Beyond the Cage

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Beyond the Cage Page 7

by Alana Sapphire

  He pulls back and slowly pushes in. Pulling almost all the way out, he slides a little farther in with a moan. He flexes his hips, gradually working himself in, filling me completely. Holy fuck!


  I feel so…full. I gasp and grab at his shoulders.

  His fingers dig into my hips and he buries himself to the hilt, bearing down on me the way he did on my bedroom floor. He’s so deep I think I feel him in my chest. But…it feels good. It feels right. He rests his forehead on mine, his breathing ragged. I cradle his face and raise my lips to his. Without pulling out an inch, he flexes his hips, grinding against me. I break away from his lips, crying out. My body is toeing a fine line between pain and pleasure…and I love it! Pleasure Principle be damned! I will gladly endure this pain in my pursuit of pleasure. He stands upright, lifting my hips off the bed, and I rotate them against him, matching his rhythm. When my whimpers reach my ears, I can’t help thinking I sound like a porn star. But there’s nothing else I can do; the pleasure is that intense. I grab the sheets, clenching my muscles around him as he begins to move faster.

  “Oh, God. Yes!”

  This can’t be right. I can’t be coming already! He presses down on my clit and my mind goes blank. Oh, yeah. It’s happening. My body goes still and then I convulse against him. My muscles spasm out of control, slowly dying down to an odd contraction every couple of seconds. He grunts, his brows scrunched together in pleasure, but he doesn’t stop. He’s thrusting into me now – hard and fast.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  There is no denying the effect he has on my body, because the tsunami in my pussy is evidence enough. He places my hips back on the bed and leans over me, grabbing my arms as he quickly resumes. I don’t believe it but that feeling washes over me again. My back arches, my body pulsating in ecstasy.

  “Cameron!” I scream as I come for the second time.

  I tighten my legs around his hips, pulling him into me. When I stop shaking, he buries his face in my neck, makes one final thrust, and growls. I can’t explain it, but my body begins to shiver. Call it aftershocks if you will. I can’t move, and I don’t want to. I just want to lie here beneath him, him inside me, forever.

  Forcing my eyes open, I stare up at the ceiling as we both try to calm our breathing. He lifts his head and regards me with apprehension in his silver eyes.

  “I’m okay. In fact, I’m awesome. That was awesome.”

  With a grin, he kisses my forehead, pulls out of me, and walks off to the bathroom. Without him, I feel cold...and empty. I shift my position and slip under the covers. When he returns, I move over so he can slide in next to me. I lay my head on his chest, and he curls his arm around my shoulder. This feels good…just lying here in each other’s arms. I snuggle up to him, absentmindedly tracing one of his tattoos with my fingers.

  “One day, you’re gonna have to tell me what these mean.”

  He grabs my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing my fingertips. Even that causes The Reaction. I run my middle finger along his bottom lip, and he pulls it into his mouth. With a smile, I climb on top of him.

  “What’s this? Ready for round two, Daddy?” I get the raised eyebrow. I’ve never called him that before. In fact, I’ve never used the term with anyone. It just seems natural with him. “Don’t like that? How about Grandpa?” I joke.

  I swallow a giggle as his palm crashes into my ass cheek. My body shivers at the contact and I take a shaky breath. “Do that again.” His left hand reaches between us, stroking my clit as his right hand comes down again. “Just like that, Daddy,” I say on a moan. This time, he accepts it, realizing it’s just something I want to do.

  Rolling over, he lies on top of me and searches the bed for one of the condoms. I find one first and hand it to him. While he’s rolling it on, I flip onto my stomach and get into position on my hands and knees. This is my favorite position. There’s something about doggy style that revs my engine. It could be knowing he gets a view of my ass jiggling as our bodies collide, or that I can reach down and play with my clit, or it could just be the hair-pulling, ass-smacking, ‘getting the shit fucked out of me’ thing.

  When he grabs my hips, I brace myself for him. He’s inside me with one quick stroke. I bury my face in the pillow, my scream coming out muffled. He wraps his arm around my waist and moves to the edge of the bed, pulling me along with him. I just love the way he man-handles me! He steps down off the bed and, as I resume my position, he smacks my ass again.

  I cry out as I begin to move back and forth, taking control. Smack! I move faster, bouncing on his dick. Smack, smack!

  “Oh, shit!”

  He grabs me, keeping me steady. Reaching up, he takes both my arms and crosses them at the wrists behind me. He keeps them together with one hand while the other weaves its way into my hair. With a tug, he begins to move. Fuck! He’s rendered me motionless and I couldn’t care less.

  “Fuck me. Yes…yes…fuck!” He pounds away behind me, not making a sound but driving me insane. “Oh, God. I’m coming!”

  My knees buckle and he grabs my waist, holding me up. Holy…fucking…hell. Before I can recover, he pulls out and flips me onto my back. Hoisting my leg up, he props it on his shoulder, then he’s inside me again. As he moves, I clench my muscles, holding on to him for dear life. I just want to keep him there for as long as I can. He places a death grip on my thigh and goes still, breathing heavily as he stares down at me. I can barely keep my eyes open. I’m usually knocked out after one orgasm and I’ve already had three; sleep is calling my name. He smiles and heads to the bathroom again, coming back with the trash can. Smart man – no more trips to the bathroom. He climbs in next to me and pulls me close. Before I drift off, though, one important piece of business – my bladder feels like it’s about to explode. I hop off the bed and run to the bathroom. When I return, he’s lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. I set the alarm on my phone and join him.

  “What are we looking at?”

  Of course, I get no reply. I rest my head on his shoulder and he drapes his arm around me. Utterly sated, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


  This is some dream! It even feels real. Wait…I open my eyes and, sure enough, it’s no dream. Cameron is on top of me, his lips attached to my left nipple. He wasn’t kidding about this ‘all night’ thing.

  “Mm…” I moan.

  He moves to the side of my breast, licking and pulling on my flesh. That’s definitely leaving a mark.

  “Right here.” I point to a spot above my nipple and he moves there eagerly. I point to another spot on the underside. “And here.”

  I love hickeys, but having him give them to me? It just sends me over the moon. He gazes up at me and I run my fingers through his hair.

  “Now you gotta make ’em match.”

  He smiles and shifts his attention to my other breast. His hard dick is prodding my thigh so I reach down to touch him, giggling when I realize he’s already wearing a condom. I bring my legs up, placing my feet flat on the bed, and guide him to my entrance. He slowly eases forward.

  Fuck! I take a sharp breath, sucking air through my teeth. He pauses, a frightened look on his face.

  “I guess I’m a little sore.” He starts to pull out and I grab his shoulders. “No, don’t stop.”

  He pulls out anyway and walks to the bathroom, returning with a bottle of lube.

  “Aren’t you prepared?”

  Not even a smile. Kneeling between my legs, he removes the cap. I prop myself up on my elbows and keep my eyes on him as he pours some into his palm. He’s so serious…like he’s about to perform surgery. The moment he touches me, I throw my head back and moan. After spreading it around my lips and clit, he slips his finger inside me. I instinctively clench my muscles against the intrusion. Slowly, he moves his finger in and out, massaging the liquid into my walls.

  “That feels good,” I tell him, but it doesn’t break his concentration.

  Refilling on
lube, he rubs it onto his condom-clad dick before looming over me, hands on either side of my head. I slip my hands under his arms and wrap them around his waist. Rocking his hips, he joins us inch by inch. He switches to a rotating motion, moving inside me. His eyes call to me. The grey irises seem greyer, black pupils blacker. They’re shining back at me like a cat’s…just glowing in the dark. That look he returns…it’s one I haven’t seen before, but it’s mesmerizing. I can’t look away.

  My breathing is getting out of control. I slide my hands down and grab his ass. He increases the pace, his muscles tensing and relaxing beneath my fingers. Shifting his position, he rests on his forearms, burying his face in my neck. His hot breath on my skin and his chest rubbing against my nipples only heightens my arousal. When he starts sucking on my neck, I feel the walls begin to crumble.

  “Oh, Cameron…”

  He moans, pushing deeper and deeper. My muscles begin to contract around him and he stops moving. He growls low in his throat as I cry out, digging my nails into his skin. I shudder as a rippling sensation flows through my body. When my tremors die down, he starts to move again. I think he just wanted to feel me coming. Aww… He moves faster, grunting as he chases his own climax. Grabbing my thigh, he thrusts deep one final time and goes still, collapsing on top of me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and hold him close. He’s heavy but, at this point, I don’t care. After God knows how long, he raises his head and kisses my forehead. He rolls over onto the bed and I watch as he removes the condom, ties a knot at the end, and tosses it into the trash. Turning onto my side, I check the time – 4 a.m. That means I can get another two hours of sleep. He curls himself around me, throwing his arm around my waist. I could really, really get used to this.


  Pain is the best instructor but no-one wants to go to his class. – Choi, Hong Hi

  Stupid alarm! Before I even touch the phone, the incessant noise goes off. Huh? I open my eyes and find Cameron sitting in a chair by the bed, my phone in his hand.

  “Good morning,” I greet him with a yawn and a languid stretch.

  He smiles.

  “Were you watching me sleep?”


  “Ugh…was I snoring?”

  He blesses me with a gorgeous grin.

  God knows this time it is way, way too early for him to be this sexy.

  “I gotta go. I have an early class. Mind if I use your shower?”

  I smile as he gives me a look that says ‘what the hell kinda question is that?’

  Throwing off the covers, I lazily climb out of bed. I feel like I’ve been through the wringer, aching in places I never knew I could. As I pass by him, I stroke his chin. After I pee, he walks up and leans against the door.

  “Are you going to watch me?” I ask with a smirk as I turn the faucet on. A little splash of cold water should wake me up.

  He moves behind me, so I stand upright and watch him in the mirror. He doesn’t look too happy.

  “Are you okay?”

  Taking my wrist, he examines my arm. I follow his gaze, wondering what could deserve such scrutiny. Oh, my God. My arm is black and blue! I quickly look to the other. Make that arms…and wrists…and hips…and thighs. How did I not feel this? I turn back to him, and observant eyes have been replaced by devastation and remorse.

  “It’s okay,” I tell him quietly. “Don’t worry about it.”

  He releases me and takes a cautious step back.

  “So…what? You’re not gonna touch me now?” I step toward him. “Well, too bad, ’cause I’m not gonna stop touching you. I want more of what happened last night. Lots more.”

  He smiles even though he’s trying hard not to. Leaning in, I drop a kiss on his chest. “Now, get outta here so I can shower in peace.”

  He steps around me and removes an unopened toothbrush from the drawer below the sink.

  “Are you telling me I have horrible morning breath?” I smile as he hands it to me.

  He leans down, places a soft kiss on my lips, and walks out. After brushing my teeth, I drop the toothbrush next to his in the holder. Hmm…I like it. I turn on the water and step into the shower. What I really need is a bath, but that will have to wait until later. Every muscle in my body is sore. After a quick shower, I step out and grab the huge towel I see hanging on the rack. I catch my reflection in the mirror and do a double-take. My hair is a mess, so I use his comb to fix it as best as I can. When I walk into the bedroom, he’s back in the chair and my clothes are laid out on the bed.

  “You cut up all my clothes. What am I supposed to wear?”

  He walks over to his chest of drawers and throws me a T-shirt. I catch it and hold it up in front of me.

  “Are you kidding me?” It can probably fit three of me. “How about a tank?”

  Again, he throws it to me. It’s not much better, but I guess I can work with it. I don’t even look at my panties; there’s no way I can wear them. Pulling on my jeans, I tuck his tank inside it. While I get dressed, I glance over at him periodically. He’s just watching me with a blank expression.


  He takes a deep breath and shakes his head.

  “Well, I’m ready.” I put my shirt on and turn to him, a hand on my hip. “You owe me a bra and a top, mister.”

  I grab my phone and underwear, leading the way out as I stick the items in my purse. As we walk through the gym, he continues to keep his distance. I don’t push it, leaving him to his thoughts.

  After a quiet ride, he pulls into my complex, and I observe him from across the Cayenne. He’s staring straight ahead, one elbow on the door, the other resting on the console between us.


  Nothing. Not even a glance. I place my hand on his, interlocking our fingers.

  “This is the part where you’re supposed to tell me how wonderful last night was.”

  He looks down at our hands, jerking his away at the sight of my bruised wrist.

  “Please…don’t,” I beg. I can’t let him pull away from me. Not now.

  He hops out and walks around the vehicle to open my door. When I step out, I throw my arms around his waist and bury my face in his chest. His whole body goes rigid.

  “Last night was wonderful. I enjoyed every minute of it.”

  I tip my face up to his and he places a lingering kiss on my forehead. Pair that with the agonizing look in his eyes and it feels a lot like goodbye. I hope I’m reading him wrong. God, I pray it doesn’t mean what I think it does.

  “I’ll text you later.”

  He doesn’t acknowledge me, only shoving his hands into his pockets. I release him and head inside, stopping at the entrance to glance back at him. He’s watching me, an unreadable expression on his face. I wave and step inside the building, trying to shake the uneasy feeling I have.

  Inside the apartment, I hear Chelsea’s shower running; at least I don’t have to deal with her right away. Besides, I need to change. After undressing, I slip into panties and a bra.

  “Oh, my God!” Chelsea shrieks from the doorway.

  She’s still wrapped in a towel, storming in with a horrified look on her face.

  “What the hell happened?” she demands. “What did that bastard do to you? I’m gonna fucking kill him!”

  “Calm down, Chels. It’s not what you think.”

  “Oh, so you’re not covered in bruises?”

  “I didn’t get them the way you think I did.”

  I smile as she trails her fingers across the spots on my breasts. “Those aren’t bruises.”

  “You mean…this happened during sex?” she asks in an incredulous tone.

  I take a deep breath and look to the ceiling with a dreamy expression. “Amazing, incredible, awesome, mind-blowing, toe-curling sex.”

  “Well, damn.”

  “I guess he just…got a little carried away.”

  “I’ll say.”

  She drops down on my bed as I search my closet for a top with long sleeves.
  “He was really upset about them. Wouldn’t even touch me this morning. I kinda got the feeling I won’t see him again.”


  “Because he’s scared he’ll hurt me…physically. You didn’t see the look on his face when he saw them.”

  “I take it you don’t want that to happen? You want to keep seeing him?”

  “Yeah…but I’m not going force him to do anything he doesn’t want to do. What happens next is up to him.”

  I step into the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup, and she goes back to her room.

  After my first class, I send Cameron a text.

  Jasmine: Up for another all-nighter, Grandpa?

  Yeah…like he’s the one who couldn’t keep up. He doesn’t reply, and I try not to let it get to me. I send him a few more during the day, but still nothing. I leave work at 7 p.m., and I still haven’t heard from him. Either he hasn’t seen my messages or he’s avoiding me. Whatever it is, I’m not sending any more; I’ll give him space to work out whatever it is he needs to work out.

  At home, I wrap some ice in a towel, place it on my bruises, and pop two painkillers. Bruise care 101 – ice for the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours. I need to wait two days before I can take my much-needed hot bath.


  Three weeks. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve seen or heard from Cameron. I haven’t tried to contact him either, even though I miss him like crazy. I poured myself into working, volunteering, studying…pulling all-nighters and surviving on an hour or two of sleep. It’s the only way I could sleep – collapsing from sheer exhaustion. If I didn’t keep busy, all I did was think about him. It was the worst at night. The moment I climbed into bed, I would imagine him next to me. It wasn’t even sexual; I just wanted to curl up next to him, put my head on his chest, and have him wrap his arm around me. I wanted to listen to his breathing, his heartbeat…have him stroke my arm. Okay, I’ll admit I’ve had more than a few dreams about our last night together. But now, finals are almost over. I only have one more to go. What am I going to do after that?


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