Just for the Night

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Just for the Night Page 19

by Tawny Weber

  “I can’t, and won’t, deny that the sex is incredible. I feel things with you, do things with you, that I’ve never imagined with anyone else.”

  Even though he knew damned well it was inappropriate given the seriousness of their conversation, Jason grinned. Instead of getting mad, Larissa just rolled her eyes. Then she got that serious look again.

  “But sex, even mind-blowingly awesome sex, isn’t enough,” she said quietly.

  “It’s a start.”

  “No. When it’s all we have between us, it’s an end.”

  He clenched his jaw against the rising panic. He’d never tried to talk someone into a relationship before and the stakes were so high. Dammit, he wished he had time to practice or something.

  “No. We have more. We can have as much more as you want,” he promised rashly.

  “You’re just saying that because you want the store,” she accused, tears lurking behind the anger in her voice.

  Because he wasn’t expecting it, this time when she tugged her hands away, she pulled free. Then she took a huge step back, as if putting a big exclamation point at the end of her declaration that she wanted to get away from him.

  “You think I’d say all those things, lay myself bare like that, just to get some freaking store?” Fury danced in little black spots before his eyes. Jason couldn’t remember ever being this pissed.

  How could she make him feel so much love, so much pain and so damned much anger, all at the same time? It shouldn’t be possible to feel all of those things at once.

  It was too hard. This emotional crap. Romance? Screw this, it demanded too much. He just didn’t know if he had that much to give.

  And he was asking for more? To sign on to this craziness for the long term? Why was he bothering? Jason started pacing, from one side store to the next then back again, and shoved his hand through his hair. He was crazy. He should have left things alone. He should have stopped Conner from taking off and locking them in again.

  He glanced at Larissa, noting how sexy and sweet she looked standing there, all rumpled and mussed. The blanket had slipped off one bare, silky shoulder so he could see the swell of one breast.

  He knew she’d be the first to insist that she wasn’t looking her best. But he wanted her like crazy. Just looking at her got him hard. Which was saying a lot given that his dick had gotten more loving tonight than it’d had in the last six months combined.

  Still, he should have kept his damned pants on.

  His hurt must have got through to her like his anger hadn’t. Larissa pulled a face, taking step toward him. Not touching, God forbid, but close enough to get in his way.

  “I’m not accusing you of lying,” she insisted. “I’m just saying that maybe you’re so focused on getting the store that you are willing to do anything to make that happen.”

  “You being anything?”

  That took care of the conciliatory light in her eyes. “Are you trying to say you don’t want the store?”

  “Let’s just leave the store out of this for a minute,” he demanded, beyond frustrated that he had to explain himself. And that he was doing such an abysmal job of it. No wonder they’d split up before—they clearly had lousy communication skills. “This isn’t about the store or either one of our businesses. This is about us. About our future.”

  “No. There is no us.” She shook her head. “And we don’t have a future, remember.”

  “You don’t think we should be together?” he asked, working to keep the hurt out of his voice. What the hell had he been thinking? He’d had it right before, to keep most of his heart tucked away safe and hidden instead of putting himself out there and believing they could have a real relationship.

  “I don’t think we can be together,” she said with a sniff, the tears in her eyes finally pooling over and starting to run down her cheeks.

  “Fine.” His heart ached, but he’d be damned if he was going to beg. Jason started to turn away, then gave a frustrated growl and stopped.

  He couldn’t just give up. Instead, he gave her a long, intense inspection. Pain and regret were clear on her face. But as he looked closer, he saw resignation. She expected him to walk away. She knew if she pushed, he’d just toss up his hands and go. And he’d damn near proved her right.

  “Look, I know we blew it before,” he paused, waiting to see if she still thought the blowing was all his doing. When she just sighed, her shoulders sagging a little, he continued, “But I’m not giving up this time.”

  He reached for her hands again, pulling her closer.

  “You’re not ready to trust me, that’s fine. Eventually you will. I’m sticking around this time,” he decided.

  As he said the words, it was like a light went off in his heart. It didn’t matter if she believed him, or if she was ready. He was willing to do whatever it took to make things work between them. He was sticking it out. He was through running. It might be tomorrow or it might be a year from now. Sooner or later, she’d realize they would make it.

  “Sticking around?” Skepticism coated her words.

  “Yeah. I can’t cut back my trips since I’ve got financial responsibilities I can’t shirk, but no more personal trips unless you want to go with me. Maybe places like Barbados or Greece? Those are romantic, right?”

  She stared. Her lips opened but no words came out.

  “I’m still bunking at my parents’ house, but Peter and Meghan are going to live there after they get married. I’ll get an apartment instead of taking their spare room. Or maybe I’ll even put a down payment on a house,” he mused. Now that he was fixating on this settling down thing, it was feeling like its own adventure. One he planned to spend with Larissa.

  “You’re seriously thinking about buying a house?” Her tone said she thought the only thing he was serious about was bullshitting her.

  “Yeah,” he decided. He remembered something she’d said one night years ago, curled up in his arms after they’d made love. “Maybe one of those Victorian houses like Murphy’s store? You dig those, right? Didn’t you say that’s the kind of place you’d like to buy someday? Once the bookstore is gone, you’ll be missing that old-house vibe. So until you believe I’m serious, you can come hang at my place and get your old-house thrills.”

  She pulled away. Again. He was starting to think she should be wearing a cord, she was in and out of his arms like a yo-yo.

  Three feet away, she started pacing. Every few steps she shot him a confused look. Jason just waited.

  “And if I say I want to keep the store?” she finally asked.

  He grimaced. He wanted to tell her he’d step aside. He wanted to promise her anything. But this wasn’t just about his wants.

  “Maybe we can go get some coffee, real food and talk about it? If you can help me figure out a way to keep things going so I can still cover my mom’s care until Peter starts bringing in enough to really help out, then I’ll step aside.”

  The waiting, and the stepping aside to let her decide, were about the hardest things Jason had ever done. God, why hadn’t he just handed over the store? Why hadn’t he promised her anything, everything, to get her to agree to get back together with him? Knowing he’d just blown all his romance points, Jason mentally cringed, waiting for her to tell him to get screwed.

  Instead, she gave a long, shuddering breath and closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them, she looked so peaceful and happy he knew this was the kiss-off.

  “You can have the store,” she said.

  “What?” he exclaimed, sure he’d heard her wrong. “Why?”

  “Because…” She hesitated, then shrugged and said quietly, “Because I love you.”

  LARISSA WAITED FOR THE ROOF to cave in. Or for Jason’s eyes to bug out like a cartoon character’s right before he left a body-shaped hole in the wall when he ran away.

  But he didn’t run. He just grinned like he’d just been handed a check for a million dollars. By a naked woman. Dangling the keys to a Lamborghini on her
equally naked finger.

  “Look, I definitely want you to keep loving me,” he said, his grin widening again as he said the words. “But I don’t want you making any sacrifices for me. For us.”

  He made a c’mere wiggle with his fingers, obviously preferring that this conversation take place in his arms.

  Larissa stepped backward instead. She preferred this conversation take place with all her brain cells intact.

  “What about a compromise?” she offered, hoping she was making the right decision here. She had this big huge dream at her fingertips yet she was thinking about tossing it aside for a more comfortable, non-fancy dream. How was Jason going to think she was amazing and special if she settled?

  How could she compete with his exciting life if she was, well, not exciting?

  His grin turned into a frown when she wouldn’t let him hug her. “What kind of compromise?”

  “You take the store, but help me make my romance column a little sexier,” she said through a tight throat as her stomach churned with nerves. Was that enough? She knew it would be for her, but what about him? “I’m realizing that romance is definitely better with a little heat.”

  “That will be my pleasure,” he promised. “But what about your business? I thought this mall was perfect for your plans. Are you sure you’re okay with giving it up?”

  “I’m sure. If I realized one thing being trapped in here, it was that I don’t quite fit. I’d never be comfortable, never feel like I could be myself in this place.” She waited to see if he was going to lecture her, but he just gave the fancy store signs a sneer.

  “Besides,” she continued, “the real benefit that makes this location pay off is the promotion. And that’s something you could use much more than I could.”

  “I thought you wanted your store here? Didn’t you say this was the perfect place to showcase Isn’t It Romantic’s message?”

  She stared down the length of the mall, noting the fancy store names and the feeling they invoked. Definitely not a feeling of welcome, or of love. Even if she was sure she’d get a little hot and excited whenever she saw them again, given how wild the lovemaking had gotten between her and Jason.

  “This place is too superficial for romance.” Finally sure, and ready, she stepped forward and laid her palm against Jason’s chest, so warm and hard beneath his shirt. “Isn’t It Romantic wouldn’t fit. I let my self-doubts and insecurities fog my judgment.”

  “But what are you going to do?” he asked as he lay his own hand over hers while wrapping his other one around her waist and pulling her closer.

  “I’m going to buy out Mr. Murphy and turn the bookstore into my dream store.” Just saying the words sent a thrill of rightness through her. It fit her, just like Jason did. “I’ve always wanted the store. And like you said, I love the Victorian. I’ll shift it from books to my romance niche and it’ll be perfect.”

  “I thought you were worried about the location?”

  She grimaced. Since when was Jason the harbinger of reality? “I am, a little. But I’ll figure something out.”

  “How about we setup a little display in the store here? Feature the adventurous side of romance?”

  “That’s perfect,” she said with a relieved smile. “Are you sure Peter won’t mind? He’ll be taking the job of running your place here, right?”

  “No. Actually, that job will be both of ours. If Peter wants to make this work, he’s going to have to take turns.”

  “Take turns?” Larissa reached up, her fingers reveling in the soft, silky feel of his hair as she brushed the lock off his forehead. “You mean take turns going off and having adventures?”

  Jason caught her hand and brought her fingers to his mouth, brushing his lips over them before pressing a damp kiss to her palm. Larissa shivered as desire heated low in her belly. For a brief second, she wished the power—especially the power running the video cameras—was out again so they could have a little privacy to explore the sensual heat warming her girly parts.

  “No. Take turns staying home with the women we love.”

  Larissa’s mind, so busy entertaining the image of dragging him into the store’s bathroom with all its privacy for some fast and hot sex, went blank.

  “You love me?” she asked, both exhilarated and terrified. “Really, this time?”

  “I love you,” he confirmed, pressing her hand to his chest. His eyes held hers captive as he leaned down, saying just before he took her mouth, “Really, this time.”

  Their lips slid together in a soft, sweet promise that brought more tears to Larissa’s eyes. Then, as if realizing sentiment was going to ruin their hot moment, Jason deepened the kiss. His tongue begged entrance, then proceeded to drive her crazy. Twining, dancing, entrancing, he held her mouth captive as he curved his fingers into her hair and lifted her mouth to more perfectly fit against his.

  “Maybe we should send Conner a thank-you gift,” she teased as they ended the kiss, her fingers twining through the hair at the nape of his neck. “You know, to show our appreciation for his trapping us together here.”

  Jason laughed, then glanced down the length of the mall and got a wicked look in his eyes.

  “I’ve got just the thing.”

  She followed his gaze, seeing the bench they’d had their lousy meal on. She frowned, then spied the long box tucked underneath it.

  “You’d give him your dick?” she said with a laugh.

  “Not my dick,” he corrected after a quick wince. He gripped her hips and pulled her closer to make sure she knew his was still there, hard and happy. “But I’ll give him the koteka. We’ve already enjoyed its special powers so it’s only fair to pass it on. And I think he’d get a kick out of it.”

  “You don’t want to save that for your museum?” she asked, twining her arms around his neck and nuzzling his throat.

  “The only big person I want seeing my big woody is you,” he teased, his arms banding tight around her like he didn’t ever want to let go. Then his tone turned serious and he said, “But this is about more than sex, okay? I’m not looking for that bootie call. I’m looking for a real relationship. One where we trust each other and depend on each other and all that grown up romance stuff.”

  Laughing, she nodded. Before she could say anything, he continued, “I don’t want to date. Or to live together. I don’t even want to get engaged. I want to move right past go and get married.”


  Holy shit. Larissa could see how serious he was. There was no hesitation in his eyes, no worry or doubt. Instead she saw only love and confidence.

  As joy and excitement fought for top emotional billing, Larissa leaned back, wondering how she’d gotten so lucky. But fear still lingered.

  “You’re sure?” she asked quietly. “I mean, this time I have expectations. Real ones. A lifetime of them.”

  His smile was slow, sweet and positive. He nodded, then wrapping his hands tighter around her waist to lift her to her tiptoes, he brushed a soft kiss over her lips.

  “I’m sure enough for a lifetime,” he promised. “I believe in us, Larissa. I believe that I’m the man to make you happy. And I believe you’re the woman I want to spend my forever with.”

  She gave a tremulous smile and, finally believing it was for real, nodded. “Then yes. I want to marry you. I want to spend my life with you. Build our careers and hold each other’s hands as we face whatever comes our way.”

  He laid his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, giving a huge sigh of relief. Then he opened his eyes, brushed another soft kiss over her lips and arched his brow.

  “You’re sure? Because there’s no backing out or easy misunderstandings this time. If we do this, it’s for the long haul.”

  Larissa stared at his gorgeous face, the hope and love shining from his blue eyes. How could she ever have doubted that he was her perfect romance hero?

  “Yes. I’m ready for the long haul,” she vowed.

  His laughter bounced off the walls a
s he swept her into his arms and started heading down the mall. Larissa wrapped her hands around his neck to hold on, laughing along with him. “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Conner said two hours. We have one left and I’m planning to make good use of it.”

  “More gratuitous sex?” she teased.

  “More like grateful, amazing sex,” he corrected, pausing in the doorway of the store to kiss her.

  As his lips slid over hers, Larissa had to agree.

  She was very, very grateful, and the sex between them?

  Definitely amazing.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0176-7


  Copyright © 2011 by Tawny Weber

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  Table of Contents

  Letter to Reader

  Title Page

  About the Author

  Books by Tawny Weber



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5


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