Orion's Children

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Orion's Children Page 10

by Rohan Moorthy

  “My dearest Kenneth, it is good to see you again. I thank you for bringing Mr. Stroff with you. I trust all of you are well rested?” she asked. “Oh yes, Vithree. But as we have limited time, it is important for us to show Mr. Stroff what we had agreed to do today and outline our plan for the future,” said Kenneth. John choked a little before he could speak. “I...excuse me, I am pleased to meet all of you. Forgive me, but it’s not every day you come face to face with someone or something you never knew existed,” he said. A few laughed. Encouraged, John continued, “We have always been made to believe that apart from our species, there has never been any tangible proof discovered to suggest that other complex life forms or other intelligent civilisations exist elsewhere in the known universe,” said John. Gyordina spoke, “I understand your confusion, Mr. Stroff. That is precisely why we have brought you here. We wish to give a series of answers that will need to be shared with the people of Earth, when the time comes.” She gestured for him to follow and the group walked with her into another room. Several other Assiross beings welcomed them and gestured for the group to take their seats. Towards a section of the room, a large 3D display flashed, which showed a star constellation. The lights quickly dimmed and the only source of light came from the brightly coloured star image.

  “Wait! Why me? Why do I have to tell people on Earth? Can’t… can’t you just come along and make your presence known. I mean countless countries and leaders will want to know you and they will all have so many questions. Heck, for centuries mankind looked to the stars searching for an answer to know if we were alone or not. If what President Anderson told me is true, then…” John hesitated for a few seconds and then continued. “Why did you abandon us? Abandon humankind?” he said. Gyordina smiled and she gestured to the display which had morphed and showed a close up image of Earth. “I will answer every question you have, Mr. Stroff. We know you to be an honest and upright man,” she paused and looked at him very carefully. John started to feel her gaze burning right through him. He then suddenly felt the ground beneath him give way and he was carried through the air to her side, where he was then placed in a chair that hovered near her shoulders. “Be at peace, Mr. Stroff. Don’t worry about anything. May we begin, Kenneth?” asked Gyordina. “Please do!” replied Kenneth.

  John could just about make out the faces of those sitting around him. Gyordina looked intently at the display and he noticed that she placed a small translucent looking piece of plastic against her right temple. “This Mr. Stroff,” said Gyordina while pointing to the right side of her head. “This will allow me to read your thoughts, so any questions you may have, you may just think it and I will answer, as I present the facts before you,” she said. “Do you understand?” she asked. John nodded his head. “Good. Let us begin. I will speak in Earth terms, so you can understand things clearly,” she added and then moved her hands around the display, which then showed a wider view of the universe. “The life giving part of the universe consists of eight main spaces, where each comprises of the same number of galaxies, constellations, seen and unseen realms. In our section of the universe, the central point is the Orion constellation.” John gasped at the display at how amazingly beautiful the three stars looked with a multitude of planets revolving around them. “Our race comes from the star or sun named Korok on your left. We used to inhabit five of the 11 planets that you see here in front of you. The sun on the right is named Reez. It is home to the race known as the Triadians, who are similar to us but have a distinct grey skin. They occupy four of the seven planets that orbit their sun. The middle sun named Tunia, was home to the Oakors, who were the oldest of the three races and were the most noble. They had a skin colour, which was bluish in nature and were the most spiritually awakened ones. They inhabited two of the eight planets that you can see around Tunia. Sadly though, a majority of their kind became extinct by the Earth year 11,599 B.C. when the Great Inter-Race War took place. All that remains of their existence are the artefacts, cities and libraries of knowledge left behind. Only a handful of individuals, whom you will learn about soon enough, survive,” she said.

  The display morphed once again and she continued. “A 100 million Earth years ago, the joint governments of the Assiross, Oakors and Triadians known as the Eshmu Assembly, chose to expand our way of life beyond our solar systems and reach out across to 58 other solar systems identified as ideal for sustaining life within our galaxy. Needless to say this colonisation plan was a successful one. I would also add here that while humanity has taken large steps towards partially colonising other planets in Earth’s solar system and on Greenleaf, it pales in comparison to the knowledge and capability we have or even to what was possible during the first civilisation on Earth. The one we know as Veeronia” said Gyordina. John starred in amazement at her and then turned quickly back to the display. She continued “Our way of traveling across space is in many ways different from what your people use. For even at that time we are able to travel to distant stars in a matter in days, which is still considered impossible by the scientists on Earth. In fact, I will reveal that part of the method is to create an exit portal at the point of origin and an entry portal at your desired destination. You may recall seeing the vast cloud formation that is present in this Holarid solar system between the suns Cleo and Erethen?” asked Gyordina. John slowly nodded. “Well that is actually a portal that allows us to travel to our remaining colonies at the distant part of this galaxy. Also, the portal acts as a shield to block out the rays from Cleo and ensure Greenleaf’s environment is not disturbed and remains similar to Earth’s,” said Gyordina gesticulating toward the display. “A key mystery solved,” John thought to himself. “Continuing on, 980,000 years ago, our race entered Earth’s solar system. We surveyed the planets there and found them ideal for establishing a new set colonies. As this area offered rich mineral resources, we built our outposts on the planets you know as Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Venus, Uranus and Neptune. We also established settlements on several moons of Jupiter and Saturn,” said Gyordina as she moved her hands to enhance the display. “I would like to draw your attention to the extra planet you see between Earth and Mars. This one was called Lucia. This planet belonged solely to the Triadians. But now all that remains of it is the asteroid belt that you will recognise, which Earth scientists have been harvesting for minerals,” she added. “But stepping away from that I would like you to be aware that each of the planets in Earths’ solar system are in fact named after several acclaimed exploration leaders from each of our races. This legacy has been held intact by the human group who have remained loyal to us known as the Guardians of Symoor,” said Gyordina zooming the display on Earth.

  “With your planet we found that it was being used by another race of beings some humans refer to as the Grey Aliens. We know them as the Endanmo. They had been using Earth as a laboratory of sorts and had been conducting experiments for several hundred centuries, which also included creating life forms you call as Dinosaurs. They created and killed different species at various intervals, describing the process as a necessary one for their field. You could say that their purpose was to use Earth as a place where they could expand their own knowledge in the fields of biology, chemistry and energy. In fact, in their language that’s just what Earth means…a fertile place for creation. Having established a favourable trade relationship with the Endanmo, we left Earth alone and continued expanding our trading routes elsewhere to the other solar systems. This continued till around 517,000 years ago, when we felt that given the growing traffic on trading routes near to Earth’s solar system, which we had by then named as Zaragonie, we needed to create a more effective food supply chain. After careful analysis, we found that Earth had the best soil and climate to make this possible and so we reached a new agreement with the Endanmo. Plus, at this point the Oakors conceived the idea of creating a race of beings that would be much smaller than ourselves, but who could help with our farming activities. But as work progressed to biologically construct such bei
ngs the Triadians chose not to participate, for reasons unknown to us. The Oakors and our people successfully created this new race, which is none other than your own, Mr. Stroff. More so, we soon realized that given Earth’s varied climates and atmospheric conditions, populations present at various agricultural sites across the world, would need to be structured a little differently. Hence, we chose four biological blood lines, which you see present in your world even now. To add, given the potential danger that the current lifeforms on Earth could pose to your race, namely Dinosaurs, we had them carefully eliminated with the consent of the Endanmo of course. Following the final extermination, the next 16,098 years proved so successful that we shared our learning with other colonies, who also grew human beings. By this point, the Oakors and our race decided that we should elevate mankind’s position and teach them the secrets of the stars as well as the true aspect of the universe, as we knew them. We helped them to grow and over a period of time, they mastered the fine arts and true laws of space, energy and time. Needless to say, we were impressed by their ability to learn and connected them finally, to what is referred to as the Oamic Hall or the knowledge bank of the universe, which can only be accessed through deep spiritual meditation.

  “At around 60,000 B.C. many other races we traded with, began to pay special attention to our human creations and encouraged them to build greater and stronger city spaces. This your people did well, till one fateful day, when the Triadians brought two races from a distant solar system. They were the Flaleems and the Novongs. The former have features that resemble the fabled creatures you call Elves. The Novong have a dark purple skin and are slightly larger than us. They, in fact, resemble the mythical creatures referenced in the Mayan culture, which are slightly lizard like in nature. Together with them, we helped mankind build a nation unlike any other seen in the neighbouring 58 solar systems we had come to inhabit. This, as you can see on the display was spread across a vast continent that was located in what is now the Atlantic Ocean,” said Gyrodina. John gazed at the massive spread of land that connected to modern day Greenland in the north, the southern portion of North America (where the modern day U.S.A. and Canada lay under the ocean) and the western shoreline of Europe. “This nation was called Veeronia” said Gyordina.

  John noticed that she seemed almost choked but after a moment she recovered and continued further. “Here, it is important for you to know another truth. The name Veeronia in our tongue when translated into English means ‘to aspire for greatness.’ Indeed, that is what happened as it soon became the major trading hub in the entire galaxy. However, this rapid rise in Veeronia’s fame and prosperity soon made the Flaleems and the Novongs begin to fear that they were losing control. They became consumed with the idea that the Oakors and our race would reap the overall benefit and so they poisoned the minds of the Triadians and turned them against us. More so, they soon demanded that the humans of Earth pay exclusive homage to them and not to anyone else. Surprisingly, most of humanity chose to support them, with a much smaller group rejecting their proposal and staying loyal to the Oakors and us. However, not winning all of humanity’s consent was reason enough to anger what both races termed as disloyalty. The Flaleems and the Novongs, attacked Veeronia in the month of August, 11,600 B.C. in order to teach the people of Earth a lesson. Cities were crushed and the vast continent upon which Veeronia stood was broken apart with most of it being sunk during this ancient galactic holocaust. Within a span of two weeks many brave Assiross, Oakors and humans died in the battle. More so, the attack was so swift that we could not retaliate effectively in time. But even more deceptive was the hidden plot both races had. While attacking Veeronia, they also made plans to destroy the planet Lucia and make the Triadians believe that both the Oakors and our race were responsible.

  The Triadians leaders at other colonies were shown false evidence, which placed the blame primarily on the Oakors, whom they then declared revenge upon. The Oakors though skilled warriors, never enjoyed nor accepted the concept of war and tried to find a peaceful solution. This the Flaleems and Novongs took advantage of and when Oakor colonies were attacked, they demonstrated to the Triadians that the easy destruction was a clear sign of guilt the entire Oakor race had. Fooled completely, the Triadians, the Flaleems and the Novongs marched on the Oakors’ various galaxy settlements, as well as, their two home planets at Tunia and systematically hunted each member of the Oakors down. The truth Mr. Stroff, is that, the Flaleems and the Novongs had planned everything to perfection and grossly misled our ally race against us. More so, they convinced most of humanity that we were the guilty ones as well. As humans are not as spiritually strong as our kind, most were easily swayed by their lies. Our race too began to face the same extermination rampage and most of our colonies in numerous solar systems were destroyed including a total wipe-out of our home planets in the Orion constellation. We who you see here are the last remaining members of our race, along with those in four other colonies. We would not have survived had not the Universal Astra Regime, who are the governing body for our side of the universe, intervened. They were able to stop the war but after a heavy and irreparable loss had occurred. You may wonder why we couldn’t have contacted the Regime earlier, but the Triadians had successfully blocked our paths to reach them each time. This continued until a secret contingent of Assiross and human representatives managed to slip through enemy lines and make it to the Regime’s headquarters in early 11,599 B.C.” said Gyordina. As she concluded that part Gyordina noticed a red glow on her display and began closing the visuals knowing that her time with John was nearing its end.

  John starred in disbelief at what he had just seen. But yet, there they were right in front of him. The Assiross, the co-creators of humanity. His chair settled to the ground and he stood up. A bright set of lights came on and lit up the room and he watched the other giants rise and stand around him. “I understand why you called me but may I know the purpose of you telling me? If I try to tell people on Earth when the time comes, I doubt that they would believe me!” said John. “They will Mr. Stroff. For we have something you need to take back with you,” said Gyordina. She nodded her head and a large black container was placed next to them. It stood eight feet high and eight feet across. She then handed John a large twin sword like object, which he needed to hold with both hands owing to its weight. He marvelled at the engravings across it and the light blue metallic colour on the sides.

  “The time for the true revelation is later this year in December. But bear in mind, Mr. Stroff, that there is another more powerful society on Earth that still swears its allegiance to the Triadians, as well as the Flaleems and the Novongs. They are known as the Defenders of Amanora. When the war was finally stopped in 11,599 B.C., we were hopeful that the truth would be revealed. But due to the conflicting evidence total justice could not be achieved. While, the Flaleems and the Novongs, were charged with war crimes and had to have all of their inhabitants from other colonies return to their respective home planets where they were all placed in a deep freeze or state of suspended animation for 14 years, the Triadians were acquitted as their planet Lucia was destroyed and many casualties were reported to have occurred on their side. But now you must know that the Flaleems and Novongs sentence is coming to an end earlier than expected and while the Universal Astra Regime believes that they would have reformed, we are not convinced in any way. For, we have prepared all this time to meet any onslaught that they may bring and above all protect ours, as well as your race from extinction,” said Gyordina and as an afterthought she added “But you should know that for our races, one year is equal to 1,000 years for a human. So, the Flaleems and Novongs have been kept inactive for around 13,699 years.”

  John stood still. “I have so many more questions for you, I mean, there is so much I need answers to,” he said. “In time you and the rest of your kind shall know them, but for now this is the end of our talk. You must leave now. It has been good to speak with you, Mr. Stroff,” said Gyordina. John smiled
at the giants around him and turned his attention back to the container behind him, wondering how it would be transported to Wildlife One. “Our people will help you with that till the Greenleaf fly zone, from there Kenneth and his team will take over. But I must add one last thing here Mr. Stroff, we know of your mission here on Greenleaf and so we ask that you refrain from taking back with you the one animal you have sought in vain, the Tiger. We have our reasons for that, so please do comply,” said Gyordina. John felt a surge of irritation rise up within him but he chose not to argue. “I sense your anger but again I ask that you honour this request,” added Gyordina. John shook his head and sighed heavily remembering that she could read this thoughts. He pondered for a few seconds and then decided to ask something else, which he remembered. “Very well. But tell me this. We’ve noticed that the animals here display a peculiar feature, where their eyes turn blue at night. Why is that?” asked John. “That is a feature even the animals on Earth exhibited many centuries ago. But owing to how spiritually declined your world has become, they have over time lost that ability. The reason why the eyes turn blue at night is a sign to show that there is imminent danger to all the beings in the world. It is sort of like a natural warning system, which is why we host various ceremonies, like the one you saw yesterday, which helps us to understand through mediation what could be the cause and at the same time, to also pacify all of nature’s creatures,” said Gyordina. “Alright. But have you discovered what is causing them to feel that way?” asked John. “No Mr. Stroff. Not as yet. But we are hopeful of finding the answer soon,” she responded. Outside the sun shone through the clouds and directly onto the lotus tower. Its white petals began to glow brightly giving the entire city and its surroundings a hallowed look.


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