Beyond the Cage

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Beyond the Cage Page 14

by Alana Sapphire


  He continues as if I didn’t speak and begins to unbutton his shorts.

  “I want…I need to talk to you.”

  He sighs and sits on the bed, leaning on the headboard. Looking down at my unfortunate blouse, I shake my head and remove it, tossing it aside. I won’t have any clothes if he keeps this up.

  “Cameron…” I take a deep breath. Maybe Chels was right, but I do need to get something off my chest. “About tonight…I overreacted. I’m sorry.” I climb on top of him and stare into his eyes. “It’s just…what would you have done if you’d found some guy pushing up on me?”

  He clenches his jaw.

  “Exactly. I mean…you’re…you. I know that kinda thing’s gonna happen, but…”

  He tilts his head to the side and gently strokes my cheek with his thumb. I desperately try to blink back the tears.

  “I don’t want to be hurt again. Jamal…I didn’t feel half of what I feel for you, and I just couldn’t…I don’t think I could handle it. I –”

  He cradles my face, halting my rambling.

  “Promise me. Promise me you won’t do what he did.” He tries to pull me down to him, but I resist. “Promise me.”

  After he nods, I allow him to tuck my face into his neck, and he strokes my hair until I calm down. A promise is a comfort to a fool, I know. I’m certainly no fool but…I believe him. I trust him. He could have lied to me about the chit but he didn’t.

  “You should probably go get ready if we’re still going to the club,” I say while sitting up. He traces my cleavage with his middle finger, indicating he’d rather do something else. “No. You never take me anywhere. I wanna go out.”

  “Don’t you two think you should close the door?” Chels’ voice comes from the doorway.

  I turn my head and look back at her as she enters, carrying Sparty. “Aren’t you the one who’s always begging to watch?”

  “Ooh! Can I?” she asks with wide eyes.

  “Sure. We’re done here.”

  “Way to get a girl’s hopes up for nothing, Carter,” she says, deflated.

  “I’m about to make up for it. Get your freakum dress out the closet…we’re getting our Beyoncé on tonight.”

  With an excited grin, she jumps into bed with us. It quickly fades and she narrows her eyes, scrutinizing my face.

  “Wait…have you been crying?” She turns angrily toward Cameron. “What the fuck did you do to her, Jackson?”

  I smile fondly at her bravado and how protective she is. I know I would have done the same for her.

  “I’m okay, Chels. Just a little emotional.” And PMSing like a bitch, it seems.

  “Are you sure? ’Cause I’ll kick his ass.”

  I chuckle right along with Cameron. That would be quite a fight. “Positive. A night out is just what I need.”

  “Where we going?”

  “The promoter tonight invited us to his club…Nick Hollis.”

  “Nick Hollis?” she shrieks.

  “You know him?”

  “He is the fight promoter in Chicago. That means we’re going to Rebel!”

  As Cameron climbs out of bed, I look to him for confirmation. He nods.

  “I guess so.”

  “It’s new, but it’s already one of the hottest clubs in town. Hard to get in…this is gonna be epic!” She bounces up and down.

  Cameron drags his shirt over his head, points to his watch, then shows me two fingers.

  “Two hours…got it. Oh, what are we going to do with Sparty? It’s too late to leave him with Josie.”

  Cameron takes him from Chelsea’s arms and walks out.

  “Come on, Carter…let’s plan our outfits.”

  While she rummages through my closet, I head to the bathroom to dry shampoo my hair and blow it out. After my shower, I’ll straighten it with my flat iron.

  “So…tell me about this Tony guy.”

  “Ugh…waste of my time. He couldn’t even have a decent conversation. Maybe all guys should be like Cameron…just shut up and look pretty.”

  “Be careful what you wish for, honey,” I warn.

  As she bounces off to her room, she smiles. “Let’s hope there are better prospects at the club tonight.”


  Exactly two hours later, there’s a knock at the door.

  “Coming!” I shout as Chels and I look each other over.

  “Damn, Carter. Jackson is one lucky man.”

  I pull down the skirt to my black, backless, halter-top dress and give her a grateful smile. “And so will be the lucky fucker who ends up with you.”

  She adjusts the long, silver necklace dangling between my breasts and the deep V neckline of my dress. She looks stunning in a white, backless, mini dress with a plunging neckline and front tie details across the hips.

  “You’re smokin’, Tanner.”

  “Thanks, boo!”

  When I open the door, Cameron’s back is to us. He turns slowly and goes still. His eyes travel from top to bottom, drinking in every detail, and he swallows hard. I do the same, admiring him in his black blazer, crisp white shirt, and black slacks. I’ve never liked the ‘bed head’ look but it’s ultra-sexy on him. I wonder if we can skip the club and just adjourn to my bedroom. Shit. This happens every time I see him. No…I’m the one who wanted to go out. Besides, Chels is looking forward to it.

  “Oh, look, we’re coordinated!”

  When Chels speaks, he glances over at her and does a double-take. I giggle at his expression.

  “Chels, I do believe Mr. Jackson thinks we look hot.”

  “Why, thank you, Cameron. So do you. Tonight, you, sir, will be the envy of every straight man in Chicago.”

  He grins in acknowledgement and motions for us to precede him. Chels and I walk arm in arm downstairs, and he leads us to the Mercedes. I’ve never seen him use it before, but it’s bigger than the Porsche so I guess that’s why he chose it tonight. It’s a particularly windy night so I hurry inside with his help, ending up between him and Chels. A wolf whistle comes from the front of the vehicle once we’re all settled.

  “You two are going to do some serious damage tonight,” Jared remarks.

  Chels giggles. “Thank you, Jared.”

  For once, Jared isn’t driving. I look curiously at the man occupying the driver’s seat.

  “That’s Gabe,” Jared says. “Gabe, meet Jasmine and Chelsea.”

  In unison, we reply, “Hi, Gabe.”

  “Good evening, ladies,” he replies in a deep voice.

  How many people does he have working for him? I can’t see Gabe’s face, but his hair is gorgeous – long, shiny, and jet black.

  I turn to Cameron. He’s clenching his jaw and staring at my exposed thighs. There’s a lot for him to stare at. My dress is skin tight and barely mid-thigh in length. He looks…not angry, maybe…perturbed? I think it finally hit him just how revealing my dress is.

  Placing my palm on his cheek, I whisper in his ear, “For your eyes only.”

  I feel his smile against my cheek before he grasps my chin and guides my lips to his.

  “Cut it out, you two. Consider the rest of us, will ya?” Chelsea says, annoyed.

  She’s lucky I love her. I pull away from him and keep my hands to myself. “What did you do with Spartacus?” I ask Cameron.

  “He’s with my wife,” Jared pipes up. “He’ll be fine.”

  “I hope it’s not too much trouble.”

  “She loves dogs. We have two. He’s no trouble at all.”

  “Thank you…and tell her thanks for me.”

  “No problem.”

  When we pull up to the club, the line at the entrance extends down the street and around the corner. Chelsea was right about this place. Gabe stops the SUV and, before he hops out, Jared turns to us.

  “Stay close to me or Mr. Jackson at all times.”

  Chels and I turn to each other in confusion, but nod in agreement. Jared opens Cameron’s door and he steps out.
He offers me his hand and I climb out carefully, aware of the limitations of my dress. When I climb out, he grabs the hem of my dress and pulls it down. I smile, shake my head, and step aside while he helps Chelsea out. The people waiting in line are chattering wildly and most of them have their phones trained on us. A few of the men call out to Cameron. He waves politely and places his hands at the small of our backs, leading us to the front of the line. The sudden flashes of light from cameras blind me, and I use my hand to block the onslaught. I had no idea he was this famous. I know he’s known. I just didn’t think he attracted paparazzi.

  The man at the door moves aside instantly, letting us pass. I guess that’s a perk of being a celebrity. Cameron grasps my hand tightly as we weave through the crowd. Now I see why Jared told us to stay close, as everyone who recognizes Cameron converges on us, pulling him this way and that. A few guys even try to grab and/or grope me. Jared steps in, taking Chelsea’s hand. Cameron steps behind me and circles me protectively with his arms while Jared does the same with Chelsea. I look around in agitation, noticing some of the women are looking at us with something more than envy in their eyes. Is this what he endures whenever he’s in public? There must be a better way to do this. Nick needs to get his shit together. Why isn’t there a VIP entrance?

  There may not be a VIP entrance, but it seems he spared no expense on the interior of the club. The place is huge; I can see two levels. The main dance floor is surrounded by four mini stages, each boasting a stripper pole. It seems they’re for patrons and not actual strippers. There’s a bigger stage to the front, which also houses the DJ booth. The bar is to the back, running the entire length of the wall. Colored strobe lights flash as dancers grind against each other, the air rank with alcohol and perspiration. We follow Jared up the stairs to a posh VIP section, then I breathe a sigh of relief. Cameron turns me around to face him, concern blanketing his features.

  “I’m fine. You?”

  He nods and glances over at Chelsea and Jared.

  “Chels, you okay?” I ask.

  “I’m good. Guess this is what happens when you hang out with a celebrity,” she replies excitedly.

  “She’s fine,” I tell him.

  The VIP level has several areas, separate but not separated. What is it with Nick and stripper poles? Each area has one right in the middle. Behind each pole, there’s a semi-circular table and a red couch of the same shape. It’s a very open design, and you can stand by the railings for a bird’s eye view of the main dance floor. As soon as we sit, two scantily clad ladies arrive with Methuselah-sized bottles of Moët and a tray of finger food. They fill our glasses and ask if we need anything else. Cameron shakes his head, dismissing them, and hands me and Chelsea our glasses. When he leans back against the couch, I follow, wedging myself in to his side. Chelsea walks over to the railing, unable to keep still. On my second glass of champagne, the music entices me to join her.

  “About time you got here, Carter. I thought I’d have to dance by myself all night.”

  The music is not too loud up here, so we can actually hear each other.

  “I’m positive there are plenty of guys here who would oblige.”

  Leaning on the railing, we observe the crowd below.

  “Damn, baby, you got a phat ass,” some dickwad says behind us.

  I close my eyes in annoyance before turning to the man who spoke. He wedges himself between me and Chelsea.

  “And let me guess…you think you can handle it?” I ask.

  “I’d sure love to try!” He licks his lips, leering at me.

  “Thanks, but I’m good in that department.”

  “You sure about that?”

  Okay…enough of you. I look toward Cameron and he’s watching us, ready to pounce at any minute. I jerk my head in his direction.

  “You see that really big guy over there? He’s the one who’s got it handled.”

  His eyes open wide in fear. “K.O.?”

  “Yes. That’s my man.”

  He raises his hands in a gesture of surrender. “Sorry. I meant no disrespect.”

  He backs off and walks away but, not ten seconds later, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Ughhh! I turn around, ready to fire.

  “Look –”

  “Hi, Jas.”

  I quickly bite my tongue. “Oh! Hey, Damon!”

  He leans in and kisses my cheek. “I see you finally made it.”

  “Yes, we did.”

  He keeps glancing nervously at Chelsea. She’s oblivious because her back is turned. Then it hits me; he’s not interested in me, it’s Chels!

  “Chels.” I touch her elbow and she turns around with a dazzling smile.

  “This is Damon Richards. He was in my Physiology class. Damon, meet Chelsea Tanner.”

  “Nice to meet you, Damon.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, beautiful.”

  He lifts her hand to his lips and brushes them across her knuckles. Ooh! Chelsea raises her brows and smiles at him seductively. My job is done.

  “Chels, I’ll be right back. Nice to see you, Damon.”

  I head back over to the couch in order to give them some privacy. Cameron looks up at me as I approach. I step between his legs, gracefully sitting on his lap. At the same moment I snake my arm around his neck, his arm curls around my waist. With my other hand, I trail my fingertips down his cheek.

  “Hi, Daddy.”

  As I gaze into his eyes, the club fades away. He’s all I see, all I hear, all I feel. He slides his palm to the small of my back, and the contact with my exposed skin results in a visible shiver. He smirks, no doubt relishing the fact that he can do this to me. Sliding my palm to the back of his neck, I pull him in for a kiss. I had every intention of keeping it PG but the moment our lips touched, those intentions were forgotten. I curl my fingers in the hair at his nape and slip my tongue between his lips. When he trails his fingers up my thigh, I break away before we give everyone in the club a XXX show.

  “Dance with me.” He shakes his head and gives me a look that tells me I should be committed for even suggesting it. “Don’t look at me like I’m crazy. I wanna dance with you.”

  I stand and try, in vain, to pull him up. “Please? You don’t have to do anything but stand there.”

  He sighs, shakes his head in resignation, and stands. Yay! I pull him over to the railing where Chelsea and Damon look like they’re having sex on the dance floor. They hit it off pretty quickly. Cameron stands behind me, wraps an arm around my waist, and shoves his free hand into his pocket. As I lean into him, I no longer feel like dancing; I’m more interested in being close to him. I lay my head on his chest and gently sway against him. The half-naked waitresses show up out of nowhere and hand us two glasses.

  Several—and I say several because I’ve lost count—glasses later, my dancing mood is back. Maybe it’s just the alcohol…who knows? I’m giving Chels a run for her money, and he’s just standing there. He removes his hand from his pocket and grabs my hips, halting my gyrations. I turn to face him and he pulls me against him. His erection, which is stretched out on his left thigh, presses into my hip. I stare up at him, and even through my alcohol haze, I see the intention in his eyes. He takes my hand and drags me along behind him. I have no idea where we’re going, but I follow meekly. Yeah, like I have a choice. I walk clumsily behind him, tripping over my own feet as I struggle to keep up. I glance ahead of him and spot the emergency exit. He pushes the door, pulls me through, and forces me against the wall. The door clicks closed next to my ear.


  Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage. – Lao-Tzu

  “What are you doing?” I ask, even though I know exactly what’s going on. He smirks at me. Smirks! Like, ‘you know what I’m doing’. “We can’t! Not here…what if –?”

  He cuts me off by licking my neck. Oh, God, that feels good! No, Jas!

  “What if there are cameras? Or a fire and everyone comes rushing through

  I don’t see any but, with pinhole cameras, you never know. The licking intensifies, with a little sucking in between. My knees wobble as his hands work their way up my thighs. I may be protesting, but any second now he’s going to find out just how much I want this. I push his hands away.


  Dropping to his knees, he stares up at me with the most beggingest eyes—yes, I know it makes no sense. Refer to earlier comment about brain turning to mush—like James Brown’s “Please, Please, Please” eyes. Oh. Fuck.


  ‘Please, please, please, please, please’ eyes. Shit. Fuck it.


  He reaches under my dress and tugs my thong down over my hips. I pull my dress up as I step out of it, watching as he shoves it into his pocket. Grabbing my thighs, he leans forward, sliding his tongue along my lips. He moans as he parts them, flicking his tongue on my clit.

  “Cameron, please…”

  Pushing to his feet, he reaches into his pocket. My breathing grows shallow as I watch him remove a condom. I reach for his belt, undoing it, the button, and zipper on his pants in about five seconds flat. As he rips the packet with his teeth, I delve into his boxers, pulling him free and stroking him.

  “Kiss me,” I beg.

  As his lips find mine, he swats my hands away so he can roll the condom on. He kisses me ferociously, his tongue exploring my mouth. His movements are exigent; just like earlier. Grabbing my thighs, he lifts me off the floor, forcefully pushing against me, his hard dick pressing into my thigh. I want him inside me. Now. I move against him and he slowly inserts the head. Without warning, he surges forward, slamming into me.


  I grab his shoulders and he stops, his eyes offering an apology. No, no apologies. I want this just as much as he does.

  “Fuck me.”

  He covers my lips again as he begins to move, sinking his fingers into my hips. When did I become so wanton, throwing caution to the wind and fucking on the stairwell of an emergency exit? He has me doing things I’ve never done, feeling things I’ve never felt. But…isn’t this the way it’s supposed to be? Being so lost in each other the whole world fades into insignificance? Hell yes!


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