Love in the Rockies

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Love in the Rockies Page 29

by Thianna D

Scott regarded her stony-faced. “Kirsty, whatever you did is for you and Logan to work out between you. Lydia knows the rules. And she knows the consequences of breaking those rules. If she couldn’t have come back home at the time she said, she could have rang me and I would have picked her up. You didn’t do that did you, Lydia?”

  Lydia shook her head.

  “And why was your phone switched off, Lydia?”

  “It was out of battery,” said Lydia shamefacedly. Kirsty was struck by the fact that for a woman in her thirties, Lydia seemed awfully like a little kid right now.

  “Well that’s another rule broken,” said Scott. “You are supposed to make sure your phone is fully charged before you go out. I don’t suppose a fully charged phone managed to run out of battery during the time that you were out, did it?”

  Lydia shook her head.

  “Right, get upstairs,” said Scott. “We need to deal with this right now. Good night, Logan. Good night, Kirsty.” Lydia and Scott walked upstairs and Kirsty’s gaze followed them.

  Logan hadn’t said a word up until now. Kirsty looked at him. He looked pretty angry. “I think we’d better go upstairs too, don’t you?” he said.

  Kirsty nodded and the two of them walked upstairs switching off the downstairs lights as they did so.

  “Okay, what happened?” asked Logan, once they were inside their bedroom.

  Kirsty explained about just going for one drink, which turned into a drink in a nightclub which turned into a much longer visit than either of them wanted because of the police raid.

  Logan nodded. He still looked stern. “I sent you a text message!” Kirsty burst out by way of mitigation.

  “I know you did. And normally that would be okay. I’m not trying to tell you that you’re not allowed to go out and do your own thing of an evening.”

  “Then why do I get the feeling that I’m going to be punished?”

  Logan ran his hand through his hair. “Why did you do it?”

  “Because I thought it would be fun!”

  “Is that the whole reason?”

  “Yes,” said Kirsty, although once she’d said it out loud, she realized that it wasn’t the whole reason. “It just seems absurd that a grown woman has to give a set time that she’s going to be home! She’s thirty-three not thirteen! And the way that he expects her to do everything for him. She pours his coffee, she fetches his spectacles, she probably wipes his arse for him after he goes to the toilet.”

  “Enough,” snapped Logan. “Has Lydia said anything about being unhappy with her marriage to Scott?”

  “No, nothing like that,” said Kirsty. “She seems totally devoted to him in fact.”

  “Then how they choose to run their marriage is no concern of yours, is it? Yet you deliberately chose to make Lydia break the rules that she and Scott have put in place. Did you want my sister to get a spanking, is that it?”

  “No,” said Kirsty.

  “Yet that’s what’s going to happen and it’s entirely down to you. I want you to go and stand in the corner and think about that.”

  Stand in the corner? Logan had never made Kirsty do that before. She wondered if he had been getting ideas from talking to Scott. It wouldn’t need to be him, of course. They lived in Corbin’s Bend. Logan could get ideas on punishment talking to anyone.

  “Nose touching the corner, hands on your head,” Logan instructed.

  It was late and Kirsty was weary. She could barely suppress a yawn as she walked to the corner and did as Logan had instructed.

  As she stood there in the silent room, she heard an unmistakable sound coming from the guest room on the other side of the wall. The thwack of a paddle connecting with bare flesh.

  Kirsty winced as she listened to the sounds of Logan’s sister being spanked. She turned round to see if Logan was still in the room. He was. “Turn back around,” he said sternly. “I haven’t given you permission to move yet.”

  Kirsty complied.

  “I want you to listen to the sounds of Lydia being punished,” continued Logan. “This is all your fault. If you had headed home when you said you would, she wouldn’t be getting her backside paddled right now.”

  Kirsty’s eyes began to well up with tears, knowing what Logan said was true.

  After an age, the noise of the spanking in the room next door stopped. Although the sounds of Lydia being swatted with the paddle had finished, Lydia’s sobs were audible, muffled by the bedroom walls.

  Kirsty shivered. It certainly didn’t sound as though Scott had gone easy on Lydia. She wondered how sore Lydia’s backside was right now.

  Logan spoke, “Okay, come out of the corner now, Kirsty. It’s time to discuss your punishment.”

  Kirsty removed her hands from her head, turned round and walked towards Logan. “Are you going to spank me?” Kirsty asked.

  “Do you think you should be spanked?” asked Logan.

  Kirsty nodded.


  Kirsty knew that it wasn’t a trick question. Logan was the most straightforward person she knew. If he asked why she thought she deserved a spanking, he would expect a well-considered answer.

  “I acted irresponsibly. I deliberately put Lydia in a situation where she was disobeying Scott even though I knew she didn’t want to.”

  “And why do you think you did that?”

  “I thought that Lydia shouldn’t have to obey Scott, I guess. I was just thinking about my own prejudices rather than considering what Lydia and Scott wanted. I’m sorry, Logan. If the police hadn’t raided that nightclub, we wouldn’t have been anything like as late as we were.”

  “Yes and if you hadn’t gone into the nightclub in the first place, then the police raid wouldn’t have affected you. I have half a mind to suggest to Scott that he be the one to give you your spanking, it was him who you disrespected here.”

  Kirsty’s eyes went wide. “Logan,” she gasped. “You wouldn’t.”

  A slight smile twitched at the corner of Logan’s mouth. “No, don’t worry, sweetie. I wouldn’t do that to you. You’re my Taken In Hand. Your discipline is my responsibility.”

  Logan went to the chest of drawers and took the dreaded lexan paddle from the third drawer. It was eighteen inches long, clear plastic with a dozen holes drilled through it. The paddle had been a gift to Logan from his dad when he had first moved to Corbin’s Bend. Kirsty found it extraordinary that Logan’s family were all supporters of domestic discipline. Logan had grown up thinking this was normal, Kirsty realized. No wonder he looked so at home holding the paddle.

  He sat down on the edge of the bed and beckoned Kirsty towards him. She stood in front of him, her eyes nervously darting to the paddle which lay on the bed. Logan grabbed hold of the back of Kirsty’s thighs and pulled her closer towards him. He unbuttoned the tight black pants she was wearing and then pulled down the zipper. He yanked her pants down to her knees and then pushed her panties down to meet them.

  “Lie over my lap,” he commanded.

  Kirsty awkwardly positioned herself over his knees, the clothing bunched at her knees making it difficult to maneuver herself.

  Once she was over, Logan pushed her head down further towards the ground so that her butt was raised high in the air. “I’m going to give you twelve swats,” he told her. “I want you to count them out loud.”

  Kirsty gave the smallest of nods and within seconds the first swat of the paddles came crashing down on her naked backside. “One,” she said.

  “One, sir,” said Logan.

  “One, sir,” said Kirsty. Logan had never insisted that she call him ‘sir’ before, but given the position she was currently in, she wasn’t about to argue with him.

  A second blow came swiftly down, forcefully hitting the other cheek.

  “Two, sir,” said Kirsty, gasping slightly. The paddle didn’t just hurt where it struck her flesh, the pain seemed to go right down to her bones. She wondered how on earth she was going to withstand ten more. Logan brought the paddle swif
tly down on the lower part of her buttocks. The force of the swat brought tears to Kirsty’s eyes and she instinctively gripped hold of Logan’s leg. It took a moment for her to manage to get any words out at all. When the pain had subsided just enough for her to speak, she counted the blow as she had been told to. “Three, sir.”

  Come on, you can do this, she reassured herself, you’ve had worse spankings before. In fact, last year she’d had thirty swats with the heavy wooden paddle used for public discipline and she had survived. She not been able to sit down comfortably for days, but she’d survived.

  Not that it did her any good to think of it. Right now, all she could think of was the pain that Logan was currently inflicting on her backside. “Four, sir,” she said as Logan brought the paddle down again. He followed swiftly with another blow. “Five, sir,” said Kirsty, her voice even now beginning to tremble. Logan continued to administer the heavy swats to Kirsty’s bottom and Kirsty continued to count them out. By the time they reached nine, Kirsty could barely get the words out over her choking sobs.

  “Come on, Kirsty. Only three more to go,” said Logan.

  “Ten, sir,” she choked out. Once again he brought the paddle down. She knew her bottom must be cherry red by now. There was no part of her backside which hadn’t received the force of the paddle several times over. “Eleven, sir,” gasped Kirsty, steeling herself for the final blow, knowing that Logan didn’t usually stint at the end of a spanking. Sure enough, the twelfth blow was the hardest. The unforgiving plastic paddle came crashing down on her tender, bruised cheeks. Kirsty let out a hiss of pain as the throbbing ache of her backside intensified. “Twelve, sir,” she said, relieved that it was all over. She was exhausted and she was in pain, but the gentle tone of Logan’s voice when he spoke next, reassured her that she was not in trouble any more.

  “There’s a good girl,” he whispered gently, his voice tinged with approval. “Come on, now. It’s time we went to bed.”

  “Do I get a cuddle?” asked Kirsty

  “Of course you do. Once we’re in bed.”

  Chapter Four

  There was no acrimony at the breakfast table. Kirsty had felt slightly apprehensive about seeing Scott and Lydia the next morning, but it was clear from the way that Scott said “Good morning” that there were no hard feelings about the night before.

  That’s the advantage of living the domestic discipline lifestyle, she thought. There’s no bad feeling. Rancor doesn’t drag on for days. People screw up, they get punished and everything is forgiven.

  Of course, there were disadvantages of the domestic discipline lifestyle too she thought ruefully, watching Lydia wince as she sat down at the breakfast table and dreading the moment her own sore buttocks would have to make contact with the wooden chair.

  “How does everyone feel about heading up the mountains for a bit of a hike on your last day?” asked Logan.

  “That sounds great,” replied Scott. “You up for that, Lyds?”

  “Oh definitely. I really want to see more of the Rocky Mountains,” said Lydia.

  Logan and Scott went off after breakfast to plan the hike and Lydia helped Kirsty do the washing up. Although the automatic gender spilt – leaving the woman to do the chores again – rankled a bit with Kirsty, she was pleased to have the opportunity to speak to Lydia alone.

  “I am really sorry about last night,” Kirsty said. “It was a stupid idea, and I had a terrible time, and I’m sorry we both got into trouble over it.”

  “That’s okay, Kirsty. You can’t take all the blame for it. I should have said ‘no’.”

  “How’s your backside this morning?”

  Lydia winced. “Smarting,” she said. “I had no idea that Scott had even brought that damn paddle with him. I guess he likes to pack for every eventuality. How about you, Kirsty? It sounded like my brother gave it to you pretty good last night.”

  “Yeah, you could say that. It’s a bit weird that we both heard one another’s spankings, isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone else getting spanked before.”

  Lydia laughed. “I’d have thought you’d have seen and heard all kinds of things living in Corbin’s Bend.”

  “You’d think, wouldn’t you? Of course, the whole town’s seen me getting spanked.”

  “Yeah, that’s quite an audience. My daddy would spank me in front of my sister and Logan. He’d usually make us take our whuppin’s in the kitchen, and if there was more than one of us due for a spanking, then we’d have to wait in line and watch the others get spanked while we waited our turn.”

  “Did Logan ever get spanked by your dad then?”

  “Logan?” Lydia laughed. “More than me and Cathy put together. Probably double that, I reckon. He was a proper little tearaway when he was a kid. He loved being outside all the time but he’d never think it through. He go off for long walks without telling anyone and miss meals or bring home interesting kinds of wildlife he found on his travels. One time when Logan was about nine, Daddy found out he’d been keeping a brown recluse spider in his bedroom as a pet. Logan got his butt whupped for that one. The brown recluse is venomous you see. Logan’s argument was that they only bite when provoked, but I don’t think Daddy thought that was enough of a reason to have one ranging freely round the house.”

  Kirsty laughed. “Oh that does sound like Logan. I can totally imagine him doing that. It seems weird to think of him getting spanked though. He’s so obviously born to be the spanker.”

  Lydia looked at Kirsty thoughtfully. “And you’re totally okay with that?”

  Kirsty nodded.

  ”I’m glad,” said Lydia. “You and Logan are such a cute couple. I’m glad he met you.”

  * * * * *

  Logan was sorry to see Scott and Lydia leave. He had enjoyed seeing his big sister and despite the necessary discipline that had been administered over the movie night incident, he felt like it had been a successful visit over all. He had hoped Kirsty felt the same way and was therefore more than a little worried when she seemed to be distant and annoyed with him after their guests’ departure.

  He really hoped that she wasn’t harboring resentment over her spanking. He had been through that before with his ex-girlfriend Caitlin. With her, rather than clearing the air and wiping the slate clean, punishment had resulted in glowering looks and unspoken resentment for days.

  Well, he decided he wasn’t going to make the mistake of letting feelings simmer in this instance. His relationship with Kirsty was far too important for that. If she thought she had been unfairly punished, they needed to talk about it. The sooner the better.

  He found her in the bedroom cuddling his cat, Jinx. Actually, he corrected himself, their cat. He may have had Jinx long before he ever met Kirsty but she and Jinx had clearly fallen in love the moment they had first set eyes on one another. Mistrustful of most people, Jinx had clearly decided – even before Logan was sure of his own feelings towards Kirsty – that she was quite the loveliest person he had ever laid eyes on. Logan was entirely resolved to being the cat’s second favorite human.

  Jinx was sprawled on the bed, his big fluffy belly on display as Kirsty half-laying on the comforter rubbed his ears and chin and cooed lovingly at him. Jinx’s industrial equipment-level purr reverberated around the room.

  Logan sat down at the edge of the bed. “Hey, Kirsty,” he said.

  “Hey,” she said without looking up.

  “Is everything okay?”

  She shrugged.

  “I think we should talk, don’t you?” said Logan.

  Kirsty sat up. She was still stroking Jinx but in a half-hearted fashion that obviously wasn’t entirely acceptable to him.

  “What do you want to talk about?” she asked.

  “I think you’re angry at me, and I think we should discuss why that it. Whether it’s because I punished you or if it’s because of how I punished you or something else. There’s nothing you can’t tell me, you know.”

  “It doesn’t matt—” b
egan Kirsty and then stopped herself. “Actually, no. It does matter. When I rang you, the night when Lydia and I were out late, practically your first words to me were, ‘Have you been drinking?’”

  Logan’s heart thudded to the bottom of his ribcage like a stone. He had forgotten that he had even said those words. What an insensitive asshole he was. “Hell, Kirsty. I’m sorry. I should never have said that.” It was on the tip of his tongue to say that he had just been worried but he knew that he would have been making excuses.

  * * * * *

  Kirsty was gratified that Logan seemed so contrite. She had thought he might argue with her, citing her selfish behavior in dragging Lydia along to the club when she didn’t want to go and then using it as an excuse to say whatever he wanted in the circumstances.

  “It shouldn’t have been your first thought. I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol since the Corbin’s Bend disciplinary board told me to stop,” Kirsty said.

  “I know you haven’t, Kirsty,” said Logan. “You’ve been amazing. I don’t know why I said it.”

  “Well it seems to me, if that’s your first thought every time I stay out later than you expected, then you don’t really trust me at all.”

  “I should have thought before I said it. It’s not something I should have said without thinking. It’s too important,” conceded Logan, pulling Kirsty towards him for a hug. At first she wanted to pull away to show him that she was still angry, but she realized that she really did want a hug from Logan. No sense in cutting off her nose to spite her face, she figured.

  “Too fucking right it’s important,” she said. “I bought a fucking house with you, Logan. That should have shown you how serious I was about staying in Corbin’s Bend. How serious I am about you. I am not going to jeopardize it just because I fancy nipping out for a swift pint.”

  “I appreciate that. Are you finding it hard at all? Not drinking? Do you ever get tempted?”

  Kirsty shrugged. “Not really. I may have drunk too much. And way too much on one particular occasion.” She cringed slightly thinking of the time last summer when she was drunk at a Corbin’s Bend community event and had unleashed a foul-mouthed tirade at Brent Carmichael and half of the residents of Corbin’s Bend. And their kids. It was a phenomenally stupid thing to have done and had earned her thirty swats with the paddle in a public disciplinary spanking. “I’m not an alcoholic though. Alcohol was never the most important thing in my life. It was just something that I turned to when I didn’t really have enough of anything else going on. I wasn’t addicted. It might occasionally occur to me that it might be nice to have a drink but I don’t get cravings.” She looked up into Logan’s warm chocolate-brown eyes. “It is certainly not something that I am going to risk my entire future over.”


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