Waiting on Forever

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Waiting on Forever Page 7

by Ashley Wilcox

  Why am I crying?

  Summer wraps her arm around my shoulder, squeezing me into her side. “It’s an awesome feeling, isn’t it?” she says, resting her head against mine.

  Afraid that I’d burst out in an embarrassing sob, I decide to only respond by nodding my head in agreement. She is completely right in every way.

  The way I feel right now, so full of emotion and happiness, is nothing short of amazing.

  Chapter 13

  Given our VIP status, we’re allowed to go down and wait outside the locker rooms for the players to get dressed and exit. Similar to the nerves I get on the first day of school, I feel eager and nervous as I stare at the red doors and wait for them to open. There’s a million conversations going on around me and it is so loud that I can’t even hear myself think, but it’s all white noise to me as I stand there, anxious to see Matt.

  Hearing the men’s laughter and talking getting closer, everyone crowds closer to the doors to watch as they swing open with all the players smiling on the other side. Standing only five foot tall, I’m immediately lost in the middle of the crowd with no chance of being found.

  Just as I’m about to pout like a pitiful dumbass, Summer pulls my arm and jerks me forward. “Come on!”

  Ducking behind Summer, she weaves in and out of people with ease like she does this every day. Realizing that we’ve finally pushed through everyone, I look up and I’m greeted by Matt’s beautiful face. Without even thinking I run and jump into his arms, giving him a huge celebratory hug and kiss. Holding me tight in his embrace, my feet dangle at least a foot off the ground as we kiss long and hard, not caring who can see us. Even though it’s been less than twenty-four hours since my lips have last touched his, it feels like days and I just can’t get enough.

  Finally deciding that I’m probably going to need some air within the next couple of seconds to avoid passing out, I remove my mouth from his and whisper, “Congratulations,” against his lips.

  “Thanks, Babe,” he whispers back with the most adorable grin before pecking my lips again.

  After placing me back on the ground, Matt and Collin do their little handshake and Summer gives Matt a congratulatory hug.

  “Dude, that was a crazy fuckin’ game,” Collin says to Matt.

  “Yeah, no shit. Nothin’ like coming down to that last second.”

  “They were pushin’ hard on the QB in the second half. He was so f’in close to being sacked that last play.”

  Listening to them carry on about football and watching the enthusiasm as they talk, I’d think they were brothers rather than best friends. You can tell they go way back and now, knowing that Matt’s childhood wasn’t the easiest, it warms my heart that Matt at least had Collin always by his side.

  “So, are we gonna just stand in the hallway all night and talk about football, or are we gonna actually celebrate?” Summer chimes in.

  They both turn and look at us, completely clueless as to how long they’ve been standing there chatting it up.

  “Uh, sorry ladies,” Matt says with a smile. “I don’t know about you guys, but I could use a beer or two or three.”

  Apparently celebrating is on everyone’s minds because all I can see is a mass amount of people pouring in and out of Matt’s house when we pull in. My eyes bulge open. I was completely not expecting this when we returned.

  “Yeah, kind of figured this was gonna happen,” Matt admits, squeezing my hand as he pulls me up the stairs of the front porch.

  “Yeah, buddy. MJ is in the house!” one guy shouts, seeing us walk through the door. The whole house gets ridiculously loud, excited to see the MVP of the game.

  Feeling like it just got ten times more crowded in here, Matt pulls me in closer to his side as we make our way towards the back of the house. Going down a dark hallway past the kitchen, Matt opens the door to what looks like the garage.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he winks as he turns on the light.

  At the bottom of the stairs, to the left, is another refrigerator with a lock on it. Pulling his key ring out of his back pocket, he unlocks the door and shows me a whole other stock of beer and food.

  “Your own private stash of non-shitty beer,” he says, holding out his arm and presenting it to me.

  “Are you kidding me?” I ask with complete shock, especially since it was so late when he got home last night. “Thank you,” I add, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  Although I never imagined I’d be so excited about getting my own stash of beer, the thought behind it is so incredibly sweet that it leaves a flock of over active butterflies in my stomach.

  “There’s no way I am going to serve my girlfriend the same cheap shit I serve my friends,” he says matter-of-factly.

  He said it! He referred to me as his girlfriend.

  “So, uh...girlfriend, huh?” I ask with a mischievous grin.

  “Oh, yeah, didn’t I tell you? We’re boyfriend and girlfriend now,” he casually responds like it’s no big deal.

  “Yeah, no. You seemed to leave that detail out,” I respond, shaking my head with a smirk.

  Taking a step towards me, he grips my hips with his hands and leans down so his face is only inches from mine. “Is there a problem?” he asks in a low seductive voice.

  Um, no. Definitely not!

  Gulping back the saliva pooling in my mouth, I respond, “Nope. Not at all.”

  Just as he’s about to lean in further and kiss me, the inside door swings open and bleached out Brynn is standing there.

  “Matt! What’re ya doing out here, silly?” she starts, staring me up and down. “The parties inside.”

  “Garage is off limits, Brynn,” Matt responds, clearly annoyed.

  “Really? Because it wasn’t just a couple of weeks ago,” she winks with slutty smile.

  “Seriously, do everyone a favor and get the fuck out of here,” Matt says, moving from annoyed to pissed.

  My stomach immediately clenches, thinking about Matt and Brynn hooking up in this very garage, and suddenly the over active excited butterflies have now been replaced with an overwhelming rush of nausea that’s quickly moving up my throat.

  Needing a bathroom and needing one fast, I push past Brynn and run up the stairs. I can hear her evil cackle as I pass and although I’d love to smack it off her face, I’m afraid I’d barf everywhere first. So, keeping that in my head for a later date, I push through the crowd in the living room, bolt up the stairs, and barely make it in the bathroom before hurling up the picture of Matt and Brynn screwing.

  Only seconds after entering I hear a knock on the door and Matt’s head peeks inside.

  “Can I come in?” he asks in an apprehensive voice.

  Wiping my mouth with the back of my head, I softly respond, “Yeah.”

  Grabbing the hand towel off the counter and running it under cool water, he sits down next to me and pats the damp towel around my mouth and face.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers in a strained voice after sitting in silence for a few seconds. “I don’t know where she got off thinking that was okay.”

  Because she’s a bitch.

  “It’s fine, really. I guess I should’ve expected it,” I answer truthfully. Thinking that he, football star Matthew Jacobs, is a prude and hasn’t hooked up with any one of the million girls that are eager to get in his pants is just as messed up as me thinking we could ever work as a couple.

  “I never had sex with her, Leah. If that is what you’re thinking?”

  Looking up at him confused, because that’s exactly what I was thinking, he continues. “Yeah, we made out one night when I was shit-faced and had no clue what was going on, but that was it. And trust me, I’d take it back in a heartbeat if I could. The girl drives me fucking crazy,” he says in an annoyed voice, “And, that was before I thought I actually stood I chance with you.”

  Wait, what? Stood a chance with me?


  “Yeah. You’re so fuckin’ smart and beautif
ul–not to mention, anti jock–that I had no clue why you were even talking to me. But, that one night when we were talkin’ online and you said that you were actually shocked that I’m not the typical egotistical football player and that you enjoyed chatting with me? I thought that maybe I did have a shot,” he admits.

  I said that to him?

  “I even called Collin that night and asked what he thought. I told him how we met during orientation and that you were nothing like any girl I’d ever met. You’re real and witty and don’t take shit from no one.” He smiles before continuing. “I told him that there was an instant connection that day and that I’d kept in contact with you online ever since, but wanted more. I guess I was too chicken shit to ask.”

  Matthew Jacobs, a chicken shit?

  “He told me to stop being a pussy, and that good girls like you don’t come around very often, so to put on my big boy underwear and ask you out already. It just so happened that the next day in French class my professor mentioned I was borderline eligible to move up to 102 if I wanted to. I remembered you sayin’ that you were in that class, so I jumped at the opportunity to see you every other day. I figured we’d just become better friends and see where things went, but all my feelings from orientation came flooding back and I knew I needed more. You pretty much know what happened next,” he finishes, taking a deep breath.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me any of this?” I ask, still trying to take in all of what he just told me.

  “I don’t know…scared, I guess,” Matt answers, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Scared of what?”

  “Of you sayin’ no and then losing you completely.”

  Holy shit. That may have been the sweetest thing ever.

  Not being able to ignore the swarm of butterflies invading my stomach and the warmth that my trembling heart is providing, I cup his cheek with my hand and say, “I need a toothbrush, so I can kiss the shit out of you.”

  Shocked by my statement, Matt throws his head back and bursts out in laughter. After he finally composes himself, he jumps to his feet, opens the cabinet behind him, and pulls out a toothbrush that’s still in its package.

  “Make it snappy,” he says tossing it to me.

  Without a second to lose, I rip it free of the plastic, squeeze the toothpaste from the counter on the bristles, and brush my teeth and tongue the quickest I ever have. It’s like a life or death situation watching the eager look on Matt’s face with his arms crossed over his chest–the anticipation building inside is almost more than I can handle.

  Doing one last swish of water to rinse my mouth, Matt swings me around with such force that my hair whips around into my face.

  Oh my!

  Without saying a word or wasting another second, he pushes his mouth against mine with an incredible amount of need and passion. Just as my knees start to give out Matt reaches behind me and cups my butt, picking me up and placing me on the counter. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him in tighter, removing any added space between us. I’ve never done this with anyone before and I’m shocked at how much more of him I’m craving. My nipples are as hard as rocks and I’ve got a throbbing feeling between my legs.

  I’m not sure how far he’s willing to go, but I’ll go as far as he’s willing to take me.

  Wanting to taste every bit of him, I crack my mouth open and allow him access. He takes my invite and pushes his tongue in my mouth, wrapping it with mine. An overwhelming warmth is spreading throughout my body and all I can think about is getting Matt naked. Running my hands down his sides, I grip the bottom of his shirt and pull it up over his head. I let out a gasp, seeing his hard abs and pecks displayed in front of me.

  Fuck me running!

  How I got this lucky–getting this heavenly man in front of me–I will never know, but now is not the time to analyze it. I’m going to take advantage of the situation.

  Before locking my lips back on his, I can’t help but run my hands up his chest. The moan that escapes his mouth is enough to send a heat of desire down my body, forming a wetness in my underwear. Not being able to handle one more second away, I pull his face back down to mine, pushing my mouth against his with a sense of urgency. Not before long, our tongues are sliding along one another’s and our hands are exploring each other’s bodies.

  Matt has removed my top and has just reached around my back to unclasp my bra. At first the cool air shocks my body, but it is soon comforted with the warmth from Matt’s hands and mouth. My back arches as soon as he sucks my nipple into his mouth. At that very second I don’t know how much longer I can go before I lose complete control over my body.

  “Oh baby, you taste so good,” Matt moans against my chest.

  “Oh Matt,” I whisper back through a heavy breath.

  “Yo, MJ! I need to use the pisser!” a loud voice yells through the door, followed by a series of hard knocks.

  “Go outside!” Matt shouts back.

  “I’m not gettin’ fuckin’ arrested for indecent exposure so you can get fucked in the bathroom!”

  Resting his head on my chest, Matt lets out a sigh of frustration.

  “Can I get a raincheck?” he asks, holding my sides and looking up at me with the sweetest puppy dog eyes that I’ve ever seen.

  “Sooner than later, please,” I answer, still overstimulated and ready.

  “That’s a promise, Sweetheart!”

  Chapter 14

  By the time we exit the bathroom and return to the party, the house is jammed pack with people inside and out. Never have I ever seen this many people packed under one roof. Scared of being washed up in the crowd, I snuggle into Matt’s side and he holds me tightly as we walk through the throng of people.

  “Wanna drink?” he shouts in my ear after talking to one of the football players.

  “Yes, please!” I shout back.

  If I’m expected to stay sane with this many annoying drunk people around me, I’m going to have to be drunk myself.

  “There you are,” Summer comes up beside me, pulling me to the side of the kitchen.

  “I’ll be right back, Babe,” Matt says before releasing my arm and heading towards the garage.

  “Where have you guys been? You’ve been MIA forever!”

  My cheeks warm, thinking about the answer to that question, and before I can answer with a blatant lie, Summer says, “Oh, you dirty girl!”

  Not denying or confirming it, I just laugh at her comment.

  “It’s about time my man got some,” Collin adds, coming out of nowhere.

  Instantly my guilty grin is replaced by embarrassment, knowing that Collin has just overheard what we were talking about. There’s something about sharing information with a girlfriend that is totally different from sharing it with a guy. I guess guys make it sound more dirty then fun. Even though, in all honesty, it was both.

  “Oh come on, Leah. Don’t get shy on me now. My man seriously needed to get laid. He was startin’ to get grumpy,” Collin continues, earning him a hard slap from Summer.

  “Geez, woman! That hurt,” he whines, rubbing where Summer just hit him.

  “Sorry, Leah. Apparently someone has already had too much to drink,” she apologizes, rolling her eyes.

  “It’s okay. We didn’t have sex, though,” I blurt out because for some reason I feel as though she needs to know this.

  Real cool, Leah.

  “Um, okay…” she says with a confused look.

  “And I have no clue why I just told you that…” I respond, feeling like a dumbass.

  Laughing at my expense, she puts her hand on my shoulder. “It’s fine. Weird, but fine.”

  Lovely. Just when I think Summer and I can be friends, I say something stupid like that. Talk about TMI. Ugh.

  Just as I’m about to put a paper bag over my head to hide me from any further embarrassment, Matt returns with our beers.

  “Way to go, buddy!” Collin, again, comes out of nowhere clasping Matt’s shoulders with a goofy grin on his face

  I actually really liked Collin for a little bit. I’m beginning to change my mind.

  “For what?” Matt asks confused, arching an eyebrow.

  “For finally getting it in,” Collin continues.

  “Collin!” Summer yells again, hitting him much harder this time.

  Thank you, Summer!

  Matt turns and looks at me with a skeptical, but humorous grin.

  “I did not tell him that!” I answer defensively.

  “Tellin’ our secrets, are we?” Matt says, leaning in closer and giving me a seductive grin.

  “Not exactly,” I flirt back with our faces only inches apart.

  “Who’s down for a game of beerpong?” Collin interrupts.

  Yup. We are so not friends anymore.

  “Didn’t that get you in enough trouble last time?” Matt jokes.

  “Um yeah. Let’s not go down that road,” Collin quickly responds.

  “What road?” Summer chimes in, intrigued.

  “Let’s not go there, Sweetheart,” he answers, wrapping his arm around her shoulders while Matt’s chuckles next to me. “Well played, Bro. Well played,” Collin says, closing his eyes and shaking his head in embarrassment.

  “That’s what you get for embarrassing my girl,” Matt tells him, still chuckling to himself.

  Summer and I both look at each other confused and completely clueless. All I know is it seems Matt has surfaced a not so pleasant memory from Collin’s past in return for embarrassing me.

  “Anyways…” Collin starts, trying to change the subject, “beer pong?”

  Matt looks at me for confirmation and although beer pong is another thing I have never played, I figure why the hell not. “Sure.”

  Making our way to the backyard, there is already a long table set up with a game underway.

  “We get the table after,” Matt tells the people currently playing.


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