out all the details. Rayn began to feel hopeful. This is what he had wanted for so long. He could finally live his dream.

  Maddie saw the wheels spinning in his mind. She looked at him with a smile as he opened his arms to her. She wrapped herself around him. She tangled her fingers in his hair, nestled her head into the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply. She had missed every fiber of his being, and now that she was here, she wouldn’t ever let him go.

  He leaned away from her so that he could look into her eyes and asked, “You are positive this is what you want? You are not doing this for any kind of insane reason?” he wanted to know.

  She molded herself around him again, as if she couldn’t bear the thought of not touching him. Then, she touched her lips to his. “Well, I am insanely crazy about you! How about that? This is everything I want Rayn, and I won’t be away from you a moment longer.”

  They sensed their need for each other and the urgency to consummate their relationship.

  Rayn finally saw something else. Before him was a mature female, full of strength and completely sure of herself and their connection. Gone was the timid girl he had left eleven months ago. As much as he hated to admit it, she had been right about them all along.

  “You are different, Maddie—in an excellent way. You were right. You needed to grow and become who you are. I am glad you did not let my pig-headedness stop you from doing this. I know I tried to get you to change your mind, but I am happy you paid no attention to me!”

  “Oh, Rayn, there is so much I need to share with you. I am really and truly a Vesturion. I can’t wait to show you my talents.”

  Rayn couldn’t wait to see them, but he doubted he was thinking of the kind of talents she was.

  “Well, then, I guess that settles it,” he said. “We need to gather everyone here for our ceremony. You want to do this… when?” he asked.

  “Well, first we must attend my graduation party. Then, we can discuss all the details with everyone.”

  “I guess we do need to make an appearance.”

  “Oh, and you must meet my new best friend Saylan. After you talk with her a bit, I want your opinion of what you think about her and Xarrid… as a couple.”

  “Er, Maddie, I am not so sure matchmaking a good idea.”

  “I wasn’t planning on doing any matchmaking other than introducing them.”


  When she nodded, he said, “Good. Let us join the party then. I avoid matchmaking at all costs, because it typically ends up badly.”

  Chapter 12

  By the time they joined the party, it was already in full swing. Therron and Xarrid lifted their brows at Maddie and Rayn as they entered the room. Rayn gave a “What?” look in return.

  Maddie weaved her way into the crowd, accepting congratulations and accolades, and her eyes finally landed on what she had been searching for.

  “Sharra!” she called out. Sharra turned, and they both crashed into each other’s arms, jumping up and down and turning circles at the same time. Words poured from each of them, and Rayn tried to understand how they could communicate in such a fashion.

  “Maddie, you have been such a snitch! I cannot believe you are a Guardian!”

  “Ohmagosh, Shar! I have missed you and your Sharbabble! You mean sneak… not snitch!”

  “Oh, yes… well that too. How did you ever manage to keep all of this from us?”

  “Rowan and Annalise were a blessing. They helped me so much, especially with Rayn,” Maddie explained as she glanced his way, smiling.

  He wasted no time in grabbing her in his arms again. It seemed they could not keep their hands off of each other.

  Maddie gave Sharra the rundown of how her quest to become a Guardian turned into reality, and Sharra did not hide how impressed she was.

  “Maddie, I am so proud of you. It is not easy going through th
e training program, particularly when you cannot tell others what you are doing. You have amazed me!”

  Rayn was watching Maddie, and he, too, was terribly proud of her. He pulled her to him, leaning into her and whispered, “She is right, Sunshine. If I did not say so earlier, I am so very proud of you too. Just when I think I know you, you astound me with something new. I will be honored to not only have you as my mate, but to also serve with you as a Guardian.”

  Maddie felt her eyes tearing up, and a lump the size of the moon formed in her throat, rendering her speechless. She swallowed several times, and finally, her voice returned.

  “I… Rayn, I don’t know what to say. I have always looked up to you and admired your integrity and character. You not only talk the talk, but you also walk it as well. For you to say something like that to me means more than I can tell you.” She embraced him and held him tightly to her until they heard Sharra clearing her throat.

  “Do you two mind? We are in the company of many. I know that you want to be alone, but gracious! I have not seen you, Maddie, for nearly a year, and I want to have you to myself for awhile.”

  They all started laughing, and Rayn took his cue, “Excuse me, ladies. I think I shall seek out my brothers.”

  Maddie brought Sharra up to speed on everything that had happened in her life, minus the incident with Ondine. That was something that would stay between her, Therron, Xarrid, and Rowan. They had been sworn to secrecy, and they all were acutely aware that if Rayn found out, there would be hell to pay.

  The party went on for hours. Maddie introduced Saylan to Xarrid, and the two of them spent most of the party together. Maddie spied them on more than one occasion slipping out to the terrace to find some alone time.

  Maddie was returning from the restroom when Saylan intercepted her. They chatted as they made their way back to the party.

  “You never told me how gorgeous your Rayn is. He is definitely one of the most attractive males I have ever seen. Actually, all of his brothers are pretty hot too!”

  “Saylan, I couldn’t help but notice that you and Xarrid seem to be hitting it off.”


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