Grave Promise (How To Be A Necromancer Book 1)

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Grave Promise (How To Be A Necromancer Book 1) Page 13

by D. D. Miers

  I’m shocked to see that Mama Lisette is barely older than us, maybe late twenties at the most. Her strawberry blond hair falls in curls around her tan, heart-shaped face. She looks so different from the flyers. I imagine she must wear lots of makeup and a wig when she’s playing the Madame of Black Magic.

  “So, which one of you needs my help?”

  I raise my hand slightly and smile. I’ve never felt more ridiculous in my life, but since no one else is laughing, I won’t either.

  She keeps her eyes fixed on me. “You were bitten?”

  “I’m pretty sure.”

  “You either were—or you weren’t—so which is it?”

  This chick isn’t fucking around.

  I know it happened, but the longer I doubt it, the longer I have before everything in my life changes. “I was.”

  The cushion creeks as she stands and takes three steps toward me. “Where?”

  This is the awkward part. He’d bitten me just over my left breast. I have to tug down the neck of my blouse to show her. “Here,” I say, revealing the torn flesh.

  The wound has yet to heal. If anything, it looks worse today than when it happened. Two red, angry bite marks surrounded by blue-green bruises and several other teeth indents.

  She doesn’t ask my permission as she traces her hand over my wound and then pauses. “I need you to sit down.” She drops down to her knees before me as I land on the couch cushion. She returns her hand to my skin and closes her eyes. Her lips move, but no sound comes out.

  No, this isn’t awkward at all. There’s just a voodoo queen holding my breast in her palm while she chants to herself.

  I glance over to Reina. She smiles, encouraging me to stick with this even though I’m clearly not feeling it. Just when I’m starting to think this is a load of bullshit, everything in the room fades, and I’m thrust into a storm.

  The world moves at an impossible pace of both slow motion and fast forward. Time lurches, and I’m back at work last week. My coworker, Ashley, drops her pen into the mocha she just bought. It splashes up and whipped cream hits her glasses. We both start laughing.

  Time zooms again, and now I’m standing at the door of my car. It’s evening, and low fog has rolled in. I pluck my keys from my purse. Seconds later, a hand grabs me from behind. I drop my keys and scream, and time moves again.

  I’m being slammed against a grime-covered wall between two buildings. Another flash and the stench of rotten garbage and something I can’t discern, something . . . metallic? My chest burns, and I open my eyes. I’m slumped against the wall as a man is biting into the top of my breast. I want to fight, but I can’t. I feel the strength leaving me.

  White light flashes, and now I am standing in a blood-covered room. No, not a room, a chamber. Bodies litter the floor as a sea of ruby flows from the ground. A woman sits on a stone throne. She raises a finger toward me, and as something flies from her hands, time zooms once more.

  I stand before a man. Everything about him is in shadow except the piercing blue of his eyes. He turns away, and a door slams shut in my face, an enormous K engraved on it.

  “Aura! Aura!”

  I open my eyes and see Reina and Breanne leaning over me. I’m flat on my back, covered in layers of sweat. “What the fuck?” I say as I sit up. My head spins from moving too quickly.

  “What the fuck is right.” Reina turns from me to Mama Lisette who’s crouched on her hands and knees several feet away. “What the hell did you do to her?”

  “What happened?” I ask.

  “You had a seizure or something. It’s been almost ten-freakin’-minutes, and nobody here would let me call for help.”

  Reina’s pissed. Breanne watches us both, and Mama Lisette stares at me like I’m a two-headed unicorn. At that moment, I realize she’s also covered in sweat and shaking. Did she see all of that? Did she feel it?

  “I can’t help you,” Mama Lisette says as she climbs to her feet. “You need to go.”

  With Reina’s help, I stand. “What just happened to me? Why do you look so scared?”

  She shakes her head and moves toward the kitchen, but I follow. I grab her arm. She tries to tug herself free, but my grip is too strong.

  It’s never been this strong.

  We both look down at my hand, and after a second, I release her. “You said you could help.”

  “I never said that I could. I only asked who needed help and what happened.”

  “Then why did you let us in?”

  She shakes her head again, and I hear Reina and Breanne come in behind me.

  “I can’t help unless—”

  “Unless what?” Reina snaps. “Unless we give you another five hundred dollars? Is that what this is? A shakedown?”

  Mama Lisette slams her fits onto the counter. “Unless the vampire is still alive!” Her hand points to me as if in accusation. “But your sire is dead. Of that much, I am certain. There’s no way to stop the change now.”

  “Holy fuck.” Reina practically falls into a chair beside her. “This is real?”

  A million questions rush my mind, but I can’t formulate words. The sight of all that blood is doing something to me. My skin itches and aches at the same time, and a ravenous hunger, one I’ve tried to bury deep, has surged to the forefront of my thoughts.

  “You’re at the end of this, Aurora. I’m surprised you haven’t already succumbed.”

  Reina looks from me to Mama Lisette before she speaks. “How long does she have?”

  Mama shrugs. “Hours. Minutes? I’ve never seen someone go as long as she has without turning.” She nudges her head toward me. “You’re running on empty, Aurora. It will only take one moment.” She snaps her fingers. “Then your control will disappear.”

  “Can’t you give her something, to help?” Reina asks. “Cast a protection spell on her mind? Or something? Anything!”

  Reina’s desperation shocks me out of my thoughts.

  Mama Lisette shakes her head, “This is different.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “You know why.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “You saw it too, Aurora. You felt it.”

  Reina grabs my bicep. “Saw what, Aura?”

  “This kind of magic, this kind of power, it’s connected to something dark. Something ancient.” Mama steps toward me and places her hands on my shoulders. “The darkness is coming for you, Aurora. You can’t outrun it. You can’t hide from it. And you can’t defeat it.”

  “What are you saying?” Reina asks.

  Mama doesn’t move her eyes from mine. “I’m saying Aurora is marked by death—and her time has run out.”

  Continue Reading Aurora’s Story in Aurora: The Kresova Vampire Harems Volume One! It includes the first three books of the series and is free on Kindle Unlimited!

  Thank You!

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read Grave Promise. We hope you enjoyed reading about Vexa!

  This is a slow burn reverse harem series with five books total, so make sure you’re ready for each book as they come out every month!

  If you enjoyed Grave Promise, please consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads. We love any and all feedback and every review counts!

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  Stay Wicked,

  Graceley & Dee

  Also By Graceley Knox & D.D. Miers

  The Girl, Vampire Series

  1. Girl, Bitten

  2. Girl, Forsaken

  3. Girl, Immortal (Coming July 24, 2018)

  How to Be A Necromancer

  1. Grave Promise

  2. Grave Debt

  The Kresova Vampire Harems: Aurora




  All in One: Aurora

  The Kresova Vampire Harems: Lyra

  1. Favor

  2. Fury

  Alana Creed: Timejumper

  1. Fae Kissed

  By Graceley Knox

  The Wicked Kingdoms Series:

  1. Mark of Truth

  2. Crown of Betrayal

  3. Throne of Secrets

  4. Castle of Illusions (coming Summer 2018)

  The Dragon Stone Saga:

  1.Kiss of Frost

  2.Up in Smoke (Coming Soon)

  3.Shake the Ground (Coming Soon)

  By D.D. Miers

  The Relic Keeper Series

  1.Dark Summoner

  2.Dark Illusions (Coming Soon!)

  3.Dark Secrets (Coming Soon!)

  4.Dark Destiny (Coming Soon!)


  City of Shadows: The Dark Fae Hollows

  Wicked: The Isa Fae

  About the Authors

  USA Today bestselling authors, Graceley Knox and D.D. Miers may be long-lost sisters, but their moms continue to deny it. They are most definitely the co-writers of the Kresova Vampire Harem series, as well as a multitude of other upcoming projects they can't wait to share with readers.

  Together they tend to share the same brain, finish each other's thoughts, laugh way too hard at inappropriate comments, drink enough coffee to qualify for an intervention, and talk about their fur babies. When they're not chatting, which is always, they can be found all over social media hanging out with their author friends and readers!

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