His Possession (The Owners)

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His Possession (The Owners) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “Hold onto me,” he said. Her hands gripped his biceps, her nails sinking into his muscles. Running his cock down to her entrance, he stared into her eyes. “Look at me. This might sting a little.”

  “I trust you.”

  He closed his eyes to gain his bearings. When he was in control once again, he opened his eyes and looked at her. She was biting her lip. Her eyes wide open. Pressing his cock inside her, he felt the heat of her surround his shaft. She was hot and tight.

  In one smooth thrust, he tore through her innocence and seated himself up to the hilt inside her. She screamed, fighting against him.

  “Sh, calm down, I’ve got you.”

  “It hurts,” she said. Tears fell from her eyes. Cadeon kissed her tears away. Her pussy was tighter than a fist around him. Holding still within her, he knew she would need time to accommodate him.

  “I know, I’ve got you. I’m inside you.”

  “You’re too big. This won’t work.”

  He kissed her on the lips trying to distract her. Her nails were still holding him in place, but she wasn’t fighting him any longer. Teasing a response from her lips, he kissed her lips, her neck continuously. She gave him back more, opening her lips to receive more of him. Cadeon swivelled his hips, not thrusting back inside her but to see if she was still hurting. Her grip tightened and then relaxed.

  “What’s the matter, baby. Talk to me,” he said.

  “It doesn’t hurt.”

  Cadeon pulled out of her snug heat slowly before pushing back inside. He took it slow, allowing her to become accustomed to his length and girth. Staring into her eyes, making sure her focus was on him. Taking hold of her hands he pressed them against her head as he slowly made love to her.

  “Do you feel that?” he asked.

  She bit her lip.

  “I’m so fucking hard for you. I want to fuck you hard and fast, but I’m going to go slow. Let this tight pussy get used to me.” Cadeon held still as her pussy convulsed around him.] “Whose woman are you?”

  “Yours,” she said without any hesitation. Pulling his hands away, he moved down her body and grasped her hips in his hand. He moved up to sit back, his cock still inside her. “Hold onto the headboard,” he said. Her arms lifted above her head. Cadeon turned his gaze to where they were connected. His cock inside her pussy. He hated the sight of the condom, but seeing her pussy taking him inside was one of the best sights he’d seen in a long time. Using all his strength with his hands on her hips he slid out of her body before he sank back inside, watching her cream soak his shaft. “You look so fucking beautiful taking me inside you.”

  He continued taking her slowly at first, his gaze going from her pussy to her tits, which bounced with every thrust and grind. Sweat dotted his body with the control he had to have over himself. He wanted to fuck her hard and fast. The need to drive himself deep in her body driving him crazy.

  Touching her clit to bring her closer to orgasm, Cadeon knew he wouldn’t be able to hold off his release for much longer. Her little cries filled the air. Her pussy was going unbearably tight around his dick.

  “That’s it. Come for me, baby. I want to feel it.” He gave small thrusts of his cock as he fingered her clit. Each flick and thrust brought her closer to the edge of release.

  Her scream as he pushed her over the brink was a magical sound to him. Moving over her, taking hold of her hands above her head, he pounded inside her. Her cream soaked his condom. He mourned the fact he couldn’t feel her release. One day soon he wanted to take her without a condom between them. He wanted to be the one to fill her beautiful body with his seed. To have her filled with everything he had to offer.

  Thrusting inside her one last time as his release went through him, his cock kicked in the condom, his seed filling the latex between them. Cadeon sucked on her neck as his body shook from the force of his release.

  Both were breathing heavily. Cadeon moved off her. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ve just got to get rid of this. Stay here.” He went to the bathroom and pulled off the condom. Wrapping it up, he discarded the used condom. He rinsed a cloth and made his way back to the bedroom.

  Small dots of blood coated her mound and the top of her thighs. He pressed the cloth against her, noting the wince as the cold touched her sensitive flesh.

  Staring into her eyes, he smiled. “Are you going to ask me what I’m doing?”

  She shook her head.

  Cadeon cleaned the blood away, his heart constricting in his chest. She’d given him the most precious gift a woman could give a man. He would treasure the gift and her for the rest of his life.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “You’re welcome.”

  He left to clean the cloth before returning to her. Getting into bed beside her, he ignored the time and lay with her in his arms.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “You’re amazing.”

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  “You stay with me. I’m not letting you go, ever.” He gazed down at her in his arms.

  “Do you promise?”

  “Nothing would ever keep me away from you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Tate and Sean stared at each other as they talked about the information they’d found out.

  “This isn’t going to please Cadeon,” Tate said.

  “Do I look like I give a fuck about Cadeon right now? This is a serious threat, Tate. Do you have any idea the number of women and children who go missing because of this asshole?”

  “If this is the same girl they’re hunting then you know we’re the ones who’ve brought them here? Our fucking meddling could have raised the alert. Why Violet? Why risk this?” Tate threw down the piece of paper with all of Violet’s past history. The crap they couldn’t find through legal means.

  “We need to meet her. I know Cadeon is smitten with her. I’ve got to know for certain before we fly out there. Speak to her. See if there is anything we’re missing,” Sean said.

  Kevin had been silent as the two men talked. Stephen looked over the pieces of paperwork. The four men helped to fund the safety and protection of women. Sean was a known bounty hunter who the high risk jobs that not many men would come back from. He was a highly dangerous living, breathing weapon.

  “What do you know about Dominic Green?” Stephen asked.

  “Only that he’s a high list target. There is a hefty sum on his head for whomever brought him in alive.”

  “And this woman could have led him to us?” Stephen rubbed his eyes.

  Tate glared down at the information. He dealt in security, but hearing the crap that Violet had been put through he was ready to do some damage.

  “No. We led him to us,” Sean said. “Arrange a chance for us all to meet. I want to see the girl with this price tag on.”

  “What’s in it for you?” Tate asked. Ever since the name Dominic Green had been mentioned, Sean had been acting crazy.

  “Let’s just say, he and I have got an old score to settle.” None of the men questioned Sean. No need to. The vicious look on his face was more than enough of an explanation.

  Tate ran his fingers through his hair. “This is going to get messy.”

  “I’ll deal with it. I can call in an old team I use to know,” Sean said.

  “What exactly do you need me to do?” Stephen asked.

  “Get Cadeon and the girl here, or just give us a chance to meet. I need to talk to her, I’ve got some information, and it could help us see if this girl is the same one Dominic Green is after,” Sean said.

  “What do we tell Cadeon?” Tate spoke this time.

  “Nothing. This needs to be for our ears only. I can’t risk exposing our knowledge to some of Green’s people. Cadeon will run, and he’ll take her with him. We need her here to lure Dominic Green out if that is what it comes to.”

  “You’re asking me to risk the life of one of my club members’ women?” Stephen asked.

  “For the safety of
everyone involved, yes. This isn’t just about Violet Moore. This is about all the other women who have been taken to pay a debt or kidnapped. We’re talking about a major fucking issue within our society,” Sean argued.

  They all knew there was an underlying issue with Sean. But no one wanted to air it in case it came back and bit them in the ass.

  All stared at one another in silence.

  Finally, Stephen spoke up. “Okay. I’ll get her here. But you’ve got to be on your best behaviour.”

  The men made arrangements, and Stephen wondered how deep the shit was that Violet Moore had pulled down on them.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Cadeon woke the following morning with his woman rubbing her body all over him.

  “Haven’t you had enough?” he asked. The day and night before had been a wake-up call. Violet was such a passionate woman. After he got past her fears at the beginning, she’d been an open book to him. Every touch and new sensation she wanted to explore. Staring at the top of her head, he wondered what had happened to that sweet, shy woman, he used to know.

  “I’ve created an insatiable beast,” he said as she kissed her way up and down his chest. Violet giggled, the sound going straight to his cock.

  “I can’t stop wanting you. I feel I’ve just woken up after being dead for so long.”

  His cock kicked inside his pants. Hearing her say those wonderful words was a delight to him. “I’ll never stop wanting you, my insatiable vixen.” He took her hips and rubbed his hard cock against her dripping pussy. “You want me, too?”

  She nodded her head.

  He thought about grabbing a condom from the bed stand. But that risked spoiling the moment. He wanted to be inside her naked. Cadeon was torn between doing the right thing and accepting how much he wanted her. Pulling the covers back, he grabbed his shaft and ran the tip through her wet folds. She was soaked with her own arousal. “You’re always so ready for me.”

  Not thinking about how wrong he was in taking her without a condom, he pressed the head of his cock in her cunt. She was tight even after the day and night he’d spent using her body.

  Moaning in rapture, he watched her eyes close as she took him all the way to the hilt. He was seated to the very top, hitting the tip of her cervix.

  From the intense expression on her face, he knew it was a mixture of pleasure and pain for her.

  “You feel how deep I am?” he asked.


  He cupped her ass, spreading her cheeks wide. The temptation to fuck her ass increased as he felt the little pucker between her cheeks.

  She gasped. Using the lubrication from her pussy, he pressed against her asshole. She moaned, and Cadeon stared into her eyes, the trust he saw in them driving him crazier than he already was. Lifting up with her in his lap, he kissed her on the lips.

  “Hold onto me,” he said.

  Her wet heat surrounded him. Her pussy contracted around his penis, squeezing him. Closing his eyes, he lifted up and down his shaft, bumping the top of her cervix with every thrust. She wouldn’t last long in this position. He wanted to feel her come before he changed positions.

  She wrapped her arms around him as he fucked inside her, her tits bouncing with every thrust. Cadeon went from looking at her face to watching those mounds dance. He licked his lips. Sticking his tongue out, he licked what he could, tasting her on his tongue.

  “Reach between us and play with your clit like I showed you on my desk.”

  Her hand bumped against him setting him off on a faster rhythm. In no time at all, her breath turned into pants, and the tightness of her cunt had him ready to slam inside her. To release his seed in the depths of her cunt.

  “Come on, give me that cum, baby.” Her eyes closed as her scream of completion rang out. Smiling, he rolled her onto her back. Pulling her legs up to his shoulders, he fucked her harder, watching the glazed look in her eyes as he hit the right spot. Her g-spot stroked with every thrust.

  By the end of the day he wanted her in so many different positions. There wasn’t going to be a part of her he didn’t touch. He wanted her ass, cunt, mouth. To fill every part of her and mark her as his.

  Thinking about her being filled with his seed brought him off. He exploded inside her, feeling her tight channel take all of him, milking every drop of cum.

  He took her lips, slamming his tongue inside her. The consuming lust between them set each on fire.

  “You’re going to kill me,” he said.


  Cadeon carried her to the shower, washing all of her body before they went downstairs in search of breakfast. Anne had made them a snack and left. He fed Violet, getting turned on as he watched the plump fruit pass her lips, making him think of his cock in her mouth.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he had no choice to answer the call.

  “I’ll be back soon. Business calls.” He left her in the kitchen reading a cookbook.


  Violet stared at the book in front of her. Not seeing any of the words. The pictures looked delicious. Her body was causing her some problems, the ache in her pussy making her more aware of the man in his office. She wanted to be with him again. Since he’d taken her virginity the night before she couldn’t get enough of him. Everything he did to her made her yearn for more. Biting her lip to try to contain the need inside of her, she turned the page of the book.

  Crossing her legs on the stool she felt the friction from the shorts she wore. Cadeon had brought her some clothes to wear. The denim shorts sat high on her ass. Her legs weren’t slender like most women’s. In fact looking at the mirror she was sure she had a small amount of cellulite on the tops of her thighs. Cadeon had convinced her she looked gorgeous. The way he touched her body made her feel beautiful.

  After some time passed she went in search of him. She found him laughing on the telephone in his office. She knocked to gain his attention. Using his hands, he told her to come in and take a seat. She sat down on the sofa and watched him. His hands were squeezing round a ball as he finished up a conversation.

  “Was it important?” she asked as he placed the phone down.

  “Yes and no.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense,” she said to him.

  “You keep staring at me like that, and I’m going to have you on your knees and fucking you from behind,” he said.

  Violet gasped as the way he described sent pleasure straight between her legs, the sudden change within him sparking off her own arousal.

  “Do you like the sound of that?” he asked. “I think you’d look so beautiful on your knees with your ass in the air. I love your shapely ass.” The ability to think was taken from her with his words. “You like the sound of that?”

  Violet nodded her head. She didn’t know what else to do. The fire had begun inside her at the image he’d created. Biting her lip, she crossed her legs where she stood. He circled his desk coming in front of his desk, his hand going to the belt of his jeans. She watched with rapt attention as he opened the belt and then the button. In no time at all, he stood with his jeans down to the knees with his cock in hand.

  “Do you trust me, Violet?” he asked.

  She tore her gaze away from his large shaft to stare at him. His gaze was penetrating, waiting for her to respond.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Strip.” Without hesitating she removed her clothes where she stood.

  “Come to me.” He spoke with such a mesmerising voice she had no choice but to follow his orders. When she stood in front of him, his scent invading everyone of her senses making her forget who she was. “Get on your knees.”

  Again, she followed his instructions.

  “I want you to open your pretty mouth and take my cock in between your lips.” She gasped as she saw in her mind the image of his head licking and sucking her own pussy. Slowly, she opened her lips. Cadeon ran the tip of his cock over her lips. She tasted the salty release of his pre-cum as he worked her.

>   “You’re going to look so sexy with my cock in your mouth.” He slid the tip inside. She licked the slit at the top and around inside the foreskin. She watched as his hand pulled the skin back and pushed more of him in her mouth. His other hand went to the top of her head, holding her in place as she thrust the hard length of him inside her. She closed her eyes in bliss as she gave him pleasure.

  “Such a good cock sucker. Even for your first time.”

  Violet knew she should hate the words he spoke, yet they only helped to arouse her more. The way Cadeon spoke reeled her in. He was the master, and she was his slave. She couldn’t begin to understand the magic he created, getting her to open to him unlike anyone else. When she was with him, nothing else mattered. Only she and Cadeon mattered.

  “You’re doing so well, Violet. You’re making me so happy.” She loved his compliments, and she found herself enjoying sucking him off more. Giving him pleasure gave her pleasure. The symbiotic turn in their relationship was an equal share of giving and taking.

  “I’m going to come in your mouth, and I don’t want to. I want to come inside you again. To make you mine.”

  “I’m yours already,” she said around his cock, meaning every word she spoke. If Cadeon got rid of her she would never replace him. This was it. Cadeon or nothing.

  He pulled out of her mouth. Violet opened her eyes and saw the saliva from her mouth coated his shaft.

  “Go into the middle of the room. On your knees with your gorgeous ass in the air.” She stood and did as he asked. The carpet felt good on her knees. Trying not to feel self conscious of her weight, she went to her knees. Her head rested on her arms as her ass went in the air. She knew her whole pussy and ass would be exposed for him to see. Not a part of her left to the imagination. She heard some rustling.

  “Don’t fucking move,” Cadeon said as she went to move to see what he was doing. Her body tensed from his commanding tone. “I love seeing you like this. Are you ready to serve your master?”


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