Royal Affair (Last Royals Book 2)

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Royal Affair (Last Royals Book 2) Page 5

by Cristiane Serruya

  Angelica steeled herself. “Like?”

  “He goes after all the women. No, that’s inaccurate. Actually, women chase him but he never stays with one longer than a day or two, and then he’s done with them.”

  Any other woman might find issue with that, but not Angelica. This might work out to her benefit, then. “I think we’ll be safe, Hermanita. Trust me. I’m a big girl after all.” She gave her baby sister’s shoulders a squeeze. “I’ve got this covered.”

  Maria pulled away from her, her eyes wide. “You’re not thinking of…”

  “And why wouldn’t I be?” Angelica retorted with a raised eyebrow.

  Maria opened her mouth, but closed it again as the sound of silverware clanking against glass stopped her. “We’re continuing this conversation later.”

  But hopefully after it’s too late for you to talk me out of it.

  Because Angelica had made up her mind. She was going to have Ludwig.

  And then she would go back home a different woman.

  Ludwig lost Angelica in the crowd as they watched Angus and Siobhan cut the cake, a tradition he really didn’t understand perpetuating into modern days since historically the bride did this act alone to symbolize the loss of her virginity, which seemed barbaric for him. Yet, he was actually looking forward to the cake itself. German wedding cake was one of the things he enjoyed.

  As cheers erupted from the small group of people gathered, glasses of golden Cristal Champagne raised, King Valantín stepped up to him, giving him a stony glare.

  That doesn’t bode well. Ludwig pasted a smile on his face and greeted Angelica’s brother, who was a good inch or two taller and wider. He also looked as though he could take on any opponent single-handedly. “Your Majesty.”

  “Your Royal Highness.” Valantín dipped his head, never letting his dark gaze shift from Ludwig’s. “Stay away from Angelica.”

  Well, at least he keeps things simple. Ludwig hadn’t even realized Maria had a chance to speak to her brother yet. “If she asks me to…”

  “You’ll do so whether or not she asks you to.”

  Don’t count on it. Irritated at Valantín’s arrogant tone and not wanting to pick a fight with Angelica’s brother, Ludwig didn’t answer and turned his body slightly toward the cake table, focusing his attention on the married couple as they fed each other a bite and smiled for photos, hoping it would discourage the man from pursuing further conversation.

  Ludwig didn’t appreciate being confronted by siblings and friends before he’d even had an opportunity to sample the goods.

  “You will leave her alone,” Valantín snarled, before he moved into the crowd to greet his half-sister and her husband.

  There was one thing Ludwig could say for Angelica.

  Those who loved her were loyal.

  But they needed to realize that she was an adult. And now that she’d surely been informed about his reputation, any choice she made regarding him would be done with her eyes wide open.

  He hoped that was enough to get them to stand down. He didn’t look forward to a fight with a king, but neither would he back down from one.

  A few minutes after Angus and Siobhan left, several guests started to filter out and Anchela grasped Angelica’s hand. “I believe we are leaving for the night, mi hija.”

  She should, and normally she would. “I believe I’m staying a little longer, Mamá. I want to dance.”

  The way the smile on Anchela’s face waned said that she knew more than Angelica was saying. “I will tell your brother that you’ll leave when he does.”

  Oh, please don’t. That is not my plan in the slightest. “Could you take him with you?”

  “Then, you’re admitting to reckless intent.”

  It wasn’t as if she could hide anything from her mother. “Not…entirely reckless, Mamá. Please just trust me to be the adult I’ve always been?”

  Anchela sighed, then faced her fully. “You may think that Siobhan is moving into your position, but there are a great many things you are failing to consider.”

  I doubt that. You forget I’m the diplomat in the family. But she didn’t voice her thoughts.

  “I know you feel you have the entire situation mapped out, but you don’t. She will abdicate.”

  “And give up the power?” Not likely.

  “A power she never had in the first place? All the added responsibilities that come with it?” Anchela shook her head. “Trust me, mi ángel. She has no wish to take over, so whatever you do tonight, be mindful of your place.”

  I have always been mindful of my place. But until that moment, she hadn’t fully realized what a stranglehold her responsibilities had on her.


  “I hear you, Mamá.” And she did. More than Anchela probably realized.

  Smiling, Anchela patted Angelica’s cheek and turned to leave, gathering Maria on her way out.

  I hear you. And I really don’t care. For once, I’m going to be mindless.

  Ludwig watched as the two Aragonese women left. A waltz started. If this wasn’t his opportunity, he didn’t know what was.

  But just when he was about to walk toward Angelica, countess Elisabeta Rosetti took his arm, her blonde hair pulled up in a sexy loose tangle of curls. “Dance with me.”

  He gently pushed her off. “Not now, Liz.” Elizabeta was a loose cannon. When he’d tangled with her, he’d thought she’d known it was only a fling. She swore she had not.

  “I wish to dance and no one else has asked me.”

  She’d obviously had too much to drink. “Please do not make a scene.”

  “I’ll make whatever scene I wish, thank you very much.”

  And she would, too.

  She leaned in close. “You won’t have me.”

  I believe I’ve made that quite clear already. He smiled but a bland frown marred his forehead. “Elizabeta.”

  “Then introduce me to your new friend.”

  Elisabeta wasn’t a hard woman to understand, really. She went after the largest prize, no matter the consequences. If she couldn’t trap Ludwig, she would find another.

  “And who do you have your sights set on this time?”

  She smiled, swaying. “That dark hunk of a king.”

  “Valantín?” When she bobbed her head, he laughed. He’d always known she had rich tastes, but even this was a bit much for her. “He is far from your reach. Now, come on. Who did you arrive with? I think you’ve had quite enough to drink.”

  “I’ve not had too much to drink and I would thank you kindly to stop trying to cut me off like some big brother.”

  Which was something she needed at this very moment. Or parents who would rein her in. However, she had neither of those things. “Who did you arrive with?” He scanned the shrinking crowd, hoping beyond hope that she hadn’t come alone.

  She scowled. “Egon.”

  Ludwig scanned the room, hoping to find his friend Baron Egon Richardson nearby.

  “Take me to Valantín.” Her cupid lips puckered into a cute pout. “I will turn his heart. I know it.”

  “You most certainly will not.” He grabbed her elbow and continued to scan the room.

  “Come, Ludwig, introduce me—”

  “You are entirely out of his league.”

  “But that waitress, Siobhan…she married a king.”

  “The waitress is your queen now,” Ludwig said with enough inflection to get his point across. “And she is also a princess of Aragon. Siobhan isn’t Cinderella, Liz, and neither are you.”

  Egon stepped up to them with an apology already on his lips. “I’m terribly sorry, Ludwig. I didn’t realize she would be a problem.”

  “Really, Egon, it’s not your fault. One day I hope she will learn.” And he did. “Please take Lady Elisabeta home.”

  He watched the couple make their way to the exit before he looked around the ballroom.

  It was time to see if he could do anything about his own situation. And see how much of a
problem he was going to end up being—for the king.


  Angelica watched Ludwig handle the woman from across the room. The only disturbing sensation she experienced was an altogether irrational urge to rip that strumpet’s hair out by the dyed roots and break all her fingers which were grabbing Ludwig’s arms.

  She told herself this was silly.

  Ludwig and the woman were merely friends and he was clearly helping her, since she was clearly drunk. She told herself she felt sorry for her, and this was why she felt unhappy.

  At any rate, whether she did or didn’t, she was mistress of herself and, therefore, of any situation.

  She almost believed that. Because she was so focused on Ludwig, she didn’t even notice when Valantín stopped beside her and said, “Mother mentioned you were staying.”

  She jumped and put a hand over her heart. “You startled me.”

  “I am leaving, Angelica.”

  “I am not.”

  Despite the fifteen years that separated them, their relationship was strong and deep. Where one left off, the other began. They’d worked together to keep Aragon functional after the death of their father. They knew each other better than most.

  “Then I will stay.” His tone brooked no other options.

  “You will not, Hermano.” What she really needed was for her overprotective family to see her as someone who could take care of herself. “Because I might be going somewhere later where you are not invited.”

  “Angelica.” Valantín let out a suffering sigh. “He’s not a good man for you.”

  “I know what kind of man he is.” Though she didn’t appreciate the way he was handling that woman.

  Neither, apparently, did Valantín. “You would allow yourself to be that?” he asked, indicating Elizabeta with a scowl.

  “I’ll never be that, and you know it.”

  His expression said he did, his lips pinched. “If you need anything—”

  “I will call.”

  With lowered eyebrows, Valantín studied her for a moment, then pecked a kiss on her cheek, and left.

  It’s time to make my move. She told herself to just walk over to him and invite him somewhere. Don’t think about it. Just do it. Like diving into a cold pool.

  She took a deep breath and walked over to him, exhaling with determination.

  “Ludwig?” Angelica cleared her throat as if she thought he might not be aware of her presence.

  Her voice was soft with the tiniest hint of a lilt. Charming. Her intoxicating scent of lavender and burnt sugar wafted around him. Sweet. He could hear every rustle of her skirt as she walked to his side. Feminine. And when he turned his head… Beautiful.

  Her skin was subtly tanned and luminous. Her profile sweet and delicate with a soft curve to her jaw. But it was her big chocolate eyes that mesmerized him. Even in that red sexy gauze dress, she looked so young. And innocent.

  His dark expression relaxed and a smile opened on his lips. He swept her into his arms and spun her onto the dance floor.

  Angelica motioned with her chin to Elizabeta, who was at the door, trying to engage her brother in a conversation. “Beautiful woman, your blonde friend.”

  Ludwig glanced to where she motioned and groaned. “I was trying to save your brother from a money leach, but it seems I failed.”

  Oh, that changes things. But she was not worried. Her brother was used to dealing with those; he’d often had to run them off. “Then I guess I should offer you my thanks.”

  He smiled. “You are most welcome.”

  Dancing with him though, feeling his body against hers, his warm skin brushing against her, was not what she wanted. The fire he had built inside her with a kiss was rising to the front again.

  Something in his blue eyes said he understood. He stopped. “I would like to get out of here.”

  “As would I.” What am I doing?

  He took a step back and offered his hand. “Then let’s be off, shall we?”

  Living. That’s what she was doing. Possibly for the first time in her entire life, she was living.

  The Royal Suite of Royal Lekten Hotel, the best hotel in Lektenstaten, was opulent.

  Occupying the whole top floor of what had been an old palace, it boasted four large en-suite bedrooms, a complete office, a small kitchen, a dining room with a table large enough to sit ten comfortably, and a living room larger than most houses. It had been the Castella y Aragon family address in Lektenstaten for a week now.

  Relieving herself of the heels she had worn for much longer than she cared to, Maria luxuriated in walking barefoot over the plush carpeting trimmed in soft-blue and matte-gold to the cream silk sofa where her mother and her half-brother were seated.

  The center table was laden with an arrangement of fruits and cheeses to match the fine champagne Valantín poured for them. He raised his flute and said, “Salud. May Siobhan find happiness in her marriage and bring some of it to our country.”

  Maria and Anchela touched their flutes to his and Valantín slouched on the sofa, his head leaning on its back. With his bow tie hanging loose around his neck, the first two buttons of his shirt opened, and his feet propped up on the table in front of him, he didn’t look the part of Aragon’s king, but an easy-going wealthy normal man like any other in the world.

  But Maria knew that was only an illusion. Her brother was constantly very worried about Aragon’s political situation. As his toast demonstrated.

  She sighed and sat beside him, just when her mobile vibrated.

  “Oh, Cristo mio,” Maria whispered to herself, thumbing down the screen to read her sister’s text. What was Angelica thinking? Had she not paid attention to the words Maria had told her about Ludwig?

  “What is wrong, mi hija?”

  Maria looked up to see Anchela frowning at her, and she realized her reaction to Angelica’s text must have been written all over her face. “Nothing, Madre.”

  “I do not believe you,” her mother declared, wagging a finger at her. “Out with it.”

  “Please,” Valantín whispered to his youngest half-sister, “before she drives us all crazy.”

  Maria giggled and complied. “It was just a text from Angelica.”

  “Oh, mi pobre hija,” Anchela let out a sad breath, shaking her head slowly. “Weddings are not a good thing for her. Perhaps she shouldn’t have come. She was so sad after…I did not know what to do for her, how to help her.”

  Maria smirked. “Well, she’s moved on tonight.”

  “What?” Valantín demanded, his feet falling to the floor with twin thuds as he moved and took Maria’s phone from her hand. When he read the text, his carefree expression was gone. “Surely, she’s feeling the effects of the wedding, a reminder of her own misfortune, and that bastard has taken advantage. I told von Kröenenberg to stay away from her.”

  “The Grand-Duke?” Anchela echoed. Her pinched mouth reflected the emotions filtering through her features: dread, worry, and annoyance. “Well, perhaps he’s just taking her home.”

  “Home?” Valantín said angrily, sweeping his arm around, champagne spilling on his trousers. “Anchela, we are home. Where he’s taking her is to his home, intending to take her innocence tonight, preying on her when she is most vulnerable.”

  “Calm yourself,” Maria cut in, grabbing her phone back from him before he could text Angelica. While she was surprised her sister had chosen Ludwig, she was rooting for her as well. “Angelica deserves some fun in her life. She can take care of herself.”

  Valantín snorted in disgust as he got up. “And we’ll be here, left to pick up the pieces when he breaks her heart.”

  Anchela shook her head, looking at her step-son and daughter. “But we all must learn one way or another. Angelica has a good head on her shoulders. She will be fine.”

  Valantín said nothing, but the look on his face told the women all they needed to know about how he felt.

  Maria just hoped that Angelica knew what she was doing and that s
he had a bit of fun while she was doing it.


  Angelica’s nerves had kicked in and she found herself having second thoughts as she sat opposite Ludwig in the limousine.

  What am I doing?

  “I saw you talking to Jaxon at dinner,” he said softly.

  That wasn’t what she wanted to discuss. Though, what did she want to discuss? Honestly?

  I have no idea. “I did. He seems like a nice man.”

  “He is. So is Siobhan.”

  Silence filled the car. She turned to look out the window, her nerves building.

  You’ve got to stop this, Angelica. Stop it right now. Your opportunity is now. He doesn’t have to be the man of your dreams or spout promises of happily ever after. He just needs to do it right.

  She stared at him, taking in his powerful form. He was much older than her and had a wonderful physique and coupled with his handsomeness, he would have probably had thousands of lovers already.

  He would know how to handle himself in bed, which was what she needed. She didn’t want her first time to be filled with fumbles, clumsiness, and pain.

  She wanted sex. But then, she didn’t.

  This isn’t like me in the least.

  And it wasn’t. When it came to men, she was not the type of woman who saw what she wanted and took it. No…but tonight she needed to take it.

  Her pulse was a little too fast since they’d left the palace and she was beginning to think that coming to his house wasn’t really a good idea.

  But he’d made her feel something and she had no wish to snuff that out. Plus, she’d been excited to finally lose her virginity to an experienced man—and kind of desperate, too.

  She would—could—make him want her that night and maybe a few extra nights, if things went well. And when she had enough she would kiss his cheek, thank him for the nice time together and go back to Aragon to put some order in her life.

  “After you.”


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