Beyond the Cage

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Beyond the Cage Page 19

by Alana Sapphire

  “I…I’m coming!”

  He moves faster. I clench my muscles around him, crying out as my body shudders. In the middle of my orgasm, he grunts, moving with fervor. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him close.

  “Don’t pull out.”

  He moans, jerking his hips as he buries his face in my neck. When he comes, he lets out a roar and bites into my shoulder. He collapses on top of me and I hold on to him. Our breathing is out of control, our hearts beating erratically. He shifts, taking his weight off me, and lies next to me. I turn to him and place my head on his chest, feeling replete and utterly exhausted. As my eyes are fluttering closed, he picks me up and carries me to the bed. Curling up behind me, he pulls me into his arms.

  “Cameron…I love you.”


  You know when you have found your prince because you not only have a smile on your face but in your heart as well. – Author Unknown

  A hand on my stomach gently rouses me from sleep. He pulls me to him, my back to his front, but I turn to face him, throwing my arm around his waist. The reason he woke me up becomes evident when his hard dick pokes me. Never mind that he did the same thing three times last night. I’m a little happy we don’t live together because he would wear me the hell out.

  “Breakfast first,” I tell him. “And a shower.”

  It’s obvious he’s already showered. He smells heavenly – like shower gel and pure man. While I’m inhaling his scent, he tries to worm his hand between my thighs. I push at his chest and he not-so-gracefully allows me to roll away from him. I grab my kimono from the floor and head into the bathroom. After the night I had, Honey should be in desperate need of some hygienic attention. I brush my teeth, turn on the shower, and strip down, singing Outkast’s “So Fresh, So Clean”. As I step inside, memories of last night flood my mind. It was incredible. He was incredible. But…we didn’t use protection. I lay my palm wistfully on my stomach and realize I do want to have a baby. I want to have his baby.

  I’m conflicted. I’ve wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember. Having a baby means putting that on hold. Who knows for how long? I’ve come too far to stop now, even for a little while. If it’s meant to be, it will happen, right? It’s just a matter of time. I know he understands I have to at least finish med school first. Besides, I’m the one who told him not to use protection and not to pull out. I’ll just have to find a pharmacy today.

  As I’m rinsing the soap from my body, I hear him moving around. I slide my hand against the glass to clear the mist and see him walking toward me with a very familiar look in his eyes. I turn to him as he steps in. He takes my hand and pulls me to him, snaking his free arm around my waist.

  “Did you order my breakfast?” He nods, moving my hand down to the Kraken. “Oh, really? I don’t think that’s on the menu.”

  He smiles, turns me around, and places my palms on the glass. I lose control of my breathing as he leans in and presses his lips to my neck. My knees wobble, my heart thunders in my chest, and my body quivers against him. Sweet Jesus! What is he doing to me? His lips move slowly across my shoulder while he tweaks my nipples. He grabs my waist and his tongue slides up my spine, making my skin tingle. From behind, he reaches between my legs and slides his finger inside me, curling his other arm around me to massage my clit.


  My fingers curl into fists against the glass when he begins to move faster. While one finger slides in and out, he alternates between stroking my clit and my lips. I reach back, grabbing a handful of his hair. The more I move against him, the more intense his actions become. He turns me around to face him and I search his silver eyes; the desire I find there absolutely floors me. It does wonders for a girl’s ego to know she’s wanted this much.

  He slips his finger inside me again and grabs the back of my head, holding me in place by my hair. He wants me to look at him again. Oh, Lord. Once again, I try my best to hold his stare. It’s hard! Damn near impossible when his fingers are driving me crazy. He presses his thumb down on my clit while his middle finger glides in and out.

  “Oh, God!”

  Impossibly, he turns up the intensity in his stare. His eyes are like storm clouds about to deliver torrential rain.

  “Kiss me.”

  He leans forward with a moan. The instant his lips touch mine, I feel my orgasm approaching. I sink my nails into his shoulders, whimpering like a sad puppy. He grabs my ass, lifting me off the floor. The Kraken slides past my lips and I come instantly. By the time he’s all the way inside me, my legs are shaking uncontrollably around his hips. He grunts, holding me to him tightly. The exquisite feeling of him sliding, stretching, filling me up only adds to the sensations, making my orgasm unbelievably more powerful. My eyes never left his. Now I know why he wants me to look at him. Seeing the expression on his face is almost as good as the actual orgasm. It’s as if my pleasure gives him the utmost pleasure in return. Behind that, I see something else – the begging eyes are back.


  He seems frustrated and it’s getting me frustrated. I don’t know what he wants! I cradle his face in my hands and search his eyes desperately.

  “Cameron…talk to me. Please.”

  He just keeps looking at me with those same eyes – beseeching, yearning. For what? I have no fucking clue!

  “I don’t know what you want me to do!”

  He turns around and pushes me against the wall, burying himself deep inside me. I cry out, tightening my arms around him. Just like last night, he moves slowly, methodically, pulling back and circling his hips as he moves forward. His lips latch on to my neck and he squeezes my ass, pulling me closer as he grinds against me. Sweet torture. That’s what this is. Along with all those martial arts, he must have studied sexual arts – or better yet, sexual enslavement. I’m most definitely ensnared by his sexual prowess. He makes me want to write a paean about him; a beautiful song, praising his abilities. He goes deep again, and I have to bite my lip to stop myself from screaming out ‘I love you!’ His lips move to mine and I part them, giving him free reign. His tongue slides in and I moan, running my fingers through his hair as his lips move tenderly against mine. I had no idea he could be like this. I had no idea I could be like this. I’ve always liked it rough…until now.

  “More…please, more.”

  He grunts as I move my hips, matching his rhythm. My whimpers become louder, my breathing heavier. It’s almost as if he gets bigger with each stroke. I just get wetter, allowing him to glide in and out. I contract my muscles, gripping his dick. He groans, squeezing my ass. I intensify my movements and he goes still, allowing me to pleasure us both. As he sucks on my bottom lip, he massages my breast. I won’t last much longer; the tingling sensations have already begun. I move faster, chasing my climax. When it hits, I freeze. He grabs my hips and resumes control as I come, screaming his name. His fingers sink into my flesh, and then he pulsates inside me. I wrap my arms around his neck, clinging to him like a drowning woman hanging on to a floating plank.

  I don’t know how long we stayed like that; I only know when he pulls out of me I want to reel him back in. I stare at him and he stares at me. Since last night, there’s been something different about him. The way he looks at me…I can’t describe it, but it ties my insides into knots. After he touches a gentle kiss to my lips, he turns to leave. Huh?

  “You’re welcome,” I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

  Jeez. He smirks and steps out of the shower. Talk about ‘wham bam’…not even a ‘thank you, ma’am’. As he grabs a towel, I turn back to my shower. When I get out, I slip on one of the big bathrobes. The way he’s going, it’s better if I just stay naked. But I’m not complaining. Trust me.

  I find him in the living room doing crunches, wearing only basketball shorts. Hmm…got to maintain those beautiful abs. I don’t see how he could get any sexier. I could sit and stare at him all day. Taking a seat around the breakfast-laden table, I settle in to do
just that while I eat. He flashes me a dazzling smile, and hops to his feet.

  “Why’d you stop? I was enjoying the show.”

  He picks up a small paper bag from the dining table and hands it to me.

  “What’s this?”

  Opening it, I peer inside. Morning-after pills. Just when I thought I couldn’t love him any more…

  “Thank you.”

  I set it down on the table and watch as he takes the chair across from me. He makes no move toward the food and just sits there staring at me.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?”

  He gives me the most lascivious look I’ve seen to date, and smirks. Every muscle in my body tightens. Every. Muscle. No hyperbole. I squeeze my thighs together under the table.

  “Not me,” I clarify. “Breakfast.”

  His smirk turns into a smile as he stands. Lifting me out of my chair, he settles me on his lap. But…wait a minute…why not me?

  “Well…maybe later. I’m starving.”

  I finish my breakfast, feeding him from my plate. He behaves for the most part, copping the occasional feel. The moment I take my last bite, he repositions me on his lap so I’m sitting directly on his erection.

  “And how long has that been going on?” I turn around, straddle him, and wrap my arms around his neck. “What’s up with you? You’re being even more of a horn dog than you usually are.”

  His gaze drops and he unties the belt of my robe. A shiver runs down my spine as he pushes the sides apart. At his satisfied smile, I look down at my hickey-covered breasts. He cups them, pushing them together. With a giggle, I pull his face in to them and execute a little shimmy. He finishes what I started, motorboating me. When he starts nipping at the sides of my breasts, I grab a handful of his hair and pull his head back.

  “What am I going to do with you and your corporeal appetites?” He reaches down, and I watch as he releases the Kraken. Leaning in, I whisper against his lips, “Is that what you want? You want me to ride it, Daddy?”

  He presses his lips to mine as his fingers circle my clit. He moans when he finds I’m already wet. I can’t help it; just being near him makes my pussy weep. His tongue slips past my lips at the same moment his finger glides past my lower lips. I whimper as his free hand weaves into my hair, pulling me closer to him. I raise my hips, letting him know I’m ready. I need him inside me now. He grabs my hips and guides me. As I slide down, stretching to take all of him, I pull back and gaze into his eyes – his gorgeous eyes that captivate me each time I look at him. He has entranced me, mind, body, and soul. My heart is his. I pray he doesn’t break it.

  Someone raps swiftly on the door and we both groan. He shoots me an apologetic look before I can say anything. That means he has to answer it. Fuck! I stand, fixing my robe as he heads to the door.

  “Of all things holy…don’t you know better than to open the door looking like that?”

  I crane my neck to see who the effeminate voice came from. A hand with French-manicured nails reaches out to touch Cameron’s chest and he grabs it, giving the visitor a deadly look of warning. He pulls his hand out of Cameron’s grip and breezes past him in a flurry of bright colors.

  “So touchy!” He notices me standing there and turns toward me. “So…this is her.”

  He circles me, sweeping my body with an evaluative look. I do the same, taking in his red and green hair, bright pink shirt, and black leather pants. Who the hell is he supposed to be?

  “Not bad, Jackson. Let’s just see exactly what I have to work with.”

  He reaches for my robe and I jump back. Cameron grabs his hand again, giving him an even more ferocious look.

  “Okay, I got it. Hands off. Like you don’t already know I’d rather touch you, you hunk of a man.”

  Well, I can’t argue with that. Cameron drops his hand and the man walks out of the room, returning with a rolling rack of women’s clothes.

  “Who is he?” I whisper.

  “The name’s Germaine, but you can call me Gem, sweetheart, ’cause that’s exactly what I am.”

  Gem begins pulling dresses off his rack and moves toward me again.

  “Wait. What’s going on here?” I ask.

  “Why, I’m here to dress you, darling.”

  “Dress me? For what?”

  He gives Cameron a disapproving look then turns back to me. “He’s hot, but he’s not much of a sharer, is he?”

  “No, he’s not.”

  “Well, apparently, your handsome beau here has something special planned for tonight. I’m here to facilitate your wardrobe.”

  As I peer at Cameron with suspicion, Gem begins holding dresses against my body. “What have you got planned?”

  He just smiles, grabs a chair, and sits back to watch. Gem grabs both sides of my face and turns my head to the side. He lets out a loud shriek and turns to Cameron accusatorily.

  “Cammy, you cannibal! Look what you did to the poor girl’s neck!”

  ‘Cammy’ smirks and crosses his arms over his chest. Gem inspects my neck once more, his face scrunched in deep thought.

  “I guess we can cover it up…or maybe a scarf.”

  He reaches for a deep-cut dress and I remember the spots on my breasts. I smile at him and shake my head. “Can’t wear that.”

  He throws up his hand in exasperation and scoffs.

  “Men and their passions! Trust me, honey, I know. I just can’t show you where mine are.”

  He winks and turns back to his rack. I like him. I think we’re going to get along just fine. He rifles through his selection once more and pulls out a white lace dress.

  “I think this will be perfect. Breasts are covered…high neck. If you keep your hair down, you should be fine. Cap sleeves…there aren’t any on your arms, are there?”

  He raises a questioning brow. I smile and shake my head again.


  I giggle. “Nope.”

  “Fabulous! Now, go try it on. I don’t think Cammy wants me seeing the goods.”

  I head to the bedroom and slip into the dress. The scalloped hem falls mid-thigh, a few inches below the lining. It’s fitted and shows off my figure perfectly. I love it! I walk back to where I left the men and Cameron sits up straight in his chair, staring at me in wide-eyed admiration.

  “Darling, you look gorgeous!” Gem exclaims. “Makes me re-think this whole dating men thing.”

  “Sorry, Gem, but I’m taken,” I say, holding Cameron’s gaze. His lips curl up in a smile and he leans back in his chair once more.

  “Lucky bitch.” Gem rolls his eyes.

  My possessive and protective boyfriend jumps to his feet, another deadly glare pointed at Gem. I quickly raise both hands to stop him from ripping the other man apart.

  “It’s okay, Cameron. It’s not meant the way you think it is.”

  “Yes, Cameron,” Gem mocks me. “That’s just the way us girls talk to each other,” he continues as he pulls a pair of fuchsia and white Louboutin pumps from his rack. I forget all about Cameron’s anger.

  “Those are gorgeous!”

  “I know.” He smirks, grabbing a matching fuchsia walker coat.

  Once he has me fully outfitted with matching jewelry and accessories, Gem claps excitedly then begins to pack his things away. I change back into my robe and watch him flit about.

  “My job here is done. The rest is up to you, Cammy.”

  The scowl on Cameron’s face tells me he doesn’t take too kindly to being called that. “I don’t think he likes your nickname for him.”

  “I know.” Gem shrugs. “I don’t care.”

  Before he breezes through the door, he turns back and hands me his card. “Call me if you need anything.”

  On his way out, he tries to run his fingers through Cameron’s hair, but Cameron grabs his wrist before he can.

  “Again with this ‘hard to get’ act.” Gem tuts. “You call me if you ever decide to play for my team.”

  He winks at me and then he’s gone. L
aughing, I make my way to Cameron, sitting on his lap.

  “Where did you find him?”

  With a dismissive shake of his head, he rises and carries me to the bedroom. As we snuggle, he turns the TV on and offers me the remote.

  “You find something,” I tell him, yawning. “I think I’m going to take a nap.” It seems last night’s events are finally taking their toll. Laying my head on his chest, I close my eyes.


  When Cameron wakes me up, it’s dark outside. Reluctantly, I climb out of bed and start getting ready. He’s almost dressed by the time I’m done with my shower, moving around in dark navy slacks, white shirt, and a navy tie with white dots. My nose tickles with the scent of his cologne, and I realize it’s my favorite one. Mm…that’s guaranteed to keep me glued to his side all night.

  Once we’re both fully dressed, he taps something out on his phone. After receiving a response, he extends his hand to me, indicating he’s ready. I take it, excited for what he has planned. A shiver runs down my spine as he scans my body hungrily.

  “You look good, too. Quite delicious.”

  Smiling in acknowledgement, he grabs my coat, places his hand at the small of my back, and nudges me forward. In the elevator, he pulls me against him, my back to his front, and possessively lays his palm on my stomach. Leaning in to him, I inhale his scent. When the doors slide open, I’m just a little bit disappointed we have to move. Before we exit the building, he helps me into my coat then leads me to a waiting Escalade. The driver greets us, holding the door open with a smile. We drive for a few minutes, arriving at our destination—The Hyatt—before I can even check out the custom features in the luxurious vehicle. We make our way through the hotel and to Stetsons. I walk into the restaurant feeling like a queen. It’s not the clothes, the car, or the restaurant; it’s the man whose arm I’m on. He can make me feel like royalty with a look, a smile, or even the simplest gesture. He’s a king, deserving of a queen. He’s my lion and I’ll be his lioness, always at his side.


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