Vampin' Ain't Easy

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Vampin' Ain't Easy Page 1

by Kimbra Swain

  Vampin’ Ain’t Easy


  Kimbra Swain

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Kimbra Swain

  Vampin’ Ain’t Easy: Legend of the Vampire Reject, Book 1

  ©2019 Kimbra Swain / Crimson Sun Press, LLC

  [email protected]

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  Cover by: Sharon Lipman, Fantasia Cover Design

  Formatting by Crimson Sun Graphics

  Editing by Carol Tietsworth:


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  About the Author

  Also by Kimbra Swain

  I shouldn’t have let him talk me into it, but I did. Beau, the owner of Tri-Star Wrecker Service, had given me a job when I couldn’t get one anywhere else. Because of my condition, I could only work at night. There were very few isolated night shift jobs with little human contact, which was a requirement for me. He’d said this tow was especially bloody. He knew the blood didn’t bother me. In fact, it was the reason I drove a tow truck at night. So, when he needed me for one last run, I gave into him.

  The car I retrieved wasn’t nearly bloody enough to satisfy the hunger in my belly. When I returned to my apartment on the outskirts of town, I decided my best bet would be to hit the bar and find a willing participant to feed me.

  I lived in an apartment complex that had four units. One of them, the one below me, was empty. The woman across the hall always looked tired. She offered a smile a time or two, but for the most part kept to herself. An older man lived below her. He, too, rarely spoke. This was the side of town where people went to disappear. That was why I lived here.

  The efficiency apartment had one large room and a bathroom. The kitchen had the smallest stove I’d ever seen with a single door fridge. The ice box inside had its own door. I had a couch from the thrift store, a coffee table made of pallet wood, and a small flat screen television mounted to the plaster wall. My double bed sat against the far wall with a cheap side table to hold my alarm. It wasn’t much, but I liked it.

  I dressed casually in dark jeans with holes at the knees and a black t-shirt with a faded band name on it. My black boots were knock-offs, but they were good enough for where I was going. I needed to feed, and I knew of a bar in town where I could get my fix. A willing fix.

  There were plenty of women looking for that dark creature inside of a man to pull their hair and call them whores. I hated it. I hated every part of being a vampire. But there were plenty of women who wanted to touch the darkness. Most didn’t want to stay there, which was better for me.

  I didn’t get any choice in becoming a vampire. My father was the Lord of the Southern Vampire Realm. He’d turned me as a 25-year-old man. However, I’d been raised in his household since birth. A child unwanted. Left for dead. Death found me thanks to my father. Nothing lived inside me except for the insatiable craving for blood.

  My body wanted it all of the time. I’d learned to curb the cravings with my unorthodox feedings, but the demon inside of me always needed more. If I didn’t give it what it needed, then it would take over. That was not a way I ever wanted to live again.

  Slipping into my leather jacket, I took one last look at myself in the mirror of my tiny bathroom. My skin had become a pasty white. I hadn’t fed, really fed, in over a month. I couldn’t afford to be this weak, so I went out to do the one thing I hated to do. I had to put a leash on my demon and take it out for a walk.

  When I walked into the bar, I saw several potential targets immediately. Illicit was that type of club. The black décor was accented with black. Splashes of red reminded of us all of why we were here. Gothic arches circled the room, but they were more faux than fabulous. Iron candelabras pushed the décor to kitsch.

  Most vampires kept a human harem whether male or female, didn’t matter. A blood harem to feed their whims. I only took from those who were willing and knew the consequences. Inside my fangs were tiny pockets of venom, one drop would cauterize a wound, half the venom would turn a human to a vamp, and all of it would kill the prey.

  I took a seat at the bar and took a look at the crowd. There were about thirty in the small space tonight. Something loud and metal played through the speakers.

  “Evenin,’ Malik. Haven’t seen you in a while,” Thorn, the bartender, said. “Your usual?” He wore black leather pants, and a black collar with silver spikes around it shaped like thorns. He belonged to someone, but I wasn’t sure who. I’d never asked. This wasn’t the place for idle chit-chat or get-to-know-you questions.

  “Yes,” I replied. He promptly filled a rocks glass with two pieces of ice and a honey brown liquor. I lifted the drink to my lips, hoping it would numb my conscience for what I was about to do.

  “You good?” he asked.

  “Yeah, thanks, man,” I replied, laying a twenty on the bar. He smiled, then stuffed the twenty in his pocket. It would be good for a couple more before I owed him any more money. The first time I’d come to Illicit Thorn refused to let me pay, because of my father who had ruled the city for 200 years. He was the first white man in the area, starting out as a fur trader with the indigenous peoples. He had at least 3 known mistresses plus his lawful wife. As each one of them died off, he found others. But he couldn’t produce children once he’d turned.

  The reason historians couldn’t decide where the infamous Timothy Demonbreun was buried was because he wasn’t dead. In the human sense, he was. But as a vampire, he lived, ruled, and made my life a living hell until I left the protection of his name. His influence still lurked around my life. He watched me through his thugs and minions.

  “Hi,” a sultry voice said to my left.

  I lifted my eyes to see the overly painted face of a woman who reeked of sexuality. The exact kind of woman I needed.

  “Hello,” I replied.

  “Looking for some company?” she asked.

  “You don’t waste time,” I replied.

  “Why should I? I know what you need. You know what I need,” she said.

  “What’s your name?” I asked, turning to view her face to face. She wore a tight black dress which pushed up her breasts to large round mounds jiggling above her neckline. The boobs I liked, but I wanted to see her neck, which she had teasingly covered with a black lace choker.

  She ran her black nails over the lace, drawing my eyes back to hers. “Becky.”

  “Whose Becky?” I asked. The harems of th
e lords of the vamps called all their women Becky or Callie. Beck and Call girls.

  “Yours now,” she purred.

  “Nope. Not how I operate. I’m a one and done,” I said. “If you can’t handle that, move along.”

  “Oh, so dark and broody. I’m wet already,” she said, reaching down below her navel. I kept my eyes fixed on her neck. I didn’t want to know what she was doing down there.

  “I don’t need you wet. I just need you willing for a couple of hours,” I said.

  “Willing to do what?” she asked.

  “Whatever I say,” I replied as the darkness crept in to take over my senses. I could smell her blood pumping through her veins. I could smell the musty wet she’d spoke of between her legs. She wanted me to unleash the darkness inside of me. She knew what it was and craved it.

  Moving closer to my side, she traced the edge of my ear with her tongue then whispered, “I want it hard. I want you to pull my hair and make me scream.”

  The hunger pulsed inside of me as she’d said the right things. She knew that to be truly fed a vampire needed a willing vein and an orgasming woman. It wasn’t just the blood that could sustain the feeder. It was also the endorphins and chemicals released into the body when a person climaxes which made the blood that much more nourishing.

  I could drink from any woman to feed, but to truly be satisfied, I needed it all.

  “Let’s go,” I said, grabbing Becky’s hand and leading her out to my car. The old 1957 Thunderbird was my hobby. Right now, she looked like a rust bucket, but one day she would shine. I had a motorcycle, too, but I knew I’d have a passenger tonight.

  “What the fuck is this?” Becky asked when I opened the door.

  The beast inside of me roared at her insolence, and I hated myself for it. I’d hate myself for the rest of the night, but it had to be done. “Get in the fucking car,” I said.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she said with a giggle.

  “Don’t call me that,” I spat.

  “Touchy, touchy. You need this more than I do,” she said with a smile.

  I revved up the engine, and her eyebrows raised at the hum of the engine which I had finished the rework on two days ago. It sounded heavenly. I owned very few things in this world, but this car and my bike meant more to me than anything else.

  “Just shut up,” I barked, pulling out of Illicit’s parking lot.

  The ride to my efficiency apartment took twenty minutes. Twenty minutes of silence while I drank in the smell of her pulsing blood. The smirk on her face told me that she knew exactly what I was doing, which relieved me. She’d experienced it before and wanted it. It wouldn’t erase my guilt, but it would lessen it.

  When we pulled up at my apartment, she shook her head. “You live here?”

  “You have a problem with that?” I asked.

  “No. Just most of the suckers that I know live in big houses or fancy condos,” she said.

  “Yeah, well, I’m a reject,” I replied. “You can walk back to the club yourself if that’s a problem.”

  “Nope. Just means you need it even more than I thought,” she said. “And that is good for me.”

  She was right. She would have the best orgasm of her life. Guaranteed.

  Opening the door to my apartment for her, I held up my hand to offer her to enter. “Last chance to walk away,” I said.

  “Aren’t you just the chivalrous type? I don’t like that, but I get the feeling you aren’t as good as you think you are,” she said, stepping inside.

  I shut the door as she unzipped the back of her dress, but I caught her hand mid-way. “I don’t need your clothes off,” I said wrapping my hand in her hair. I shoved her toward the bed, and she giggled with excitement. She lifted the hem of her skirt to pull it up over her hips revealing a bare ass and lace thigh-highs. She looked back at me. “Don’t look at me again,” I instructed.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, looking down at the bed. Her legs quivered with excitement as I looked over what she offered.

  “Don’t call me, Sir.”

  “What do you want me to call you?”

  “Don’t call me anything. I’m nothing to you. You are nothing to me.”

  Her legs clenched together with my words. She liked the anonymity of it. I did it, because the moment I spoke my last name, I knew she would run. She already knew about how vampires fed. She knew to call herself Becky. Even with those warnings, I couldn’t hold back. The leash on my demon had already pulled so tight that I was choking. Her heart raced with anticipation. My fangs extended looking at her bare ass in the air.

  “Okay,” she responded.

  “Stretch your hands out to your sides. Don’t look at me. And if you want to live, don’t fucking scream. I don’t need the neighbors pounding on the door during my meal,” I growled. Listening to my own voice, I knew the demon inside had taken over. There was no turning back now. I’d opened the door, and it was time to eat.

  I didn’t bother to undress. I unzipped my pants to pull out the one part of my body that had more life than the rest. My throbbing cock wanted her offering. Without hesitation, I shoved myself into her wet hole. It wasn’t as tight as I would have liked, but it would do. The hot, wet surrounded me, sinking me deeper into my depravity. She whimpered as I began to pound her relentlessly. I needed her to climax more than once to get the juices flowing.

  The first orgasm came quickly as her fists gathered the sheets in tight balls. She only whimpered, but I didn’t stop to let her relax after the first one and she got louder.

  “I told you to be quiet.”

  She nodded her head as I grabbed her hips to shove her body on to my dick feeling the wetness increase from her orgasm. She panted and wiggled as I relentlessly fed the carnal need of my hunger. Sweat rolled off her ass and down her back. I hadn’t broken a sweat. In fact, I never sweated. Just wasn’t possible for me.

  “Be still. Please don’t make me slap you.”

  “Please,” she begged.

  “Please what?” I growled.

  “Slap me,” she begged.

  I grabbed her by the hair lifting her torso off the bed. She arched her back in response as I felt her building to another climax. I wasn’t ready to finish so I released her hair, and she flopped back down to the bed.

  “Why?” she whimpered.

  “You will come when I am ready to eat,” I replied.

  “Hurry,” she said.

  “Shut up.” She huffed as I continued to slam into her. When I felt my balls swell, I knew it was time.

  I jerked her up once again by her hair, and she let out a wail. I let her scream, because by this point, I was hitting it right where she needed. She couldn’t be quiet if she wanted to. She arched her back and trembled with each stroke. Her hair was wet with perspiration and I knotted my hand into it forcing her to look straight up.

  I pulled her head back to me and ripped the lace from her neck with my other hand. Leaning into her ear, I nicked the edge of her ear with one of my fangs.

  “Oh,” she gasped with the prick. I licked the drop of blood from her earlobe and moaned at the hot taste. My stomach demanded more, and the urge to take her overwhelmed my urge to release.

  I could see the blood rippling through her neck with each fluttered beat of her heart. The pounded called out to me. She wanted it, and there was no stopping the beast.

  “Are you ready, Becky?” I whispered in her ear. She nodded her head violently. “Good.”

  Sinking my fangs into her neck, she orgasmed again, and I drank in the hormones and blood as she trembled beneath me. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks as the orgasm rocked through her. Then, my own cock released the dead blanks into her body.

  I released her, dragging my fangs and cock from her limp form. She sank to the bed, drifting into ecstasy. Then I saw it, two other fang scars. This woman had been with others like me or she did belong to someone. Either way, I was the one fucked. Not her.

  That feeling of dread and guilt washed over me,
and the demon, now fed, fled back into the dark cave where I kept it. I backed away from her as I tucked myself away. She rolled over pulling her dress down to cover herself.

  “I knew you would be better than the rest, Malik,” she said, speaking the name I’d kept from her.

  “Who are you? Who do you belong to?” I asked, feeling my impending doom.

  “I’m just Becky,” she said as she walked to the door. She opened it, and my cousin, Trey, stood there gawking at me.

  “Good work, Becks. I’ll repay you later,” he said, stroking her cheek.

  “Anything for you, Daddy,” she responded.

  “Come on, Malik. He wants to see you,” Trey said.

  “No, I’m not going down there,” I said.

  “Whether you like it or not, you are going. He likes it when you are fed before you visit. You remember what happened last time?” Trey teased.

  “Fuck off. Tell him to fuck off, too,” I said.

  “No can do. You are coming with us,” he said, as he walked into the room. Two other beefy goons stepped into the doorway behind him.

  I could fight them and expend what energy I had left. Or I could go quietly this time holding back for what my father had in store for me. I decided the latter was the smarter course of action since my hunger had led me down this road in the first place. I should have known when she approached me that she knew too much about us. What we liked. What made us tick.

  I shrank inside myself knowing that I had fucked up.

  “Come on, Reject. Lord Demonbruen is waiting,” Trey said as he grabbed my arm to drag me out of my apartment.


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