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The Forsaken God: The Realms Book Five: (An Epic LitRPG Series)

Page 17

by C. M. Carney

  Constant Powers - Tier 3

  Detect: Chaos, Chthonic, Aetherial, Death creatures and magic 150 ft.

  Alertness: Twice as hard to surprise.

  Telepathic Communication: 300 ft.

  Truth Sense: Can detect when someone is telling lies or falsehoods.

  Gift of Tongues: Can read and understand all languages.

  “Am I understanding this right? You can detect chaos?”

  I can, but at my current level, I can only detect the presence of lower sphere magic and creatures. It will be some time before I will know their proximity and location.

  The idea filled him with contradictory feelings of hope and fear. Being able to know when an enemy was close would be invaluable in battle, but he could also imagine the sudden cringe of alarm that would flow through him on hearing her warning without knowing where the threat was coming from.

  While Alertness power made him feel better about the limitations of Detect, the 300-foot distance limitation of Telepathic Communication made his stomach turn sour. He’d become used to Raathiel’s presence in the back of his mind, like a subtle, warm pressure. Without it, he would be lessened.

  Don’t you get clingy on me, Raathiel sent with a mental chuckle.

  Gryph scowled. He wasn’t sure her assimilation of Earth based slang and terminology thrilled him. Then a terrible thought occurred to him. “Please limit your encounters with Lex. Last thing I need is his fool way of speaking to infect you.”

  Wow, clingy and demanding. I am a free-spirited woman, Menaaire. Raise my ire at your peril.

  “You’re going to make me regret melding with you, aren’t you?” A wave of motion rippled up her body from tail to head and back again and she nuzzled his neck. “Yeah, well I’m glad you’re amused.” Despite himself, Gryph couldn't hold back a large smile. A wise woman once told him that the more a girl ribbed him, the more she liked him.

  He tapped a mental hand on Power Points and another prompt pushed into his awareness.

  You can now spend Raathiel’s Power Points

  Power Points are the currency of Raathiel’s specialization. As an empyrean she has fewer paths she can walk, or in her case fly. However, the bond you share allows her to gain access to some fluidity of destiny enjoyed by mortals. Using Power Points, you may purchase powers down several Power Paths. These Power Paths are unavailable to others of her kind. Be warned however, the Power Points she will earn in a lifetime are far less than is required to open all Power Paths, so you must choose wisely.

  Current Power Points: 12

  “Life is about choices,” Gryph said.

  It is Menaaire, but I trust your judgement.

  With a smile Gryph tapped opened the available Power Paths. A literal onslaught of information pushed into his brain and the smile on his face became a wry grin. “Oh, I see how it’s going to be. You curl up all cuddly and cute and leave me to make the hard decisions.”

  As I said, I trust your judgement.

  “You know, back on Earth we have a saying called passing the buck. It seems you are quite the adept.” She nipped his neck again, this time a bit harder.

  Be nice, or the next time I’ll Daze you.

  Gryph rubbed his temples and dug in. It was time to make some tough choices.


  As a leader Gryph knew he had no choice but to make tough decisions. That was literally the job of a leader. Yet somehow choosing a Path for Raathiel seemed beyond that purview. This was more than making a request, or even giving an order. She was asking him to choose a direction for her life, to decide what she would become.

  “It is too much,” Gryph said to her, shaking his head.

  I do not ask this of you lightly, but it is your mortal nature, your fluidity that I need. My kind are too rigid and dogmatic. While we are powerful forces for good in the Realms, we are what we are. I need your help, your, dare I say it, wisdom. I have faith in you Menaaire.

  Gryph sighed, knowing that she would insist until he caved. She was more stubborn than several packs of mules. “Fine, but you will explain what all this means.” He waved his hands around, knowing that no one but he and Raathiel could see the vast amounts of information in his vision.

  There are four paths available to me. Each has three core power branches; a defensive branch, and offensive branch and one that can affect my allies. Each branch has four ranks, each with three power levels, except for the last which has only one. Powers in the first rank cost one Power Point, those in the second three and those in the third cost five. The single power in the fourth rank costs nothing but requires the purchase of every power in the entire Path.

  “That would explain the warning about choosing well. You gain one Power Point per level and mastering every Path would take …” He paused and tried to do the math in his head.

  324 Power Points.

  “Uggh, yeah, that many.” Gryph felt the added pressure weigh his shoulders down.

  There is more, Raathiel sent. To purchase a second rank power, I must possess at least one power from each first rank branch. And to purchase a third rank power I must have purchased at least one power from each second rank branch.

  “So, we cannot just power level you up one branch?”

  We cannot. The Higher Realms value wisdom and balance. To be worthy of wielding the higher-ranked powers, I must prove I will use them well. We dislike speaking of it, but in days past many an empyrean fell to the seductiveness of such power.

  A part of Gryph wondered if that was the origin of the beings of the Chthonic Realm? If so, it was oddly similar to the tales of heaven and hell from Earth. For now, he put such thoughts from his mind and tapped on the first of the Paths and a shimmering gold prompt filled this vision.

  The Path of Golden Flames saturates my body with empyrean fire, a raw force that I can use to burn enemies, empower myself or heal allies. This Path reminds me of my brother species the phoenix, magnificent birds of flame who when slain will return in a burst of holy fire.

  Description of the Path’s powers filled his mind.


  Flame Shroud - Raathiel surrounds her body in a corona of flame that reduces incoming damage and inflicts damage to those in physical contact with her. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Flame Shroud 1: Reduces physical damage by 15%. Enemies who touch Raathiel incur 10 damage/second. Lasts 10 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Flame Shroud 2: Reduces physical damage by 20%. Enemies who touch Raathiel incur 15 damage/second. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Flame Shroud 3: Reduces physical damage by 30%. Enemies who touch Raathiel incur 20 damage/second. Lasts 30 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Flame Shield - Raathiel can create barriers of flame. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Flame Shield 1: Creates one barrier with Flame Shroud 1 stats. Lasts 10 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Flame Shield 2: Creates two barriers with Flame Shroud 2 stats. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Flame Shield 3: Creates three barriers with Flame Shroud 3 stats. Lasts 30 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Flame Form - Raathiel can transform her body into pure Empyrean Flame. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Flame Form 1: Gains all abilities of Healing Flame 1, Flame Shroud 1 and Flame Breath 1 for duration. 3 uses/day.

  • Flame Form 2: Gains all abilities of Healing Flame 2, Flame Shroud 2 and Flame Breath 2 for duration. 3 uses/day.

  • Flame Form 3: Gains all abilities of Healing Flame 3, Flame Shroud 3 and Flame Breath 3 for duration. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Flame Breath - Raathiel can breathe pure empyrean flames. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Flame Breath 1: 20 damage/sec for 5 seconds. 3 uses/day. Double damage to Lower Realms Creatures.

  • F
lame Breath 2: 30 damage/sec for 7 seconds. 3 uses/day. Double damage to Lower Realms Creatures.

  • Flame Breath 3: 40 damage/sec for 10 seconds. 3 uses/day. Double damage to Lower Realms Creatures.

  NOTE: Opponents have a 50% chance to catch fire after a successful attack. Creatures on fire will take half damage for 10 seconds or until flames are doused.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Flame Bomb - Raathiel can concentrate her breath weapon into a flaming ball that will explode on target. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Flame Bomb 1: Inflicts 50 damage to all enemies within 10 feet of impact. 3 uses/day.

  • Flame Bomb 2: Inflicts 75 damage to all enemies within 20 feet of impact. 3 uses/day.

  • Flame Bomb 3: Inflicts 100 damage to all enemies within 30 feet of impact. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Nova - Raathiel can concentrate vast amounts of empyrean flame and cause it to explode outwards from her body. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Nova 1: 150 damage to all enemies within 10 feet and 100 Health regenerated by all allies within 20 feet. 3 uses/day.

  • Nova 2: 250 damage to all enemies within 20 feet and 125 Health regenerated by all allies within 40 feet. 3 uses/day.

  • Nova 3: 350 damage to all enemies within 30 feet and 150 Health regenerated by all allies within 60 feet. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Healing Flames - Golden flames that heal when they envelop an ally.

  • Healing Flames 1: Will heal 100 health over 5 seconds. 3 uses/day.

  • Healing Flames 2: Will heal 150 health over 5 seconds. Cures Disease. 5 uses/day.

  • Healing Flames 3: Will heal 200 health over 5 seconds. Neutralizes Poison. 7 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Flame Bulwark - Allows Raathiel to ‘gift’ Flame Shroud to an ally or allies. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Flame Bulwark 1: Gift one ally with Flame Shroud. 3 uses/day.

  • Flame Bulwark 2: Gift two allies with Flame Shroud. 3 uses/day.

  • Flame Bulwark 3: Gift an Adventure Group with Flame Shroud. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Gifted at Raathiel’s current rank in Flame Shroud.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Healing Wave - A wave of golden flames explode from Raathiel’s body and heals all allies in range. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Healing Wave 1: Heals 200 health over 5 seconds to all allies within 30 feet. 3 uses/day.

  • Healing Wave 2: Heals 250 health over 5 seconds to all allies within 50 feet. 3 uses/day. Cures Disease.

  • Healing Wave 3: Heals 300 health over 5 seconds to all allies within 70 feet. 3 uses/day. Neutralizes Poison.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Phoenix Deva - Raathiel can take the form of a humanoid phoenix deva. All Path of the Golden Flame powers double in strength.

  NOTE: The powers and abilities of the Phoenix Deva are determined by a wide variety of factors based upon how Raathiel has progressed.

  NOTE: Upon gaining this power, if killed, Raathiel will be born again in flames two hours later.

  Gryph saw the benefits of the Path of Golden Flames, but certain moral qualms overcame him. While the healing benefits of the Path could literally save his people’s lives, the offensive side of the Path dredged up some disturbing memories. He’d seen the horrific effects of flame-based weapons on the battlefield, despite their outright ban under the United Nations Convention. Fire was devastating, uncontrollable, and could harm friends as easily as foes.

  I understand your reluctance Menaaire but know that empyrean flame is not the vulgar power of Fire Magic. The flames of my home realm are a semi-sentient force that scorches evil while sparing the innocent. It will not harm our Adventure Group, nor bystanders. But woe to the evildoer or the vile natives of the Lower Realms.

  “Didn’t we all agree at my trial that no force was inherently evil? This Path, though powerful, targets those powers traditionally deemed evil, without taking into account their intentions. Does that not make us hypocrites or worse?”

  Because of free will, mortals earn your nature via action, and therefore you can use fell magics for good and holy magics for evil. But we beings of the Higher and Lower Realms are far more rigid. I am good because I was made that way. The Princes of Chaos are forces of endless change. Neither of us can help be what we are.

  Gryph scowled, unconvinced.

  I ask you to trust me Menaaire. Empyrean flame can sense the motive of an individual and act accordingly. It has long been the main weapon of the warriors of the empyrean realm. It is righteous and unerring in its judgement

  A disturbing ripple moved through Gryph’s body. The whole concept sounded too close to the religious zealotry that had plagued Earth for much of its history for Gryph’s comfort, but he trusted in Raathiel. Perhaps I’ll order Lex to keep an eye on me, warn me if I go all messianic and turn into some crusading jihadist, Gryph thought to himself. On second thought, maybe I should choose Vonn for that task.

  He pushed the disturbing thoughts of holy cleansing fire from his mind and moved on to the next Path.

  The Path of Glorious Light will grant me the powers of the angelic beings of the Empyrean Realm. I will be an ultimate force for good, capable of bringing light to the darkest of places. No evil shall evade my light.

  As before, descriptions of the Path filled his awareness.


  Shining Scales - Raathiel’s scales are imbued with the light of the Empyrean Realm.

  • Shining Scales 1: Reduces physical damage by 25%.

  • Shining Scales 2: Reduces physical damage by 30%.

  • Shining Scales 3: Reduces physical damage by 35%.

  NOTE: This is a constant effect.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Glorious Nimbus - Raathiel can create barriers of light that are anathema to creatures from the lower realms. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Glorious Nimbus 1: Reduces magical damage by 25%. Lower realms creatures take 15 damage/second of contact. Lasts 30 secs/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Glorious Nimbus 2: Reduces magical damage by 35%. Lower realms creatures take 20 damage/second of contact. Lasts 60 secs/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Glorious Nimbus 3: Reduces magical damage by 50%. Lower realms creatures take 25 damage/second of contact. Lasts 90 secs/level. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Light Simulacra - Raathiel can create light-based illusions of herself or another. Lasts 1 minute/level. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Light Simulacra 1: Raathiel can create one illusion of herself or another. 3 uses/day.

  • Light Simulacra 2: Raathiel can create two illusions of herself or another. 3 uses/day.

  • Light Simulacra 3: Raathiel can create two illusions of herself or another OR one hard light illusion. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: A hard light illusion can interact with the real world and has the Attributes, Stats and Abilities of the original.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Hallowed Bite - Raathiel’s bite is ‘holy’ and can disrupt the connection to the lower realms.

  • Hallowed Bite 1: Weakens lower realms creatures by 25%. 10% chance to Banish.

  • Hallowed Bite 2: Weakens lower realms creatures by 35%. 20% chance to Banish.

  • Hallowed Bite 3: Weakens lower realms creatures by 50%. 30% chance to Banish.

  NOTE: This is a constant effect.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Luminous Scream - Raathiel can project a cone of pure light from her mouth. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Luminous Scream 1: 20 damage/sec for 5 seconds. 3 uses/day. Double damage to lower realms creatures.

  • Luminous Scream 2: 30 damage/sec for 7 seconds.
3 uses/day. Double damage to lower realms creatures.

  • Luminous Scream 3: 40 damage/sec for 10 seconds. 3 uses/day. Double damage to lower realms creatures.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Glorious Light - An intense and blinding flash of light that damages enemies and heals allies. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Glorious Light 1: Does 100 damage to enemies and heals 100 for allies within 20 feet. 3 uses/day.

  • Glorious Light 2: Does 150 damage to enemies and heals 150 for allies within 30 feet. 3 uses/day.

  • Glorious Light 3: Does 200 damage to enemies and heals 200 for allies within 40 feet. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.


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