Unleashed: Part 3 (Unleashed Series)

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Unleashed: Part 3 (Unleashed Series) Page 8

by Rachel McClellan

  "It's me, Claire," Ethan's voice said. “Are you in there? I’ve been looking for you.”

  She took a deep breath and opened the door. "Hey. Sorry I wasn’t here. I went to see Smith."

  “Let me know next time, okay? I was worried.” He walked inside and dropped a backpack by the door. "Talk about anything specific?"

  “Not really.”

  He took hold of her hand. "Did something happen?"

  She hesitated, searching his eyes.

  "Come on, Claire. Talk to me."

  There was nothing to see. Only concern and love.

  "Gage sent me something," she said.

  He tensed. "What was it?"

  “Another dose.”


  "I looked at it for a very long time."

  Ethan grabbed onto her, like his knees had suddenly gone weak. "What did you do?"

  She shook her head, her eyes tearing. "I wanted to take it more than anything. I wanted to be free—"


  "But I couldn't do it." She looked up at him. "I wanted to, really, really wanted to."

  His arms came around her. "It's okay. You did good."

  She sniffed, tears running down the back of her throat.

  "Why don't you go run a bath? Relax. I'll make us a snack and clean up a bit."

  She half laughed, half cried. "Sorry it's messy in here."

  Ethan pulled her toward the bathroom. "Serious. I want you to relax. I've got this."

  He turned on the water and held his hand under the faucet. She watched his reflection in the mirror. So calm.

  "I'll come check on you in a little bit," he said and closed the door.

  She sat on the edge of the tub. Ethan was a ray of light in her life. She hoped it would always be that way.

  Her phone vibrated within her pocket. She pulled it out and checked her text messages. It was from Kate: "You sure missed a good fight between Ethan and Logan. Have you talked to either one of them about it yet?"

  Her heart began to pound. She was about to call Kate when her phone rang. She answered it on the first ring. "Logan?"

  "Claire! I've been trying to reach you! Where are you?"

  "I'm at home. What's going on?" The panic in his voice made her shake.

  "Is Ethan with you?"

  "Yeah, so? And what were you two fighting—"

  "Claire, listen to me closely. You have to get out now. Ethan's Gage."


  "Ethan's Gage, do you hear me?"

  She shook her head, clutching the phone tightly. "How do you know?"

  "I broke into his house."

  "You what?"

  "I had to know. And I found all sorts of crap, specifically Bodian’s vials under his bed. And the whole inside of his house had been destroyed."

  "It can't be true," she whispered.

  "Can you get out of the house without Ethan knowing?"

  Claire shut off the water and listened. She could hear Ethan moving around the living room. "I don't know."

  "I'm coming over."

  "No! I don't want you to get hurt." She tried to keep her voice low.

  Logan paused, then said, "Is there a cop out front?"

  "Yes. It’s Smith."

  "Good. Get to him and meet me at the police station."

  Just then Ethan knocked on the door. Claire dropped the phone and covered her mouth to keep from screaming.

  "Are you talking to someone?" Ethan asked.

  "Um, no. Just getting ready."

  "Okay. I'm going to take the garbage out."

  "Right. Okay."

  She waited until she heard the front door open and close before she picked up the phone.

  Logan was saying her name over and over. "Claire, are you there?"

  "I'm here."

  "Good. I'm coming over."


  But it was too late. The phone went dead.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Claire stared into the partially filled tub. Why, Ethan? She wanted to sink into the water, clothes and all, but she couldn't. Ignoring her pounding heart, she stood up. This had to end. She reached for the gun behind her back and moved it to the front of her pants. She pulled her shirt down over the top and opened the door.

  "Ethan?" She moved down the hallway. Focus. Don't look him in the eyes. Her hands began to shake.

  The front door opened suddenly, bringing in Ethan and a blast of wind and rain.

  "Crazy weather out there," he said as he brushed himself off. "How come you're not in the tub?"

  "I couldn't..."


  "Were you fighting with Logan?" she blurted. She had to know, before—she had to be sure.

  His jaw muscles bulged and his lips tightened.

  "Were you?"

  "I wanted to tell you later. When the time was right."

  "Tell me what?"

  He inhaled deeply and let it out. “I confronted him at the gas station earlier today. About what he's been doing." His eyes met hers. "What I'm about to tell you is going to be hard. I know how close you two are."

  "I don't understand."

  "Before I found Logan, I drove to his house to see if you’d gone there." Ethan walked to the window and peered out. "I had to know. I suspected he was Gage from the very beginning. Things he'd say and do. It just wasn't right."


  Ethan turned around. "I found it. Under the floorboards. Only a few vials were left."

  Claire shook her head, more confused than ever. "But that's what Logan said about you."

  "What? He did? When?"

  "He called just a few minutes ago. He said he's coming over."

  Ethan began to panic. "We need to get you out of here."

  He moved to grab her arm, but she stepped away.

  "How can I believe you? You're both saying the same thing."

  Ethan’s terror turned to sadness. "Why can't you trust me?"

  When Claire didn't answer, he went to his backpack and searched it. "I have proof, Claire."

  He pulled out a vial. It looked the same as the one Gage had given her. "I got this from Logan's room. It’s what Gage gave you, right?"

  Claire groaned in frustration.

  "Please, you have to believe me! If we have any chance at defeating Gage we have to do it together, do you understand?"

  She shook her head, trying to put the pieces together, but everything was happening so fast. She needed to talk to Kate. See what the fight was about. "I have to make a phone call."

  "There isn’t time. He's going to be here any second!"

  Just then the sound of tires squealed in the driveway.

  Ethan slowly turned to the window. "He's here."

  Claire backed against the wall while Ethan frantically searched the house for a weapon. He found a knife for each hand. "There's mace in your room, Claire. Go grab it, quick!"

  She was frozen. Even her heart didn’t seem to be beating anymore. A car door slammed. Footsteps ran fast toward the home, but then stopped suddenly. Claire hoped it was Smith capturing Logan.

  "Claire!” Ethan said. “Do you hear me?"

  She didn't. The footsteps were moving again and had reached the front porch. Logan. Her best friend. When the door opened, Ethan moved with it and hid behind.

  Logan stood in the doorway holding a baseball bat high. He was soaking wet, blood clotted on his fat lip, and his eyes were blazing, like a fire had been lit inside him. His eyes darted around the room, passing her over. When he didn’t see Ethan, he said, "Come on. Let's go!"

  She shook her head and flickered her gaze to Ethan, hiding behind the open door. Ethan put his finger to his lips, signaling her to be quiet. Where was Smith?

  Logan moved into the house. "Come on, Claire. Please."

  Ethan slammed the door. "We know who you really are Logan, and I’m going to kill you for hurting Claire."

  Logan turned around slowly, the bat raised.

  "Not if I kill you first," he said
and swung the bat hard.

  Ethan tried to get out of the way, but the bat caught him in the ribs. He stumbled into a nearby lamp and fell to the floor.

  "Logan, stop!" Claire shouted.

  "Get out of here!" he shouted back. He raised the bat again and brought it down on Ethan’s back just as he was reaching for the knife that had fallen from his hand. Ethan cried a painful scream.

  "You will pay for everything you've done!" Logan said and raised the bat again.

  Claire removed the gun from her shirt. "Stop Logan, or I'll shoot!"

  He froze and turned around slowly, his eyes settling on the gun. "What are you doing?"

  "You need to get away from him," she said, trying to steady the gun in her sweaty palms.

  "But he's Gage! I told you that on the phone."

  Claire lowered her gaze to Ethan. Their eyes met.

  "It's not true," Ethan said, and then he kicked at Logan's legs, knocking him off balance. "Shoot him, Claire! Now's your chance!"

  Logan looked at Ethan. A feral cry rose in his throat, and he raised the bat.

  Where was Smith? She could barely hold the gun.

  "Shoot him!" Ethan shouted again.

  The bat came crashing down on Ethan, and Claire gasped at the ferocity of it. She steadied the gun.

  Ethan raised his arm to defend himself from another blow, but Logan was too fast. The bat smashed Ethan's arm. The sound of his bone snapping hurt her ears. Ethan cried out, but when Logan raised the bat again, he yelled, "Now, Claire! He's changing!"

  She put her finger over the trigger. Her best friend was in her line of sight. Memories of their childhood flashed like a movie reel. Logan teaching her to ride a bike. Logan diving into the canal to save her when she was only nine. Logan eating lunch with her on the first day of junior high. Logan comforting her at her father's trial.

  As the bat swung down, Claire knew what she had to do. She closed her eyes and pressed the trigger. The gunshot rocked the frame of the house, and she stumbled backward.

  Logan's body twisted around from the shock of the blast. It took him a second to realize what had happened, but when he did, his eyes met hers. "What have you done?"

  The bat fell to the floor, and he dropped to his knees. Blood seeped through his yellow t-shirt on his right shoulder and ran down the length of his arm.

  Ethan was slow to get up, but he made it to her and drew her attention away from Logan. "Let's get out of here,” he said and gently pushed on her back to guide her from the house.

  She tucked the gun back into her pants and did as he asked.

  As soon as they were in the pouring rain, he said, "We have to get as far away from here as possible. I can't fight Gage, even if he's injured."

  But Claire wasn't listening. She was moving toward Smith’s patrol car. Through the rain she could see his dark figure hunched over in the driver’s seat. Why wasn’t he moving? Her steps felt slow, like wading through deep water.

  She rounded the front of the car. The driver’s side window was smashed in. Glass, like miniature diamonds, were sprinkled across his slumped-over back. As she drew closer, she saw more glass, but they didn’t look like diamonds anymore. They were rubies, crushed into the back of his open skull.

  The drops of rain suddenly felt like ice picks piercing her skin. Her legs gave out, and she would've fallen if it hadn't been for Ethan who caught her. He spun her around to face him. "I know this is all happening fast, but we have to run. Please! I can't carry you."

  She looked down. His arm was bent funny. Broken. Like Smith’s head. It was all too much.

  Just then a sound erupted from the house. "

  Claire!" Logan roared.

  Fight, Claire.

  The emotion behind his cry jerked her into action. She took Ethan's good hand and ran. "Let's go to the police station," she yelled over the sound of thunder.

  "No! That's where he'll expect us to go," he said, gasping for breath. "Let's go to the cliffs. We can hide there."

  For how long? she wondered, but kept silent.

  They sprinted into the forest, up and over logs, between brush, and ignoring tree limbs that snagged at their arms and legs. Just keep moving. She focused on her footing through the rough, wet terrain. Her lungs burned and her muscles felt like they were going to explode.

  Finally, they burst from the forest and ran toward the beach. The sand sucked at her feet, threatening to slow her down. She pushed harder, trying to keep up with Ethan.

  "Ethan!" she called, breathless and shaking, whether from exhaustion or the fact that she'd just shot her best friend or seen the only man she considered to be her father dead, she couldn't be sure.

  Ethan continued to pull her, but glanced back over his shoulder. A cold light, like fire on ice, flashed in his eyes. He was excited, not scared. How could he be excited?

  And then she knew the truth.

  She let go of his hand and slowed, almost fell.

  Ethan stopped. "What are you doing? We're almost there." He motioned down the beach.

  Claire followed his gaze. The cliffs weren't far away. But instead of walking toward them, she went toward the ocean, her legs weak and unsteady. At one point she stumbled, but righted herself again. Rain poured from above, soaking every part of her, but she wasn’t cold. Tears of the angels, her mother had once said.

  "What are you doing?" Ethan shouted over the downpour. "We have to hurry!"

  She ignored him, but she couldn't talk if she had wanted to. Her chest heaved as she tried to keep herself from hyperventilating, and it was hard to see through the tears clouding her vision. She stopped moving only when the sea's foam wrapped around her ankles.

  "Where are you going, Claire?" Ethan said, a tone much lower than his normal voice.

  Claire continued to ignore him. She scanned the dark horizon, searching for a ray of light. Something she could hold on to. Smith had said one would be there if she searched hard enough.

  "Why do you always have to be so difficult?" Ethan asked.

  And then she saw it. The white sails of a sailboat braving the waters of an impossible storm.

  Claire removed the gun from the back of her pants, turned around, and pointed it at Ethan's chest. He didn't look surprised.

  "How long have you been wearing that mask?" she asked.

  Ethan smiled, but it wasn't his smile. Not really. It was Gage’s, full of cruelty and all things that suck life from the world.

  "You won't shoot me," he said.

  She asked again, louder this time. "How long have you been wearing that mask?"

  "For awhile. Poor Albert."


  "Ethan's first name. Nerdy, isn't it? No wonder he never told anyone." Ethan's face twitched, then tightened for just a moment, but in that fraction of a second, Claire saw Gage.

  "Where's Ethan?" The gun shook in her hands.

  "He's here,” he tapped on his forehead. “Trapped in a cage. Helpless. I can hear him screaming now. Man, is he pissed." He moved toward her.

  "Can he hear me?"

  "If I let him. He sees and hears only what I want him to." Gage reached into his pocket with his good arm and pulled out a syringe. "You missed your dose. You—”

  He doubled over and cried out in pain. "Get back!" he shouted. "This doesn't concern you!"

  Confused, she stepped back.

  Ethan looked up at her, but with Gage’s eyes. His face transformed again for a fraction of a second. "Your boyfriend thinks he can control me," Gage said.

  And in that moment, his eyes changed back. Not cruel, but soft and full of love. "Shoot me, Claire. Please," Ethan begged. But just as quickly the love was replaced by hate.

  Gage, who was still wearing Ethan’s face, straightened and rolled his shoulders back. With a shake of his arm, the broken bone snapped back into place and seemed to heal itself. "No reason keeping up pretenses. Now be a good girl and stop moving."

  His hair began to darken and when he walked his legs shifted unnatu
rally, as if the bones in his body were shifting, turning him into something new and dangerous. He was only a few feet away. Claire had maybe seconds until he entirely transformed.

  "You'll thank me later," Gage said. "I promise. I'm about to give you a better life."

  She smiled. An honest, genuine smile.

  "I already have a good life,” she said and pulled the trigger. The gun fired and drilled a bullet into his chest, knocking him off his feet. He fell onto his back and into shallow water.

  Claire dropped the gun and sank to her knees. Now she felt the cold. It seemed to seep into her skin freezing every part of her.

  "Claire?" The voice was soft. Kind.

  "Ethan?" She crawled over to him and lifted his head onto her lap to keep the water and blood from washing onto his face. So much blood. It poured from his body, but just as fast, the rain washed it away. She pressed her hand to the gaping wound.

  "Thank you," he whispered.

  She shook her head, hot tears burning her cold cheeks. Ethan’s eyes closed and she shook him. "No, Ethan. Please. You can fight this. Please!”

  She shook his body, pounded on his chest. Anything to get him to open his eyes again. “Come on, Ethan. Wake up!”

  But his eyes remained closed. Claire frantically searched for a pulse on his neck. When she found none, her head dropped. “This wasn't supposed to happen. Not with you.”

  The rain drowned her words, took her tears, and together with the blood, the sea carried them away. “You taught me to love again,” she whispered.

  Claire allowed herself one minute. One minute to grieve. One minute to say goodbye. That’s all she dared take knowing that Logan was back at her house still hurt. But those sixty seconds were the most painful of her whole life.

  When the time passed, she gently laid Ethan's head down, water wrapping him in a cold embrace. She stood up and faced the sea. The sailboat was still there. Still fighting.

  She turned around and walked away from the man she loved. The man she had killed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Claire's hand felt cold over Logan's warm one. She still hadn't warmed up even though it had been four days.

  Logan moaned and his eyes tightened. He still hurt a lot even though he'd never admit it. At least when he was sleeping he grimaced less. This was pain she had caused.


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