Surrender Boxed Set (Surrender Series Volume 1 - 7. BDSM romance with man love, bad boys, and billionaires.)

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Surrender Boxed Set (Surrender Series Volume 1 - 7. BDSM romance with man love, bad boys, and billionaires.) Page 2

by Anita Lawless

  We had scant time to dress when the car stopped. Dmitri helped me adjust myself after he refastened his shirt and jacket and righted his tie. I swore the driver gave us a knowing smile as he held the door open. In response, I blushed until my ears burned.

  Our delicious dinner consisted of roast duck, expensive wine I’d never heard of, and a pasta dish with a sumptuous cream sauce that melted in my mouth. As we finished our meal, Dmitri put down his fork, tented his hands over his plate, and stared at me. “I admit I have an ulterior motive in asking you out tonight.”

  My bite of duck almost caught in my throat. “Oh?” was all I could manage.

  He smiled that winsome smile. “Charlotte, I’ll be honest with you, I don’t trust a lot of people. But I keep my friends close and take good care of them, though I have few. You see, people treat me differently once they know my family history. I admit, part of the reason I work as a therapist is to keep up a ruse of being just another person, not a ridiculously rich man. I hate that people’s demeanor toward me changes the moment they know I’m Vladmir Nichvaldov’s son.” He paused, engulfing my small hands in his massive ones. “You’ve known who I was from day one, and you’ve always treated me like a human being. Not like a billionaire. Thank you.”

  “Oh, well…” I went to push up glasses that weren’t there and felt a fool for the action. “You’re very welcome, Mr. Nich—I mean, Dmitri.”

  “Which is why I’ve decided to make you an offer. I like to think I pay you well as my secretary, but, with your father’s medical bills, I imagine you could use a raise to cover all those costs.”

  A raise? He’s going to give me a raise after making mad, passionate love to me? I almost had to pinch myself.

  “But you deserve more than a raise, which is why I’d like to ask you to become—”

  Oh, no, he wasn’t going to ask me to marry him, was he? I clutched at the tablecloth and held my breath.

  “—my mistress.” With a vulpine expression, he produced folded papers from a pocket inside his jacket and slid them over to me.

  My hope plummeted. It was too good to be true after all. His mistress? What did he think I was? Some floozy who’d drop my drawers for a wad of cash? I looked at the papers he’d just pushed in front of me, felt my anger growing. “What is this?”

  “That is a contract outlining my part in this bargain, and yours. I’ll provide your father with top medical treatment. There is a perfect senior care facility my mother lives in. Gives the people there a sense of independence, while still providing excellent help. I’ll also set you up in a apartment close to the facility, so you can visit him everyday…”

  I scanned the terms of the contract. It was slim, and my duties as mistress were kept brief and vague, but it said the terms were to be further explained, as the deal progressed, by Mr. Nichvalodov.

  My anger became a cold fist that settled in the pit of my gut. “Do you think I’m a possession, a prostitute?”

  He looked surprised by my quiet question, then his face went impassive. “Well, I’ve known many fine, respectable prostitutes in my time, Charlotte. The word doesn’t always have the negative connotation you assign to it. As for a possession, no, you’d be my companion, my confidant, my lover.”

  “So that’s why you’ve been so nice to me.” My rage now crawled up from my gut, spreading icy fingers through my chest. “You wanted to get close, learn about my life, so you could use it against me. That’s what this is. You’re using my situation against me.”

  Now his green eyes darkened with obvious distaste. “I don’t prey on people’s weaknesses, Charlotte. I’m merely giving you an opportunity to be worry free when it comes to financial matters. To care for the father I know you love dearly. You told me that his illness is getting to the point where you struggle to meet all his needs.”

  The rage was all encompassing now. I wanted to cry, to scream, to slam my tiny fists into his brick-like chest. I shoved the contract toward him and stood, but my gaze did linger on the papers. The deal would make my life, Dad’s life, so much easier. “You can shove your contract—”

  He stood and moved with the speed of a panther, ensnaring my wrists and pulling me down into his lap. Thankfully we were in a private room of this exclusive restaurant, so no onlookers could see my embarrassment or frustration.

  “Instead of taking instant offense, why not think this over before you say something you’ll regret?” he growled in my ear.

  I snatched myself from his lap and grabbed his glass of wine. Before he could stop me, I threw the red liquid in his face. It missed entirely, splashing against the white dress shirt he wore instead. Before he could react, I snapped, “That’s what I think of your proposition,” as I bolted from the table and then from the restaurant.


  My anger cooled somewhat on the bus ride home. Dad and Lucy asked repeatedly how the date went, but I begged off, saying I must’ve ate some bad shrimp and I needed to go straight to bed. I asked Lucy to spend the night in the spare room, so someone was there to check on Dad through the night. I just couldn’t bear his concerned questions right now, and I was terrified I’d just lost the best paying job I’d had in years.

  The next morning I dragged my butt getting ready for work. I dreaded what I would face. At least the office hadn’t called to tell me not to bother coming in. I figured that was a bonus. The bus ride there seemed way too short that day. But during it, and the night I’d spent lying sleepless in bed, I’d decided to accept Mr. Nichvalodov’s offer, sign his contract. The dollar figures I’d seen in those papers would be more than enough to adequately care for me and Dad. Dad came first. I had to do this for him.

  The office was quiet when I slipped in. My boss wasn’t out front at the water cooler or near my desk, as he often was when I arrived. Taking a deep breath, I held it while I calmed my mind. Now or never, Charlotte.

  My heart thudded in my ears like a loud drum as I approached his door. I noticed it was open a crack, and when I tapped lightly with one knuckle, his deep voice drifted through. “Come in.”

  I walked in, and when he looked up I froze. Gathering up every ounce of courage, I held his intimidating gaze. “Do I still have a job here?” I hated the tremble in my voice.

  He gave a small smile, which granted me some relief. “Yes, you’re still my secretary.”

  I nodded, moved a bit closer to his desk. The lump in my throat was hard to swallow down. “I’ve … I’ve decided to accept your offer, if it’s still on the table.”

  His smile widened. White teeth showed, and I felt a bit like a rabbit staring down the wolf. He opened a drawer in his desk and pulled some papers out. The contract. I quit breathing for a moment when he slid the document toward me.

  Again I told myself, now or never. With shaky hands, I took a pen from Dmirti and bent over to sign on the dotted line. As I did so, he came around the desk and slipped his warm, strong hands around my waist. My heart and breathing sped up, and I chided myself for such foolish reactions to a simple man. But then, I was wrong. Dmitri Nichvalodocv could never be a simple man.

  “I’m so glad you decided to accept.” His arms engulfed me now, and he turned me so I was held tight against his chest.

  “You’re not mad about the wine?” I stammered, trying not to look away from those incredibly intense eyes.

  He smirked. “I’ll get another shirt.”

  His hand glided up the side of my body, around my neck, and then his palm cradled my head. I wore my long hair loose today, so he tangled his fingers in my curls and yanked my mouth to his. Our lips crushed together and his tongue plunged into my mouth violently. There would be no denying him access now.

  “Oh, Charlotte,” he whispered against my cheek, before claiming my lips again. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this.”

  He pushed me up against the desk and swept a pile of papers out of his way with one big hand. His other hand cupped my ass and hoisted me up on the desk. My heart now boomed so loudly
in my ears I swore it would burst.

  He tore my clothes from me in a torrent of passion. My fingers worked in a nervous flurry to peel off his shirt and the rest of his suit. As we undressed, our hands roamed over each others’ bodies, kneading, probing, caressing. My skin became charged with his erotic touch.

  He adjusted me on the desk so I was sprawled out on it lengthwise, and then he swept more papers and the phone off the surface. Then he pulled back from me, and those emerald eyes ravished my body with an intense up and down appraisal.

  “You’re gorgeous. I knew you would be a stunning sight when I got you naked.”

  His lips were once more upon me, kissing my neck. Now, he added licks and gentle bites too. I soon squirmed against him and let out a soft mewling as his hands explored every inch of my skin. As his tongue moved lower—across my clavicle and down to my breasts—the throbbing in my pussy went from a dull tingle to a hungry throbbing. I needed him to touch me between my legs desperately.

  “How many men have you known before me?” His question fanned my nipples with his warm breath.

  I arched my back to get closer to this delicious sensation. “Only two. I don’t get out much.”

  He laughed at this, but not cruelly. “You might find you get out a lot more, now you’re my mistress.”

  A thrill ran in a straight line from my gut to my heart. My throat seized, but I managed to regulate my breathing. Between his promises and his ardent nipple play, I was beginning to feel like melting candle wax. But I wasn’t complaining in the least.

  His mouth made love to my breasts, my nipples, and the sensations his teeth, lips, and tongue stirred zipped straight to my cunt. It now screamed to be touched. Inside, I was a wild woman who wanted a carnal fucking, but I dare not utter this confession to my new lover.

  Finally his lips brushed over my wet, swollen pussy, and I gasped out at the contact. It felt so good, so intense, and it had been so long since I’d been touched there. He teased me mercilessly at first, blowing on my aching clit, kissing my inner thighs, but avoiding direct contact with my vagina until I moaned out, “Please, Dmitri, lick me. I must feel your tongue.”

  His chuckle was low and throaty. “Do you want to come again, darling? Should I give you release after you were such a bad girl?”

  Oh, sure, now he was going to make me pay. But this sexual game was exciting, so I gave the only response I could think of, hoping he wanted the wanton woman I hid so deeply inside. “Yes, oh please, yes. I promise I’ll be good from now on.”

  This time his chuckle was closer to a growl. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  Then he nudged the hood of my clitoris back with one hand, and his tongue flit out over the exposed bundle of nerves. I let out a shrill squeal and arched up to meet his mouth. He spread my dripping labia with two fingers and thoroughly stroked, teased, this soft inner flesh. I groaned when his touch slipped inside my hole. His fingers curled as they massaged my cunt walls. He found my g-spot in no time, caressing it to life with deft skill.

  “Beg me this time,” he said, after a few more maddeningly light flicks of tongue. “Beg me to make you come, mistress.”

  “Oh, please, Dmitri.” I buried my fingers in his long, flowing hair, which now fell loose around his shoulders. “Please make me come.”

  “Master,” he whispered against my clit. “When we’re lovers, you call me master. You are my mistress now.”

  “Yes, Master.” His lips closed around my clitoris and he sucked it deep into his mouth. “Whatever you say.”

  “First with my tongue,” he spoke between licks, and his touch moved faster inside me now, “and fingers, then with my cock. How does that sound?”

  “Oh, it sounds wonderful.”

  I clutched his hair tightly as the pleasure made me instinctually rock my hips. My cunt wanted to get closer to his face, wanted to absorb every ounce of bliss he had to give. Briefly I thought about Doug and felt guilty. Never had sex with him been so passionate, so wanton. It was sweet and tender and warm, but this… this was something that consumed me and made me submit to its will. In my master’s arms, I no longer had a mind of my own. My body’s responses took over, and I became the sultry mistress he wanted me to be.

  Soon I climaxed from his skilled pussy eating and finger fucking. My body shuddered, and my cunt held tight to his fingers as the orgasm made every muscle constrict. When I grew still, panting atop the desk, he climbed up between my legs. His rock hard cock slapped against his stomach as he loomed over me. The immensity of his maleness sent a thrilling jolt through me from head to toe. I wanted to slowly run my hands over every curve of muscles, wanted to dig my fingernails into his triangle-shaped back and take his penis as far inside of me as I could.

  As his eyes raked over me while he positioned himself, I felt a pang of embarrassment. Being totally exposed, though he claimed to find me beautiful, made me feel so vulnerable, so fragile. I was terrified of rejection in that moment, but, judging by the lusty blaze of his stare, I had nothing to fear.

  His cock was long and thick and well veined. He slid it up and down my wet slit, getting the shaft and glans all slippery before he ground the meaty head into my clit. I groaned and writhed, pressing my pussy tight against his penis.

  “Do you want it?” He tortured my quivering cunt, but refused to give it release. “Hmmmm…tell me how much you want it, Mistress.”

  “Ohhhh, sooo bad, Master.” I tilted my pelvis and spread my legs wider, displaying myself like a shameless hussy who craved a good fucking. “I need you inside me now.”

  “What do you need inside you?” His teasing would drive me mad, I was sure. “Say the words. Let me hear those dirty, nasty thoughts coming from your pretty little mouth.”

  I’d used dirty words before. Doug and I had tried a few different things. Some dirty sex talk, but we inevitably ended up giggling in each others’ arms. Yet, with Dmitri, my master, these words were like utterance from a wild, sexual beast. One who would not be denied what he desired. My nervousness, my embarrassment, took a back seat to my lascivious need to please him and be pleased.

  “Fuck me with that big cock, Master.” I gasped out the plea. “Stick it in me deep and fuck me hard.”

  “Good mistress,” he purred. “You do my bidding quickly.”

  He plunged his long, meaty cock deep inside my pussy and I arched my back, tilted my ass up to meet his slow, sensuous thrusts. A loud moan escaped me as the slick friction woke a tingling far inside of me. He kept it slow and easy until my frustration grew, and I once more begged him to “Fuck me hard, please.”

  “Such a nasty little mistress.” His guttural laughter made my cheeks heat further, but any traces of my self-conscious side were forgotten when he pinned my knees behind my ears and put his back into the fucking he gave me.

  I gripped his ass as he entered me deeper, gasping as each powerful thrust pounded into my g-spot and stroked my cunt walls. Everything inside me quivered on the verge of another release. When he reached between my legs to rub my clit while he fucked me, I climbed a notch closer to orgasm. My one hand moved from his ass to trail up the arm that braced him atop the desk. I traced the bulging muscles in his forearm and bicep.

  I sailed through an erotic fog, eyes closed as I concentrated on the feel of his smooth skin, the light hair on his arm, the slippery slam of his cock ramming my pussy. My vagina clenched and released around his girth in a perfect rhythm. I fit him like a tight glove, and between the slickness he slid into me and the deft manipulation of my clit, I soon came again.

  My eyes opened as the intense release shot through me, and I noticed how absorbed he was in watching me come. How he studied my face with a passionate frown that made me terrified and elated all at once. My limbs trembled and drained of strength. My stomach constricted as my cunt milked him of every ounce of pleasure he had to give.

  He soon after found release, too, thrusting deep inside me and staying there as his cum spilled inside the condom h
e’d put on. Then he collapsed on top of me, but not with his full weight, for I’d have surely been crushed under that wall of muscle. When he pulled away, I felt a strange sense of loss I tried to ignore.

  He held a hand out to me and helped me from the desk. “Now, Charlotte, we’d better get dressed before our first patient arrives.” He handed me my panties, but not before he placed a sound kiss to my lips. “But, tomorrow, we’ll set the wheels in motion. Get your father into that care home I promised, get you moved, and then next week I’ll show you my dungeon.”


  Surrender To Her Master

  “So, how do you feel about all this?”

  Dad gave me a smile that seemed full of the vigor he once held. For a moment, he became that tough as nails cop with a sympathetic center he only showed to me and his closest friends. Not the withered shell of himself that I knew struck a blow to his pride. My heart filled with hope and love for him.

  “You know, kiddo, I never believed much in miracles,” he said. “But this…maybe this is our miracle. Maybe, sometimes, you get lucky.”

  “So you think I should go for it?” I came and sat beside him on the couch, checked his oxygen machine as I did often.

  “Damn rights you should go for it.” He sat up straighter. His soft brown eyes flared with determination. “You can’t pass up an opportunity like this. Personal assistant to one of the richest men in the world. You gotta take it.”

  “According to Forbes, he’s only the tenth richest man in the world.” I gave Dad a cheeky smirk and he waved me off, calling me a wiseass while sporting a return smirk.

  “Let’s face it, Charlotte.” His face became a map of wrinkles as his expression grew serious. “I know looking after me is getting harder and harder for you. This guy is willing to set me up in the ritziest senior care community in the city. That and the job, traveling all over the world with him, you’d be a fool to let that go, sweetheart.”


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