Total Control 2: By Choice

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Total Control 2: By Choice Page 5

by Alan Horn

  Dr. Benoit took my leash and turned me this way and that. He explained to everyone how my chains worked. How I got both pleasure and pain from being whipped. How they had to be very strict with me and never let me go unpunished if I broke a rule. There was a feral gleam in the eyes of several of the older women. I could see much pain in my future from them. When there were no more questions, Dr. Benoit left with Master Jack. My Mistress clipped the free end of my leash to my collar. She picked up a wicked looking crop. Then she took a double ended spring clip from her pocket and clipped it to the crop. Then she clipped the other end to my left nipple ring. Oh. My. God. This is humiliating.

  My Mistress addressed the room. If any of you don't know, this slave is the ex-wife of Jack. She divorced him before becoming violent. She will now go to each one of you and swear to obey you then ask you to show your dominance over her by cropping her ass. She turned to me and said, " Go, slave."

  I went to the nearest person, a woman, and said, I am Regina, the slave of Master Jack and Mistress Anna. I will obey you in all things. Please crop my ass mistress to demonstrate your dominance over me. The woman replied, certainly slave. She unclipped the crop from my nipple ring and said, "Punishment position." I bent over and lowered my head as far as I could. It was really hard to bend over with my hands locked to the back of my neck, but I had a lot of practice. The woman must have hit me as hard as she could, because, for a short woman, it really, really hurt. I made a kind of gurgled squeal, but I didn't move. I said, "Thank you, Mistress." The woman said, "Display positions. I sprang up and thrust my breasts out for her. She smiled and hung the crop back on my nipple ring.

  I went all around the room, begging everyone to crop me. I was blushing crimson the whole, long journey. This was so humiliating. Of course I knew I was a slave. I knew I had to obey every person there. But still, to carry my means of punishment clipped to my breast ask them to stripe my ass body was bloody awful. And I hadn't done anything wrong. This was just my introduction. After a few people had 'greeted' me, Master Jack came back into the room. He just watched the proceedings with a smile on his face. I'm glad someone was enjoying the spectacle, because I sure wasn't.

  After I had been 'Greeted' by everyone my Master dismissed everyone back to their duties. He asked me, ”Regina do you need to eliminate?”

  I answered, “Yes, Master, I need to pee.”

  Jack said, Stevens, get Smith and Martha to meet me in the garden, tell Smith to bring a shovel.” He unclipped the leash from my collar and led me to the garden. Lady Anna followed us.

  After a short wait, the gardener, maid, and butler joined us in the garden. "Smith," Jack said, “would you dig me a hole here. Make it about two feet deep and 1 foot around. Leave the dirt next to the hole.”

  Shortly the hole was finished. “Thank you Smith, “ said Jack. You can go back to your work now.” Smith left.

  Jack turned to Martha and Stevens. “You remember what the Doctor said about Regina never having privacy or pride?” Jack asked.

  They both nodded and Martha said, “I remember sir, but what does this hole have to do with his statement?”

  Jack said, “Regina must eliminate her wastes twice a day. This is the place where she will do that, no matter the weather or who is present. Usually, Lady Anna or I will bring her out to do her job, but occasionally we may ask you to walk her. So watch. "Regina, Pee now,” Jack ordered.

  Regina squatted over the hole and a golden stream flowed into the hole. Martha's hand flew to her mouth and she said, “Oh my.” Regina scraped some dirt into the hole with her foot.

  Jack told Martha, “Yes, I know it is not how ladies usually take care of their wastes. But remember Dr. Benoit's statements. Regina is to be treated as a pet, not as a woman. And this is how we walk our pets.”

  “Stevens,” jack said, “ I have been told a team of workmen came while Lady Anna and I were off picking up Regina. They were supposed to make some changes. I saw and used several of the rings they installed. Have you seen their work in the basement?”

  Stevens replied, “Sir, they took a number of heavy crates downstairs. They worked there nearly all day. They said you did not want us to go downstairs until you returned.”

  Jack said, “Good work, Stevens. You did just right. Let's go see what they brought us.” They all went downstairs, Jack leading Regina. In the large basement room they found the crew had installed a new brick wall on the south side. It had a large number of rings protruding. But the most noticeable object was a large cage with a metal framed cot inside. There was also a small metal box with a few holes scattered around its surface. It bore the legend, “Bad Girl Box.” There was furniture for confining and whipping girls. Several boxes containing coils of wire and piles of chain, and a winch on the ceiling.

  Jack said, “This looks just like what I expected. It will be a very secure place to keep Regina when we don't have anything for her to do.”

  Lady Anna said, “Jack, this is a terrible place to keep Regina. I want her with us upstairs. I suppose we can keep her here when we are away, but we have to give her some books.” “Regina, she continued, ”do you like to read?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” I said.

  “Anna,” Jack said, ”If we keep her with us, we will give up all of our privacy. We may consider her a pet but remember she is an intelligent pet who can speak to other people. I would prefer to keep her here at night and either bring her to our room or come down here when we want to play.

  Besides we will want her handy to this gear to keep her properly disciplined and trained. It is already here and won't fit in our room anyway. We will want our staff to discipline her, move her around, and otherwise take care of her, right? They will need access to her, and I don't want them traipsing through our bedroom all the time. Let's keep her here for a couple of weeks and see how it works out, all right?”

  Chapter 7 - My Routine

  I lay on my bed. My leash was locked to a ring on the brick wall that was part of my cage. I had a thick blanket covering me. I was under orders to use it only when sleeping, or it would be taken away. My wrists were locked to the back of the steel band clasped tight around my narrow waist. As always, my ankles were hobbled by 14 inches of chain. I was awake and thinking about my life. I used to have choices. I made a lot of bad ones. Now I had no choices, made no decisions. It was strange, I thought, When I was free, I had problems, hopes, frustrations and failures. Now I was slave I had only obedience. I was property. I had owners who cared for me and corrected me when I made mistakes. They continually trained me to be the best slave possible. They feed me, give me pain and pleasure, let me service them whenever they wanted. I was happier than I had ever been. My future was certain and had everything I needed. I was content.

  The window at the far end of the room was getting light. I wondered when I would be taken out of my cage? It was a mild curiosity I realized. I didn't care and was helpless to do other than obey orders.

  I lay awake on my and Jack's huge bed, looking out the window at the lightening sky. I was covered by silk sheets and a down comforter. Jack had already gone to one of his factories. He spent a lot of time away from home overseeing his factories. He assured me that he would be able to spend more time with me as soon as the new managers became more experienced. I doubted that, but hoped he was correct. I missed him. I felt pressured to watch over the staff and the grounds and household maintenance. The wife of a wealthy man had more responsibilities and less time to herself that I had imagined. I thought of my new, delightful responsibility – Regina. She was safely locked away in a cage with chains on her limbs and rings everywhere else. Regina had no responsibilities, none! She just waited to be told to do something. And sex. The damned slave had sex several times a day. She was whipped to orgasm, fucked in every hole and had the rapt attention of everyone in any room she was in. Sometimes I would like to change places with her. Nonsense. It was time to get up and start the day.

  After breakfast, I, took Stevens down
stairs. I showed him where everything was and got Regina unlocked and bent over the whipping rail. I said, “ The slave must have a regular schedule and strict discipline. The rules are posted on the wall to your left. Any violation earns her three stripes, and protests double it. A whipping gets her very aroused so that a single touch of your finger on her genital region will cause an orgasm. The punishment aspect of a whipping is when you decide not to let her have an orgasm. If you don't permit her to orgasm she will be in an agony of desire for hours. So, in the morning, if she has been good, three strokes and finger her slit. If she is particularly naughty, put her in the pillory or on the horse for a few hours. If you want, you can have her service you with her mouth or her ass right after the whipping. And of course whenever else you want. Isn't that right, Regina?”

  “Yes , Mistress. I would be most honored to service Master Stevens however he wants.”

  I continued, “ here is the key to her arms. Keep it on you at all times and never let her touch it. Everything else on her has no key. When you are finished with her, feed her, and chain her in the bath. Give her thirty minutes to freshen up then take her upstairs and introduce her to all the other staff. Remind them that she must be instantly punished for any lack of respect of violation of her rules. Find something for her to do, even outside, so long as she is secured and watched. She is not to use a chair. She may kneel, stand or lay, but sitting is forbidden. Decide how much the rest of the staff may use her and inform everyone. Don't let anyone use her vagina for sex. That is reserved to Mr. Hedley.” I left them and went upstairs to see to her weekly food order.

  Stevens took me to the bathroom and chained me to the wall then he had me kneel in front of him. He opened his pants and took out his semi rigid cock and said, ”now slave, service me.” “Yes, Master,” I said, leaning forward and kissing his member gently.

  I licked and kissed and sucked on the tip, pleased at the swelling erection I caused. I took more of him in my mouth, tasting the pre-cum. God, I do love the taste of men. I took him fully into my mouth, feeling his penis touch the back of my throat. I moved my head forward and back, taking him in and out using my tongue all around the member. He grabbed my head and held me fully onto his cock as he came. My mouth filled with his wonderful seed. I swallowed the gushing, warm, salty, liquid as fast as I could. I loved the taste, knowing that I had pleasured a Master with the most submissive act possible. I loved my slavery. He released my head and I reluctantly, slowly released him.

  He looked down as me, smiling and said, you performed vary well. If you do not do as well in the future, you will be punished.”

  I smiled up at him and said, “Master, your slave is pleased that you enjoyed her work.”

  “Very much slave. Now clean my cock.”

  “Yes, Master.” I slowly licked his cock clean and said, "that is all I can do, Master.“

  He returned his cock to his pants and closed them. He freed my arms and said, “I will be back in 30 minutes. Clean yourself and I will take you upstairs.” He left.

  I washed my hair and body and dried off. I sat at the small table and applied some make-up and put my hair into a pony tail. Then I knelt on the floor and crossed my wrists behind me and thrust out my breasts. I'm sure I glowed, I was so happy.

  Stevens returned, unlocked my leash from the wall ring, stood me up, and locked my wrists in place. He pulled my leash over my head, gently lifting my face, stepped close, and said, “kiss me, slave.”

  I smiled and parted my lips just a little. He bent his head to mine, I cocked my head to one side and he followed suit to the other side. He placed his lips on mine softly and ran his tongue back and forth on my lips. I slowly opened my lips to grant him access. He quickly pushed his tongue into my mouth, gently flicking all around. Savoring my sweet breath. Our tongues gently danced with each other, jointly exploring my mouth. Breathless minutes later, he broke the kiss, pulled back slightly, and said. “You taste like honey. Did they teach you how to kiss too?”

  “”Yes, Master,” I breathed. “The trainers were very thorough.”

  Stevens said, “Come on.” and led me out of the basement and up the stairs. I was careful to keep the leash fastened to my nose slack as I hurried after him, my ankle chain merrily clinking. We passed a young dark-haired maid in the hall who looked, wide eyed at me. Stevens said, please join us in the parlor Agnes. When Stevens stopped in the parlor, I knelt beside him, spread my knees wide and thrust my breasts out. Stevens said, Agnes, you were at the meeting yesterday with Dr. Benoit. Yyou were introduced to this slave. She will be serving in the house and grounds. How do you feel about that?”

  Agnes responded, “Sir, she is beautiful. Did I hear right that she will be whipped every day and we may have to whip her?”

  “Yes, that is correct,” Stevens said.

  “Sir, I don't want to hurt no one," replied Agnes, " Especially a poor, chained up lady who is beautiful. It wouldn't be proper to hurt someone like that.”

  “Agnes,” said Stevens, “That is correct, for everyone but Regina. She is a slave. We use the whip to correct her errors promptly so that they don't grow into large errors. Regina actually likes to be whipped, Don't you, slave”

  Yes, Master, It stings, but I'm used to it and it doesn't hurt as much as it sounds. And it makes me feel all warm and shivery inside. Its the best way to teach me how to behave. It is also the best way to reward me too, because if you touch me afterwards it makes me come. I love being whipped, Mistress." I desperately wanted this young woman to understand. I knew I was a living testament that everything society was teaching people was wrong. For thousands of years everyone was either a master or a slave. Oh, different words were used, but there were always people who gave orders and people who took them.

  Women were always submissive to men and biology impelled that relationship. Men were stronger, faster, and more aggressive. Women had children, they had to care for them. A man could impregnate many women and be long gone before a child came. Women had to use their beauty and their submissiveness to keep the men around. Beautiful, submissive women got the best, the strongest, the smartest men. I had been bred to be submissive and I knew it. Agnes did not. I wanted so badly to pass on my hard won knowledge of how the world really works. All women were natural slaves, whether they knew it or not. They would be much happier if they could learn that one simple fact.

  “Really, miss?” Agnes asked. Stevens quickly said, “Agnes, she is not a 'Miss' she is a slave and has no titles at all. She must address everyone as Master or Mistress, and if she forgets, she must receive a stroke of the whip. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, Sir. I'm sorry. Won't happen again, Sir,” said Agnes.

  “Regina, explain your feelings about being whipped to your Mistress,” said Stevens.

  Yes, Master. Mistress Agnes, I really meant what I said. It takes practice, and I have been trained for weeks. Now, a whipping stings something fierce, but only for an instant. Then it becomes pure pleasure that builds and makes me very aroused so that if I am touched on my pussy, I orgasm. The longer I am whipped before being touched, the bigger the orgasm. But if I am not touched, after the whipping stops, I live in an agony of need. I juice endlessly and I can't think of anything but my need to come. It is a beautiful agony, but it lasts for hours. I an so needy that I pant, I beg for someone to touch me. I will come in a burst of pleasure even if I am whipped or caned on my pussy. Pain and pleasure feel exactly the same for me.”


  “Well, Stevens,” I asked, “You've had Regina for the morning. How did the staff react?”

  Stevens replied, “Lady Anna, I introduced her to the house staff and all were polite. They had a lot of questions and Regina's answers were surprising to many. I think all the ladies are in awe. Regina is quite lovely and, seemingly happy, despite her condition. I heard several of the maids discussing how happy she was and wishing they could be too. The married ladies were wondering if they should ask their husbands to spank them. I have her
polishing the silverware in the parlor now. It is a task she can do with her limited arm reach. Per your instructions she is kneeling on a pillow beside the cabinet and I chained her collar to a ring on the wall. She had never done that before, but with a little instruction from Marie, she is doing well. When I looked in on her, she was humming a tune, quite becoming, really.”

  “Good, I said, "you are handling this remarkable situation rather well, Stevens. I want you to work out a regular schedule for her. She needs to be exercised regularly. She should work up a good sweat every week. Of course we want her to do some regular chores around here. I'm told some of the other owners are using their slaves outside to pull wagons and carts. We have some gear in the basement for that, her 'tack' we should call it. Anyway make a schedule of work for Regina. We will adjust it as we get more experience.”

  “Yes ma'am. I will have it for you tomorrow,” said Stevens.

  Chapter 8 - Envy

  After exercising her, Stevens took Regina downstairs and secured her in her cage.

  I brought Regina up to the upstairs study. It was connected to the bedroom. The workmen had provided several sturdy rings for fastening Regina when they were there. I locked Regina's leash to one of them close to my desk and had her kneel. “Regina, you look happy," I said, "tell me why.”

  “Mistress, I don't understand,” Regina replied.

  I reached out and put a finger through her right nipple ring and twisted it gently. Regina smiled. I said, “ You are helpless and completely under my control. I am able to cause you pain or pleasure with a single finger. How does that make you feel?”


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