Waiting on Forever

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Waiting on Forever Page 10

by Ashley Wilcox

  “Eh, they don’t bother me,” I assure him.

  Just the Barbies who want in your pants.

  After taking a quick shower and putting on a pair of Matt’s boxers and a t-shirt, we meet up with the rest of the guys in the living room for my first football house movie night. Being the perfect boyfriend that Matt is, he grabs me the comforter from his room, a coke from the fridge, and a bag of peanut M & M’s.

  “How’d you know I like peanut M & M’s?” I ask as we snuggle up on one of the couches.

  He winks. “Saw them on your desk yesterday.”

  Okay butterflies, flap away!

  Smiling at him in return, I snuggle in closer and thank the lord above for giving me this perfect man.

  {Beep, beep, beep, beep…}

  Swatting at the nonexistent end table next to me, I try to turn off the god awful beeping noise torturing my ears.

  Removing his arm from my waist, Matt reaches behind himself and picks up the source of the noise–his cellphone. After quickly turning it off, he wraps his body back around mine.

  “Mmm, can we just lay here in bed all day?” he quietly asks, placing a series of gentle kisses down the back of my neck.

  “Love to,” I answer, rolling over to face him so I can sneak a peek of his adorable morning face.

  “What time’s your first class?” he asks, slipping his hand on the side of my face so that his thumb is in front of my ear and fingers behind it.


  “Bummer, mine’s at ten,” he pouts. “You can stay here, though, until you’ve gotta go.”

  “K,” I respond, leaning in and kissing him.

  “Ugh, this totally sucks,” he says, removing his mouth from mine. Raising my eyebrows for further clarification, he adds, “because kissin’ me like that makes me want to do things to you that I don’t have time to do.”

  Just hearing him talk about the dirty things he wants to do to me makes me ache with desire. I think all my years of being a prude are crashing down on me, making me crave Matt every second of the day.

  Sliding my hand down his chest and inside his boxers, I wrap my fingers around his length.

  “Ahh…god…yeah, this doesn’t help,” Matt barely gets out, breathing heavy and enjoying my hand moving up and down his shaft.

  “Oh fuck it!”

  He gives in, pushing on top of me, pressing his mouth over mine, and sliding his hand down into my shorts. Just as he’s done before, he slides two fingers up into my sex, but this time circles his thumb over my clit.

  Holy shit!

  The combined stimulation sends a fury of pleasure up and throughout my body and it doesn’t take long before I feel my body tingling and warming, preparing to unfold. Increasing my movement, I quicken the pace around Matt’s shaft knowing that my body is not going to be able to hold on much longer. Matt slides his mouth down over my chest, nipping at my erect nipple poking through my shirt. Any chance of holding on has been thrown out the window, because the warmth pooling in my sex releases into a mesmerizing orgasm.

  “Fuck…” Matt moans just as his body tenses and unravels above mine.

  Collapsing on top of me, he rests his head in the fold of my neck. Once he’s able to catch his breath he looks up at me and says, “This is the best damn reason to be late to class.”

  After getting cleaned up and dressed, Matt grabs his things and pecks me quick before bolting out the door.

  Chapter 20

  Leaning over the side of the bed where my backpack is, I pull my cellphone out of the front pocket and set my alarm clock on it for forty minutes from now. Since I am now the pathetic obsessive girlfriend that I hate, I switch the pillow that I now consider mine with Matt’s and inhale his heavenly scent while I drift back to sleep with a sense of euphoric bliss spreading throughout my body with a complimentary grin smeared across my face.

  So this is what love feels like.

  Feeling like I’ve been asleep for less than a minute, my Bon Jovi ring tone starts singing on my phone, startling me awake.

  Much better than that god-awful beeping noise Matt has his set to.

  I rub my hands vigorously up and down my face, trying to encourage my body to fully wake up. I’m pretty sure I went to sleep at a decent hour last night–at some point I fell asleep on the couch and Matt must have carried me up to bed, but for some reason I’m exhausted. It must be all my new extracurricular activities.

  Being sexually active is exhausting!

  Can I consider it exercising? It is quite the work out. I remember my high school gym teacher telling us that if you’re not sore the next day, then you didn’t work-out hard enough. Well, I am pretty sore right now in an area that seems to be getting some extra attention these days, so yeah, I’d consider our extracurricular activity a work out.

  Laughing at my ridiculous rambling brain, I stand up and reach for my bag to get the clothes and toiletries that I packed for today. After getting dressed, I open the door and look up and down the hallway. My stomach twists a little, not knowing who else is home and being here by myself without Matt as my security blanket. Luckily I don’t hear or see anyone and the door to the bathroom is cracked open, indicating that no one is inside.

  Just as I rinse the remaining toothpaste out of my mouth the bathroom door swings open with a half-naked guy barreling in. I look up, panicked.

  “Oh shit…sorry. I didn’t know anyone was here,” he apologizes with an embarrassed grin.

  I now recognize him as Landyn; the guy I met the other night who is in my photography class.

  Wow! My eyes focus on the huge bulge in his boxer briefs before snapping back to his face.

  “Uh, yeah…” he says mortified, cupping himself.

  “Morning wood,” I answer, shrugging my shoulders. “You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all,” I joke, even though my stomach is twisting every which way and I’m using every single muscle in the back of my eyes to keep them looking straight and not back down.

  What the hell? Am I a dick-a-holic now?

  “Yeah…well, um…I’m gonna go back to, um…my room now,” Landyn says awkwardly, starting to step backwards.

  “No, I’m done. It’s all yours.” I smile as I pick my things up off the counter and shimmy past him.

  Holy fucking shit! That was awkward.

  Lesson number one when staying over at Matt’s house–lock bathroom door when inside.

  Grabbing my backpack and looking around Matt’s room to make sure I’m not forgetting anything, I swing open his door to leave.

  “We’ve gotta stop meeting like this,” Landyn greets me in the hallway.

  “Nice to see you’re dressed this time,” I joke.

  “Yeah. Well apparently we’ve got a new girl roommate, so it looks like clothes are a requirement from now on.” He smiles.

  Feeling like I’m encroaching on their living space, I give him an apologetic look.

  “It’s fine, really. I don’t care,” he assures me, resting his hand on my lower back.

  I exhale deeply, relieved that he’s not annoyed with me for staying here. Although, isn’t that what these sports houses are all about? A revolving door of one night stands.

  “Aren’t’cha used to girls sneaking out in the morning?” I ask, locking Matt’s door before making my way down the hallway with him.

  “Nah. They usually get kicked out much earlier,” he winks, opening the front door once we get down the stairs.

  “Wow. I feel special,” I answer sarcastically.

  “You should,” Landyn says confidently. “No girl ever stays the night with MJ.”

  Should I take this as a compliment or be disgusted? This statement can go two different ways. It’s a compliment in the sense that Matt has never liked a girl enough to let her spend the night, but it also implies that he’s a fuck’em and leave’em kind of guy. He does what he has to do, then kicks them to the curb before they can even mutter their number to him. No! Matt’s not like that. He’s way too nice
of a guy to do something like that. Right?

  I don’t respond to Landyn’s statement. We just walk to campus in silence, but, my mind is running in circles trying to figure out which guy Matt is. I’m afraid that if I respond to Landyn, he’ll elaborate and I’ll hear the answer that will destroy my insides.

  I’m a little weirded out that Landyn walks with me to my first class and opens the door for me when we get there. But then I remember that my first class on Tuesdays is photography, the class Landyn and I have together. Instead of individual desks, the classroom is set up with six high tables and two chairs at each one. Usually I sit at the front left table and Landyn finds one in the back, but apparently when you see someone’s junk that classifies you as friends who sit next to each other in class because that’s exactly what Landyn does. After I take my usual seat, he sits down next to me.

  Although I’m not used to having friends and class buddies, it’s not something I’m opposed to. It just never happens. So to show that I’m okay with him sitting here, I smile at Landyn before leaning over and getting my photography notebook and pen out of my bag. Remembering that I haven’t turned my cellphone to silent yet, I grab it from the front compartment of my bag. When I pull it out it’s blinking with a missed text. Unlocking the screen, I notice it’s from Matt.

  I chuckle to myself. For someone who is supposed to be a big tough football player, Matt is such a girl with his little hearts. But as comical as it is, I love it and I’d be lying if I said my insides aren’t floating on cloud nine every time he does it.

  Yup, I did it. I replied with a heart and it feels fan-freaking-tastic. I think we’re slowly inching our way to saying those scary, no chance of turning back, three words. It’s still mindboggling and almost imaginary that Matthew Jacobs could love me–the artsy nerdy, no friends and loner–Leah Bennett. Every day I wake up and wonder if today’s the day I pinch myself and discover that my hearts and flowers fairy tale dream is over.

  “MJ?” Landyn asks next to me.

  “Huh?” I answer, wondering what he’s talking about while moving the volume setting to silent on my phone.

  “I’m assuming by the big giddy grin on your face that MJ just texted you.”

  Oh fuck. I am one of those dumb girls!

  “Nope, my gynecologist,” I answer with a smartass smirk.

  “Ugh, TMI. I shouldn’t have asked.”

  I laugh, seeing the disgusted look on Landyn’s face. It always amuses me how weirded out guys get when you talk about the gynecologist when really you know that every single one of them wishes they could see that many vaginas in one day.

  As Landyn’s savior, Meredith–also known as Professor Conklin, but she hates being called that–walks in, interrupting our conversation and starts class.

  “Alright guys, we’re going to be taking advantage of this beautiful fall weather and focus on some outdoor photography. I want you to team up with someone and come up with a Falling into Autumn collage on your presentation boards. You can do whatever you want with it, but use that as the theme. You’ll have today and Thursday to work on it during class, and I want it finished and turned in by the beginning of next Tuesday’s class. You may use any resources and the dark room in here if you’d like. As always, the room will stay unlocked until the buildings lock up at night. Any questions?”

  We all shake our heads no.

  “Alright, get to it.” She claps her hands together and smiles.

  Glancing over at Landyn, he’s already looking at me with a “wanna be my partner” look.

  “Oh, I suppose,” I answer with an overly dramatic sigh.

  He arches an eyebrow and says, in a sarcastic tone, “Wow, could ‘ya calm the enthusiasm? It’s a little much.”

  Chuckling again at his humor, I open my notebook to a clean sheet of paper and click the top of my pen so I can start brainstorming ideas of what direction we’re going to go in with our project.

  “So, when I think of the fall, I think about falling leaves. How ‘bout you?” I ask.

  “Um, do you always plan your pictures out in advance?”

  “Huh?” I ask, confused.

  “I just take pictures and base my projects on what I’ve taken,” Landyn says, shrugging his shoulders.

  Typical guy.

  “Yeah, I like to have a plan of action and an idea of what I’m trying to capture.”

  ‘Ya know–be organized.

  He nods his head like he’s impressed. “Probably not a bad idea.”

  Giving him a knowing smirk, I continue. “So, it’d be kinda cool to do like a movement collage. Like catch the leaves falling and moving in the breeze.” I start to ramble ideas.

  After I write a few things down, I look up to Landyn to get his input, but he’s just leaning towards me, watching me write. It takes him a second to realize I actually was kind of asking him a question–looking for his feedback from what I said. Since we’re partners and all, I figured allowing him to give his opinion would be the polite thing to do.

  “Oh. Um…yeah, that sounds fine. Sorry, I was just listening–I didn’t think you were actually looking for my input.”

  “Are you calling me controlling?” I ask defensively.

  “No, no. Not at all. Like I said, I’ve never had a game plan when taking pictures, but yeah, this is cool,” Landyn answers genuinely.

  I look at him apprehensively. I really suck at this partner thing. I’m used to doing everything on my own, by myself.

  “Seriously, Leah. It’s a great idea. I might actually get an ‘A’ on this assignment,” he jokes, calming my nerves.

  “Okay. Well, I think we’re done then. Time to take some pictures.” I close my notebook and hook my pen over the front of it.

  We both grab our cameras and drape them over our shoulders as we make our way outside. Just as Meredith pointed out, we are having some out of the norm warm weather for the fall that I am not complaining about. It’s already common knowledge that I’m not a fan of the cold and it makes no sense why I live in Upstate New York, known for cold temperatures and ugly winters. Maybe I should have thought that out a little more when deciding on a college.

  The one thing not on our side today is the breeze–there isn’t one and with our theme being movement, well, we kind of need a little bit of some wind. We walk around for a bit, taking random pictures, before stopping at a pile of leaves that have been raked together.

  “Hey, I’ve gotta an idea,” Landyn says like a light bulb has just gone off in his head.

  He bends over, grabs a handful of leaves, and tosses them in the air–falling leaves!

  “Look at you using that ole noggin of yours,” I joke, nudging his side and impressed with his discovery.

  Being the wall of muscle he is, Landyn doesn’t teeter even a smidge from my push, but laughs at my attempt. “MJ needs to put some muscles on those bones,” he says, squeezing the top of my arm.

  “What? I am far from a wimp–thank you very much. I’ve been known to kick some Barbie asses, I’ll have you know.” I stand straight, confident with my hands on my hips.

  “Kidding,” he responds, holding up his hands with a grin on his face. “I wouldn’t doubt that you could kick some ass.”

  Damn straight!

  “So anyway, tough guy…this could work, right? For falling leaves,” he says, picking up another handful.

  “Yes, it definitely could. Good find.” I smile.

  I take a whole roll of shots of falling leaves as he throws handful after handful in the air. Before we know it, it’s only a few minutes before the end of class, so we make our way back to the art building to get our things in the classroom.

  “So uh, I’ll probably see ‘ya back at the house tonight?” Landyn asks once we step back outside to head towards our next classes.

  “Yeah, probably.”

  “K, cool. See ‘ya later, Leah,” he says, his hand on my lower back as we come to a fork in the sidewalk.

  “See ‘ya.” I smile before he
ading in the opposite direction.

  The day carries on pretty uneventful. My classes are long and boring on Tuesdays with nothing but dreadful prerequisite courses that I really could care less about. Coming out of my third class, I check my phone to see if Matt has texted or called or anything that would make my blank face brighten and giddy for him.

  Yay–missed call!

  Holding down the voicemail key, my stomach flutters as I wait to hear his message.

  “Hey Babe. I’ve gotta quick break, so I’m wondering if you wanna meet and get a bite to eat. Call me.”

  Looking at the time of his call, it was only a minute ago. I quickly press the send button twice to call him back.

  “Hey Sweetcheeks,” he answers on the second ring.

  I smile at his greeting. “Hey.”

  “When’s your next class?”

  “In forty minutes.”

  “Ah, shit. You’ve got the jeans on that make you ass look amazing.”

  “These jeans make my butt look good?” I respond, glancing over my shoulder to check my ass out. “Wait, how do you know that?” I scrunch my eyebrows, confused.

  Feeling two big hands slide around my waist and a warm breath tickle my neck, making every hair on my body stand as a heated surge spreads through my veins. He whispers seductively in my ear, “Because I can see it and I want it.”

  Holy fuck. How does he do this to me?

  Closing my eyes and exhaling deeply, I try to contain my overactive hormones that are screaming to be pleasured. His voice and touch ignite me within seconds.

  I can feel the grin on Matt’s face, pleased with how he is affecting me as he gently pecks the fold of my neck then spins me around so I’m facing him. “Hey baby,” he greets me, wearing the same proud grin that I felt against my skin.

  Raising an eyebrow and glaring at him playfully, I answer with a hint of attitude, “Don’t start what you can’t finish.”

  He throws his head back and laughs while keeping his hands on my hips. “Oh, I intend to finish, but you’re gonna to have to wait until later,” he answers in a low husky voice with his face only inches from mine.


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