Love in the Rockies

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Love in the Rockies Page 2

by Thianna D

  “Of course. I mean I would have loved to have taken you camping in a tent but the snow would have made the whole spanking your naked bottom thing a little hard. Thin walls and other people around, you get the picture.”

  “I guess,” Erin said, trying to keep the disappointment that was permeating her soul from rising to the surface and escaping her mouth. A tent. A fucking tent was his idea of the ultimate romantic weekend away. No she didn’t get it, not at all. Was he saying there were other people in the world who wanted to spend Valentine’s Day, in the winter, out in the open?

  “I want your spankings this weekend to be for pleasure, not punishment. It would have been too cold.”

  Erin didn’t say anything but her lips were set in a straight line—a straight frozen line—that’s what happens to people when they stand out in the elements. Her body language clearly gave away her displeasure.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. It’s so big. It’s a big surprise, I guess I’m just a little overwhelmed.” Was devastated the same as overwhelmed? In this instance it was anyway.

  “Tell the truth, Erin,” Zach said, turning her to make her look at him directly in the eyes.

  “I am telling the truth.” Well, she was. She was overwhelmed, devastated, unable to form words, not for a minute able to imagine any kind of an explanation that would appease her husband and at the same time not hurt his feelings. It was the thought that counted wasn’t it? She wanted to cry.

  “I’m in a holiday frame of mind here so I’m going to give you one more chance to tell the truth or I’ll drop your pants right here and now in the front yard and you’re going to experience what it’s like to get a spanking when your butt is freezing cold.”

  Erin wanted to tell him that he wouldn’t dare, but she knew that wasn’t the case. He would carry through with his threat in a heartbeat. He might stop short at actually baring her but just getting spanked in her panties would be embarrassing enough. Not to mention the thin material would do nothing to protect her from the cold or the heat he would no doubt splatter across her backside. “I’m sorry. I let my imagination run away from me. I imagined something different.”

  Zach’s face softened. “Somewhere fancy?”

  “Sort of.” Now she felt like a heel. Sort of. A disappointed heel whose dream just got stomped on.

  “I was working with a teacher’s salary here, Erin.”

  “I know.” Paint her as an ungrateful, spoiled brat. She would have to try to push off this mood and see the funny side if she was going to survive.

  “It’ll be great if you give it a chance.” He wrapped an arm around her and drew her into his arms. “It isn’t about how much you spend.”

  “I know. Won’t we be cold though?” Like frozen?

  “Nah, we’ll go to a powered site and there’s propane heating. We’ll have all the comforts of home.” He took her hand and tugged her towards the van. “Come take a proper look inside.”

  What was the point of a vacation, though, if the best you could hope for was aiming towards the comforts of home? May as well just stay at home.

  Zach opened the door, stood back, and watched as she made her first climb up the stairway to hell. It was as she expected it to be. A truck with furniture. She popped open the oven door and peaked inside.

  “It’s clean,” Zach said. “You know I wouldn’t take you away in an RV that wasn’t clean.”

  She opened the fridge.

  “So’s the fridge.”

  “I didn’t doubt that it was clean, Desi. I was looking to see if Lucy had left any of her huge keepsake boulders in here.” She and Zach had often spent a Sunday afternoon laying on the sofa and watching the classic. They loved it. The only thing that was missing was a spanking. As if Desi wouldn’t tan Lucy’s ass for disobeying him and hiding all her rocks in the van. Of course they weren’t Lucy and Desi in the movie, the characters they played were Tacy and Nicky.

  “Very funny. Look, I thought I would arrange for us to have an affordable vacation alone together doing something that we’ve never done before. Like I said, give it a chance.” He ran a hand over the built in stove. “Just look at this cute little burner. We can make spaghetti and drink some nice wine.”

  “Uh huh. Who doesn’t like to go on a vacation where they get to take a kitchen with them? Is there a washing machine and an ironing board because I really want to live it up.” Did she just say that out loud?

  Zach narrowed his eyes. “Is this the way you want to start a road trip? I want us to have fun, but if you think you can enjoy yourself more while sitting on a striped ass, then keep it up.”

  Yes, apparently she did say that out loud. Did he just say striped?

  “Yes, I said striped.”

  The man reads minds. “It may not be so bad.”

  “See you’re coming around already.”

  “Yeah. I better go pack.” And, get out of harm’s way.

  “Come on, I’ll help you.” Zach put his arm around her. “It is going to be a bit chilly, we better pack the thermal underwear.”

  How sexy, Erin thought.

  * * * * *

  Well, that went well. Zach tried to push away his own disappointment. They’d left the girl that loved material things in the city, or so he thought. This wasn’t like Erin. She’d grown so much since moving to Corbin’s Bend. So much so that their spankings were becoming more fun or foreplay than disciplinary. Maybe that’s what had made her slip back. It might just be time to pull in the reigns a little. He wanted to try and warm her up to the idea of this vacation first, though. There was some fun and romantic ideas up his sleeve, and he was sure he could win her over in the end. He just hoped it wasn’t going to be too much of a rough ride until then.

  He smiled as he watched Erin throwing things into her suitcase with very little enthusiasm. The sexy negligee she’d packed earlier was reefed out and tossed in the drawer. Oh well, he preferred her naked anyway. There was no amount of wispy lace that could improve his wife’s beautiful body.

  “Sweats all right?” she asked.

  “Fine by me. You might want to put in some jeans and sweaters in case we want to stop and eat at a diner or something.”

  “I’ll put in my good ones,” she said, rolling an ugly Christmas sweater into a ball and shoving it in her bag.

  “Good idea,” was his smiley reply. He ignored the roll of her eyes that she didn’t think he saw. He packed his own things, mostly concentrating on items that were the same or similar to hers, including the loudest sweater he could find. He had snow gear, including some fun stuff packed in the RV but he wasn’t going to mention that just yet. He needed as many surprises as he could get if he was going to resurrect their romantic weekend.

  “I don’t have food ready. I didn’t think we were going to need any.”

  “No problem. We’ll stop and get something,” he said. “I’ll just go and grab some snacks from the pantry for the drive.”

  “Make sure there’s some chocolate. Please.”

  She was managing to stay polite enough to stay out of trouble - and she was doing a pretty good job- but there was a hint of disappointment there. It made him feel bad. He really did wish that he was rich enough to take Erin on the type of getaway she’d been hoping for, but he wasn’t going to drag them down the credit card road. “If we don’t have chocolate, we’ll stop and get some.” That they could afford.

  * * * * *

  “Do you need a hand with that?” Zach walked back into the room with a carry bag of snacks to find Erin struggling with the zipper on her case.

  “I can manage,” she puffed, tacking some politeness at the end— “thanks.” Wrestling with the stupid suitcase full of the now necessary bulky clothes had forced her bad mood to resurface.

  “Let me help.” Zach took her hand and tried to tug the zipper while holding Erin back with the other hand.

  “Get off me,“ she wailed. Taking her anger out on the dumb suitcase was about the only outlet
she had and now he wanted to take that, too? “Why do you have to be so bossy all the time?”

  “What did you say?”

  What was wrong with her; had she forgotten the difference between thinking and speaking altogether? “Um, I said I could do it.”

  “No, you told me to get off. You called me bossy! Don’t add lying to the mix.” Zach frowned. “Resorting to name calling because you’re not getting your own way? You’re acting like a spoiled brat and it finishes right here, right now. Get to that corner.”

  Erin stomped to the corner muttering under her breath. Apparently again, not far enough under her breath. “Well, happy fucking Valentine’s Day to me.”

  “That’s it.” Before she even made it to the corner Zach grabbed Erin’s wrist.

  Erin’s eyes widened.

  Zach sat on the edge of the bed and tossed his errant wife over his knee. “I tried really hard to let you work your way through your disappointment but you were just determined to start this trip with a spanking. So be it.” He tugged her pants and panties to her knees and slapped her clenched bottom hard.

  “Ow! I’m sorry, “ Erin whined. “I’ll try to have a good time, I promise.”

  “Will you?” His hand bounced off her bottom rhythmically. “How giving of you. This mightn’t have been the trip you imagined but it is the trip I’ve planned for us, and it wouldn’t hurt you to at least keep an open mind.”

  “Please, Zach, I’m sorry!”

  “Well good.” Zach kept smacking for a couple more minutes. “I love you. I want to have some fun. Do you think that’s going to be possible?” He smacked the creases where her bottom met her creamy thighs.

  Erin nodded miserably, tears streaming down her face. “I’ll-ll try.”

  Zach helped her to stand and pulled her into his arms, kissing her lightly. “Good girl. Go and wash your face,” Zach said with a sigh.

  When Erin came back into the room, he held up their paddle. “One more thing I think we better take with us.”

  “I don’t think it will fit in mine,” she said hopefully.

  “I’ll make it fit.” He slid the shiny wooden paddle that he’d made for them a long time ago into the back pocket of her bag and then sat on it while he zipped it. “Guess we’re set.”

  “Guess so.” Erin rubbed her bottom as she followed Zach out to the van. Did he have a spring in his step? Sometimes she almost imagined that spanking her bottom made her husband feel better. Sad thing was, it made her feel better too, go figure.

  Chapter Two

  “How far do we have to go to get to where we’re going to stay or land our magic mobile?” Erin tried to get a look at the GPS, but Zach slapped her fingers and turned it away from her.

  “I don’t want you to ruin the surprise. It should take about seven hours until we get there,” he started. “Of course I can’t predict the state of the road.”

  Erin’s head spun around. She had to sit on her sore bottom for that long? “Seven hours? Where are we going? Vegas?”

  “Nope. In seven hours we would only be a bit past half way to Vegas.”

  “That’s what I love about you being a teacher. You know all the important stuff.”

  “It’s going to be a long drive if you hang on to your attitude the whole way. You are not going to be sore for seven hours. That was a few love taps. Of course, I can always pull over and heat you back up every now and again if you’re going to be a brat.”

  “I don’t know what you mean. I was simply showing an interest in our trip.” She tried to giggle but it stuck in her throat. That was the thing with attitude. Zach just assumed that he could order her to stop it and his wish would be granted, but she couldn’t. She wanted badly to be grateful, to push away the resentment and just get on with enjoying herself, but she didn’t seem to be able to completely. It would go for a little bit and then come back in waves, like now. “It’s going to be a long drive if you don’t embrace your sense of humor.”

  “You’re being a smart ass, knock it off.”

  “I’m trying. Besides, some bully spanked me. It’s hard to sit still on this seat straight after a spanking and look happy. Do you want me to pretend?”

  “You were warned, a lot, and yes as a matter of fact, pretending might be the start to actually feeling positive. Now what I was going to say was that we don’t have to keep driving. We can pull over and take a nap right here if that’s what you want. That’s the beauty of carrying your bed with you.”

  “What a thought provoking choice.”

  Zach shook his head. “Keep it up, Erin.”

  “If you knew what was going through my head, then you would so appreciate my self-control.”

  “Hmm, maybe.” He gave her thigh a slap. “Just remember, I quite enjoy a drive, I’m in no hurry and it will be no trouble at all for me to make a pit stop somewhere, even if you don’t want to go to sleep yet.”

  “Good. At least I won’t have to use the moving bathroom facilities back there.”

  “That wasn’t what I had in mind. Seriously though, I think it is time we stopped. We can refresh and get something to eat.”

  “Now you’re talking.” A chance to get off her bottom, if only for a few minutes and a dose of sugar might just buck her up a bit. That’s what she needed. Just like that, her bad mood faded.

  “Okay, then, let’s do that. We’ll find a great diner where you can have a giant piece of pie or something that might sweeten up your sour mood some.”

  “Now who’s being a smart ass? Maybe I should spank you.”

  “Darlin, that is never going to happen.”

  We’ll see, Erin thought. Zach wanted some fun didn’t he? Sounded like it might be fun to her. Besides it would only be in fun. If there’s one thing she knew about Zach, it was that he could take a joke, mostly.

  * * * * *

  “You look happier,” Zach said, smiling over his coffee cup.

  “There’s something about a nice piece of warm apple pie with ice-cream melting all over it that warms my heart.” She shrugged happily before popping another spoonful into her mouth. “I wonder what the girls are doing,” she said.

  “Having lunch probably,” Zach said.

  Erin sighed. “They would have loved that pie.”

  “Don’t you start getting all melancholy over the girls. Diana has been itching to get her hands on them. They’re probably sitting on the sofa with their hair braided and their nails painted eating their second dessert of the day.”

  “She does love to spoil them.”

  “Yes she does, see? They’re fine.”

  “Yeah. I’m just gonna go to the bathroom.” Erin picked up her purse and headed for the rest room.

  “I’ll pay the check and then we’ll go,” Zach said. “Erin?”


  “Tell Avvy and Jordie that I love them too.”

  Erin giggled. “I will. It’ll just take a minute.”

  * * * * *

  Zach stood aside and allowed Erin to climb into the van before him.

  “I know what you’re doing,” Erin said with a giggle.

  “Being a gentleman?” Zach asked with his own mischievous grin.

  “Hmm. I just figured out why you like this thing so much. You get to hold the door open and check out my ass every time I have to climb up the giant steps.”

  “That’s a perk, I’ll agree but not the whole reason,” he said. “You know though, I think I’m a little tired to keep driving.”

  “Do you want me to take over for a while?” Erin’s concern was genuine. All complaining and disappointment aside she didn’t want Zach to keep driving if he was tired. That was dangerous. “I think I can handle this big baby.”

  “That wasn’t what I had in mind. I was thinking that you and I could take a little nap together.” He wiggled his eye brows. “Here we are on our second honeymoon and we haven’t even christened the bed yet.”

  “Now that you mention it, I am a little tired.”

Zach jumped up both steps and shut the door quickly and locking it behind him. “My girl is back!” He pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers, savoring her sweet lipped kiss.

  Erin’s knees went weak as Zach’s kiss deepened; the prickle from his stubble sent sparks through her, making her gasp. “Mmm,” she squeaked as his lips left hers and continued on a journey south, his teeth grazing the delicate skin of her neck.

  “The ice is melting.” Zach chuckled into her ear.

  His warm breath and the tip of his tongue touching her there, in one of sensitive spots set her nub to thumping hard. They were wearing way too many clothes. Erin’s hands went to the button on her jeans, ready to get them off when he stopped her.

  “I want to undress you slowly,” he said. “It’ll be like unwrapping a gift.”

  “Oh, God,” she said, now so hot that waiting would be torture.

  He took her hand and led her to the back of the van and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her between his legs.

  Erin shuffled a little, impatience making it difficult for her to stand still. “Fire’s going out here, Zachy,” she said. She giggled when his hand bounced off her bottom.

  “Have a little restraint.” His fingers reached up and touched her lips. “I love these plump lips,” he said.

  “Great. I have fat lips?”

  “You have plump lips, and that’s a good thing. Makes them more kissable.” He undid her jacket and slid it from her shoulders and smiled.

  “You knew I was, you know, ready.” Erin tried to look away but Zach was having none of it.

  “One, two, three, eyes on me little girl,” he said, sliding his hands up inside her sweater and pinching Erin’s erect nipples lightly. “Tell me what you’re feeling.”


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