Beyond the Cage

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Beyond the Cage Page 11

by Alana Sapphire

  What little patience I had runs out and I grasp the hem of his shirt, eagerly pulling it up. Lifting his hands, he allows me to drag it over his head. With it out of the way, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him close. A shiver runs through my body as my tender nipples brush against his chest. The need to feel his skin on mine has intensified instead of being fulfilled. With my legs still wrapped around him, he pushes me backward onto the bed. His fingers curl into the waistband of my boxers and he slowly slides them down my thighs. I raise my hips to aid him, pulling one leg out, before he rids me of the garment. Breathing heavily, I stare up at him, anticipating his touch. I still can’t believe how strong our chemistry is. Without ever uttering a word to me, this man has captivated me in a way I never could have imagined. Maybe this is what I needed – an older, mature man who knows what he’s doing in and out of the bedroom.

  He’s staring back at me, eyes intense, wrought with desire. Then, he touches me, skimming his fingers over my body – stomach, breasts, sides, thighs…featherlight touches that make me quiver. The need builds inside me with each caress. When his thumb brushes my clit, I cry out, yearning for more. And he gives it to me. As he continues to massage my clit, he slips a finger inside me. I grab the sheets as my hips thrust upward. Still, I want more. I don’t want to come like this. I want to feel him…feel the way my muscles contract around him.


  He regards me with a confused frown. Taking my outstretched arms, he pulls me up, and I cradle his face.

  “From now on, I don’t want to come unless you’re inside me,” I tell him, staring into his eyes.

  He turns his head to the side, kissing my palm before reaching into the drawer. I slide back to the bed, watching as he removes his boxers and rolls the condom on. He kneels between my legs, sliding inside me as he pushes them back toward my chest. I close my eyes, crying out as he stretches me. He pulls out and pushes all the way in with a moan. My breath catches and I bite my lip as he tests the limits of my body. Poor Honey. Wait, what am I saying? Honey loves it! He touches my cheek and I open my eyes, searching his face. With his index and middle fingers, he points to his eyes. He wants me to look into his eyes. I’ll try, but I don’t know how long I can last. He starts to move slowly, grinding against me, and I hold his stare even though my eyelids are fighting against me. The passion in his eyes is so intense, it causes my breathing to accelerate. I whimper as each stroke becomes harder and faster than the one before.

  I can’t do it anymore. Closing my eyes, I throw my head back and grab the sheets.


  Sitting back on his heels, he positions me on his lap. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him close, grinding on him, moving my hips in a slow, circular motion. His fingertips dig into my hips, his heavy breathing hot on my neck. I don’t know what’s going on with me right now, but I’m experiencing a sensation I’ve never felt before – even with him. My entire body is quivering. My heart is racing, and I can hardly breathe. Seeking out his eyes, our gazes lock, and I see it. It’s not just me. He feels it, too.

  With shivering breaths, I rest my forehead on his. I need his lips on mine. With every rotation of my hips, I kiss him. When he covers my lips, holding me in place, I move faster, harder. He moans and thrusts his tongue into my mouth. I catch it between my lips, sucking, loving the taste of him. That familiar feeling builds in the pit of my stomach and I tear my lips from his. I scream from the pleasure, calling his name and clutching his shoulders. Grabbing my hips, he presses me down onto him with a grunt. With shaking bodies and labored breaths, we cling to each other.

  Shifting his position, he stretches his legs and leans against the headboard. I lay my head on his shoulder, waiting for my breathing to return to normal. When it does, I raise my head and observe him. His eyes are closed, but they flutter open when I gently touch his cheek. He gives me a lazy smile and my heart skips a beat.

  Now I know. My attraction to him is more than just physical. God help me, but I’m falling in love with Cameron Jackson.

  “I wanna ask you something.”

  He places his hands on my hips and waits for me to continue.

  “I really don’t want to be one of those women…and I know I won’t like the answer, but…” With an impatient stare, he urges me to get on with it. I take a deep breath. “How many women have you slept with?”

  He chuckles and turns his head to the side in embarrassment.

  “I wanna know.”

  He looks back at me and I see it in his expression that if I choose to continue down this road, I better be prepared for the answer. Then, he shrugs. He doesn’t know? Oh, God…it’s worse than I thought.

  “Okay. I’m gonna aim high and say…” I close one eye and watch him with the other half open. “Fifty?”

  He shakes his head, and I know he doesn’t mean lower.

  “A hundred?”

  He wobbles his head side to side as if saying ‘give or take a few’.

  “Oh, God!” I cry out in shock.

  Diving onto the bed, I sink my face into the pillow. A hundred? What the fuck? What am I, a hundred and one? A hundred and twenty? Am I just another on a long list of conquests? He grabs my shoulder and flips me onto my back, climbing on top of me. I hide my face behind my hands, unable to look at him. He pulls my hands away but I turn my head to the side, avoiding his gaze. Taking my chin between his fingers, he gives me a little shake. When I open my eyes, his are telling me not to worry about it.

  “How can I not? You have a hundred different women to compare me to. At least a hundred, anyway,” I whine.

  He shakes his head, increasing the pressure on my chin.


  His eyes meet mine, forcing me to stare back, then he shakes his head again. What does that mean? That he’s not comparing me to the others?

  “No comparisons?”

  The answer to my question is a sound, heart-melting, panty-dropping—if I was wearing any—kiss.


  “Oh, God. I’m gonna have to do the walk of shame at two in the afternoon.”

  He smiles at me from across the Cayenne.

  “Don’t gimme that smile. It’s all your fault…keeping me in bed all day.”

  Reaching over, he takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.

  “I’m not forgiving you that easily. You’ll just have to make it up to me tonight.”

  His smile turns into a grin and he raises three fingers, giving me the ‘Scout’s Honor’ sign.

  “You were a Scout?”

  He replies with a nod, lacing his fingers through mine on top of the console.

  “Mannie told me you were a Marine. I also saw the picture of you in your uniform.”

  Another nod.

  “Semper fi!”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. It didn’t work, but I had to try.

  “You’re no fun. You’re supposed to say ‘oorah!’.” Squeezing his fingers, I continue. “Let me guess…you were NJP’d for violence and given an OTHC discharge.”

  I bite my lip to keep from laughing when he gives me a look of total shock. I bet he can’t believe I even know about non-judicial punishments and other than honorable conditions discharges.

  “Am I right?” I ask.

  He shakes his head.

  “Darn! I was almost certain they kicked you out.”

  He stares straight ahead and I think he may not realize I was joking. I squeeze his fingers again to get his attention then give him an apologetic smile.

  “I’m kidding. I saw all your commendations. Honorable discharge?”


  “My father, too.”

  He nods again in understanding.

  “I think he’ll like you…other than the fact that you don’t talk, ’cause he’s a chatterbox like me.”

  He seems a little taken aback by my comment. What, he didn’t think I’d introduce him to my parents? And what about his family? Am I going to meet them? I keep
my mouth shut, though, remembering what happened the last time I asked about his family.

  We pull into my complex and I wait for him to open my door. I smile mischievously at him when I step out.

  “Carry me?” Without even blinking, he scoops me up and kicks the door closed. “Again, I was joking, but this works, too.”

  Laying my head on his shoulder, I enjoy my ride. All too soon, we arrive at my door and he sets me on my feet. When I open it, he picks me up again.

  “Ooh! My big, strong man,” I mock him.

  In my bedroom, he places me on the bed. I watch him carefully as his hand glides up my leg. He knows I’m panty-less. Not that I mind, but I don’t have the time right now. Sure enough, his hand disappears under my dress. My entire body tingles as he travels up my inner thigh.

  “I can’t. I’ll be late.”

  Regardless of what my mouth is saying, my body inclines toward him. My hips rise off the bed and my arms curl around his neck, pulling him down to me.

  “I shouldn’t…” I whisper against his lips.

  He nods in agreement and runs his tongue along my teeth. Now, how in the world does that make me shiver? I gently bite down on his tongue before pulling it into my mouth. He stretches out on top of me and I feel my dress sliding up my thighs. By the time his fingers find my clit, I’m soaking wet.

  “Okay…but make it quick.”

  I grab the waist of his jeans, pulling on the button. Reaching into his back pocket, he comes up with a condom. As he quickly slides it on, I push his jeans and boxers down over his ass and bring my legs up, planting my heels on the bed.

  “You sure are skilled at that,” I observe, trying not to think about the hundreds of women he’s practiced with.

  One corner of his mouth curls up and he pushes forward, losing himself inside me.


  I don’t know what it is, but every time always feels like the first time – new and wonderful. He moves to the edge of the bed, roughly dragging me along. Oh, yeah! He places one foot on the floor, his other knee on the bed, and throws my leg over his shoulder. I guess he took my warning to heart, because his movements are fast and furious. Holy shit! I feel like the man is trying to drill a hole up to my brain! I cry out, grabbing the sheets. He stops, but only to pull the straps of my dress down to free my breasts. Grabbing two handfuls, he resumes his drilling. I force my eyes open and look up at him. His eyes are wild, sweat rolling down his forehead. He glances up and our eyes meet. Slowing down, he leans forward and kisses me. With a whimper, I place my hands on his shoulders as his tongue slides past my lips. He moves inside me – slow, deep strokes that send my blood speeding through my veins. I rake my hand through his hair as he moves down to my neck.


  He moans and pulls away, staring into my eyes as his thumb circles my clit. I close my eyes and arch my back, moaning and whimpering from the pleasure he’s giving me. That tingling sensation zings through my body and I grab my pillow, biting into it as I come, muffling my scream. He moves faster then, slamming into me before going deep with one final thrust. Tossing the pillow aside, I smile up at him. He leans down and licks my nipple, making me shudder.

  “I really have to go,” I say before he convinces me to stay in bed with him.

  He kisses my forehead softly and pulls out of me. I jump up and head to the bathroom for a quick shower. When I walk back into my room, he’s lying in bed looking all kinds of delicious.

  “I’m having an overwhelming urge to jump back into bed with you, so you need to go.”

  With a boyish grin, he hops out of bed as I move around the room, gathering my things.

  “Will I see you tonight?”

  I look over at him as I put on my panties. He answers with a nod. “You coming over or you want me to come to the warehouse?”

  He raises a brow at me.

  “Yes, I have officially dubbed it ‘the warehouse’. Deal with it.”

  He chuckles and points to me, indicating I should meet him at his place.

  “Okay. Gimme kiss.” I close my eyes and he plants a chaste one on my lips. “One more.” He does it again, but I still want more. “One more.” Again, not enough. “I mean it this time…last one.”

  He cradles my face and covers my lips, giving me a slow, sweet, seductive kiss. His lips caress mine, making me quiver. The feelings he stirs in my body are unfathomable. I don’t understand. Reluctantly, I break our kiss.


  He strokes my cheek then walks away. As I watch him leave, I know I’m in trouble. Big trouble.


  There are two rules for being successful in Martial Arts. Rule 1: Never tell others everything you know. – Unknown

  As I walk through Victoria’s Secret, I get a sudden craving for a juicy, greasy burger. Checking the date, the reason becomes clear. I’ve been so out of it these last couple of weeks, I haven’t even thought about my period. It also explains the extra friskiness and the sensitive nipples. I’ve been blaming Cameron for both. I smile at the thought of him. However, my smile fades when it hits me that I’ll have to go a whole week without sex. Not just sex…sex with him. Well, I still have two days left, so I better make use of them. I examine the barely-there, mesh and fishnet cut-out teddy and smile. I can’t wait to see his face when I unleash this baby on him. I need to hurry. Chelsea’s coming back today, so I better make good on my cookie promise. Leaving Vicky’s, I head straight to the supermarket.

  Back home, I get down to cookie-making business. A knock at the door startles me when I’m removing them from the oven. I open it and my heart jumps when I see Cameron standing there.

  “I thought you were training, mister?” I lean in for a kiss but stop short when I hear a soft whine. “What was that?”

  I regard him suspiciously and realize he has one hand behind his back. “What are you hiding?” I try to peek behind him.

  With a smile, he slowly reveals his surprise. I gasp, staring down in shock and excitement at the cutest little puppy I’ve ever seen.

  “Cameron, he’s gorgeous!”

  I wrap him up in my arms and walk to the couch. Cameron follows, lugging two huge bags.

  “What kinda dog is he?”

  He reaches into his pocket and hands me an envelope before he sits next to me. I pull the document out and read it aloud.

  “Norwegian Elkhound…eight weeks old.”

  He is absolutely gorgeous – white and fluffy, and he looks like a wolf pup.

  “Thank you, baby,” I say as I lean over and kiss his cheek.

  He responds with a smile and pets the puppy.

  “Hmm…what are we gonna call you? What do you think, Daddy?”

  He shrugs.

  “He looks like a warrior…just like you. I think I’ll call him…Spartacus.”

  A key in the lock draws my attention and I turn to see Chels walking in. I jump up from the couch with a squeal and head in her direction.


  After a too-tight embrace, she looks down at Spartacus with raised brows. “And who is this?”

  “Look…we had a baby. His name is Spartacus.”

  “Hey, Cameron.” She waves as she peeks over my shoulder.

  He gives her a smile and a small salute as we join him on the couch.

  “He’s adorable, Jas…but…the results are in. Cameron, you are not the father.”

  I double over in laughter at her Maury impression.

  “You’re right. Must be that Norwegian guy I’ve been seeing.”

  We both give him mischievous grins but he’s gone mysteriously grim, clenching his jaw.

  “Come on, Spartacus.” Chels takes him from my arms. “Come help Auntie Chels put her stuff away.”

  I mouth a ‘thank you’ to her as she leaves the room, then straddle him and wrap my arms around his neck.

  “Why are you so jealous? You should know we were just joking.”

  He takes a deep breath and s
tares into my eyes.

  “Don’t you know?” That I love you?

  His brows draw together in confusion.

  “I wouldn’t do that. Trust me.” I place my palm on his cheek, stroking it with my thumb. “Besides…I don’t have the time or energy for someone else, Mr. Insatiable.”

  “Have you two made up yet?” Chels asks impatiently as she re-enters. “I think your baby’s hungry…and so am I.”

  I climb down from his lap and take Spartacus from Chels.

  “Poor baby! Daddy didn’t feed you?” I ask, scratching his neck.

  Cameron reaches into one of the bags and removes two bowls, puppy chow, and milk replacer. While he’s taking care of that, I search the bags. He thought of everything. There’s a crate, collar, leash, grooming brush, treats, toys, potty trainer, and a little doggie bed. Spartacus and I are all set.

  When Cameron returns, he sets Spartacus up in a corner, laying down old newspaper before setting down the bowls. While the puppy is eating, he sets up the crate, placing the toys inside. I watch him, thinking about him as a father. I can imagine him doing things like this for his children – building doll or tree houses. I think I was right; he’ll be a great dad if he ever decides he wants to be one.

  Chelsea plops down next to me with a bowl full of cookies, dragging me out of my thoughts.

  “I see you found the cookies.”

  “I’ve been thinking about them all week!” she mumbles around a mouthful.

  “How are Mom and Dad?”

  “They’re great. They want us to visit for Independence Day.”

  “We can do that.”

  “So…you two are, like…official now?” she whispers as she leans in.

  I answer with a wide grin and an enthusiastic nod.

  “Aren’t you glad I dragged you to that match now?”

  “I’m forever in your debt, Chelsea Tanner.”

  “A lifetime supply of these cookies should make us even.”


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