Purrfect Justice

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by Ashley Ladd

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


  Purrfect Justice

  ISBN # 1-4199-0309-8


  Purrfect Justice Copyright© 2005 Ashley Ladd

  Edited by: Linda Carroll-Bradd

  Cover art by: Syneca

  Electronic book Publication: September 2005

  This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.


  The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. Purrfect Justice has been rated S-ensuous by a minimum of three independent reviewers.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-rotic), and X (X-treme).

  S-ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

  E-rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words such as “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.

  X-treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Unlike E-rated titles, stories designated with the letter X tend to contain controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

  Purrfect Justice

  Ashley Ladd

  Trademarks Acknowledgment

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Batman: National Periodical Publications, Inc.

  Catwoman: National Periodical Publications, Inc.

  Riddler: National Periodical Publications, Inc.

  Jason: Paramount Pictures Corporation

  Cheshire Cat: Macmillan Limited

  Lurch: Paramount Pictures Corporation

  Addams Family: Paramount Pictures Corporation

  Tootsie Roll Pops: Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc.

  The Bachelor: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

  Sailor Moon: Toei Animation Co., Ltd.

  Dragon Ball Z: Kabushiki Kaisha Shueisha

  Kojak: Universal City Studios, Inc.


  Frisbee: Wham-O, Inc.

  Chapter One

  “Meow! Here kitty, kitty, kitty.”

  Oy! Another creep fancies himself a stand-up comic.

  Haley Yates rolled her eyes and suppressed a sigh. Taking a long swig of the soda in her hands, she was about ready to spike it. Why did every cop with at least one drink in him think he was a comedian? The morons had been meowing since she’d first crossed the threshold to the Ft. Lauderdale–Miami Police Officer’s Halloween party.

  Haley’s tail knocked a sandwich onto the floor, making a gooey mess of lunchmeat, mustard, and cheese. The silly back limb kept bumping things over and then splashed a drink onto her boss. Needless to say, Captain Crowe had not been crowing in a good way afterward. Maybe Catwoman hadn’t been the best costume choice despite its ultra-sexiness. With grim determination, she tried to wrap the tail around her waist, but the dang thing had a mind of its own, creating havoc at every turn. Now she knew why humans didn’t have tails. They’d end up killing themselves with the treacherous appendages.

  “Meow! I knew I should’ve worn my Batman costume tonight,” a husky baritone drawled in Haley’s ear, his breath warming her neck.

  Haley’s heart leapt into her throat. Shudders chased down her spine. She didn’t have to turn around to know Lieutenant Cole Fischer was the shameless flirt. Her body was one giant Cole barometer. Wouldn’t Mr. Lothario be surprised if he knew her true identity? Or would he? She was merely the invisible admin assistant that he never gave a second thought.

  She’d been in love with Cole ever since he’d first swaggered into the main downtown Ft. Lauderdale police station that fateful day, three summers earlier. Her treacherous heart had gone pit-a-pat, her toes had curled, and butterflies loop-de-looped in her stomach. She quivered whenever her glance roamed his way, which was frequently. Fireworks exploded in her every time he so much as smiled in her general direction. She’d almost swallowed her lollipop whole the last time he’d graced her with a grin. The way she mooned over the man, the way she trembled whenever he came near was absolutely pathetic.

  Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic!

  But as much as she counseled herself that no man was worth such utter adoration, the moment he came into view, her traitorous body spasmed out of control. It was a wonder the whole precinct didn’t see her wet panties.

  When he tapped her shoulder, fire blazed through her veins. She jumped, causing the ice to clink so violently against her glass the dark liquid sloshed dangerously near the rim. As if she hadn’t made enough of a mess tonight, that’s all she needed was to spill her drink all over her Romeo.

  “Or maybe only Batman could handle Catwoman’s blatant charms.” Charm oozed from the man’s voice, from his every pore. Casanova here was the ultimate seducer.

  Down, girlfriend!

  Swallowing her fear, she refused to let rampant emotions ruin her big night. She finally had a chance to win the man of her dreams and she’d be a fool if she didn’t grab it. Fortifying her courage, she counseled herself to stay calm and collected as she immersed herself in her role. The real Catwomen—Julie Newmar, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Halle Berry—were sexy teases, so to pull off the part, she’d have to be outrageously erotic like them. If she could ride a motorcycle, shoot a shotgun, and create a mean spreadsheet, she could surely do sexy. Inside her, a sultry siren clawed to get out. He might never come on to her again, so she couldn’t afford to screw up her chance. Bewitching time was upon her.

  She purred, her lips vibrating. She turned to her Romeo, trailing a long fingernail down his arm as seductively as she could while disguising her voice in the sultriest, huskiest voice she could muster. Uhm…not Romeo or Batman…Zorro, bandit of hearts. How apropos. “Bruce or Batman—or Zorro—it’s all the same to me, sugar.”

  Dressed as the hottest Zorro she’d ever seen, complete with mask and his captivating big sword, Cole stole her breath. The costume delineated the well-developed muscles in his arms, as well as several other more fascinating parts of his anatomy, most especially his erotically twitching cock locked inside sexy skintight pants. How she yearned to rescue that cock from its prison. Wasn’t it her turn to rescue the handsome hero?

  He twirled his fake mustache around his finger and his intensely smoldering gaze followed hers with a knowing twinkle. “What do you have that I can give to the poor, señorita?”

  She cursed the gauche lump in her throat and tried to swallow it. Pointedly, she slid her hands down her clingy leotard, emphasizing her breasts which she knew to be her finest asset, and drawled in velvety seductive tones, “Nothing but myself, Señor Bandit.” She’d left her purse in the coat checkroom, not that she’d ever offer mere money or jewels to this thief of hearts. If he had to steal something of worth, she had far more valuable assets to offer. As wet as he was making her, he should easily be able to catch her scent.

  “Then I’ll steal a
dance.” Without warning, he twirled her onto the dance floor and tap danced around her tail as he clapped a Castilian rhythm. He hovered no more than an inch from her lips. Less than a centimeter closer and he’d graze her tightening nipples. The hilt of his sword pressing into her ribs, he added huskily, “And maybe a kiss.”

  Mesmerized by his intense eyes the shade of dark chocolate, Haley tilted her face to his, inviting him to maraud her lips. Didn’t he know she longed for him to plunder far more than her kisses? “And what if I turn you in for armed robbery?”

  Cole threw back his head and laughed heartily. “Ah, but Señorita, you too are a bandida, thus I deem it unlikely you will turn me in to the authorities.” He nibbled her lower lip and then guided her expertly around the dance floor amongst vampires, witches, and a legion of infamous villains. “I’ll take my chances.”

  His deep, rich tones melted her bones and turned her knees to jelly. Determined to return the favor, she rubbed against him with all the raw sensuality she could summon from the depths of her soul.


  Cops liked to dress up like their nemeses, if their choice of costume was anything to judge by. She spied Al Capone, the Riddler, and two Jasons in hockey masks. “Umm,” she murmured against his lips, her breasts tingling against his chest. “Brave men spark my engines.” She ran her fake long nails like claws across his back. God, they felt so sexy, and she purred aloud. “You’re far more thrilling than that dreary Batman.”

  “Ooh, baby. That really turns me on. I’m not wimpy like that upstart Batman. I don’t need high-tech gizmos to thwart bad guys.” He sliced the air with his sword, and then tapped his heels together with a Latin flair before returning the deadly blade to its sheath. Curving his arm around her waist, he asked in a contrived Castilian accent, “Tell me, beautiful señorita, have we met before?”

  Panic assaulted her, so she pretended coyness. She wished she wore a mantilla to hide the embarrassing stain creeping up her cheeks. At least her mask veiled her eyes. She cursed her shyness and vowed to overcome it right here and now. She was finally exactly where she wanted to be and she’d be damned if she blew it.

  “Naughty boy. Don’t you know that I don’t reveal my identity even to Batman?” She dragged her hand over her eyes, her fingers parted in a V. Enthusiastically getting into her part, she wound her tail around him so they were dirty dancing, her pussy rubbing against his groin. It amazed her how much easier flirting was while in costume. Perhaps she should wear her costume more often. A lot more often.

  “Am I your prisoner?” Captivating mischief danced in his darkened gaze.

  “Hmm. I’m catnapping you,” she said in a deep sultry, very un-Haley-like voice. Tonight, he was exactly that, her prisoner of love. She squirmed deliciously, her panties so wet he surely had to notice.

  “What happens when I pull your tail?” He tugged her fabric limb, drawing her even more tightly against him.

  “Hiss.” She raised her claws menacingly and pulled him into a dark corner behind a potted palm tree that hid them from prying gazes.

  “What happens if I pull yours?” Brazenly, she ran the tip of her fingernail down the hard ridge of his cock. Quivering with wanton lust, longing to unleash his hot cock, she rubbed against him. Scintillating images of entwined arms and legs scorched her. “How about we have our own private wrestling match?”

  “Yowsers! Here?” His scandalized glance darted around the room but he rubbed his groin against her mons and swept his tongue down her throat to the opening of the low-cut V of her bodice.

  “Umm-hmm.” When he dipped his hot tongue down the V of her costume, licking the slope of her breast, she closed her eyes in ecstasy and arched closer against him. Wonderful!

  “So, why are you Catwoman?” He trailed burning kisses to her other breast and pushed away the leathery fabric for better access.

  Her feline instincts overwhelming her, she rubbed noses with him when he lifted his head. Enflamed, desperate to lick him all over, she swept her tongue down the strong column of his throat. “Because the tail is so incredibly erotic. Why are you Zorro?”

  “Because I always wanted to rob from the rich and give to the poor—like Robin Hood—but Zorro’s wardrobe is much more dashing than Robin’s sissy green tights.” His grin turned lopsided and he patted his sword. “Plus, I have a thing for swords.” He drew it again and lunged for an imaginary foe. “En garde!”

  Giggling, she clapped and swished her tail. “Bravo, Señor Zorro!” She wished he had a red rose to toss her so she could snatch it in her teeth.

  His gaze smoldering, he danced around her seductively, clicking his fingers high in the air. “Impressed yet?” His sombrero slipped off his head, revealing his shorn dark hair, almost as severe as a Marine Corps special. Grimacing, he caught the escapee just before it hit the floor.

  She covered her mouth to prevent laughter from escaping, but she couldn’t hide her quivering body in this revealing outfit. Just as he couldn’t hide his endowments in his skintight breeches. Trying not to let on she was ogling him, her mouth went bone-dry and she slowly and deliberately licked her lips.

  Wantonly, she covered his cock with her hand and caressed it. “I’m very impressed…with your big sword.”

  Again, Cole glanced apprehensively around the room. Then he linked his fingers through hers and dragged her to a private room, locked the door, and pulled her into his arms. His lips roamed over hers and he unzipped her top and pushed it off her shoulders. “You’re too hot to share, babe.”

  “Ditto.” Sizzling, about to burst into flame, cursing their restrictive costumes, she languorously rubbed against him. Not about to have any regrets about lost opportunities, she unsnapped his slacks and delved inside. “Is Zorro ready for some sword play?”

  “En garde! Zorro never disappoints his lady.” Cole whipped down his slacks, revealing a velvety, red, pulsing cock.

  Quaking with desperate desire, she reverently stroked his hardened length. It had to be the longest, thickest, most mouthwatering cock she’d ever seen. She’d been waiting an eternity to touch it, to taste it. “You’re beautiful.”

  Unable to stop herself, she unbuttoned his shirt and licked and nibbled her way down his chest. She rubbed her naked breasts against his cock, squeezing the wet tip between her breasts, and reveled in his shudders.

  “Where’ve you been hiding all my life?” He rolled her nipples between his fingers as he thrust his hips toward her face.

  Right under your nose. He was blinder than her, despite her thick bifocals, but she’d forgive him anything at this moment. “I’ve been around.”

  “How’d I miss your sexy scent? What’s your name?”

  Yikes? Her name? That would throw freezing water on this slice of Heaven.

  No way!

  Not yet anyway.

  “Catwoman,” she drawled with as much moxie as she could.

  “Your real name, sweetheart?” He slid a finger under her chin and lifted her face so she was forced to gaze up into his curious gaze.

  Panicked, desperate to distract him, she played coy and batted her false long lashes. “Tsk, tsk. Catwoman never reveals her identity, even to the caped crusader.”

  “I’ll tell you my name if you tell me yours.”

  No dice. She could tell him his full name, his address, and his batting average. She needed a bargaining chip if she ever wanted an encore to tonight’s performance.

  She took his luscious shaft into her mouth as deeply as she could to the chorus of his lusty moans. “Hmm, you’re so incredibly tasty!”

  Cole shoveled his fingers through her hair, almost pushing off her costume ears. He held her head close against him as he powerfully fucked her mouth. “Ooh, baby. Tell me this isn’t a dream.”

  Unfortunately, she couldn’t promise, for she was probably dreaming, too. Nightly for the past three years she’d dreamed of being held in his arms. By now, she must be delusional. Definitely ravenous, she greedily sucked his cock, eager to ta
ste his succulent seed.

  God, but he moved her soul! Wrapping her fingers around the base of his thick shaft, she gently played with his velvety softness. Her tongue parted the slit in the tip of his penis, coaxing him to release his seed.

  Finally, he thrust into her and his floodgates broke open. He held her head tightly against him as he moaned loudly. His seed poured into her mouth, filling it, sliding down her throat.

  She drank, greedily trying to capture every last drop in case they were never intimate again. She didn’t dare waste a minute of this precious time.

  Finally, his orgasm subsided and he drew her up tenderly and cradled her in his arms. He stroked her hair and kissed his seed from her lips. “Thank you. That was awesome.”

  Speechless with wonder, she nodded and snuggled deeper against him, never wanting to part from his warmth.

  But the harsh PA system erupted overhead, breaking the magic spell. “Last call for the costume contest! Grand prize is an all-expenses paid weekend for two in the sunny Bahamas,” Captain Crowe announced to the audience.

  “Count me in if we get away from the captain for two days!” Brad Mueller yelled so loudly his voice rose above the cheering crowd, infiltrating their private domain.

  Cole cupped her cheeks in his palms and gazed deeply into her eyes. “Let’s forget about them. This is so much better.”

  Unable to agree more, trembling against him, she nodded. Molding herself to him, she felt so complete, so right, or so precious. She’d never felt more alive, more high on life.

  “I’m personally awarding you the prize for sexiest costume.” Cole flexed his arms and winked broadly.

  Feeling saucy, she shook her head. Not that she was wearing much of her costume at the moment… “No, Señor. Zorro has stolen the prize.” Just like he’d stolen her heart, body, and soul.


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