The Forsaken God: The Realms Book Five: (An Epic LitRPG Series)

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The Forsaken God: The Realms Book Five: (An Epic LitRPG Series) Page 18

by C. M. Carney

  Blessing – Grants an ally or allies the ability to avoid an attack. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Blessing 1: One ally can evade one attack. 3 uses/day.

  • Blessing 2: Two allies can each evade one attack. 3 uses/day.

  • Blessing 3: Members of an Adventure Group can each evade one attack. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Holy Furor - Raathiel inspires Holy Furor in her allies against all enemies. Lasts 5 minutes/rank. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Holy Furor 1: +25% to hit, to damage and -25% for opponents to hit and incoming damage. 1 use/day.

  • Holy Furor 2: +35% to hit, to damage and -35% for opponents to hit and incoming damage. 2 uses/day.

  • Holy Furor 3: +50% to hit, to damage and -50% for opponents to hit and incoming damage. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Glorious Aura - Can surround allies with a Glorious Nimbus. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Glorious Aura 1: Gift one ally with Glorious Nimbus. Lasts 30 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Glorious Aura 2: Gift two allies with Glorious Nimbus. Lasts 30 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Glorious Aura 3: Gift an Adventure Group with Glorious Nimbus. Lasts 30 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Solar Warden – Raathiel can take the form of an angelic deva known as a Solar. All Path of the Glorious Light powers double in strength.

  NOTE: The powers and abilities of the Solar Warden are determined by a wide variety of factors based upon how Raathiel has progressed.

  While the Path would make Raathiel a devastating force against creatures from the lower realms, Gryph did not like the lower potency the path provided against all other creatures. He wanted Raathiel to be balanced, capable of holding her own in any situation, not a specialist limited by focusing too narrowly.

  However, Hallowed Bite had some promise and the magical damage reduction ability of Glorious Nimbus was extraordinary. And she’d be able to gift these protections to the other members of her Adventure Group if they spent the currency in Power Points.

  The next Path caught his eye.

  The path of the Shifting Form would allow me to gain the fluidity you have deemed so important. It harnesses the power of other beings and could make me a stealthy and powerful opponent. As a one-time shapeshifter, this Path is close to my heart.

  Gryph tapped open the Path’s description and a wide grin crossed his face.


  Gaseous Form - Raathiel can take the form of a gas or smoke. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Gaseous From 1: Raathiel can become a cloud of white smoke.3 uses/day.

  • Gaseous From 2: Raathiel can become a cloud of invisible, odorless gas. 3 uses/day.

  • Gaseous From 3: Raathiel can become a cloud of smoke or clear, odorless gas with one gas-based attack. Attack option must be chosen at time of purchase. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: While in gaseous form, Raathiel cannot attack or be attacked, aside from the gas-based attack.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Phase Form - Raathiel can become immaterial and move through solid objects. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Phase Form 1: Raathiel can move through solid objects. 3 uses/day.

  • Phase Form 2: Raathiel can move through solid objects. 20% chance to stun living beings. 3 uses/day.

  • Phase Form 3: Raathiel can move through solid objects and magical shields. 40% chance to stun living beings. 20% chance to disrupt magical barriers or spells. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: While immaterial, Raathiel cannot attack or be attacked, aside from the stun and disruption abilities.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Impenetrable - Raathiel’s body increases in density giving her heightened protective powers. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Impenetrable 1: Incoming physical damage reduced by 50%. 3 uses/day.

  • Impenetrable 2: Incoming physical damage reduced by 75% and magical damage by 25%. 3 uses/day.

  • Impenetrable 3: Incoming physical damage reduced by 90% and magical damage by 75%. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Shift Form - Raathiel can shift form into an animal or a humanoid. Lasts 1 minute/level.

  • Shift Form 1: Raathiel can take the form of a common animal. 3 uses/day.

  • Shift Form 2: Raathiel can take the form of an uncommon animal. 2 uses/day.

  • Shift Form 3: Raathiel can take the form of a common humanoid. 1 use/day.

  Increase Size - Raathiel can increase her own size. All physical traits are increased by listed factor. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Increase Size 1: Doubles size. 3 uses/day.

  • Increase Size 2: Triples Size. 3 uses/day.

  • Increase Size 3: Quadruples size. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Duplicate - Raathiel can create functional duplicates of herself. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Duplicate 1: Raathiel can create one duplicate of herself with 50% of her Health. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Duplicate 2: Raathiel can create one duplicate of herself with 100% of her Health. Lasts 30 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Duplicate 3: Raathiel can create two duplicates of herself with 100% of her Health. Lasts 40 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: If a duplicate reaches 0 Health it disappears.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Empower Ally - Increases an ally or allies physical attributes. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Empower Ally 1: Increase one ally’s Strength, Constitution and Dexterity by +5. 3 uses/day.

  • Empower Ally 2: Increase two allies’ Strength, Constitution and Dexterity by +5. 3 uses/day.

  • Empower Ally 3: Increase an Adventure Party’s Strength, Constitution and Dexterity by +5. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Gift of Form - Raathiel can gift an ally or allies one of her forms from the Path of Shifting Forms. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Gift of Form 1: Raathiel can grant an ally one of her forms. 1 use/day.

  • Gift of Form 2: Raathiel can grant two allies one of her forms. 1 use/day.

  • Gift of Form 3: Raathiel can grant the Adventure Group one of her forms. 1 use/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Alter Ally’s Size - Raathiel can increase the size of an ally or allies. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Alter Ally’s Size 1: Increases one ally’s size. 1 use/day.

  • Alter Ally’s Size 2: Increases two allies’ size. 1 use/day.

  • Alter Ally’s Size 3: Increases an Adventure Group’s size. 1 use/day.

  NOTE: Size is determined by Raathiel’s current rank in Increase Size. Ally may choose the form.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Dragon Deva - Raathiel can take the form of an empyrean dragon deva.

  NOTE: The powers and abilities of the Empyrean Dragon Deva are determined by a wide variety of factors based upon how Raathiel has progressed.

  Reading the descriptions made Gryph’s heart jump. Here was a Path that fit his mindset perfectly. Its combination of stealth and access through shapeshifting, combined with the enhancement capabilities, for both Raathiel and the Adventure Group, made Gryph’s mind spin.

  He smiled on imagining an Alter Ally’s Size enhanced Lex gleefully smashing with his Maul of Holy Might. The only issue was the cost in Power Points. As with his own Perk Points, there were simply not enough.

  I wonder if the Perk Point Marketplace would let me purchase Power Po
ints? Gryph thought. He suspected, if it were possible, it would require him to increase another Tier in his Lore skill, something that would not happen for some time.

  He turned his inner vision to the last Path.

  The Path of the Radiant Edge is a warrior’s path. Those who follow it become the elite fighters of the empyrean realm and are feared the Realms over for their martial prowess. As you can see, this Path would alter my physical form significantly.

  Gryph engrossed himself in the powers of this last path.


  Shining Armor - Raathiel’s body becomes shrouded in a semi-liquid organic metal.

  • Shining Armor 1: Reduces incoming physical damage by 15% and magical damage by 10%.

  • Shining Armor 2: Reduces incoming physical damage by 20% and magical damage by 15%.

  • Shining Armor 3: Reduces incoming physical damage by 25% and magical damage by 20%.

  NOTE: This is a constant effect.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Halo of Blades - Raathiel can create a halo of blades that parry incoming attacks and attack those who get too close. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 30-minute cooldown period.

  Halo of Blades 1: Can summon a single blade to fly around and defend her. 3 uses/day.

  Halo of Blades 2: Can summon two blades to fly around and defend her. 3 uses/day.

  Halo of Blades 3: Can summon three blades to fly around and defend her. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each blade does damage equal to her current level of Bladed Wings.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Radiant Sphere - A sphere of Radiant Energy surrounds Raathiel. 30-minute cooldown period.

  Radiant Sphere 1: The halo will Reflect the damage of 1 attack of Raathiel’s choice back at the attacker.

  Radiant Sphere 2: The halo will Reflect the damage of 2 attacks of Raathiel’s choice back at the attacker.

  Radiant Sphere 3: The halo will Reflect the damage of 3 attacks of Raathiel’s choice back at the attacker.

  NOTE: The Radiant Sphere disappears once all deflections have been used.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Bladed Wings - The edges of Raathiel’s wings are as sharp as a sword blade.

  • Bladed Wings 1: Raathiel gains a bladed attack equal to a 10th level Short Blade adept.

  • Bladed Wings 2: Raathiel gains a bladed attack equal to a 20th level Short Blade adept.

  • Bladed Wings 3: Raathiel gains a bladed attack equal to a 30th level Short Blade adept.

  NOTE: This is a constant effect. For the purposes of damage etc., Raathiel is considered to be dual-wielding Short Blades.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Flying Knives - Raathiel can project bladed feathers from her wings with tremendous force.

  • Flying Knives 1: Raathiel possesses the skill of a 15th level Thrown Weapons adept. 2 blades/attack. 3 uses/day.

  • Flying Knives 2: Raathiel possesses the skill of a 30th level Thrown Weapons adept. 2 blades/attack. 4 uses/day.

  • Flying Knives 3: Raathiel possesses the skill of a 45th level Thrown Weapons adept. 2 blades/attack. 5 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Radiant Blades - Raathiel can add special effects to her Bladed Wings and Flying Knives attacks.

  • Radiant Blades 1: Holy damage. 250% damage vs. Lower Realms creatures.

  • Radiant Blades 2: Empyrean flame damage. 200% damage vs. all creatures.

  • Radiant Blades 3: Paralysis. Creatures are paralyzed for 5 seconds/level.

  NOTE: Only one Radiant Blades power may be used at a time and must be chosen before attack is made. Total uses/day equal to Raathiel’s current rank in Flying Knives.

  Enhance Armor - Raathiel can create a shroud of semi-liquid organic metal around an ally’s body. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Empower Ally 1: Gift one ally Shining Armor. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Empower Ally 2: Gift two allies Shining Armor. Lasts 30 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Empower Ally 3: Gift an Adventure Group Shining Armor. Lasts 40 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Enhance Armor is equal to Raathiel’s current level in Shining Armor.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Enhance Weapon - Raathiel can enhance the power of an ally’s weapon. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Enhance Weapon 1: Raathiel can enhance the offensive output of one ally’s weapon by 100%. Lasts 20 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Enhance Weapon 2: Raathiel can enhance the offensive output of two allies’ weapon by 100%. Lasts 30 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Enhance Weapon 3: Raathiel can enhance the offensive output of an Adventure Group’s weapon by 100%. Lasts 40 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Corona of Blades - Raathiel can surround an ally with a Halo of Blades. 30-minute cooldown period.

  • Corona of Blades 1: Gift one ally Halo of Blades. Lasts 10 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Corona of Blades 2: Gift two allies Halo of Blades. Lasts 10 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  • Corona of Blades 3: Gift an Adventure Group Halo of Blades. Lasts 10 seconds/level. 3 uses/day.

  NOTE: Corona of Blades in equal to Raathiel’s current level in Halo of Blades.

  NOTE: Each level replaces the previous level.

  Blade Deva - Raathiel can take the winged humanoid form of a Blade Deva.

  NOTE: Blade Deva are determined by a wide variety of factors based upon how Raathiel has progressed.

  “Why aren’t the powers of the fourth tiers explained?”

  The final forms of each path allow me to permanently evolve into an empyrean deva, angelic humanoids of great wisdom and power. Though I would still be able to keep my current form, if I wished to, the deva form is the ultimate goal of all empyreans. Due to the personal nature of each empyrean’s journey to deva-hood, the powers of the final form cannot be accurately known until such a transformation is made.

  “Well, that’s annoying. How do I know which path to direct you down?”

  Trust me, if I am blessed enough to achieve deva-hood, you will be ecstatic with the result.

  Gryph nodded, trusting her. “Damn, I want more Power Points,” Gryph muttered under his breath.

  Stop being greedy Menaaire. The coatl nipped him again on the back of the neck playfully. That I am here, reborn is a miracle. In time, with you at my side, I will reach my potential. Let us not wish for what is not and be thankful for what is.

  “You have a way of making me feel like a spoiled brat, you know that?”

  If the shoe fits, as Lex would say.

  Gryph smiled and got back to the matter at hand. He asked her again, how she wanted to spend her Power Points, but got the same response as before. I trust you Menaaire.

  “Fine,” he grumbled only somewhat serious. He considered in silence for a few minutes and then started spending Raathiel’s Power Points.


  Gryph knew he had to be tactical with the expenditure of Power Points, so the first thing he did was look upstream to the higher-ranked powers. Which ones did he want the most? To decide he put the question to a simple test. Which powers would give them the best chance to survive the battles to come?

  Three latched their greedy claws into him.

  Corona of Blades from The Path of the Radiant Edge created a whirlwind of flying death around his entire Adventure Group. The prospect of facing the Princes of Chaos, the Prime or even Aluran and his minions seemed a bit less daunting if they were all surrounded by a halo of flying swords.

  Increase Size and its related power Alter Ally’s Size from The Path of the Shifting Form made him rub his hands together in anticipation. Who could stand against a many times plus sized Adventure Group? You don’t look so tough now, lil’ Aluran, Gryph mocked to himself.r />
  His inner juvenile sated, he turned his attention to the smarter, wiser, if less fun choice. Healing Wave from The Path of Golden Flames could bring his party back from the brink of death. It might not seem as cool as the others now, but he was sure that feeling would change the first time that wave of life flowed over him during battle.

  After much deliberation, he targeted Increase Size. Its ability to exponentially increase Raathiel’s physical power made it a classic force multiplier. It would literally double, triple or even quadruple her offensive output and defensive prowess.


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