Orion's Children

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Orion's Children Page 4

by Rohan Moorthy

  “It’s indeed a beautiful city you have here, Mr. President,” said John. “Thank you very much Mr. Stroff. We’ve spent many a year developing and perfecting all that you see here. But let me tell you that there’s a great deal of gratitude that I must extend to the brave men and women of the past and present, who have made all these wonders possible. I truly salute all of them, for what they have done.” said Kenneth. “I take it you that must have seen the sea face monument on the cliffs at the edge of Alita Island?” he added. “Indeed we did. A marvellous piece of engineering I might add. Well, Mr. President I would like to introduce everyone to you,” said John as he named each of his crew, as well as, elaborated on their backgrounds and roles in the mission. “Wonderful. Good to know each of you. With that let us begin. I would like to introduce our council members who will joining us via video. After that the stage is all yours to give us a complete run through of your plan of action, as well as, the resources you will require from us,” said Kenneth as he touched his armlet, which brought forth a large display on top of the oval conference table they were seated around. There appeared the faces of all 12 council members, the elite group that governed all activities on Greenleaf. Kenneth introduced each one of them and then concluded by asking John to begin his address.

  “May I feed in my presentation, Mr. President?” asked John. “Yes you may,” replied Kenneth. John tapped his armlet and soon a set of images that showed Greenleaf appeared, along with pictures of various animal species and their background details. John talked through the team’s identification and capture plan that would be spread across the next four months. In total, the team outlined the types of animals, birds and fish that they wished to target. Post capture, each creature would be placed into a cryogenic state for the trip back to Earth. “Hmm, interesting, though, may I ask what resources you require from us?” asked one of the council members named Larisa Bendin. “Well, Ms. Larisa, we would require a team of thirty men and women from your side as well as several pieces of equipment that include aerial, land and marine, for our extraction process. I believe you should have the list of what we are looking for. And from our side, we have of course, brought our own equipment but the added support as President Adams had stated, would be vital for this mission,” said John, switching his presentation off.

  “We will, of course, work out the details with General Ansari tomorrow morning along with our military team, who have been training to aid you in your mission, Mr. Stroff. But having said so, there are a few things that I need to bring to yours and your team’s attention. Most importantly, there are certain rules that I would ask that you strictly follow while here,” said Kenneth. John noticed that Kenneth’s features had tightened a bit and the last few words seemed to contain an almost hostile tone to them. He dismissed his thoughts and nodded to Kenneth to continue. “Good. Let me ask Councilman Adolf to take you through things,” said Kenneth. Councilman Adolf Brandt cleared his throat and began to speak. “While we the Greenleaf council support what you are doing, we ask first that any additional species that you wish to capture a part from those you have listed, be brought to our notice before any action is taken by your team. Second, while here, you will not use guns with metal, rubber or plastic bullets on any living creature on this planet, for if we do find that to be so, your team and you will be asked to terminate your mission and leave with immediate effect! Third, you and your team will ensure that your mission stays within the limits of the fly zone area, which covers an expansive stretch, with Alita Island in the middle and which includes the neighbouring continents of Erong, Vilia and the southern portion of Dorenland. We have done a thorough inspection of various habitats based on the list shared by the TASNSA Earth council and have found that these three places contain the species you require. All vehicles and equipment, be it air, land or sea will function, well within this zone. However, if anything tries to pass beyond that zone, our satellite shields immediately shut down all functions and the piece of equipment ceases to work. In the case of air borne equipment they will simply have a parachute deploy and will land the aircraft safely. Are there any questions so far?” asked Adolf. None were put forward so he continued. “Tomorrow morning, General Ansari and his team will introduce you to the Greenleaf members who will be joining you, as well as finalising the schedule to be followed over the course of the next four months. You will continue to remain as guests of our council and will be granted direct access to us. Are these terms fair to your team?” asked Adolf. John said that they were.

  Nigel scratched the back of his neck and then spoke up. “Wait a minute mate, there is one thing. You lot said that there was something peculiar about the animals in your reports late last year. You claimed that the land species had a peculiar thing about them, which was that their eyes glowed a bright blue at night? Is that true or are you trying to scare us off with your mumbo jumbo, eh?” said Nigel as he leaned back in his chair. “Nigel please, a little more respect when putting your point across,” said John staring at him. “Oh well…my apologies then, Mr. President, but I want to know if that is true or not?” said Nigel. Kenneth laughed quietly and said, “It’s alright, Mr. Greenback. Well to set the matter straight, about early last year, our wildlife crews who were studying the habitats around the continents that were mentioned earlier, noticed during their first overnight stay in the Doren forest, that for some reason all the animals’ eyes began to glow in the light blue colour you mentioned. It had never been seen before and so far no explanation has been found by our teams as yet. We aren’t sure why or what is causing it to happen but more interestingly we have noticed that it is starting to occur in other jungles and forest habitats in Dorenland. This we found through our pod monitors that regularly survey the continent. But if your team can solve the mystery I would be more than happy to hear about it,” said Kenneth while slowly looking at every face in the room.

  Adrian then spoke and asked about the general topography and weather conditions surrounding certain locations the team were expected to visit, which several council members answered. As the meeting was drawing to an end, Kenneth spoke up about the list that the group had shared earlier. “With reference to the list I must warn you, that there is one particular animal that you will find extremely hard to find, for it has proven to be the most elusive to our own teams. We have found footprints, dung and signs of its existence but so far, not one has been seen or picked up by our pod monitors,” said Kenneth and he paused. “The animal that I am speaking of is the Tiger and for some reason based on the paw prints that we have found, over the years, we know for certain that they are in fact much larger than the kinds that once existed on Earth,” said Kenneth. He paused for a brief second and then continued. “Also, one of our crew members realised from some recent paw prints that the Tigers, at some points during their sojourns in the jungle, are able to walk great distances only on their hind legs. We of course still do not know why or how they do this. Much like the other animals eyes lighting up, Greenleaf continues to throw up new mysterious for us the more we explore it,” said Kenneth. The whole room lay silent and he turned to John and added, “So I would say that do tread carefully out there. The lands of Greenleaf do not seem to be playgrounds for the fainthearted.”


  Hidden Agenda

  Axedon City

  The sun rose across the city covering the vast metropolis in its crimson rays. Just as with any other major city on Earth, Axedon’s skyscrapers glistened under the new light, which slowly slithered its way to the streets below. John noted the people and cars moving about. A transport helicopter glided high above his hotel window and moved towards the direction of the rising sun. He watched it pass and then checked his watch, which showed 7:00 a.m. Sitting in his favourite Iron Maiden t-shirt and black shorts he watched the city come alive, while rubbing his thumb against the surface of a large cup of herbal tea. He smiled thinking of the day ahead and the start of their welfare operation for Earth. “Remember darling, you be care
ful and ensure that you get something back for Daniel as you know he wants to have an exotic pet of his own…but more importantly, bring yourself back safely. Don’t make me come after you to the other end of the universe where you’re going because you know I will…” said his wife Phyla. He thought of her last words to him and glanced towards his side table, where he kept a picture of her and their son. “I wish you could see all this darling…I really do” he whispered, while smiling at the frame. After a few quick sips of tea, he placed the cup down and headed to the bathroom. It had been two days since the team had arrived and after the usual health inspections and short tours around the city, he was really looking forward to getting into the field.

  The wall clock showed 8:15 a.m. by the time he was ready and he checked his pack and tapped his armlet to see if any further instructions for the briefing had come in. He thought back on the celebration dinner hosted by the Greenleaf council as well as the press conference held upon the team’s arrival. He paused thinking about one of the questions put forward by a journalist. The crowd had been quite large and very welcoming to his team and him. However, the question itself, he thought, seemed very strange. “Mr. Stroff do you believe in God?” asked the reporter. “Yes, I do. May I ask why?” said John. “Do you believe that Greenleaf may shake your understanding and belief in God?” pressed the reporter. “I think we may pass that question for right now Mr. Ching-Wan,” said Kenneth starring straight at him. “Well do forgive me Mr. President. What I mean Mr. Stroff is that do you believe that God had a reason for you to come here to carry out this mission for Earth?” asked Ching-Wan. “Well when you put it that way, yes I do believe that God may have had a good reason. And I personally believe that humanity discovering Greenleaf and being granted a second chance to make things right, is no doubt in my mind, an act of God’s loving kindness towards us,” said John as a series of applause broke out across the room.

  John shook his head and checked his pack coming back to the present moment. He looked out of the bedroom window one last time and marvelled at the things he saw. He then turned, picked up his pack and headed for his room door. Today, was going to be the first of many days to come, where they’d be working with local wildlife teams in capturing, documenting and in some cases collecting blood samples for cloning projects back on Earth. With those thoughts running through his mind, he unconsciously quickened his pace.

  As he was about to enter the elevator, Paulo called out and walked in to join him. They spoke briefly about their discussion with Kenneth Anderson and the Alita council. “Yes, that was a good one, though a bit creepy about what they said about the animals here John. Not to mention that Kenneth really comes across as a bit eccentric if you ask me” said Paulo. “Yes you could say that,” said John chuckling. “Lobby level. Doors opening” said an automated voice as the elevator doors opened to a plush and richly textured area. “So we set to head over to the air base by 10:00 a.m.?” asked John. “Oh yes, the rest of the guys went over there about a half hour earlier. Just you and I needed to go over a few points relating to the cloning part with some of the local officials,” said Paulo. “Though these bureaucrats can really be a handful. I guess I should know, I’m one of them after all,” he added humorously. “You know that you’re better than that Paulo,” said John. “Thank you. Well let’s get something to eat while we’re here. The officials will be in by 9:00 a.m.” said Paulo. A short while later, seated in a corner of the Wood Rose Café, Paulo and John went over the points they had to cover and soon turned their attention to their plans for the weekend and a visit to some of the noteworthy landmarks across Alita. “I still find it amazing as to how the people here built such a wonderful city on this island in just under four decades. It’s a long time but if you think about it, not so long either wouldn’t you agree?” asked Paulo, running his hand through his hair as he looked across the café. “Yes that thought has crossed my mind quite a bit since we got here. I mean from the video and photographs we’ve seen in the past, the place looked amazing but it’s even more so when you are actually in it,” said John taking a sip from his tea cup.

  “So these people we have to meet right now I must warn you John are a part of Toby Mackinrow’s squad” said Paulo leaning forward in his chair. “Toby Mackinrow? Can’t say I’ve heard of him so far” said John looking a bit puzzled. “Oh he’s a tough character alright. He runs the police squad of Alita with an iron fist. I spoke to him a few times before our trip here and it didn’t seem that he was very keen on our mission to begin with” said Paulo looking down and drawing circles with his fingers on the table linen. “Really? Well what has he got to with any of what we’re doing anyhow. We have Kenneth’s and the council’s backing so where does Toby fit in?” asked John. “Oh well, just keeping things in check as he put it. After all with immigration increasing over here since 2096 and new mining operation opportunities opening up in this solar system, there has been a greater influx of workers from Earth, which I hear he isn’t very happy about. After all he was born here and you could say has a bit of an attitude that some other newer humans or those who were also born here, have as well. They tend to view themselves as special and regard those from Earth with great disdain,” said Paulo. “Well hopefully we won’t have to deal with him at all” said John finishing his tea. “Yes, probably not. But if so, just leave him to me” said Paulo smiling. “You’re the boss” said John.

  Just then, two armed officials appeared in the café, which did create a bit of a stir among some the more frequent patrons seated around. “Ah! Our company awaits, let’s be off John” said Paulo rising from his seat. John turned and also stood up and picked up his pack. They walked to the front and greeted the two officials. “How do you do Mr. Stroff and Mr. Armando? I am Officer Gerardo Nicosia and this is my partner Henrik Roberts. May I ask if you would you be kind enough to follow us to the business centre, where we can talk in private” said Gerardo. “Yes, of course” said John gesturing for them to proceed. John and Paulo followed the two men down the hallway before turning left into the business centre area, where they soon entered a room that had two large windows that overlooked a pine forest, which stretched towards the horizon. “Please do be seated sirs” said Henrik gesturing to their respective seats. Both John and Paulo sat and waited for one of the two men opposite them to speak. “Mr. Armando as you are aware, we have direct orders from the Axedon council to provide the final seal of approval regarding the blood samples you wish to take back with you and need to know the process of extraction, containment and transportation. This a routine check, so please you may proceed” said Gerardo. Paulo nodded, tapped his armlet and began to take them through his presentation. John noticed that while the officials listened, he couldn’t help but feel something was a bit out of place with the way this meeting had been arranged. They appeared to be quite disinterested in the points Paulo was sharing and he noticed that Henrik kept turning his eyes towards him quite frequently. He thought back to his meeting with the Axedon Council, where he received a similar vibe. It made him feel that there was something just under the surface and the people here were not really willing to say just what that was.

  A short while later Paulo concluded. “And that gentlemen is our plan. If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them” said Paulo searching each one. “No none from us. Thank you Mr. Armando. Your approval form will be dispatched and provided to you at the Halo airbase that you are proceeding to. Thank you for your time” said Gerardo. They shook hands and John along with Paulo left the room. “Strange men those guys” said John. “Yes indeed, very strange” said Paulo as he looked ahead towards the main entrance of the hotel.

  Both Gerardo and Henrik waited for a few moments after John and Paulo had left and then proceeded out towards the parking lot, where their cruiser was stationed. Once inside, they flicked on the on board monitor and waited as the Alita police symbol flashed on screen. Soon, they saw the face of a man, who held the citizen of Axedon in a respectful wave of
fear. “Good day gentlemen, how was your meeting with Mr. Stroff and Mr. Armando” asked Toby Mackinrow. “Very good sir. Their work has no interference with Project Independent in anyway. We’ve been through each of their records as well as the details of their mission. There is nothing to be concerned about” said Gerardo. “That is good. Please keep me posted on any developments. For now, let the Air Hawk team continue as planned” said Toby. “Very good sir” said Gerardo and pressed the monitor off.

  Toby watched till the holographic image disappeared and then turned to the gathering of the New World Legionnaires behind him. He began his speech very slowly. “I thank you all for being here today as we have important things to discuss” he paused, his grey eyes piercing each person in front of him. “The first point of discussion, has to with the confounded Air Hawk team and their mission to take back a set of animals, birds and marine life along with a considerable DNA bank with them. But while this may seem harmless, as you we all know that the insatiable appetite of Earth can never be filled. There will be more ladies and gentlemen. Many more ships that will continue to come, till finally they destroy this beloved planet of ours, just as they did their own. But unlike Earth, which took centuries to ruin, Greenleaf will be abused in a worse way in a shorter span of time, if we don’t do something about it. And more so, as we have discussed, the only way to do that is to move our plans forward for total and complete independence from Earth” said Toby, his voice growing louder with each word.


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