The Pike Chronicles - Books 1 - 10

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The Pike Chronicles - Books 1 - 10 Page 51

by Hudson, G. P.

  Jonas nodded slowly. “This Jon is a warrior. Of that there is no doubt.”

  “Thank you, Father,” said Breeah. Her expression hopeful.

  “But he is no Reiver.”

  Breeah’s eyes narrowed. “Must we go through this again, Father?”

  “We must. Until you come to your senses.”

  “For the first time in my life I have come to my senses, and I am not leaving Jon. Not for you, not for the Reivers, not for anybody.” Anki saw the anger on her mother’s face. She understood why her mother was mad. Jon was a good person, and he looked after them. Why couldn’t her grandfather understand?

  Her mother turned to her, “Anki, we are leaving. Practice is over.” Her mother marched toward the door.

  Anki looked up at her grandfather, “Good bye Grandfather. Thank you for the lesson.”

  Her grandfather reached down and gently stroked her hair with his hard, powerful hand. “Good bye, little one.”

  Chapter 7

  Jon could feel the creature’s tension and hostility inside him. It didn’t like being on board the Chaanisar ship. Jon couldn’t blame it. He wondered what would happen now that it had awoken. The medication that Doctor Ellerbeck had given him obviously had its limits. It had quieted the creature for a time, but the effects now seemed to have worn off. Doctor Ellerbeck had told him that the medication eased the transition, so that he and the symbiont could eventually live in harmony. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but so long as the creature couldn’t inflict pain to control him, it could be tolerable. In the long run there was no escape from the symbiont. It would keep Jon alive until death took them both. The doctor had said that he may end up living for a thousand years. A thousand years. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the concept. He would watch both Breeah and Anki grow old and eventually die. He would watch Anki’s grandchildren grow old and die. How could any human endure something like that?

  Walking down the long, dimly lit Chaanisar corridor, he studied the Juttari religious markings surrounding him. Their scriptures stated that they were destined to rule the universe. So they conquered. The Diakans were calculating and efficient. So they expanded. The Kemmar were aggressive and vicious. So they attacked. Where did that leave humanity? Where did that leave him? He was taught to be a survivor. So he survived. Now the creature would demand survival, ensuring he outlived everything he loved. It seemed like a cruel joke.

  He felt the creature’s reaction as a Chaanisar walked past. He felt its hostility towards the soldier. It saw the soldier as a threat. It urged Jon to kill the man. But it couldn’t compel him to do it. It could no longer force Jon to act on its behalf. It could no longer make him kill. Not anymore. Maybe the good doctor was right. Maybe the symbiont had lost its power over him. Maybe the medication worked. He didn’t think he could live harmoniously with the creature, like the doctor had said, but if it lacked power over him they might come to some form of truce.

  Another Chaanisar soldier approached and the creature urged another attack. Enough of that, he thought, trying to communicate with the symbiont. I don’t like the Chaanisar either, but they’re not a threat right now.

  The creature calmed down. It cooperated. Interesting. He always knew it could hear his thoughts, but it never complied before. If he refused to do what the symbiont wanted, it forced him anyway. Now it seemed to understand the situation. Would they be able to work together after all?

  Don’t get your hopes up you little bastard. Jon waited. No retaliation. No pain. Jon chuckled. Payback’s been a long time coming, you little shit. I’m calling the shots now, so you better get used to the new order.

  Jon continued down the corridor until he came to one of the conference rooms. He entered and found Colonel Bast, Lieutenant Jarvi, and Kevin already there, waiting for him. The creature reacted, perceiving Bast and Jarvi as threats, but the reaction was slightly more subdued this time. It seemed to be learning and adapting to the situation. Jon said his hellos, pulled up a chair and sat down.

  “I understand you encountered some resistance on the planet, Captain,” said Colonel Bast.

  “We did. The Kemmar had greater numbers, but it was nothing we couldn’t handle,” said Jon.

  “If a team of Chaanisar had gone down to the surface with you the Kemmar attack could have been intercepted,” said Jarvi.

  “Didn’t I just say we that we handled it?” said Jon, feeling anger beginning to take hold. He felt the creature fuel the emotion. It wanted him to get angry. Was the emotion its doing?

  “Of course, Captain,” said Bast. “Lieutenant Jarvi didn’t say otherwise. It is only that we would prefer a return to joint Space Force - Chaanisar missions. We are stronger united.”

  Jon breathed, taking control of his emotions. “As I said before, we are rescuing members of the Hermes crew, which makes the job ours alone.”

  “As you wish, Captain. We are only trying to help,” said Bast. “I understand you retrieved a member of Doctor Ellerbeck’s team.”

  “Yes, Ensign Zakarian,” said Jon, happy to change the topic.

  “Is Ensign Zakarian a doctor as well?”

  “No. She would be more of an assistant,” said Jon. He saw what Bast was thinking. If Zakarian was a doctor then Ellerbeck might have taught her enough to perform the procedure. The thought was amusing at best. They were talking about brain surgery, and alien technology. Even the great Doctor Ellerbeck might have difficulty successfully performing the procedure. Ensign Zakarian wouldn’t have a chance.

  “I’m sure her presence will be invaluable when we find the doctor.”

  “I heard you had your hands full against the Kemmar warship,” said Jon.

  Bast frowned in a rare display of emotion. “The Kemmar are adapting to the jump system,” said Bast. “They used mines to limit our maneuverability.”

  “Smart,” said Kevin, leaning his huge frame back into the chair.

  “Yes. It was a clever tactic,” said Bast.

  “Not clever enough,” said Kevin, sporting a broad grin.

  “Then they used a drone swarm to try and overwhelm us.”

  “How did you defeat them?” said Jon.

  Bast smiled. More emotion. Was he practicing? “We used one of your tactics, Captain,” said Bast.

  “My tactics?”

  “Yes. We jumped and took the swarm with us, just as you did with the Kemmar ship that tried to board the Hermes.”

  “But that ship was connected to the Hermes,” said Jon, curious about the tactic.

  “Before we found you we encountered a besieged freighter. It had been attacked by pirates and had lost use of its engines. I remembered your tactic and consulted your engineer about it.”


  “Yes. A brilliant man, albeit very unstable. He explained that the jump system created a field around the ship. Anything within that field would jump along with the ship. Unfortunately the freighter was too large for the tactic to work.”

  “Interesting. So the swarm were within the jump field.”

  “Yes. The mines had limited our maneuverability, so we couldn’t get any distance between us and the swarm. By jumping away we obtained more freedom of movement and were able to break free. We jumped back to engage the warship, and left the drones behind.”

  “Impressive,” said Jon, the compliment sincere. Colonel Bast continued to surprise him.

  “Thank you, Captain. I am honored.”

  “So what’s next?” said Jon. “Seiben keeps asking me when we’re going to go to New Byzantium. It’s been several weeks now. I don’t blame him for being impatient.”

  “Yes, I have been thinking about this issue,” said Bast, his face turning stoic again. “After analyzing the star charts from DLC station, it seems that New Byzantium’s location intersects with one of the trajectories we’ve plotted for the escape pods.”

  “So we can drop off the Seiben family while searching for one of the pods?” said Jon.

  “Yes, Captain.”

/>   “Good. So I take it we’ll be heading there next?”

  “If you are in agreement,” said Bast.

  “It works for me,” said Jon. He wondered why Bast kept looking for his approval on decisions like this. It was his ship. Jon and his crew were guests at best. He didn’t need Jon’s approval for anything. It would seem to weaken him as a leader in front of the Chaanisar crew. How would someone like Lieutenant Jarvi see the gesture? Could he really just be extending an olive branch?

  Jon felt the creature’s objections. It had a different view of things. The creature seemed to feel Bast was trying to get Jon to drop his guard. He needed Jon to get to Doctor Ellerbeck. Once the brain chips were removed Bast would turn on Jon and his crew. Of that the creature was convinced.

  Jon considered the creature’s analysis, and didn’t disagree. They would only search for the Hermes crew until they found the doctor. It was the only reason the Chaanisar even tolerated them being on board. The brain chips were an incredible threat to their new found freedom. Any encounter with the Juttari would see them enslaved again. Removing the brain chips was of paramount concern.

  All this talk about uniting the crews was nothing more than a smokescreen. If Bast could get Jon on his side, he could convince the doctor to help. With the brain chips gone the Hermes crew would be seen as a liability and a threat. Bast would show his true colors. The purge would come.

  The symbiont was right. He would not allow Bast and the Chaanisar to lull him into a false sense of security. He needed to prepare. If the Chaanisar were going to attack, he would be ready.

  Chapter 8

  “Daddy, when is Anki going to be here?” asked Alina, Captain Seiben’s youngest daughter.

  “Soon, sweetheart,” said Seiben, sitting at a table in their assigned quarters, across from his wife.

  “It’s taking so looong,” said Alina, curling her lower lip.

  “I know. It’ll just be a little bit longer. Why don’t you go play with your toys?”

  Alina sighed, gripped her doll tighter and walked away.

  “She’s not the only impatient one,” said Darla. The look on her face told Seiben he was not going to like the direction this conversation was heading. Unfortunately he couldn’t think of any reason to leave the table. Not without making things worse. He would have to sit still and take his medicine.

  “What do you mean, darling?” he asked, trying to soften the coming assault.

  “What do I mean? How can you ask me that?” said Darla, her face turning red. “I’ve been staring at these terrible symbols for weeks now. How long are we supposed to endure life on board this horrible ship?”

  “I’m sure it won’t be for much longer,” he said, trying his best to sound conciliatory.

  “That’s what you said last week,” said Darla, raising her voice. “And the week before that. I am about to lose my mind in here. Can you understand that?” Of course he could understand. She was practically screaming at him.

  “I’m not happy about it either, darling,” he said, keeping his tone calm and apologetic. “But what can I do about it? It’s not like I can take over the ship and fly it wherever I damn well please.” He heard the frustration creep into his voice and cringed. That was a mistake.

  “Oh you would like that, wouldn’t you? I know you’d rather be back on one of your long hauls again, far away from your family.”

  “You know that’s not true. I merely meant that I’m not the one making the decisions here.”

  “No, but you can persuade Jon to push harder. He has influence with the Colonel. He can make them take us there.”

  “I bring it up every time I see him. I’m doing what I can.”

  “You’re not trying hard enough.”

  “Of course I am.”

  “No, you’re not. You know what I think? You’re hoping we don’t ever make it to New Byzantium. You’d rather be on a spaceship. Even if it is as awful as this.”

  “That’s not true and you know it.”

  “All I know is we’re suffering and you don’t care.”

  An alert sounded. Jon, Breeah and Anki were at the door, saving Captain Seiben for the moment from Darla’s wrath. He knew it would resume later, but for now there would be safety in numbers. He jumped out of his chair and headed for the door. It slid open and he welcomed his three guests.

  “Anki,” yelled Alina, waving for the little girl to come and play with her. Anki’s face lit up as she rushed towards Alina and her toys. In seconds the two were happily chattering away, inventing some new game to play.

  Jon smiled and shook Seiben’s hand, his grip controlled, but still powerful enough to make Seiben wince.

  “I have good news for you,” said Jon, still smiling.

  “Great. I could use some right now,” said Seiben.

  “We’re heading for New Byzantium.”

  “What? Really?”

  Jon nodded, grinning like a boy.

  He felt like hugging the overgrown bastard. “That’s great,” he said, excitedly. He turned to Darla, who still sat at the table with a sour look on her face, “Did you hear that, honey? We’re going to New Byzantium.”

  Darla’s face brightened instantly. She got up from her chair and practically ran over. “Are you serious?” she asked, her face betraying a hint of apprehension.

  “Yes, said Jon. New Byzantium is our next destination.”

  Darla leapt at Jon, throwing her arms around his thick neck and screamed. Jon laughed, placing a hand to his ear, a hopeless attempt at protecting his eardrum from Darla’s high pitch.

  “Come, let’s sit down while Jon can still hear,” said Seiben, comfortable in teasing Darla now that the matter was resolved. The group walked to the table and sat down. He liked it much better to have his wife smiling beside him. He rested his hand on her knee and she left it there, glancing his way to let him know the argument was over.

  “So, what are your plans for New Byzantium?” said Jon.

  Darla answered. “We’ll find some temporary lodging and then look for something more permanent. After the years at the station I can’t wait to have a house and a yard again.”

  “That sounds nice,” said Jon. “I’m sure you’ll be very happy there.”

  “What about you?” said Darla, a mischievous look in her eye.

  “What do you mean?”

  She looked at Breeah and said, “You should think of joining us. Settling down. New Byzantium is a free world. A democracy. The corporations don’t govern there.”

  “That does sound lovely,” said Breeah, looking at Jon, who seemed a bit uncomfortable now.

  “I don’t know. We’re still looking for the Hermes crew,” said Jon.

  “And then?” said Breeah. “What happens after you find your crew?”

  I… I’m not sure,” said Jon.

  Breeah shook her head. “We could do it, you know. We could settle down and make a life there.”

  Seiben chuckled, enjoying the show. He preferred Jon to himself on the hot seat. He figured he might as well earn some extra points with Darla while they were at it. “It’s nice on New Byzantium,” he said. “There are lots of good schools. Anki would love it.”

  Jon shot Seiben a threatening glance, and Seiben had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. The reality was that while he may be having some fun at Jon’s expense, he did think it was the best option for him. He could see that Jon was happy with Breeah and Anki. Why not make a life together? He could put all the fighting and killing behind him. He could start fresh.

  “Why don’t we have a look around when we get there and then decide?” said Jon, waving the white flag.

  Breeah smiled, nodding her head, the look on her face seemed to say, ‘I’ll believe it when I see it.’

  Chapter 9

  Jon lay awake in bed, Breeah soundly asleep beside him. He thought about his situation, considering New Byzantium and whether or not the Seibens were right. Should he put everything behind him and start a new life with
Breeah and Anki? He believed that was what he wanted, to have a family again. But could he live life as a civilian? He had spent his whole life fighting. He knew nothing else. Perhaps he could secure a position with their military, or their police force. It was a possibility.

  What about his crew? They were out here because of him. They were relying on him. How could he just abandon them? They deserved something better than living aboard a Chaanisar ship. What if they had the option of settling down on New Byzantium as well? Would they take it? They might. After all, they couldn’t stay on board this ship. Or could they?

  The Chaanisar ship did have a jump system. He felt the symbiont inside him jump on his train of thought. It pushed the thought further, and Jon suddenly became aware of its intention. The symbiont wanted him to seize the ship. The thought stunned him. Seize the ship? He hadn’t even considered it. The thought was crazy. Even if he wanted to, and he wasn’t entirely sure he did, it had a full crew of Chaanisar soldiers on board. Each one of them augmented with Juttari technology. He didn’t have enough Marines to try something like that. It would be a suicide mission. So why would the symbiont even suggest it?

  I thought you were some kind of master strategist, thought Jon. All I see is a crazy alien.

  The creature responded with the same thought. Seize the ship.

  How? We’re outnumbered, and outgunned. It’s impossible.

  A realization struck him, and he wasn’t sure if it was his own, or the symbiont’s. He quietly got out of bed, careful not to wake Breeah, and walked to the adjacent room. Once there he accessed a network console. When they boarded the Chaanisar vessel he had allowed the AI access to the Chaanisar systems, but ensured it only used the access Bast had given him, and refrained from attempting to access anything more. The Juttari systems were sophisticated and he didn’t want the AI to call attention to itself, or trigger any alarms. In reality, the AI was military grade, and had been created with digital warfare in mind. That meant it could hold its own against the average Juttari defenses. It was also capable of learning, adapting, and evolving, which was part of the reason Jon allowed it to access the ship’s network in the first place. Even without attacking the ship’s defenses, it could still study them. It could analyze network traffic and learn. If Jon needed it to mount an attack in the future, it would be better equipped to execute. Right now, however, he just needed some questions answered.


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