Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6)

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Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6) Page 22

by Becca Jameson

  He’d come also. She knew it, but it had cost him since she was in the same house.

  She finally rolled her eyes and reached out a hand for him. “Come. I’m sure you can squeeze in behind me.”

  His smile grew slowly. “Better drain some of that water and add some hot.” He lowered his jeans, wiggling his hips back and forth as they fell to the floor.

  Then he was right behind her, nudging her forward. “This tub isn’t big enough,” he grumbled.

  “It’ll do.” It felt so good having him behind her back. She sighed as she relaxed into his chest. “How much did you see?”

  “Enough.” He kissed her temple.

  She trembled in his arms as he reached for the bar of soap on the side of the tub and stroked it down her body.

  She moaned.

  “Stay still, baby. Let me wash you.”

  Stay still? Was he crazy? The man ran his hands and the damn bar all over her body, even between her legs. She strained toward another orgasm when he finished.

  His cock was hard at her back again.

  He simply held her, wrapping his arms around her waist beneath her breasts when he finished with the soap.

  Her legs were still parted from his gentle touch between them. She clenched her pussy at nothing. Her breaths came more rapidly.

  Finally, Griffen moved, but not to take care of her need. He leaned her forward, climbed out of the tub, and hauled her up by her hands. “Let’s get you dry. The water got cold again. You’re shivering.”

  Her knees nearly buckled. If he thought she was shivering from cold, he was confused.

  He chuckled as he wrapped her in a towel. “Not gonna fuck you right now, baby. You’re exhausted. Go lie down. Nap. I’ll start dinner.”

  He quickly dried himself, tugged on his jeans, led her to the bed, and tucked her in. He left her there. Naked.

  A giant ball of need.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  By the time Miles made it back to town and slid into bed next to Rebecca, he was exhausted. He was also aware of what Griffen had done to torment her for the rest of the day. He hadn’t stopped with the bath scene. The man had cooked dinner and brought it to her in bed. He’d fed her bites while she sat naked against the headboard.

  Griffen even snuggled up beside her to watch television, holding her still naked in his arms. The running commentary Miles received would have been more comical if he hadn’t been so far away.

  “Hey, she said she didn’t want to have sex. I’m just being the nice guy here,” Griffen had said.

  Now that Miles was finally home, he reached for his mate, wrapping his arm around her belly and breathing in the floral scent of her hair splayed out on his pillow.

  She turned toward him and buried her face in his chest.

  “Thank God you’re here,” she muttered. “Griffen isn’t interested in sex.”

  Griffen chuckled, a deep throaty sound. He lifted onto his elbow and looked at Miles from across the bed. It was dark in the room, but not dark enough to keep Miles from reading Griffen’s smug expression. They were wolves. They could see quite well in the dark.

  Miles threaded his fingers with hers on his chest and kissed the top of her head. “I thought it was you?”

  “So frustrating. Both of you.”

  He closed his eyes and breathed her in. Every inch of her was tantalizing to his senses. He could smell her arousal as it increased.

  She lifted her top leg and wiggled it between his. “Please. I take it back.”

  Griffen stroked her back. “So you admit we aren’t the only ones with a sex drive?”

  “Yes.” She pressed her wet pussy against Miles’ thigh. “I never said you were.”

  “Ah,” Griffen continued, “but you wanted an evening without sex.”

  She lifted her head off Miles’ chest and twisted onto her back to look at Griffen. “You tormented me.”

  His eyes grew wide. “I did no such thing.”

  She glared at him. “You kept me naked and teased me into submission the entire evening.”

  “Me?” He blinked several times as though this were news to him.

  Miles snickered.

  Griffen flicked the tip of her nipple where the sheet had fallen to her belly. “I don’t think it’s necessary to tease you, baby. You’re pussy is wet every single time I’m near you. I don’t have to touch it for it to be so.”

  “You did it on purpose though, to make a point.”

  “And what would that point be?” Griffen asked.

  Miles found it comical that Griffen wanted her to say it out loud.

  She blew out a breath. “Fine. I’m horny. I’m always horny. I’m horny when I’m with you and when I’m not. If I could lie here in bed and have sex with the two of you twenty-four seven, I would. Apparently I’m a sex addict. Happy?”

  Miles leaned forward and kissed her lips gently. “Very. But just so you know, as we’ve told you, it happens with all mates. And it will ease up over time. Not entirely, but some.”

  “I’m doomed.”


  When was the sex drive supposed to let up?

  Rebecca was at work on Friday afternoon, trying to ignore the fact that Miles kept a running commentary in her head of the things he intended to do to her later that night and all day tomorrow. He finally had a day off, and she was already off because it was Saturday, the day she should have been racing in the local mountains.

  He was undoubtedly trying to keep her mind off her loss, and it was working to a certain extent.

  She was disappointed. The closer she came to race day, she actually felt stupid for giving it up. She’d worked so hard for this date. She really wanted to do this local race. It was the first time the Spartan Race was being held in Cambridge, and she would have to watch from the sidelines because of some supposed spirit declaration.

  Well, that and the precognition of her new sister-in-law.

  “What are you grinning about?” Cecelia asked her as Rebecca nearly ran into her in the hall.

  She sobered, attempting to kick Miles out of her mind for the millionth time. “I’m at work. Leave me alone.”

  He paid no attention to her.

  Cecelia leaned against the wall and gave Rebecca a knowing grin. “I noticed you got dropped off today again.”

  Rebecca stiffened, remembering the last time Cecelia had seen her get dropped off. That had been Miles.

  Today was Griffen.

  “Wasn’t the same man.”

  Rebecca looked at her, not sure how to react.

  “Just as sexy, but white. And just as fond of you.”

  So she had seen enough.

  Rebecca bit her lip.

  Cecelia giggled. “I’m playing with you, girl. God how I wish I had your balls and your youth. You lucky bitch.” She was still laughing as she went down the hall.

  Rebecca continued in the direction she’d been heading. She was almost done for the day. She just needed to check in with her supervisor. Marian had left a message for her to come by before she left for the day.

  Rebecca knocked on Marian’s open door.

  Marian lifted her face. “Hey, come on in. Shut the door, would you?”

  Rebecca stiffened as she followed Marian’s request. So far she’d been in this office twice lately with the door closed. Nothing good ever came of it.

  “Please tell me you haven’t gotten any more e-mails.”



  “I’m so sorry, hon. Someone filed a complaint.”

  “A complaint? About what?”

  “You.” Marian leaned back in her chair. “It was anonymous, and it went to the hospital board of directors.”

  “Seriously? But I’ve got a stellar record with patients. I don’t know of any patient I’ve seen who was dissatisfied with my work.”

  Marian blew out a breath. “It wasn’t about patients. It was a complaint about your morality and how it affected the overall mission statement o
f the hospital.”

  Rebecca’s cheeks burned. How humiliating. Thank God she hadn’t been called to appear before the board. “What did they say?” Her lips quivered as she fought back tears.

  “Baby?” Griffen nudged in her mind.

  When she was this upset and emotional, she couldn’t block well. “Busy. Give me a minute.”

  “’K. I just pulled up out back if you need me.” He was picking her up today. She wasn’t surprised he was already at the employee entrance.

  “They said they had seen you around town with two different men, both together and separate. They also implied you acted inappropriately with both men and that both of them have been seen kissing you behind the hospital while dropping you off at work.” Marian softened her voice. “They even told precisely who the men were.”

  Rebecca closed her eyes. She thought she might faint. She didn’t respond.

  “I’m sorry, hon. I know you. I know whatever relationship you’re involved in is your business. But I’m not sure how well I can go to bat for you against the board of directors with this kind of pressure.”

  “Am I being fired?”

  “No. I’m just letting you know what’s coming up. I’ll meet with the board again on Monday. Hopefully they’ll be reasonable.”

  Rebecca’s hands shook in her lap. Who would do this to her? The only person she knew who she was certain was aware of her involvement with both men was Cecelia, and it wasn’t likely Cecelia would comment to Rebecca’s face while stabbing her in the back at the same time. Would she?

  “’K.” She couldn’t think straight. She needed to get out of the hospital and take the weekend to ponder this development. Who was being so hateful?

  Marian leaned forward. “Try to enjoy your weekend, hon. I’ll talk to you again on Monday. Okay?”

  “Yes. Thanks for the heads up.”

  Marian looked extremely remorseful. Her face was drawn, and Rebecca thought the woman had tears in her eyes. “For what it’s worth, you’re a wonderful nurse with an enormous heart. If we can’t resolve this amicably, I’ll recommend that you resign so your record won’t show you’ve been fired. I swear I’ll write you a glowing recommendation to any place you apply.”

  The thought of losing her job over this made her see flames. She moved from sad to fucking pissed in a hurry. “Thanks, Marian. I appreciate your friendship.” She forced a smile and scurried from the room before she lost it and bawled again in the poor woman’s office.

  On autopilot, she headed straight for the locker room, grabbed her bag and purse, and left the building. Normally she would change first into workout clothes. Today she just wanted to get the hell as far away from the hospital as possible as quickly as possible.

  She looked both ways as she stepped outside. Her skin crawled. How often was someone fucking watching her?

  She tugged open the door to Griffen’s pristine black truck and folded into the front seat without looking at him. “Drive.” She knew the second she made eye contact she would fall apart. She preferred to do it at home.

  She could hear Griffen and Miles communicating about her in the back of her head, but she didn’t hone in on it. She tried to ignore them and just exist for the five minutes it would take to get out of the public eye.

  It seemed like ten years before Griffen pulled up outside his condo and rounded the truck so fast to let her out that she didn’t have time to collect her things from the floor before her door was open and he had her arm in his.

  She almost ran to the condo, holding it together until he unlocked the front door and let her step by him to enter first.


  Tears threatened. They’d been hovering at the corners of her eyes for fifteen minutes. Now that she could finally release them, her emotion switched to totally fucking pissed on a dime.

  She threw her purse and bag on the floor and stomped across the room to the kitchen where she poured herself a glass of wine and took a long drink.


  “Do you know what some asshole has done?” she began rhetorically. She took another drink and set the glass on the counter to avoid hurling it at the wall. “Some motherfucker with the moral police has complained about me to the board of directors.”

  “For what?” Griffen stepped forward, but wisely chose not to get too close.

  If he touched her, she would probably hit him at this point. Instead, she steered clear of his space and stomped back and forth across the living room. “Seems I’ve been spotted with not one but two different men in and around town. And get this—gasp—I have kissed both of them in the parking lot of the hospital.” She met his gaze briefly at her sarcasm.

  “Apparently this doesn’t jive well with the mission statement of the hospital, so they want me fired.”

  Griffen flinched. Bless him for not interrupting, though.

  “Can you fucking believe this? I’m a model employee. Anyone would be lucky to have my skills as a nurse at their service. And some mother fucker thinks it isn’t in the best interest of the hospital to keep me on staff because I happen to sleep with two men.”

  She threw her arms up in the air. “Son of a mother fucking bitch.” She stomped from the room.

  Rebecca ripped off her scrubs as she flipped on the shower. She didn’t want to go for a run today. She wanted to wash the taint of the hospital off her skin and fuck her mate. She wished Miles were home to get in on it because she could use the presence of both men—both in the room and inside her body.

  Griffen didn’t come into the bathroom, which surprised her, but also allowed her to wash her hair and her body and take her time. She even shaved. What a luxury. She couldn’t remember when she’d last showered alone.

  After she stepped from the small enclosure, she wrapped herself in a towel, put another on top of her head with her hair coiled inside, and grabbed her lotion.

  She still pulsed with anger.

  She moisturized her face and her legs and then removed the towel from her head and combed through her hair.

  By the time she felt clean and somewhat alive and better able to control herself, at least from throwing something or screaming, she thought she could safely open the bathroom door.

  And she smiled with relief.

  There they were. Both of them.

  “How did you get here so fast?” she asked Miles.

  “I left as soon as I felt your anger. I knew something really fucked up happened.”

  “Thank you.” Her wrath deflated just knowing these two had her back.

  “What can we do for you, baby?” Griffen asked. “Dinner? Wine? Something stronger? Massage?”

  “What I’d really like is for you both to take off your clothes and fuck me until I can’t remember anything except the feel of your cocks rubbing against each other inside me.” She dropped her towel.

  They hesitated for a heartbeat as the heat in the room went up a notch. She could sense their desire immediately. Good. If they turned her down, she would probably freak.

  In record time, they both shed their clothes.

  Miles climbed back onto the bed without looking. He lay down in the center, his cock bobbing above him. He didn’t need any preparation. Hell, neither of them ever did. Double hell, she never did, either.

  “Climb over me, love.” Miles reached out a hand.

  Rebecca took two strides to the bed, her nipples puckering at the raw lust emanating from all three of them. She straddled Miles, lined up his cock, and thrust down over him. Her pussy was so wet from the two-second strip show, she just wanted to be filled.

  Miles grunted. “Holy mother of God, love.” He grabbed her biceps to hold her steady. “Don’t move,” he gritted out. “I’m gonna blow.”

  The bed dipped behind her as Griffen joined. She heard a popping noise.


  She shook her ass. “Please. Hurry.”

  “Don’t want to hurt you, baby. Patience.”

  “I don’t have patience right now
, and you aren’t going to hurt me. Please… Fuck me. I need to feel you both moving inside me at the same time.”

  Griffen set a hand on her lower back and circled her tight hole with one finger.

  It felt so good. It always did. But this was different. “Please…” she pleaded again.

  Griffen dipped his finger inside, making her buck into his touch.

  Miles smoothed his hands down her arms and grabbed her hips. “Stay still, love. Let him stretch you.”

  “Don’t…want…to…wait…” she mumbled.

  Griffen added a finger, his hand pressing down on her back to keep her still.

  She was close to coming already without moving on Miles’ cock or having either man touch her clit.

  “More,” she shouted. “Do it, Griffen. Just…please.”

  His fingers disappeared. His cock lined up with her ass, and he pressed forward on a long low groan. “Jesus, baby. So tight.”

  Rebecca shimmied her hips in a wasted effort to lift off Miles and slam back down.

  Instead the men took control. They moved in tandem, a controlled rhythm—one entering while the other pulled out. Miles lifted her on and off his cock at his pace. All she had to do was let them control this.

  And she had no problem now that they were moving. She closed her eyes and luxuriated in how lucky she was to have this. If some asshole, or some freaky spirit, wanted to screw up her job, let them. She would still have this.

  So good.

  Every movement heightened her awareness of the tiny nerves inside her pussy and ass. She didn’t need anything else. If she could exist like this forever, she would.

  Her body quickened, however. It was inevitable. Her swollen clit slammed into Miles’ torso again and again.

  The view of the back of her eyelids sparkled. She grew dizzy, and she didn’t care. All she wanted was this. This feeling. So powerful. So rich. So intense.

  They moved faster, both men gasping for breath as they fucked her harder.

  “Yes…” she hissed. “God, yes.”

  Who would have thought she would have begged for two men to fuck her brains out just a few weeks ago?

  Who cared? As long as they didn’t stop.


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